SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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I would love to hear their justification for such a ranking.

Do you think of yourself as a "colonizer"?

The justification is easy, it was a great fucking movie. Good acting, good story, good action, good special effects.

You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

It is not a lie of argument, it is pointing out the facts.

That whole rant by the Tree is textbook triggered

The fact that he is ignorant about the bible just makes it that much better.

You're using the words badly and too much. It is making you look like the irrational one.

I use the word when appropriate. That rant by the Tree is textbook triggered. But he is on your side so you are not allowed to say anything about what he post, I understand that.

Do you believe that I have been cursed by God?

You use it when it is not appropriate.

You did not answer the question...I wonder why? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!

Said the moron.
I would love to hear their justification for such a ranking.

Do you think of yourself as a "colonizer"?

The justification is easy, it was a great fucking movie. Good acting, good story, good action, good special effects.

The acting was ok. The story was stupid on top of stupid. THe action sucked. The special effects sucked.

This is a very good review of it, imo, and entertaining in it's own right.

You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

It is not a lie of argument, it is pointing out the facts.

That whole rant by the Tree is textbook triggered

The fact that he is ignorant about the bible just makes it that much better.

You're using the words badly and too much. It is making you look like the irrational one.

I use the word when appropriate. That rant by the Tree is textbook triggered. But he is on your side so you are not allowed to say anything about what he post, I understand that.

Do you believe that I have been cursed by God?

You use it when it is not appropriate.

You did not answer the question...I wonder why? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I generally dont' judge people in that way, but considering the behavior some of you exhibit, I also dont' blame people that think there is something seriously, and deeply wrong with you.
It is not a lie of argument, it is pointing out the facts.

That whole rant by the Tree is textbook triggered

The fact that he is ignorant about the bible just makes it that much better.

You're using the words badly and too much. It is making you look like the irrational one.

I use the word when appropriate. That rant by the Tree is textbook triggered. But he is on your side so you are not allowed to say anything about what he post, I understand that.

Do you believe that I have been cursed by God?

You use it when it is not appropriate.

You did not answer the question...I wonder why? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I generally dont' judge people in that way, but considering the behavior some of you exhibit, I also dont' blame people that think there is something seriously, and deeply wrong with you.
Name-calling and plain rudeness.
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!

Said the moron.

Said the other moron.
You're using the words badly and too much. It is making you look like the irrational one.

I use the word when appropriate. That rant by the Tree is textbook triggered. But he is on your side so you are not allowed to say anything about what he post, I understand that.

Do you believe that I have been cursed by God?

You use it when it is not appropriate.

You did not answer the question...I wonder why? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I generally dont' judge people in that way, but considering the behavior some of you exhibit, I also dont' blame people that think there is something seriously, and deeply wrong with you.
Name-calling and plain rudeness.

He specifically asked my opinion on what another poster said of him. YOu moron.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!

Said the moron.

Said the other moron.
More name-calling by a poster that has cried about how others are mean to "him".
Exactly. Had it not been for that rotted culture Hitler might never have come to power at all. The majority of the public was disgusted with what the culture had become. So disgusted that they elected a madman to kill it.
Just like Tramp now!

Said the moron.

Said the other moron.
More name-calling by a poster that has cried about how others are mean to "him".

Said the other moron, that is still a moron. For reasons we discussed many times.
I use the word when appropriate. That rant by the Tree is textbook triggered. But he is on your side so you are not allowed to say anything about what he post, I understand that.

Do you believe that I have been cursed by God?

You use it when it is not appropriate.

You did not answer the question...I wonder why? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I generally dont' judge people in that way, but considering the behavior some of you exhibit, I also dont' blame people that think there is something seriously, and deeply wrong with you.
Name-calling and plain rudeness.

He specifically asked my opinion on what another poster said of him. YOu moron.
More name-calling.
You use it when it is not appropriate.

You did not answer the question...I wonder why? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I generally dont' judge people in that way, but considering the behavior some of you exhibit, I also dont' blame people that think there is something seriously, and deeply wrong with you.
Name-calling and plain rudeness.

He specifically asked my opinion on what another poster said of him. YOu moron.
More name-calling.

Said the moron.
No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


They are not sacrificing half their profits, you triggered snowflakes do not make up half the population, you are a tiny percent of it

Except, your use of the word "triggered" is a lie.

The fact that you are lying, indicates that you know that the truth is the opposite of your position.

It is not a lie, this whole thread is proof it is not a lie.
Dude, you are a Commie Tard, God Hating DemNazi. Everything you post is a lie because you are all Deranged and Insane because God cursed you for being a Hateful Retard.
Good point. Being a Democrat is God's curse upon a twisted soul. Admitting to being a democrat is a polite way of admitting to satan worship.
I’d rather dance with the sinners than cry with the saints
The sinners have much more fun
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.

Isn't it a little early for you to start drinking, Tipsy? You just posted that Hilter killed 6 million Jews/gypsies and Catholics to put an end to low morals in the media.

And you have another poster saying that Hitler did it right.

Hitler preferred to drink water. Ban water.

Hitler built the Autobahn, ban highways.

Hitler was correct about degenerative art.

Get over it.

I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always tell just by looking at someone who is Jewish. This is where the USA is now. Attacking and bulling visible minorities is acceptable because they're not "real Americans".

Now he's trying to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents. Shit's getting real.

They are not sacrificing half their profits, you triggered snowflakes do not make up half the population, you are a tiny percent of it

Except, your use of the word "triggered" is a lie.

The fact that you are lying, indicates that you know that the truth is the opposite of your position.

It is not a lie, this whole thread is proof it is not a lie.
Dude, you are a Commie Tard, God Hating DemNazi. Everything you post is a lie because you are all Deranged and Insane because God cursed you for being a Hateful Retard.


You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

You should really take your own advice.
Bear in mind (I know this quote is from between you and another poster) that I have never demanded anything of these film producers.

I do however find their self impoverishing choices to be very strange. I cannot find any rational or logical reason for why they would purposely devalue most of their own products ... unless another entity is paying for the devaluation.

They are not self impoverishing choices, you give yourself and your fellow snowflakes far too much credit, there just really is not that many of you on either side.

Why do you think that Black Panther made so much money?
Wealthy black entertainers and sports figures paid for entire theaters and gave tickets away to black children.

I'd also add that a move called "Black Panther," is inherently going to be political and racially driven, and depending on the viewpoint, repulsive to a certain group and attractive another. I wouldn't even use Black Panther as an example film in this thread. That's like criticizing Rush Limbaugh or Rachael Maddow for being hyper-partisan.

How dare they make a movie about a comic book that debuted in 1966!

With each post you lose more credibility.
Black people are only supposed to have white people to admire
Too bad our wonderful President isn't putting an end to the SJW culture the way Hitler did to the twisted Weimar culture.

I can sympathize with the German people of the era getting fed up with the wantonness of the time.

Isn't it a little early for you to start drinking, Tipsy? You just posted that Hilter killed 6 million Jews/gypsies and Catholics to put an end to low morals in the media.

And you have another poster saying that Hitler did it right.

Hitler preferred to drink water. Ban water.

Hitler built the Autobahn, ban highways.

Hitler was correct about degenerative art.

Get over it.

I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always te
Except, your use of the word "triggered" is a lie.

The fact that you are lying, indicates that you know that the truth is the opposite of your position.

It is not a lie, this whole thread is proof it is not a lie.
Dude, you are a Commie Tard, God Hating DemNazi. Everything you post is a lie because you are all Deranged and Insane because God cursed you for being a Hateful Retard.


You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

You should really take your own advice.

No reasonable person would equate the rise of HItler with the election of Trump.

You are in the grip of a Mass Hysteria. Try avoiding all news sources and social media for a period of no less than 30 days, and see if you feel better.
They are not self impoverishing choices, you give yourself and your fellow snowflakes far too much credit, there just really is not that many of you on either side.

Why do you think that Black Panther made so much money?
Wealthy black entertainers and sports figures paid for entire theaters and gave tickets away to black children.

I'd also add that a move called "Black Panther," is inherently going to be political and racially driven, and depending on the viewpoint, repulsive to a certain group and attractive another. I wouldn't even use Black Panther as an example film in this thread. That's like criticizing Rush Limbaugh or Rachael Maddow for being hyper-partisan.

How dare they make a movie about a comic book that debuted in 1966!

With each post you lose more credibility.
Black people are only supposed to have white people to admire

Are you saying that only black people are allowed to admire Black Panther?
I would love to hear their justification for such a ranking.

Do you think of yourself as a "colonizer"?

The justification is easy, it was a great fucking movie. Good acting, good story, good action, good special effects.

The acting was ok. The story was stupid on top of stupid. THe action sucked. The special effects sucked.

This is a very good review of it, imo, and entertaining in it's own right.

You and that joke of a review are in the tiny minority.
I generally dont' judge people in that way, but considering the behavior some of you exhibit, I also dont' blame people that think there is something seriously, and deeply wrong with you.

It is a damn crying shame you are too fucking stupid to see the irony of your post.

Just go back to being butthurt about TV shows you choose to watch! you are much better at that.

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