SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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I Googled "conservative films 2019" yesterday, and this was the top article, from National Review:
2018's Conservative Movies: The Top Ten | National Review

Black Panther made the list. This is a hoot.
Conservatives don’t make good movies


Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

Your pretense of no gatekeepers is just you being dishonest in your support of injustice.

Your reference to "support of injustice" is so over-the-top that it's flaming. Prove that anyone is being shut out of the movie industry. Name even one film that was "shut out." You can't. There are all sorts of theater festivals. Go write a screenplay, or a book that can be turned into a screenplay. Rightwingers are flush with cash so I would think that you can get financing to make the film and distribute it. Your creative efforts may be warmly greeted by the movie-going public.

Your pretense that if I don't write a screenplay and go to get it made and someone doesn't actively stop me, with the stated reason that, I am right wing, that if that does not occur that my claim has no merit,

is so over the top, that you implicitly just admitted that you know I am right.
1. Sure, you can have all of them follow Cap...but if his reasoning is "America great!" having them follow him would be way outside of their characters. None of them has ever been portrayed as American patriots.

2. Blade was a comic book movie with a black lead....written by a white guy, directed by a white guy, with a mostly white cast. I've heard or read quite a few people saying that the black representation in all the major aspects of the film were a big reason they were so high on the film. Also, Blade came out well before the current super hero renaissance. It wasn't nearly as popular as the Marvel movies are now, so had a lesser impact.

3. You asked pandering the same way Black Panther did. Black Panther had a black lead, mostly black cast, black director, black writers. Even people who didn't know about the director or writer could see the level of black representation in the film. That same sort of thing wouldn't work for an ideology.

4. Wow. Blacks being presented as extremely competent is Black Nationalism. The idea of a high tech nation in Africa is Black Nationalism. I wonder, is that who Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were targeting when they created the character, do you think?
Villains are often presented as having at least some degree of reason to their views. Hell, Thanos killed half the universe but was given a somewhat reasonable motivation.
"Rude to various white people"? Killmonger was rude to pretty much everyone. :lol:

I Googled "conservative films 2019" yesterday, and this was the top article, from National Review:
2018's Conservative Movies: The Top Ten | National Review

Black Panther made the list. This is a hoot.
Conservatives don’t make good movies


Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

They do make them, look up Kirk Cameron...he has made a lot of conservative movies and they all sucked.
Mainstream movie producers are all in!
I Googled "conservative films 2019" yesterday, and this was the top article, from National Review:
2018's Conservative Movies: The Top Ten | National Review

Black Panther made the list. This is a hoot.
Conservatives don’t make good movies


Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

They do make them, look up Kirk Cameron...he has made a lot of conservative movies and they all sucked.
Mainstream movie producers are all in!

all in on making as much money as they can.
1. Good movie elements, even if you are not aware of them, are generally a big part of how you get to enjoyability. Do you really want characters who are not believable, even the context of a fictional, comic book universe? Do you really never see a scene where a character does something, and you feel a clunk, and the bad writing drops you out of the story, and into, "ouch, that was not what that character would do"?

2. I can respect your enjoying it. We all have "guilty pleasures". I could even respect if you did not want to discuss the flaws of a movie that you love, because you are such a fanboy. And I do not use that term as a bad thing. But you choose to enter a thread that was obviously going to be about film critique. And I can certainly not respect any use of the Race Card. Anyone that does that, deserves to be called on it.

3. You understand nothing. Indeed, there is no "far right wing line", at least at this point in time. We are in flux. If you were unaware of that....

1. And again, what is enjoyable is different from person to person, but you cannot grasp this for some odd reason.

2. You are the one that brought race into the discussion, not I

3. I am sure that helps you to sleep at night, but there is a far right line and it is repeated on 1000 talk shows daily across the country. You are just a drone for them, nothing more.

1. Do you really never see a scene where a character does something, and you feel a clunk, and the bad writing drops you out of the story, and into, "ouch, that was not what that character would do"?

2. Bringing up race is not using the race card. Do not insult the intelligence of everyone reading this, by pretending to not know what the Race Card is.

3. That is nonsense. The right, even the "far right" is in a terrible state of flux. There are huge ideological and pragmatic differences of opinion and position that are putting people massively at odds. If you missed have not been paying attention.

1. And then that movie would not be enjoyable, happens all the time. there are a lot of bad movies out there.

2. You used the race card, you basically said that everyone that claimed to like Black Panther was pandering to the blacks or too afraid of them to say so.

3. Oh please, you people do and believe what you are told to believe, nothing more. You keep trying to give yourself far too much credit that your post on this forum does not support.

1. And discussing why that happens, how it happens, how to avoid it, is completely reasonable discussion.

2. Your pretense of not knowing what the Race Card is, is denied. Stop fucking around.

3. Your need to dismiss my view, is your brain trying to defend a worldview you know cannot survive serious challenge.

You first have to offer a serious challenge.

The topic is sjw ruining movies and tv. Specifically Black Panther.

You want to say what you liked about it, or you want me to start with what sucked about it?
Conservatives don’t make good movies


Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

They do make them, look up Kirk Cameron...he has made a lot of conservative movies and they all sucked.
Mainstream movie producers are all in!

all in on making as much money as they can.

Funny, you making that claim now, when you did not make it, when I pointed out that Hollywood could be pandering to conservatives and/or whites the way they did to blacks.

WHy is that?
Conservatives don’t make good movies


Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

Your pretense of no gatekeepers is just you being dishonest in your support of injustice.

Your reference to "support of injustice" is so over-the-top that it's flaming. Prove that anyone is being shut out of the movie industry. Name even one film that was "shut out." You can't. There are all sorts of theater festivals. Go write a screenplay, or a book that can be turned into a screenplay. Rightwingers are flush with cash so I would think that you can get financing to make the film and distribute it. Your creative efforts may be warmly greeted by the movie-going public.

Your pretense that if I don't write a screenplay and go to get it made and someone doesn't actively stop me, with the stated reason that, I am right wing, that if that does not occur that my claim has no merit,

is so over the top, that you implicitly just admitted that you know I am right.

What is totally over the top is this arrogant attitude that you right-wingers have that you are entitled to sit on your asses with your arms folded and demand that everyone cater to you and your views, like you are the judge and the jury, while you contribute absolutely nothing. If you want "conservative" movies, go create some or find somebody who can.

Get it through your thick head that the rest of America owes you absolutely nothing. You are not kings. You are not even important. If you want to be represented in entertainment, get out there and offer something openly. The same goes for your politicians. Go find people who can represent your views by standing in back of a podium, presenting your favored positions on the issues, without just trashing somebody else, and taking questions from the audience. without dropping the mic and running for the back door.

Stop hiding. You are being challenged to actually participate in society and throw your ideas into the mix. Offer them to the public.
Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

They do make them, look up Kirk Cameron...he has made a lot of conservative movies and they all sucked.
Mainstream movie producers are all in!

all in on making as much money as they can.

Funny, you making that claim now, when you did not make it, when I pointed out that Hollywood could be pandering to conservatives and/or whites the way they did to blacks.

WHy is that?

Somethings should not need to be said, they are self evident
Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

Your pretense of no gatekeepers is just you being dishonest in your support of injustice.

Your reference to "support of injustice" is so over-the-top that it's flaming. Prove that anyone is being shut out of the movie industry. Name even one film that was "shut out." You can't. There are all sorts of theater festivals. Go write a screenplay, or a book that can be turned into a screenplay. Rightwingers are flush with cash so I would think that you can get financing to make the film and distribute it. Your creative efforts may be warmly greeted by the movie-going public.

Your pretense that if I don't write a screenplay and go to get it made and someone doesn't actively stop me, with the stated reason that, I am right wing, that if that does not occur that my claim has no merit,

is so over the top, that you implicitly just admitted that you know I am right.

What is totally over the top is this arrogant attitude that you right-wingers have that you are entitled to sit on your asses with your arms folded and demand that everyone cater to you and your views, like you are the judge and the jury, while you contribute absolutely nothing. If you want "conservative" movies, go create some or find somebody who can.

Get it through your thick head that the rest of America owes you absolutely nothing. You are not kings. You are not even important. If you want to be represented in entertainment, get out there and offer something openly. The same goes for your politicians. Go find people who can represent your views by standing in back of a podium, presenting your favored positions on the issues, without just trashing somebody else, and taking questions from the audience. without dropping the mic and running for the back door.

Stop hiding. You are being challenged to actually participate in society and throw your ideas into the mix. Offer them to the public.

Asking that movies not be shit nor insult us,

is not demanding that "everyone cater to our views.

So, your strawman is dismissed. Other than making up shit and attacking it, you said nothing. So, that is all I have to say to you.

My point stands.

Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.

No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

They do make them, look up Kirk Cameron...he has made a lot of conservative movies and they all sucked.
Mainstream movie producers are all in!

all in on making as much money as they can.

Funny, you making that claim now, when you did not make it, when I pointed out that Hollywood could be pandering to conservatives and/or whites the way they did to blacks.

WHy is that?

Somethings should not need to be said, they are self evident

Obviously I disagree, so why did you waste a post, for me to challenge you to support what you claim is self evident?

Were you stalling for time to think?

Why is Hollywood not pandering to the much larger groups of conservatives and/or whites, the way they do to blacks?

Are they not supposedly businesses, with a responsibility to make money for their investors?
Obviously I disagree, so why did you waste a post, for me to challenge you to support what you claim is self evident?

Were you stalling for time to think?

Why is Hollywood not pandering to the much larger groups of conservatives and/or whites, the way they do to blacks?

Are they not supposedly businesses, with a responsibility to make money for their investors?

Hollywood is making money hand over fist. They make movies that appeal to every sector of society with the possible exception of you snowflakes on the far right and the far left that make mountains out of every anthill.
Obviously I disagree, so why did you waste a post, for me to challenge you to support what you claim is self evident?

Were you stalling for time to think?

Why is Hollywood not pandering to the much larger groups of conservatives and/or whites, the way they do to blacks?

Are they not supposedly businesses, with a responsibility to make money for their investors?

Hollywood is making money hand over fist. They make movies that appeal to every sector of society with the possible exception of you snowflakes on the far right and the far left that make mountains out of every anthill.

The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.
The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.

The investors are far smarter than you, that is why they have the money to invest in the movies and you can only sit on an internet forum and whine about the movies they make.

I have answered your question about 10 times, there was no pandering, that is just you being a snowflake
The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.

The investors are far smarter than you, that is why they have the money to invest in the movies and you can only sit on an internet forum and whine about the movies they make.

I have answered your question about 10 times, there was no pandering, that is just you being a snowflake

Snark is not an answer. That part of your post, is dismissed.

You asserted there was no pandering. And backed it up, by denying that movies can be good or bad, and other similar silliness.

Thus, my question remains. ANd since you refuse to answer it, I will give the obvious answer that you don't want to admit.

Hollywood, could make even more absurd amounts of money, if they were to choose to stop trying to make messages and insult their fans, and focused on making entertainment and giving their fans what they WANT.

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.
The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.

The investors are far smarter than you, that is why they have the money to invest in the movies and you can only sit on an internet forum and whine about the movies they make.

I have answered your question about 10 times, there was no pandering, that is just you being a snowflake

Snark is not an answer. That part of your post, is dismissed.

You asserted there was no pandering. And backed it up, by denying that movies can be good or bad, and other similar silliness.

Thus, my question remains. ANd since you refuse to answer it, I will give the obvious answer that you don't want to admit.

Hollywood, could make even more absurd amounts of money, if they were to choose to stop trying to make messages and insult their fans, and focused on making entertainment and giving their fans what they WANT.

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Hollywood already makes absurd amounts of money, your assertion they could make more is just empty talk from someone with no knowledge of the business and that is highly biased.

What's next for you, are you going to tell Jeff Bezos how to run a business?

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Then do not watch them, it is a simple solution. Or better yet, show them how to do it correctly. Start your own production company and make movies that bring in 5 times what Black Panther did.
The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.

The investors are far smarter than you, that is why they have the money to invest in the movies and you can only sit on an internet forum and whine about the movies they make.

I have answered your question about 10 times, there was no pandering, that is just you being a snowflake

Snark is not an answer. That part of your post, is dismissed.

You asserted there was no pandering. And backed it up, by denying that movies can be good or bad, and other similar silliness.

Thus, my question remains. ANd since you refuse to answer it, I will give the obvious answer that you don't want to admit.

Hollywood, could make even more absurd amounts of money, if they were to choose to stop trying to make messages and insult their fans, and focused on making entertainment and giving their fans what they WANT.

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Hollywood already makes absurd amounts of money, your assertion they could make more is just empty talk from someone with no knowledge of the business and that is highly biased.

What's next for you, are you going to tell Jeff Bezos how to run a business?

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Then do not watch them, it is a simple solution. Or better yet, show them how to do it correctly. Start your own production company and make movies that bring in 5 times what Black Panther did.

1. I made a point about how much money they made off of a bad movie that pandered to a fairly small minority. Pointing out that it would be likely that they could make even more money, if they made a good movie that pandered to a much larger group, is a reasonable point.

2. Why would you find that completely reasonable opinion to be a reason to get angry?

3. Your snark is dismissed some more. I can keep doing that, longer than you can dish it out.
No law says conservatives can’t make movies.
If the market was there, they would be made.

Your pretense of no gatekeepers is just you being dishonest in your support of injustice.

Your reference to "support of injustice" is so over-the-top that it's flaming. Prove that anyone is being shut out of the movie industry. Name even one film that was "shut out." You can't. There are all sorts of theater festivals. Go write a screenplay, or a book that can be turned into a screenplay. Rightwingers are flush with cash so I would think that you can get financing to make the film and distribute it. Your creative efforts may be warmly greeted by the movie-going public.

Your pretense that if I don't write a screenplay and go to get it made and someone doesn't actively stop me, with the stated reason that, I am right wing, that if that does not occur that my claim has no merit,

is so over the top, that you implicitly just admitted that you know I am right.

What is totally over the top is this arrogant attitude that you right-wingers have that you are entitled to sit on your asses with your arms folded and demand that everyone cater to you and your views, like you are the judge and the jury, while you contribute absolutely nothing. If you want "conservative" movies, go create some or find somebody who can.

Get it through your thick head that the rest of America owes you absolutely nothing. You are not kings. You are not even important. If you want to be represented in entertainment, get out there and offer something openly. The same goes for your politicians. Go find people who can represent your views by standing in back of a podium, presenting your favored positions on the issues, without just trashing somebody else, and taking questions from the audience. without dropping the mic and running for the back door.

Stop hiding. You are being challenged to actually participate in society and throw your ideas into the mix. Offer them to the public.

Asking that movies not be shit nor insult us,

is not demanding that "everyone cater to our views.

So, your strawman is dismissed. Other than making up shit and attacking it, you said nothing. So, that is all I have to say to you.

My point stands.

Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.


There are lots of movies that are "shit." Which movies "insulted" you or this "us" that you are part of?

Do you think that anyone who decided to make these movies did so to "insult" you? I seriously doubt that your "feelings" played any part in making any movie or that any movie maker even knows that you exist. You appear to think that everyone does, or should make your feelings, and those of this "us" group that you belong to, a top priority when making any and every decision in their lives.

Yes, you do want to be catered to. Don't think that your total arrogance and desire to control everyone is going to make you any friends.
The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.

The investors are far smarter than you, that is why they have the money to invest in the movies and you can only sit on an internet forum and whine about the movies they make.

I have answered your question about 10 times, there was no pandering, that is just you being a snowflake

Snark is not an answer. That part of your post, is dismissed.

You asserted there was no pandering. And backed it up, by denying that movies can be good or bad, and other similar silliness.

Thus, my question remains. ANd since you refuse to answer it, I will give the obvious answer that you don't want to admit.

Hollywood, could make even more absurd amounts of money, if they were to choose to stop trying to make messages and insult their fans, and focused on making entertainment and giving their fans what they WANT.

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Hollywood already makes absurd amounts of money, your assertion they could make more is just empty talk from someone with no knowledge of the business and that is highly biased.

What's next for you, are you going to tell Jeff Bezos how to run a business?

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Then do not watch them, it is a simple solution. Or better yet, show them how to do it correctly. Start your own production company and make movies that bring in 5 times what Black Panther did.

1. I made a point about how much money they made off of a bad movie that pandered to a fairly small minority. Pointing out that it would be likely that they could make even more money, if they made a good movie that pandered to a much larger group, is a reasonable point.

2. Why would you find that completely reasonable opinion to be a reason to get angry?

3. Your snark is dismissed some more. I can keep doing that, longer than you can dish it out.

1. It is not reasonable for two main reasons, one you have zero knowledge on the subject and two your point of view is biased and not based upon reality.

2. You mistake me laughing at you as anger, common mistake so do not feel too bad.

3. Of course you dismiss anything that does not fit into your little window of a world view. You have your far right wing world view and you will dismiss any and all idea that do not fit that world view.
The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.

The investors are far smarter than you, that is why they have the money to invest in the movies and you can only sit on an internet forum and whine about the movies they make.

I have answered your question about 10 times, there was no pandering, that is just you being a snowflake

Snark is not an answer. That part of your post, is dismissed.

You asserted there was no pandering. And backed it up, by denying that movies can be good or bad, and other similar silliness.

Thus, my question remains. ANd since you refuse to answer it, I will give the obvious answer that you don't want to admit.

Hollywood, could make even more absurd amounts of money, if they were to choose to stop trying to make messages and insult their fans, and focused on making entertainment and giving their fans what they WANT.

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Hollywood already makes absurd amounts of money, your assertion they could make more is just empty talk from someone with no knowledge of the business and that is highly biased.

What's next for you, are you going to tell Jeff Bezos how to run a business?

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Then do not watch them, it is a simple solution. Or better yet, show them how to do it correctly. Start your own production company and make movies that bring in 5 times what Black Panther did.

1. I made a point about how much money they made off of a bad movie that pandered to a fairly small minority. Pointing out that it would be likely that they could make even more money, if they made a good movie that pandered to a much larger group, is a reasonable point.

2. Why would you find that completely reasonable opinion to be a reason to get angry?

3. Your snark is dismissed some more. I can keep doing that, longer than you can dish it out.

1. It is not reasonable for two main reasons, one you have zero knowledge on the subject and two your point of view is biased and not based upon reality.

2. You mistake me laughing at you as anger, common mistake so do not feel too bad.

3. Of course you dismiss anything that does not fit into your little window of a world view. You have your far right wing world view and you will dismiss any and all idea that do not fit that world view.

Correll postulates that there is this absolutely huge untapped market out there, but somehow he and his cronies are being stopped from tapping into it by evil left-wingers, even though there is lots of money floating around in right-wing circles for them to use. Under his own theory, Correll is passing up the big bucks for reasons known only to him. The surviving Koch brother is out there, the family of betsy devoss and erik prince is out there, the mellon-scaife tribe, the texas billionaires are out there. All with the money to fund a movie.
Your pretense of no gatekeepers is just you being dishonest in your support of injustice.

Your reference to "support of injustice" is so over-the-top that it's flaming. Prove that anyone is being shut out of the movie industry. Name even one film that was "shut out." You can't. There are all sorts of theater festivals. Go write a screenplay, or a book that can be turned into a screenplay. Rightwingers are flush with cash so I would think that you can get financing to make the film and distribute it. Your creative efforts may be warmly greeted by the movie-going public.

Your pretense that if I don't write a screenplay and go to get it made and someone doesn't actively stop me, with the stated reason that, I am right wing, that if that does not occur that my claim has no merit,

is so over the top, that you implicitly just admitted that you know I am right.

What is totally over the top is this arrogant attitude that you right-wingers have that you are entitled to sit on your asses with your arms folded and demand that everyone cater to you and your views, like you are the judge and the jury, while you contribute absolutely nothing. If you want "conservative" movies, go create some or find somebody who can.

Get it through your thick head that the rest of America owes you absolutely nothing. You are not kings. You are not even important. If you want to be represented in entertainment, get out there and offer something openly. The same goes for your politicians. Go find people who can represent your views by standing in back of a podium, presenting your favored positions on the issues, without just trashing somebody else, and taking questions from the audience. without dropping the mic and running for the back door.

Stop hiding. You are being challenged to actually participate in society and throw your ideas into the mix. Offer them to the public.

Asking that movies not be shit nor insult us,

is not demanding that "everyone cater to our views.

So, your strawman is dismissed. Other than making up shit and attacking it, you said nothing. So, that is all I have to say to you.

My point stands.

Any other group, not represented in an industry, and liberals seen discrimination as the only possible cause.

When it is them doing it, suddenly, there are soooooo many other reasons.


There are lots of movies that are "shit." Which movies "insulted" you or this "us" that you are part of?

Do you think that anyone who decided to make these movies did so to "insult" you? I seriously doubt that your "feelings" played any part in making any movie or that any movie maker even knows that you exist. You appear to think that everyone does, or should make your feelings, and those of this "us" group that you belong to, a top priority when making any and every decision in their lives.

Yes, you do want to be catered to. Don't think that your total arrogance and desire to control everyone is going to make you any friends.

Well, I've provided a couple of examples in this thread. Black Panther is one, where a sympathetic character calls a white American to his face, "colonizer". That is an insult to all white Americans.

Yes, I do believe that many of the people in making these movies, do so with the intent of insulting me.

Wanting to not be insulted, is not the same as wanting everyone to make my feelings their top priority. That is a straw man. I understand why you wanted to lie about what I was saying.

Because your position that it is wrong of me to complain about being insulted, makes you look pretty silly.

Not wanting to be insulted, especially when I am giving someone my money, is not "arrogance" or a "Desire to control everyone".

Ironically, you people, thinking that you should be able to insult us, still get our money, and tell us we are wrong to complain about being insulted, that is you being arrogant and having a desire to control everyone.
The sea of easy money flowing into Hollywood, imo, explains why the investors don't realize how much they are being cheated of, by the incompetence and corruption of the liberal assholes making movies.

IF, they can make a billion dollars, with a crap film like Black Panther, by pandering to the number two minority in the country, what could they make if they produced a good film that pandered instead to a group 5 times larger?

This was my question to you, and you have not been able to answer it.

The investors are far smarter than you, that is why they have the money to invest in the movies and you can only sit on an internet forum and whine about the movies they make.

I have answered your question about 10 times, there was no pandering, that is just you being a snowflake

Snark is not an answer. That part of your post, is dismissed.

You asserted there was no pandering. And backed it up, by denying that movies can be good or bad, and other similar silliness.

Thus, my question remains. ANd since you refuse to answer it, I will give the obvious answer that you don't want to admit.

Hollywood, could make even more absurd amounts of money, if they were to choose to stop trying to make messages and insult their fans, and focused on making entertainment and giving their fans what they WANT.

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Hollywood already makes absurd amounts of money, your assertion they could make more is just empty talk from someone with no knowledge of the business and that is highly biased.

What's next for you, are you going to tell Jeff Bezos how to run a business?

The op is correct. SJW have ruined movies and tv.

Then do not watch them, it is a simple solution. Or better yet, show them how to do it correctly. Start your own production company and make movies that bring in 5 times what Black Panther did.

1. I made a point about how much money they made off of a bad movie that pandered to a fairly small minority. Pointing out that it would be likely that they could make even more money, if they made a good movie that pandered to a much larger group, is a reasonable point.

2. Why would you find that completely reasonable opinion to be a reason to get angry?

3. Your snark is dismissed some more. I can keep doing that, longer than you can dish it out.

1. It is not reasonable for two main reasons, one you have zero knowledge on the subject and two your point of view is biased and not based upon reality.

2. You mistake me laughing at you as anger, common mistake so do not feel too bad.

3. Of course you dismiss anything that does not fit into your little window of a world view. You have your far right wing world view and you will dismiss any and all idea that do not fit that world view.

I am not an expert in the field of movie making, I admit that. So splain it to me.

1. Why can't the strategy of targeting a certain group as an audience, that worked so well with blacks, with Black Panther, work with other groups?

2. What reality(s) is/are I not basing my point of view on? Are you denying that conservatives and/or whites are being potential audiences than blacks?

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