SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

  • Total voters
The investor may or may not be an expert in the field. Whether he closely monitors the content or not, whether he understand the marketing implications of putting politics into the product or not,

the directors, producers and writers still have their responsibility to produce the best content they can, and not instead undermine that by including political propaganda that they know will undermine their product.

Pointing to a lack of resistance from the investors, does not justify the actions of the libs in question.

Correct. An investor may never wisen to the fact they are being scammed and missing a significant share of their dues so long as the dues they receive are satisfactory to them.

However if the investor does discover...


let's start writing letters to these investors explaining how they are being scammed.
But the topic of this thread is entertainment

No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


They are not sacrificing half their profits, you triggered snowflakes do not make up half the population, you are a tiny percent of it

Except, your use of the word "triggered" is a lie.

The fact that you are lying, indicates that you know that the truth is the opposite of your position.

It is not a lie, this whole thread is proof it is not a lie.
Dude, you are a Commie Tard, God Hating DemNazi. Everything you post is a lie because you are all Deranged and Insane because God cursed you for being a Hateful Retard.
Good point. Being a Democrat is God's curse upon a twisted soul. Admitting to being a democrat is a polite way of admitting to satan worship.
The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.
Nancy Pelosi is Evil and Sold her soul to The Devil a Long Time Ago, and Tillerson was Dishonorable and Disloyal and went behind The President's back and undermined The President's Foreign Policy.

I could care less about people The President has fired.

You keep blending religion, especially Christianity, into some primordial soup with U.S. politics. Why do you reject the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a Christian just because she does not mirror your religious or political views? As for Tillerson: what would obligate him to elevate an allegiance to the individual person of donald trump about his obligation to the USA?
Our Entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on The Judeo Christian Ethic. If you don't like it, then move and go back to Libphuckistan.
It is not...the Constitution and Bill of Rights are primarily based on Enlightenment ideas which worked AGAINST Judeo Christian "ethics".
Wrong Poop Shoot. The Enlightenment was based upon a belief in God and that He wants us to be Free and Prosperous.

But you are insane and Deranged and Hate God and would do anything to deny him credit, praise or thanks.

God Cursed you that way because of your wickedness.

God doesn't curse people. You do. I don't know of a single person who is "cursed by God". But Jesus certainly took a dim view of people who claimed righteousness and persecuted and abused others, shaming them with. "Let you who is without sin cast the first stone".

This is what Jesus said to those who thought they could condemn others:

Matthew 7:5
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.
Hitler wasn't elected. He never accepted The Results of The Election, and plotted just Like Hillary Von Cankles McPutin did, to Overturn The Election and Depose the Duly Elected President.

No wonder some of these left tards DemNazis like Clinton still.
Nancy Pelosi is Evil and Sold her soul to The Devil a Long Time Ago, and Tillerson was Dishonorable and Disloyal and went behind The President's back and undermined The President's Foreign Policy.

I could care less about people The President has fired.

You keep blending religion, especially Christianity, into some primordial soup with U.S. politics. Why do you reject the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a Christian just because she does not mirror your religious or political views? As for Tillerson: what would obligate him to elevate an allegiance to the individual person of donald trump about his obligation to the USA?
Our Entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on The Judeo Christian Ethic. If you don't like it, then move and go back to Libphuckistan.
It is not...the Constitution and Bill of Rights are primarily based on Enlightenment ideas which worked AGAINST Judeo Christian "ethics".
Wrong Poop Shoot. The Enlightenment was based upon a belief in God and that He wants us to be Free and Prosperous.

But you are insane and Deranged and Hate God and would do anything to deny him credit, praise or thanks.

God Cursed you that way because of your wickedness.

God doesn't curse people. You do. I don't know of a single person who is "cursed by God". But Jesus certainly took a dim view of people who claimed righteousness and persecuted and abused others, shaming them with. "Let you who is without sin cast the first stone".

This is what Jesus said to those who thought they could condemn others:

Matthew 7:5
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
God Does Curse The Wicked. He also Curses Entire Nations with Plagues and Sickness, Poverty and Famine, Earthquakes and Floods. and will even with hold rain from them.

And if you think that's bad wait until the 21 Tribulation Curses are unleashed on Earth during The Reign of The Lefty Messiah, Anti-Christ which will be so terrible that if Jesus does not return in Judgment No Life will be left on Earth.

(Forerunner Commentary)

Amos 8:11-14

The New Testament contains echoes of the curse found in Amos 8—a famine, not of the word, but of hearing it. Romans 1:18-32 tells of unrighteous men who suppress the truth. Because they are not thankful for what the creation reveals of the Creator, their foolish hearts become darkened. They lose what light, what truth, they have.

God's response to this is similar to His response to Israel. He does not contend with them or force His truth on them. Instead, Paul writes, God gave them up to uncleanness (Romans 1:24). He gave them up to vile passions (Romans 1:26). He gave them over to a debased mind (Romans 1:28). It is as if God gives them exactly what they seek, and they do not realize that it is a curse.

A second example of this principle appears in II Thessalonians 2:9-12, where Paul warns of a future Man of Sin who deceives the spiritually weak:

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Those who perish do so because they do not receive—in the sense of "welcome"—the love of the truth. Because they do not, God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe the lie and be condemned. In reality, God is just giving them what they desire anyway. They prefer carnal delusion to spiritual reality, so God obliges them. The unrighteous in Romans 1 desire a worldview without a Creator so they can be sexually liberated. God gives them over to it and lets them reap the awful consequences. The Israelites in the time of Amos did not value God's truth, so He removed it, letting them experience how miserably they fare without it. If they were anything like modern Israelites, they thought of themselves as enlightened and progressive even as their blindness became more complete.

It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.

The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.
Nancy Pelosi is Evil and Sold her soul to The Devil a Long Time Ago, and Tillerson was Dishonorable and Disloyal and went behind The President's back and undermined The President's Foreign Policy.

I could care less about people The President has fired.

You keep blending religion, especially Christianity, into some primordial soup with U.S. politics. Why do you reject the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a Christian just because she does not mirror your religious or political views? As for Tillerson: what would obligate him to elevate an allegiance to the individual person of donald trump about his obligation to the USA?
Our Entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on The Judeo Christian Ethic. If you don't like it, then move and go back to Libphuckistan.
It is not...the Constitution and Bill of Rights are primarily based on Enlightenment ideas which worked AGAINST Judeo Christian "ethics".
It is the high taxation that has worked against Judeo Christian "ethics".
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.

Isn't it a little early for you to start drinking, Tipsy? You just posted that Hilter killed 6 million Jews/gypsies and Catholics to put an end to low morals in the media.

And you have another poster saying that Hitler did it right.
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.
Hitler wasn't elected. He never accepted The Results of The Election, and plotted just Like Hillary Von Cankles McPutin did, to Overturn The Election and Depose the Duly Elected President.

No wonder some of these left tards demNazis like Clinton still.
Hitler wasn't elected! So the August 19, 1934 election never happened? Hitler was appointed chancellor. The August election made him dictator.

If the German people had not suffered under cultural degeneracy they might never have elected Hitler nor put up with him in power.
They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch.


We're not watching.

That's the point of the thread, why would film producers purposely drive away half the American population, and therefore cut their revenues in half?

Who is making up for this loss of potential profit? Show me the tax returns and I'll tell you.

You’re not their target audience.

A good story is a good story.

There are only 7 categories of plots.

  • Overcoming the Monster.
  • Rags to Riches.
  • The Quest.
  • Voyage and Return.
  • Rebirth.
  • Comedy.
  • Tragedy.
All of 7 of these plot categories reach people regardless of left/right political leanings.

The problem is that there are IMMERSION BREAKING MOMENTS IN MODERN FILMS THAT cause people who would have OTHERWISE LIKED THE FILM to leave in disgust.

This is the problem.

All good SJW films utilize the "Overcoming the Monster," plot format. These type of films are the successful ones that do in fact move people and cause them to sympathize. In these films society itself is the monster, and the character often tries to HIDE/CONCEAL something from society, but eventually it gets found out/discovered and the story ends sadly.

However, what these film producers do today is plant the SJW issues into the Setting/Dialogue of the story, instead of the plot.

This causes the viewer to disengage and lose immersion. Also using dialogue/setting as the mode of delivery of the SJW message usually INSULTS the viewer.

Fascinating. Care to give an example?

Sure any tragedy that emulates the Romeo and Juliet theme.

West Side Story is about interracial romance.

A more modern film is Closet Monster. It can help some people become more tolerant of gays without insulting them for their original stance.
The investor may or may not be an expert in the field. Whether he closely monitors the content or not, whether he understand the marketing implications of putting politics into the product or not,

the directors, producers and writers still have their responsibility to produce the best content they can, and not instead undermine that by including political propaganda that they know will undermine their product.

Pointing to a lack of resistance from the investors, does not justify the actions of the libs in question.

Correct. An investor may never wisen to the fact they are being scammed and missing a significant share of their dues so long as the dues they receive are satisfactory to them.

However if the investor does discover...


let's start writing letters to these investors explaining how they are being scammed.

That is an interesting idea...
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.

Isn't it a little early for you to start drinking, Tipsy? You just posted that Hilter killed 6 million Jews/gypsies and Catholics to put an end to low morals in the media.

And you have another poster saying that Hitler did it right.
Gads you are the most ignorant soul or soulless on this board. Learn to read. Nurture whatever cognitive functioning you have THEN you can comment.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.
Hitler wasn't elected. He never accepted The Results of The Election, and plotted just Like Hillary Von Cankles McPutin did, to Overturn The Election and Depose the Duly Elected President.

No wonder some of these left tards demNazis like Clinton still.
Hitler wasn't elected! So the August 19, 1934 election never happened? Hitler was appointed chancellor. The August election made him dictator.

If the German people had not suffered under cultural degeneracy they might never have elected Hitler nor put up with him in power.
Hitler and The Nazi Party Removed The Duly Elected Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany's Duly Elected President.

Hitler and The Nazi Party forced Hindenburg out of office.

Just like Hitlery tried to do to Donald Trump.
Last edited:
Bear in mind (I know this quote is from between you and another poster) that I have never demanded anything of these film producers.

I do however find their self impoverishing choices to be very strange. I cannot find any rational or logical reason for why they would purposely devalue most of their own products ... unless another entity is paying for the devaluation.

They are not self impoverishing choices, you give yourself and your fellow snowflakes far too much credit, there just really is not that many of you on either side.

Why do you think that Black Panther made so much money?
Wealthy black entertainers and sports figures paid for entire theaters and gave tickets away to black children.

I'd also add that a move called "Black Panther," is inherently going to be political and racially driven, and depending on the viewpoint, repulsive to a certain group and attractive another. I wouldn't even use Black Panther as an example film in this thread. That's like criticizing Rush Limbaugh or Rachael Maddow for being hyper-partisan.
Bear in mind (I know this quote is from between you and another poster) that I have never demanded anything of these film producers.

I do however find their self impoverishing choices to be very strange. I cannot find any rational or logical reason for why they would purposely devalue most of their own products ... unless another entity is paying for the devaluation.

They are not self impoverishing choices, you give yourself and your fellow snowflakes far too much credit, there just really is not that many of you on either side.

Why do you think that Black Panther made so much money?
Wealthy black entertainers and sports figures paid for entire theaters and gave tickets away to black children.

I'd also add that a move called "Black Panther," is inherently going to be political and racially driven, and depending on the viewpoint, repulsive to a certain group and attractive another. I wouldn't even use Black Panther as an example film in this thread. That's like criticizing Rush Limbaugh or Rachael Maddow for being hyper-partisan.

Well, correct.

My point was not that it was wrong to do so, but that how and why it made money, raises obvious questions about how those lessons could be used.
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.

Isn't it a little early for you to start drinking, Tipsy? You just posted that Hilter killed 6 million Jews/gypsies and Catholics to put an end to low morals in the media.

And you have another poster saying that Hitler did it right.

Hitler preferred to drink water. Ban water.

Hitler built the Autobahn, ban highways.

Hitler was correct about degenerative art.

Get over it.
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.

"Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture."

there are a lot of filthy, dirty, stinking, blood thirsty conservatives on his board but you are certainly the most blood thirsty...

well...maybe Questioner is worse....

is it part of your christian identity to want to murder so many people simply because they aren't deranged nazis like you?
Bear in mind (I know this quote is from between you and another poster) that I have never demanded anything of these film producers.

I do however find their self impoverishing choices to be very strange. I cannot find any rational or logical reason for why they would purposely devalue most of their own products ... unless another entity is paying for the devaluation.

They are not self impoverishing choices, you give yourself and your fellow snowflakes far too much credit, there just really is not that many of you on either side.

Why do you think that Black Panther made so much money?
Wealthy black entertainers and sports figures paid for entire theaters and gave tickets away to black children.

Yeah, that accounts for all $605.4 million.

It just kills you people that a movie about a black person did so well, doesn't it?
is it part of your christian identity to want to murder so many people simply because they aren't deranged nazis like you?

No, he's commenting on how the far-left cultural degradation of the German people opened a massive power vacuum for another far left socialist, Hitler, to come to power, by promising to restore German culture and putting National in front of Socialist and becoming the NAZI/National-Socialist Party, that went on to put 5-10 million innocents in a mass grave.
Bear in mind (I know this quote is from between you and another poster) that I have never demanded anything of these film producers.

I do however find their self impoverishing choices to be very strange. I cannot find any rational or logical reason for why they would purposely devalue most of their own products ... unless another entity is paying for the devaluation.

They are not self impoverishing choices, you give yourself and your fellow snowflakes far too much credit, there just really is not that many of you on either side.

Why do you think that Black Panther made so much money?
Wealthy black entertainers and sports figures paid for entire theaters and gave tickets away to black children.

I'd also add that a move called "Black Panther," is inherently going to be political and racially driven, and depending on the viewpoint, repulsive to a certain group and attractive another. I wouldn't even use Black Panther as an example film in this thread. That's like criticizing Rush Limbaugh or Rachael Maddow for being hyper-partisan.

How dare they make a movie about a comic book that debuted in 1966!

With each post you lose more credibility.

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