Six Wisconsin recall elections tonight

Only in left-wing whackaloon land does losing = winning.

Delusional fucktards.. one and all.
"Smartest thing Walker and the State legislature could do for that state is cut the budget and services back and eliminate the state income tax. Investment and industry that had been FLEEING the state since the paper and auto industries tanked (destroying much of NE Wisconsin's stability and the Milwaukee area plus southern lakeshore) would start returning. "

And dont forget bigger tax breaks for corporations. Plus, a law that states a factory can pay no more than $2.50 per hour. Thats what we want, lots and lots of low paying factory jobs. I'd would much rather collect unemployment than work in some factory. Of course I'm 74 years old. I do paint now for $45 per hour and have alot of work.
How about put taxes to the most financially stable state int he union's level? You know... Texas.

That should help bring lots of business back. Wisconsin has that reputation for high education strong work ethic and decent resources with excellent connection to global distribution.

As for not commenting if you don't live in Wisconsin... you can shove that up your ass sideways with a fish fork. I'm a cheesehead in exile, and dammit, I hope to get back there some day soon. Fucking HATE Minnesota and their goddamn lunatic liberal agenda in this state. And when I go back, I sure hope that this current government makes enough improvements to make it a better place to return to. Half the reason I can't get back is getting decent work, cause it's ALL LEAVING THE STATE!

For being a resident of that state, you need to pull your head out, methinks.
I know, just making some fun conversation. I am actually thinking of moving to minnesota as the schools in wisconsin are headed for decline in quality after all of this. I should not expect nor do I reserve any right to expect high quality education. When people take cuts we cannot expect them to produce at the same level. I know I would for sure work less hard. Anyway, minnesota schools are going to be much better than wisconsin schools so we are now looking at selling our house. You are right but dont look to Wisconsin for jobs, at least high paying ones. Low paying jobs are on the horizon here. Best staying away for a long time. Not a good state to be in now or the future as far as pay goes.
I know, just making some fun conversation. I am actually thinking of moving to minnesota as the schools in wisconsin are headed for decline in quality after all of this. I should not expect nor do I reserve any right to expect high quality education. When people take cuts we cannot expect them to produce at the same level. I know I would for sure work less hard. Anyway, minnesota schools are going to be much better than wisconsin schools so we are now looking at selling our house. You are right but dont look to Wisconsin for jobs, at least high paying ones. Low paying jobs are on the horizon here. Best staying away for a long time. Not a good state to be in now or the future as far as pay goes.

No offense, but you are completely full of shit...

You lost - get over it...
I know, just making some fun conversation. I am actually thinking of moving to minnesota as the schools in wisconsin are headed for decline in quality after all of this. I should not expect nor do I reserve any right to expect high quality education. When people take cuts we cannot expect them to produce at the same level. I know I would for sure work less hard. Anyway, minnesota schools are going to be much better than wisconsin schools so we are now looking at selling our house. You are right but dont look to Wisconsin for jobs, at least high paying ones. Low paying jobs are on the horizon here. Best staying away for a long time. Not a good state to be in now or the future as far as pay goes.

We'd be happy to have you, Sir.
I know, just making some fun conversation. I am actually thinking of moving to minnesota as the schools in wisconsin are headed for decline in quality after all of this. I should not expect nor do I reserve any right to expect high quality education. When people take cuts we cannot expect them to produce at the same level. I know I would for sure work less hard. Anyway, minnesota schools are going to be much better than wisconsin schools so we are now looking at selling our house. You are right but dont look to Wisconsin for jobs, at least high paying ones. Low paying jobs are on the horizon here. Best staying away for a long time. Not a good state to be in now or the future as far as pay goes.

Good teachers are always going to be good teachers.
The failing teachers....well, let them purge themselves....not sure if they will be as protected as they are now with the unions.
The new hires will go in knowing what's on the table and hopfully they will also be good teachers.
I think your pissed that your side lost this battle. I'm sure that Mn. will embrace you, though. Ain't America great?
"No offense, but you are completely full of shit..."

Please explain. I can tell you we have already called a realtor. Of course you must be one of those who says "nose to the grindstone" work hard and you'll get ahead. Keep telling yourself those things. You might start believing it.
I have an kid who works there now. He has his own kids. Time to get to the grandkids. The kid we adopted (junior in HS) well we want a better education for him. My wife is set to retire soon. I am retired. With the cuts our district has made well we see better times west. Thats the way it is.
One, the GOP still hold the senate.

Two, two of six "safe" seats fell.

Three, Americans, and Wisconsinites, in particular, are sick of and pissed at the Tea Party.

Four, if anybody thinks either party is in the driver seat, that person is a fool.
NeoFascist would have us believe the unions outspent ther corporate fascists? Really?
With the amount of corporate money, the GOP should have won all six senate recall seats, yet they lost two they easily should have won.

Gloomy tidings for the GOP next year if it does not shed the Tea Party.

The more Romney slides to the sleazy social values and Tea Party right, the better Pawlenty and Giulani look to mainstream Republicans.

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