Six Wisconsin recall elections tonight

For any liberals who wish to help in District 22, here is an application. If you get it in by the end of the week, you should be allowed to live up there and vote for your favorite democrat candidate.

Application to Live in Northern Wisconsin

:rofl: That earned a bookmark...don't be surprised to see it resurface as "Application for residence, Southwest Missouri".

You must spread some reputation around... :(
Or anywhere in a rural area south of the Mason-Dixon Line......Except the polka reference
The left has been claiming victory all day today,winning two seats....
I thought the deal was they needed to win three????
either way they cannot take it back now. and its not just the 4-2 6-2 4-2, 5-3 whatever.

Wisconsin is the "birthplace" of civil unionization, the unions outspent their opponents 2-1 some 40 million to 22 mill. I read, if true, they had a short window after all the hoopla, there foe they had folks as energized as they were going to get. They loaded up. They failed.

if walker does what he and his platforms said he would do and some indicators are that he will, this will be a bellwether loss.
The elections, considering those six districts last night, reveal that Walker cannot expect to walk out slam dunk in his own recall election next year. These were strong GOP districts yet they lost two seats and almost a third.

Let's see how far toward the center the governor moves over the next year.

RINO beware
Repubs don't get the concept of pyrrhic victory, when you win but at a huge cost, they lost two seats, one of them an incumbent who was just elected, that says a lot.

Yes it says that the Unions spent more..........

Wisconsin taxpayers WIN--Public Unions LOSE:

Voters in Wisconsin recalled two of the six Republican State Senators in Tuesday’s recall elections, which left the Democrats one seat short of a majority in the Senate. As Rachel Weiner reported:

The massive protests in Wisconsin's capital prompted by Gov. Scott Walker's bill to cut state employees' benefits and diminish union bargaining rights have sparked smaller demonstrations across the country.

Democrats fell one seat short of a chance at taking back the Wisconsin state senate Tuesday, a result that will disappoint organized labor nationally.

According to the Associated Press, State Sens. Dan Kapanke andRandy Hopper were recalled, while Sens. Robert Cowles, Alberta Darling, Sheila Harsdorf and Luther Olsen held onto their seats.

Before Tuesday’s elections Republicans controlled the state senate 19 to 14; they now have a 17 to 16 edge. Two Democrats face recall elections next Tuesday. The party needed to net three wins to regain the upper chamber, which they lost in 2010. That is now impossible.

The recalls were sparked by Republican legislation to end collective bargaining for public employees in the state, a move that inspired major protests in February and March. Democratic lawmakers fled Wisconsin to avoid voting on the bill; Republicans passed it without them. The recall campaigns on both sides began soon after.Outside groups — led by national unions on the Democratic side and limited government groups such as the Wisconsin Club for Growth on the Republican side — have shoveled more than $25 million into the recall effort, with both sides spending about the same amount. The candidates, meanwhile, have raised more than $5 million.

What an expensive effort in futility. The two seat gain that the Unions made--may be wiped out next week when two democrats are up for recall.

Oh Criss--where are you--:lol:--you stated that this recall election would be a mandate on Republicans-looking toward 2012--:cuckoo:
When chris is wrong the coward hides.
Wisconsin cage match | Power Line

In the six recall elections handpicked by Big Labor in Wisconsin, Democrats had the money and the intensity in their favor. All they lacked, it turns out, was the votes.


Winston Churchill was speaking from experience when he asserted that there is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result. The unions’ shot wasn’t quite without result last night, but the outcome of this engagement of the Battle of Wisconsin is exhilarating nonetheless.

Not bad in a State that has not voted for a Republican president since 1984. And last nights result could be totally reversed as soon as next Tuesday. (though I doubt it) I'd be happy with a split though whatever happens will not be a big deal after last night. Also, less of a deal outside Wisconsin where most of us happen to reside.

Still, the Democrats retaking the Wisconsin State senate would have been major national front page news had they pulled it off. (IMHO) Failing to do so means the election is a back page event (which it deserved to be) and much adu about not much at all.
Many of you continue to ignore that two of six GOP "safe" seats were taken down.

Watch Walker and the GOP senate make nicer with the center, as they should.
Wisconsin cage match | Power Line

In the six recall elections handpicked by Big Labor in Wisconsin, Democrats had the money and the intensity in their favor. All they lacked, it turns out, was the votes.


Winston Churchill was speaking from experience when he asserted that there is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result. The unions’ shot wasn’t quite without result last night, but the outcome of this engagement of the Battle of Wisconsin is exhilarating nonetheless.

Not bad in a State that has not voted for a Republican president since 1984. And last nights result could be totally reversed as soon as next Tuesday. (though I doubt it) I'd be happy with a split though whatever happens will not be a big deal after last night. Also, less of a deal outside Wisconsin where most of us happen to reside.

Still, the Democrats retaking the Wisconsin State senate would have been major national front page news had they pulled it off. (IMHO) Failing to do so means the election is a back page event (which it deserved to be) and much adu about not much at all.
The state's going to swing more conservative as the public sector unions are rendered powerless.

A good thing for the state.
Wisconsin cage match | Power Line

In the six recall elections handpicked by Big Labor in Wisconsin, Democrats had the money and the intensity in their favor. All they lacked, it turns out, was the votes.


Winston Churchill was speaking from experience when he asserted that there is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result. The unions’ shot wasn’t quite without result last night, but the outcome of this engagement of the Battle of Wisconsin is exhilarating nonetheless.

Not bad in a State that has not voted for a Republican president since 1984. And last nights result could be totally reversed as soon as next Tuesday. (though I doubt it) I'd be happy with a split though whatever happens will not be a big deal after last night. Also, less of a deal outside Wisconsin where most of us happen to reside.

Still, the Democrats retaking the Wisconsin State senate would have been major national front page news had they pulled it off. (IMHO) Failing to do so means the election is a back page event (which it deserved to be) and much adu about not much at all.
The state's going to swing more conservative as the public sector unions are rendered powerless.

A good thing for the state.

Yes it is.

Once the taxpayers in WI get to keep more of their money it will get even better. I think the public sector unions and the Dems shot themselves in the foot on this one.
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Wisconsin cage match | Power Line

Not bad in a State that has not voted for a Republican president since 1984. And last nights result could be totally reversed as soon as next Tuesday. (though I doubt it) I'd be happy with a split though whatever happens will not be a big deal after last night. Also, less of a deal outside Wisconsin where most of us happen to reside.

Still, the Democrats retaking the Wisconsin State senate would have been major national front page news had they pulled it off. (IMHO) Failing to do so means the election is a back page event (which it deserved to be) and much adu about not much at all.
The state's going to swing more conservative as the public sector unions are rendered powerless.

A good thing for the state.

Yes it is.

Once the taxpayers in WI get to keep more of their money it will get even better. I think the public sector unions and the Dems shot themselves in the foot on this one.
Smartest thing Walker and the State legislature could do for that state is cut the budget and services back and eliminate the state income tax. Investment and industry that had been FLEEING the state since the paper and auto industries tanked (destroying much of NE Wisconsin's stability and the Milwaukee area plus southern lakeshore) would start returning.
Wisconsin is now a very deeply divided state, never to come together again. Yes public sector unions are on the way out. Wages are on the way down. Quality of education is on the way down. Those must happen now....
I for one as a resident should not expect as well plowed roads as I once did as I have now lost the right to expect that. There is give and take. Only a fool or an american only company head would expect higher output for less wages. In the end it might balance the budget the taxpayers have no right to expect high quality services. I say end the snow plowing of the roads, let the people take care of the streets and highways themselves. If we want roads plowed then the gov't must intrude and do it. My state is a red state now. Full of rednecks who would foolishly spend their last dollar to go see the packers play. As a lifelong packer fan I will now root against them.
Wisconsin is now a very deeply divided state, never to come together again. Yes public sector unions are on the way out. Wages are on the way down. Quality of education is on the way down. Those must happen now....
I for one as a resident should not expect as well plowed roads as I once did as I have now lost the right to expect that. There is give and take. Only a fool or an american only company head would expect higher output for less wages. In the end it might balance the budget the taxpayers have no right to expect high quality services. I say end the snow plowing of the roads, let the people take care of the streets and highways themselves. If we want roads plowed then the gov't must intrude and do it. My state is a red state now. Full of rednecks who would foolishly spend their last dollar to go see the packers play. As a lifelong packer fan I will now root against them.

Dumbest... fan... ever.

Probably a soccer fan anyway, or still rooting for Brent.
If you arent living in wisconsin you should really not post on this topic. This is a 74 year old man whipping up on you. :)
"Smartest thing Walker and the State legislature could do for that state is cut the budget and services back and eliminate the state income tax. Investment and industry that had been FLEEING the state since the paper and auto industries tanked (destroying much of NE Wisconsin's stability and the Milwaukee area plus southern lakeshore) would start returning. "

And dont forget bigger tax breaks for corporations. Plus, a law that states a factory can pay no more than $2.50 per hour. Thats what we want, lots and lots of low paying factory jobs. I'd would much rather collect unemployment than work in some factory. Of course I'm 74 years old. I do paint now for $45 per hour and have alot of work.

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