Six Wisconsin recall elections tonight

In what may be the result of one of the great political miscalculations of our time, Scott Walker’s popularity in his home state is fast going down the tubes.

A Rasmussen poll out today reveals that almost 60% of likely Wisconsin voters now disapprove of their aggressive governor’s performance, with 48% strongly disapproving.

While these numbers are clearly indicators of a strategy gone horribly wrong, there are some additional findings in the poll that I suspect deserve even greater attention.

It turns out that the state’s public school teachers are very popular with their fellow Badgers. With 77% of those polled holding a high opinion of their educators, it is not particularly surprising that only 32% among households with children in the public school system approve of the governor’s performance. Sixty-seven percent (67%) disapprove, including 54% who strongly disapprove.

Can anyone imagine a politician succeeding with numbers like this among people who have kids?

Gov. Scott Walker Has Lost The War - Forbes

Hate to break it to you but he already got the most important part of his legislation passed. By the time his tenure is up the money and jobs saved will prove his position correct. The recall is over, he and his party weathered it retaining control. If your party with all that money couldn't muster a significant change while the heat of the fire was still hot you got nothing. Americans vote their wallets and if his policies prove fruitful you got no hope.

You may now return to the beach and stick your head back in the sand where it belongs. Facts are not kind to your type.

Hate to break it to you but legislation can be overturned after you lose an election.

You just lost two seats and in 2012, you will lose more.

Americans are getting it.
In what may be the result of one of the great political miscalculations of our time, Scott Walker’s popularity in his home state is fast going down the tubes.

A Rasmussen poll out today reveals that almost 60% of likely Wisconsin voters now disapprove of their aggressive governor’s performance, with 48% strongly disapproving.

While these numbers are clearly indicators of a strategy gone horribly wrong, there are some additional findings in the poll that I suspect deserve even greater attention.

It turns out that the state’s public school teachers are very popular with their fellow Badgers. With 77% of those polled holding a high opinion of their educators, it is not particularly surprising that only 32% among households with children in the public school system approve of the governor’s performance. Sixty-seven percent (67%) disapprove, including 54% who strongly disapprove.

Can anyone imagine a politician succeeding with numbers like this among people who have kids?

Gov. Scott Walker Has Lost The War - Forbes

Hate to break it to you but he already got the most important part of his legislation passed. By the time his tenure is up the money and jobs saved will prove his position correct. The recall is over, he and his party weathered it retaining control. If your party with all that money couldn't muster a significant change while the heat of the fire was still hot you got nothing. Americans vote their wallets and if his policies prove fruitful you got no hope.

You may now return to the beach and stick your head back in the sand where it belongs. Facts are not kind to your type.

Hate to break it to you but legislation can be overturned after you lose an election.

You just lost two seats and in 2012, you will lose more.

Americans are getting it.

Yep, 2 whole seats that are worthless without control.

Americans are getting it, but alas some of you aren't.
The Republicans are going to lose in 2012.

No amount of voter suppression is going to stop this.

Now that the voters have gotten a taste of how the Republicans govern, they will lose.
Your record for accurate prediction is far from impeccable.
The districts they lost in tonight were barely won in 2008...

You are just ignorant in WI politics...

Your failed warmer science is waiting for you Chrissy...

Thanks for proving my point Housy.


You proved mine, dumbass...

Keep pretending you know what you're talking about... It's hysterical...:lol:
As Patches O'Houllihan once said, "It's like watching a retard trying to hump a doorknob.
In what may be the result of one of the great political miscalculations of our time, Scott Walker’s popularity in his home state is fast going down the tubes.

A Rasmussen poll out today reveals that almost 60% of likely Wisconsin voters now disapprove of their aggressive governor’s performance, with 48% strongly disapproving.

While these numbers are clearly indicators of a strategy gone horribly wrong, there are some additional findings in the poll that I suspect deserve even greater attention.

It turns out that the state’s public school teachers are very popular with their fellow Badgers. With 77% of those polled holding a high opinion of their educators, it is not particularly surprising that only 32% among households with children in the public school system approve of the governor’s performance. Sixty-seven percent (67%) disapprove, including 54% who strongly disapprove.

Can anyone imagine a politician succeeding with numbers like this among people who have kids?

Gov. Scott Walker Has Lost The War - Forbes

Hate to break it to you but he already got the most important part of his legislation passed. By the time his tenure is up the money and jobs saved will prove his position correct. The recall is over, he and his party weathered it retaining control. If your party with all that money couldn't muster a significant change while the heat of the fire was still hot you got nothing. Americans vote their wallets and if his policies prove fruitful you got no hope.

You may now return to the beach and stick your head back in the sand where it belongs. Facts are not kind to your type.

Hate to break it to you but legislation can be overturned after you lose an election.

You just lost two seats and in 2012, you will lose more.

Americans are getting it.

Once again a lib democrat tries to declare that a loss is a win.
Look, it's over. The little foot stomping hold breath until blue in the face tantrum by the public union thugs failed.
Deal with it.
Oh, What Americans "get" is they have had enough of public worker union extortion.
Dems won 33 percent of GOP held seats in the recalls.

If they win a similar percentage of GOP seats in the 2012 elections, they will have a huge Congressional majority in 2013.

It didn't take the Republicans long to fuck up.
Repubs don't get the concept of pyrrhic victory, when you win but at a huge cost, they lost two seats, one of them an incumbent who was just elected, that says a lot.
Hate to break it to you but he already got the most important part of his legislation passed. By the time his tenure is up the money and jobs saved will prove his position correct. The recall is over, he and his party weathered it retaining control. If your party with all that money couldn't muster a significant change while the heat of the fire was still hot you got nothing. Americans vote their wallets and if his policies prove fruitful you got no hope.

You may now return to the beach and stick your head back in the sand where it belongs. Facts are not kind to your type.

Hate to break it to you but legislation can be overturned after you lose an election.

You just lost two seats and in 2012, you will lose more.

Americans are getting it.

Once again a lib democrat tries to declare that a loss is a win.
Look, it's over. The little foot stomping hold breath until blue in the face tantrum by the public union thugs failed.
Deal with it.
Oh, What Americans "get" is they have had enough of public worker union extortion.

So now teachers are "thugs."

Listen to yourself.
Hate to break it to you but legislation can be overturned after you lose an election.

You just lost two seats and in 2012, you will lose more.

Americans are getting it.

Once again a lib democrat tries to declare that a loss is a win.
Look, it's over. The little foot stomping hold breath until blue in the face tantrum by the public union thugs failed.
Deal with it.
Oh, What Americans "get" is they have had enough of public worker union extortion.

Listen to yourself.

To rightwingers everbody that doesn't support the ruch are thugs, its despicable. Non-union people have it considerably worse than union people so why should the workers scarifice to feed the fat cow at the top thats only giving them crumbs?
So now teachers are "thugs."
It sure is.

We are now winning Republican districts in RECALL elections.

It only took the Republicans eight months to piss off the electorate in conservative districts.

Thank you, Scott Walker!!!

"You" didn't win enough to matter.

It seems the voters in 4 districts were quite content with their senators.

Maybe if they had more pissed off people than your record warmer temperatures, it might have made a difference.

Oh, wait. The challengers lost by more than a combined 9,000 votes. :lol:

You lost two seats in EIGHT MONTHS.

Good job, Republicans.

Walker will be recalled next year.
[ame=]‪Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Hate to break it to you but he already got the most important part of his legislation passed. By the time his tenure is up the money and jobs saved will prove his position correct. The recall is over, he and his party weathered it retaining control. If your party with all that money couldn't muster a significant change while the heat of the fire was still hot you got nothing. Americans vote their wallets and if his policies prove fruitful you got no hope.

You may now return to the beach and stick your head back in the sand where it belongs. Facts are not kind to your type.

Hate to break it to you but legislation can be overturned after you lose an election.

You just lost two seats and in 2012, you will lose more.

Americans are getting it.

Yep, 2 whole seats that are worthless without control.

Americans are getting it, but alas some of you aren't.

If Republicans gained set you would have a point but after losing seats what is your point now? It came down to one race stupid, one seat, a one seat advantage.
Hate to break it to you but legislation can be overturned after you lose an election.

You just lost two seats and in 2012, you will lose more.

Americans are getting it.

Yep, 2 whole seats that are worthless without control.

Americans are getting it, but alas some of you aren't.

If Republicans gained set you would have a point but after losing seats what is your point now? It came down to one race stupid, one seat, a one seat advantage.

Stop being so stupid. There are 2 democratic seats up for recall next week. You guys failed, deal with it.

Just like our stupid education system passes idiots who can't even read, it passes idiots like you who can't deal with reality.......

Poor libs, they were all hoping they could come on here and gloat about a big victory.

Keep in mind this whole state is a "blue state" traditionally, very telling that even in liberal safe havens they still can't win.
Robert Creamer: Wisconsin Democrats Don't Take Back Senate -- But Do Take Considerable Political Ground

As in any form of combat, politics is all about momentum -- about who is on the offensive. For the last five months the recall campaign has put Republicans on the defensive. Long-time Republicans were forced to defend their seats -- and their positions. Democrats have inspired their base and have mobilized to take Republican territory.

Tuesday, Republicans lost ground on their own turf. Next year the battlefield will shift to much more favorable territory and will be played out statewide. Between now and then, it is critical to keep the Republicans on defense. The first step, of course, is to make certain that the Democrats who were subject to Republican recall successfully retain their seats in the final series of recall elections next week.

And across the country, the forces that took ground in Wisconsin can't let up. In Ohio, the entire state is the battlefield in November when the vote will be held on the citizen veto referendum that would nullify Ohio's version of union-stripping legislation.

The truth of the matter is that WI is heavily red and should have remained completely so.

It didn't.
Robert Creamer: Wisconsin Democrats Don't Take Back Senate -- But Do Take Considerable Political Ground

As in any form of combat, politics is all about momentum -- about who is on the offensive. For the last five months the recall campaign has put Republicans on the defensive. Long-time Republicans were forced to defend their seats -- and their positions. Democrats have inspired their base and have mobilized to take Republican territory.

Tuesday, Republicans lost ground on their own turf. Next year the battlefield will shift to much more favorable territory and will be played out statewide. Between now and then, it is critical to keep the Republicans on defense. The first step, of course, is to make certain that the Democrats who were subject to Republican recall successfully retain their seats in the final series of recall elections next week.

And across the country, the forces that took ground in Wisconsin can't let up. In Ohio, the entire state is the battlefield in November when the vote will be held on the citizen veto referendum that would nullify Ohio's version of union-stripping legislation.

The truth of the matter is that WI is heavily red and should have remained completely so.

It didn't.
The liberal sections of the state are:

Milwaukee County
Dane County (rabidly so)
Kenosha/Racine (heavy union but declining)
Eau Claire/La Crosse/Prairie Du Chien (why I've no clue unless it has something to do with water)
and the Indian Reservations.

It seems to center on the state universities or areas of intense unionization or government hand-outs. Quelle Suprise!

Other than that, it is shades of conservatism. The John Birch Society is based in Appleton, WI. The GOP was founded in Ripon, WI. The state has a strong connection to Populism since "Fighting Bob" LaFollette.

As for Districts 12 and 22, It's highly unlikely the GOP will take back either, after looking at the incumbent's platforms and seeing they are sound as hell in local politics shilling for all the right industries and groups. If one is going to fall, it'd be because of Green Bay's hurting private sector turning out in retaliation to some very shitty local political moves and public sector union thuggery. The other is all northwoods with the biggest population center being under 20000 and that's in towns like Shawano, Rheinlander and Eagle River. The indian reservations will vote heavy for anything to protect their gubmint money and protect their casinos.

Oh, and yes... I'm a Cheesehead, born and bred. Just in exile, so I do know a lot about the politics of that state.
Robert Creamer: Wisconsin Democrats Don't Take Back Senate -- But Do Take Considerable Political Ground

As in any form of combat, politics is all about momentum -- about who is on the offensive. For the last five months the recall campaign has put Republicans on the defensive. Long-time Republicans were forced to defend their seats -- and their positions. Democrats have inspired their base and have mobilized to take Republican territory.

Tuesday, Republicans lost ground on their own turf. Next year the battlefield will shift to much more favorable territory and will be played out statewide. Between now and then, it is critical to keep the Republicans on defense. The first step, of course, is to make certain that the Democrats who were subject to Republican recall successfully retain their seats in the final series of recall elections next week.

And across the country, the forces that took ground in Wisconsin can't let up. In Ohio, the entire state is the battlefield in November when the vote will be held on the citizen veto referendum that would nullify Ohio's version of union-stripping legislation.

The truth of the matter is that WI is heavily red and should have remained completely so.

It didn't.

Q.E.D. right:rolleyes:

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