SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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Just to bring up a tidbit of information: according to this article, Black Panther sold around 72 million tickets after 8 weeks of release. Box Office: 'Black Panther' Just Missed The $1.3B Mark
Again, according to the article, that means Black Panther sold more tickets than any film ever put out by multiple studios. I really wonder just who is supposed to be the audience that will be going to see the hypothetical movie pandering to the larger group.

Several groups are bigger then the primary target of BLack Panther.

You get large percentages of those groups to go multiple times, AND you get the rest of the movie market to go also, and it should be an insane money fountain.

That is my point.
Just to bring up a tidbit of information: according to this article, Black Panther sold around 72 million tickets after 8 weeks of release. Box Office: 'Black Panther' Just Missed The $1.3B Mark
Again, according to the article, that means Black Panther sold more tickets than any film ever put out by multiple studios. I really wonder just who is supposed to be the audience that will be going to see the hypothetical movie pandering to the larger group.

Several groups are bigger then the primary target of BLack Panther.

You get large percentages of those groups to go multiple times, AND you get the rest of the movie market to go also, and it should be an insane money fountain.

That is my point.

What you are missing is that is already happening. Again, you assume everyone has the same views as you...but you are the tiny minority.
1. Because there was so such strategy.

2. The reality you are missing is that whites and conservatives are already the audience, with the exception of a few snowflakes like you. Though it seems that despite all your posturing you are actually part of the audience as well

1. How can you say that? You are the one that made such a big thing over the production cast being black. For one limited example.

2. The plot of Black Panther was a conflict between two policies, the status quo policy of hiding Wakanda's wealth from the eyes of the evul "colonizers" and the policy of using Wakanda tech to help the poor oppressed blacks of the world rise up and over throw their oppressors. The conflict was resolved with the decision to use Wakanda tech to help the world become a better place, primarily focused on the traditionally disadvantaged. And done in a snide and condescending manner.

Name me a major motion release, in the last 10 years, that has pandered to whites or conservatives in a similar fashion.

1. I did no such thing.

2. It was not done in a snide way, that is your latent prejudices coming out, not a realty of the movie.

Sure it was. The way when the King announced his plan to share Wakanda wealth and tech with the world to the UN, and that old white guy asked, "what can a nation of farmers offer the rest of the world", and the strong black women looked at each other, and smirked.

You made a claim, that whites and conservatives are already the audience that Hollywood panders to.

I asked you to give me an example, within the last ten years, of a major motion picture movie, that even comes close to such blatant and overt pandering, to conservatives and'or whites.

I note you have not done so. Should be easy. If your position is correct and mine is based on "latent prejudices".

The problem is that the example you are looking for is based on your own personal, subjective belief about what Black Panther was trying to say and who it was targeting. So, if I point out the vast majority of movies have mostly white casts, white directors, and white writers, you would probably respond with something like "But they aren't pandering to white nationalists/conservatives/whatever ideology you want to throw out."

I agree that having such a large degree of black representation in the movie was made a big deal and helped bump its popularity. However, the reason it was such a big deal is that that sort of representation had been absent in the super-hero genre prior to Black Panther. It's similar to Wonder Woman; that was a super hero movie with a female lead and female director, as well as much greater than usual female representation among the actors. In both cases, it is only because that sort of representation didn't exist that such a big deal was made of it. As such, the idea that the pandering of Black Panther to blacks would make tons of money if only it were done to whites is, IMO, asinine. Movies in general have been pandering in that way since the beginning.

And if you want a movie that panders to conservatives, with a mostly white cast, white writer, white director, how about Unplanned? That's an anti-abortion movie, it seems to be almost entirely white, and it was profitable. It doesn't come anywhere vaguely near the level of Black Panther, though, so I'm not sure about the idea that pandering to a conservative, white audience is leaving untold billions on the table is in any way supported by the example.

Red Dawn was a good example, and also nowhere vaguely close to as successful as Black Panther.

Here, have a couple of lists of particularly patriotic American movies.

The 25 Most Awesomely American Movies to Watch on July 4
The Most Patriotic Movies of All Time

Of course you might disagree with some of the choices (I did), but is that not enough patriotic American pandering to entice the many viewers you seem to think are avoiding seeing movies? Or was that sort of pandering used in the past, but not in more recent years?

1. It is not pandering to have a mostly white production crew/cast.

2. Wonderwoman is a good example of pandering to women, as a group, done better than Black Panther, (the men were not all ineffective clowns).

3. Why was Red Dawn not as successful, or better yet, vastly more successful than Black Panther?

1. But it is pandering to have mostly black production crew/cast..and then you wonder why I painted you the way I did...

2. Whites in Black Panther also were not all ineffective clowns.

3. Red Dawn was not as successful because there are not that many people like you that need to have their nationalism stroked. I enjoyed the first Red Dawn, it was an enjoyable movie.
Just to bring up a tidbit of information: according to this article, Black Panther sold around 72 million tickets after 8 weeks of release. Box Office: 'Black Panther' Just Missed The $1.3B Mark
Again, according to the article, that means Black Panther sold more tickets than any film ever put out by multiple studios. I really wonder just who is supposed to be the audience that will be going to see the hypothetical movie pandering to the larger group.

Several groups are bigger then the primary target of BLack Panther.

You get large percentages of those groups to go multiple times, AND you get the rest of the movie market to go also, and it should be an insane money fountain.

That is my point.

What you are missing is that is already happening. Again, you assume everyone has the same views as you...but you are the tiny minority.

You being smug and superior is not contributing to the conversation.

WHy do you think that Red Dawn was not a bigger hit than Black Panther?
Just to bring up a tidbit of information: according to this article, Black Panther sold around 72 million tickets after 8 weeks of release. Box Office: 'Black Panther' Just Missed The $1.3B Mark
Again, according to the article, that means Black Panther sold more tickets than any film ever put out by multiple studios. I really wonder just who is supposed to be the audience that will be going to see the hypothetical movie pandering to the larger group.

Several groups are bigger then the primary target of BLack Panther.

You get large percentages of those groups to go multiple times, AND you get the rest of the movie market to go also, and it should be an insane money fountain.

That is my point.

What you are missing is that is already happening. Again, you assume everyone has the same views as you...but you are the tiny minority.

You being smug and superior is not contributing to the conversation.

WHy do you think that Red Dawn was not a bigger hit than Black Panther?

Because it was not as good as a movie and it did not appeal to as large of an audience. This is not really all that complicated.
1. How can you say that? You are the one that made such a big thing over the production cast being black. For one limited example.

2. The plot of Black Panther was a conflict between two policies, the status quo policy of hiding Wakanda's wealth from the eyes of the evul "colonizers" and the policy of using Wakanda tech to help the poor oppressed blacks of the world rise up and over throw their oppressors. The conflict was resolved with the decision to use Wakanda tech to help the world become a better place, primarily focused on the traditionally disadvantaged. And done in a snide and condescending manner.

Name me a major motion release, in the last 10 years, that has pandered to whites or conservatives in a similar fashion.

1. I did no such thing.

2. It was not done in a snide way, that is your latent prejudices coming out, not a realty of the movie.

Sure it was. The way when the King announced his plan to share Wakanda wealth and tech with the world to the UN, and that old white guy asked, "what can a nation of farmers offer the rest of the world", and the strong black women looked at each other, and smirked.

You made a claim, that whites and conservatives are already the audience that Hollywood panders to.

I asked you to give me an example, within the last ten years, of a major motion picture movie, that even comes close to such blatant and overt pandering, to conservatives and'or whites.

I note you have not done so. Should be easy. If your position is correct and mine is based on "latent prejudices".

The problem is that the example you are looking for is based on your own personal, subjective belief about what Black Panther was trying to say and who it was targeting. So, if I point out the vast majority of movies have mostly white casts, white directors, and white writers, you would probably respond with something like "But they aren't pandering to white nationalists/conservatives/whatever ideology you want to throw out."

I agree that having such a large degree of black representation in the movie was made a big deal and helped bump its popularity. However, the reason it was such a big deal is that that sort of representation had been absent in the super-hero genre prior to Black Panther. It's similar to Wonder Woman; that was a super hero movie with a female lead and female director, as well as much greater than usual female representation among the actors. In both cases, it is only because that sort of representation didn't exist that such a big deal was made of it. As such, the idea that the pandering of Black Panther to blacks would make tons of money if only it were done to whites is, IMO, asinine. Movies in general have been pandering in that way since the beginning.

And if you want a movie that panders to conservatives, with a mostly white cast, white writer, white director, how about Unplanned? That's an anti-abortion movie, it seems to be almost entirely white, and it was profitable. It doesn't come anywhere vaguely near the level of Black Panther, though, so I'm not sure about the idea that pandering to a conservative, white audience is leaving untold billions on the table is in any way supported by the example.

Red Dawn was a good example, and also nowhere vaguely close to as successful as Black Panther.

Here, have a couple of lists of particularly patriotic American movies.

The 25 Most Awesomely American Movies to Watch on July 4
The Most Patriotic Movies of All Time

Of course you might disagree with some of the choices (I did), but is that not enough patriotic American pandering to entice the many viewers you seem to think are avoiding seeing movies? Or was that sort of pandering used in the past, but not in more recent years?

1. It is not pandering to have a mostly white production crew/cast.

2. Wonderwoman is a good example of pandering to women, as a group, done better than Black Panther, (the men were not all ineffective clowns).

3. Why was Red Dawn not as successful, or better yet, vastly more successful than Black Panther?

1. But it is pandering to have mostly black production crew/cast..and then you wonder why I painted you the way I did...

2. Whites in Black Panther also were not all ineffective clowns.

3. Red Dawn was not as successful because there are not that many people like you that need to have their nationalism stroked. I enjoyed the first Red Dawn, it was an enjoyable movie.

1. Dude. Whites are the majority in this country. Random chance and merit is likely to give you white majorities in any random group. THat is not pandering. Specifically hiring based on skin color, so that you can make a PR point about having a production crew that is that skin color, is pandering. THat you consider that to be something wrong about me, says something about YOU.

2. The white lead, had to lay there like a helpless bitch, while a young girl insulted him and saved his life.

3. Interesting claim. So, in your opinion, Red Dawn did not get the reaction Black Panther did, because whites don't want to be pandered to. Actually don't NEED to be pandered to. How does the success of Wonderwoman fit into that, in your opinion.
1. I did no such thing.

2. It was not done in a snide way, that is your latent prejudices coming out, not a realty of the movie.

Sure it was. The way when the King announced his plan to share Wakanda wealth and tech with the world to the UN, and that old white guy asked, "what can a nation of farmers offer the rest of the world", and the strong black women looked at each other, and smirked.

You made a claim, that whites and conservatives are already the audience that Hollywood panders to.

I asked you to give me an example, within the last ten years, of a major motion picture movie, that even comes close to such blatant and overt pandering, to conservatives and'or whites.

I note you have not done so. Should be easy. If your position is correct and mine is based on "latent prejudices".

The problem is that the example you are looking for is based on your own personal, subjective belief about what Black Panther was trying to say and who it was targeting. So, if I point out the vast majority of movies have mostly white casts, white directors, and white writers, you would probably respond with something like "But they aren't pandering to white nationalists/conservatives/whatever ideology you want to throw out."

I agree that having such a large degree of black representation in the movie was made a big deal and helped bump its popularity. However, the reason it was such a big deal is that that sort of representation had been absent in the super-hero genre prior to Black Panther. It's similar to Wonder Woman; that was a super hero movie with a female lead and female director, as well as much greater than usual female representation among the actors. In both cases, it is only because that sort of representation didn't exist that such a big deal was made of it. As such, the idea that the pandering of Black Panther to blacks would make tons of money if only it were done to whites is, IMO, asinine. Movies in general have been pandering in that way since the beginning.

And if you want a movie that panders to conservatives, with a mostly white cast, white writer, white director, how about Unplanned? That's an anti-abortion movie, it seems to be almost entirely white, and it was profitable. It doesn't come anywhere vaguely near the level of Black Panther, though, so I'm not sure about the idea that pandering to a conservative, white audience is leaving untold billions on the table is in any way supported by the example.

Red Dawn was a good example, and also nowhere vaguely close to as successful as Black Panther.

Here, have a couple of lists of particularly patriotic American movies.

The 25 Most Awesomely American Movies to Watch on July 4
The Most Patriotic Movies of All Time

Of course you might disagree with some of the choices (I did), but is that not enough patriotic American pandering to entice the many viewers you seem to think are avoiding seeing movies? Or was that sort of pandering used in the past, but not in more recent years?

1. It is not pandering to have a mostly white production crew/cast.

2. Wonderwoman is a good example of pandering to women, as a group, done better than Black Panther, (the men were not all ineffective clowns).

3. Why was Red Dawn not as successful, or better yet, vastly more successful than Black Panther?

1. But it is pandering to have mostly black production crew/cast..and then you wonder why I painted you the way I did...

2. Whites in Black Panther also were not all ineffective clowns.

3. Red Dawn was not as successful because there are not that many people like you that need to have their nationalism stroked. I enjoyed the first Red Dawn, it was an enjoyable movie.

1. Dude. Whites are the majority in this country. Random chance and merit is likely to give you white majorities in any random group. THat is not pandering. Specifically hiring based on skin color, so that you can make a PR point about having a production crew that is that skin color, is pandering. THat you consider that to be something wrong about me, says something about YOU.

2. The white lead, had to lay there like a helpless bitch, while a young girl insulted him and saved his life.

3. Interesting claim. So, in your opinion, Red Dawn did not get the reaction Black Panther did, because whites don't want to be pandered to. Actually don't NEED to be pandered to. How does the success of Wonderwoman fit into that, in your opinion.

Wonder Woman was a far better movie, thus it did far better. It had nothing to do with this fantasy of pandering that you have created to explain why non white male led movies do well.
I have skipped about 20 pages of this fantastic thread but really it is USMB gold. A small noisy group of philistine losers whining that films have a political message that doesnt correspond with their narrow world view.

Its funny but also a bit sad that these losers cant find something to wank over.

The majority of film goers are not reactionary old white men so I cannot see things improving.
Just to bring up a tidbit of information: according to this article, Black Panther sold around 72 million tickets after 8 weeks of release. Box Office: 'Black Panther' Just Missed The $1.3B Mark
Again, according to the article, that means Black Panther sold more tickets than any film ever put out by multiple studios. I really wonder just who is supposed to be the audience that will be going to see the hypothetical movie pandering to the larger group.

Several groups are bigger then the primary target of BLack Panther.

You get large percentages of those groups to go multiple times, AND you get the rest of the movie market to go also, and it should be an insane money fountain.

That is my point.

What you are missing is that is already happening. Again, you assume everyone has the same views as you...but you are the tiny minority.

You being smug and superior is not contributing to the conversation.

WHy do you think that Red Dawn was not a bigger hit than Black Panther?

Because it was not as good as a movie and it did not appeal to as large of an audience. This is not really all that complicated.

1. But Black Panther was also, not a good movie.

2. Appealing to American Nationalism, should appeal to a massively larger audience. Why did it not work?
1. Why can't the strategy of targeting a certain group as an audience, that worked so well with blacks, with Black Panther, work with other groups?
Who says it has not?

That is why shows like Duck Dynasty did so well, they were targeting groups that were normally left out of that particular genera.

That is what most of the Marvel universe actually was.

Most of the Marvel Universe was not that. Iron Man was not. Thor was not. The Avengers was not. Even Captain Freaking America was not.
The first ones all were.
Just to bring up a tidbit of information: according to this article, Black Panther sold around 72 million tickets after 8 weeks of release. Box Office: 'Black Panther' Just Missed The $1.3B Mark
Again, according to the article, that means Black Panther sold more tickets than any film ever put out by multiple studios. I really wonder just who is supposed to be the audience that will be going to see the hypothetical movie pandering to the larger group.

Several groups are bigger then the primary target of BLack Panther.

You get large percentages of those groups to go multiple times, AND you get the rest of the movie market to go also, and it should be an insane money fountain.

That is my point.

What you are missing is that is already happening. Again, you assume everyone has the same views as you...but you are the tiny minority.

You being smug and superior is not contributing to the conversation.

WHy do you think that Red Dawn was not a bigger hit than Black Panther?

Because it was not as good as a movie and it did not appeal to as large of an audience. This is not really all that complicated.

1. But Black Panther was also, not a good movie.

2. Appealing to American Nationalism, should appeal to a massively larger audience. Why did it not work?

1. Most of the world disagrees with you on that point. But I know, you are right and everyone else is wrong...

2. Because most of us have no need to have it appealed to, only a few far right wingers like you have that desire.
Sure it was. The way when the King announced his plan to share Wakanda wealth and tech with the world to the UN, and that old white guy asked, "what can a nation of farmers offer the rest of the world", and the strong black women looked at each other, and smirked.

You made a claim, that whites and conservatives are already the audience that Hollywood panders to.

I asked you to give me an example, within the last ten years, of a major motion picture movie, that even comes close to such blatant and overt pandering, to conservatives and'or whites.

I note you have not done so. Should be easy. If your position is correct and mine is based on "latent prejudices".

The problem is that the example you are looking for is based on your own personal, subjective belief about what Black Panther was trying to say and who it was targeting. So, if I point out the vast majority of movies have mostly white casts, white directors, and white writers, you would probably respond with something like "But they aren't pandering to white nationalists/conservatives/whatever ideology you want to throw out."

I agree that having such a large degree of black representation in the movie was made a big deal and helped bump its popularity. However, the reason it was such a big deal is that that sort of representation had been absent in the super-hero genre prior to Black Panther. It's similar to Wonder Woman; that was a super hero movie with a female lead and female director, as well as much greater than usual female representation among the actors. In both cases, it is only because that sort of representation didn't exist that such a big deal was made of it. As such, the idea that the pandering of Black Panther to blacks would make tons of money if only it were done to whites is, IMO, asinine. Movies in general have been pandering in that way since the beginning.

And if you want a movie that panders to conservatives, with a mostly white cast, white writer, white director, how about Unplanned? That's an anti-abortion movie, it seems to be almost entirely white, and it was profitable. It doesn't come anywhere vaguely near the level of Black Panther, though, so I'm not sure about the idea that pandering to a conservative, white audience is leaving untold billions on the table is in any way supported by the example.

Red Dawn was a good example, and also nowhere vaguely close to as successful as Black Panther.

Here, have a couple of lists of particularly patriotic American movies.

The 25 Most Awesomely American Movies to Watch on July 4
The Most Patriotic Movies of All Time

Of course you might disagree with some of the choices (I did), but is that not enough patriotic American pandering to entice the many viewers you seem to think are avoiding seeing movies? Or was that sort of pandering used in the past, but not in more recent years?

1. It is not pandering to have a mostly white production crew/cast.

2. Wonderwoman is a good example of pandering to women, as a group, done better than Black Panther, (the men were not all ineffective clowns).

3. Why was Red Dawn not as successful, or better yet, vastly more successful than Black Panther?

1. But it is pandering to have mostly black production crew/cast..and then you wonder why I painted you the way I did...

2. Whites in Black Panther also were not all ineffective clowns.

3. Red Dawn was not as successful because there are not that many people like you that need to have their nationalism stroked. I enjoyed the first Red Dawn, it was an enjoyable movie.

1. Dude. Whites are the majority in this country. Random chance and merit is likely to give you white majorities in any random group. THat is not pandering. Specifically hiring based on skin color, so that you can make a PR point about having a production crew that is that skin color, is pandering. THat you consider that to be something wrong about me, says something about YOU.

2. The white lead, had to lay there like a helpless bitch, while a young girl insulted him and saved his life.

3. Interesting claim. So, in your opinion, Red Dawn did not get the reaction Black Panther did, because whites don't want to be pandered to. Actually don't NEED to be pandered to. How does the success of Wonderwoman fit into that, in your opinion.

Wonder Woman was a far better movie, thus it did far better. It had nothing to do with this fantasy of pandering that you have created to explain why non white male led movies do well.

Wonderwoman was a far better movie than Black Panther, I agree, but it did not do better at box office. It did very well, but significantly less well than Black Panther, despite both playing the pandering game, to a far larger target audience.

How does that fit into your "need pandering" theory?
I have skipped about 20 pages of this fantastic thread but really it is USMB gold. A small noisy group of philistine losers whining that films have a political message that doesnt correspond with their narrow world view.

Its funny but also a bit sad that these losers cant find something to wank over.

The majority of film goers are not reactionary old white men so I cannot see things improving.

Listen, assmuncher. The complaints from fans over the impact of SJW, and wokeness is valid and has been amply demonstrated.

SO, either comment on topic, or go fuck yourself.
1. Why can't the strategy of targeting a certain group as an audience, that worked so well with blacks, with Black Panther, work with other groups?
Who says it has not?

That is why shows like Duck Dynasty did so well, they were targeting groups that were normally left out of that particular genera.

That is what most of the Marvel universe actually was.

Most of the Marvel Universe was not that. Iron Man was not. Thor was not. The Avengers was not. Even Captain Freaking America was not.
The first ones all were.

What group did Iron Man pander to? Thor? Captain America? The Avengers?
The problem is that the example you are looking for is based on your own personal, subjective belief about what Black Panther was trying to say and who it was targeting. So, if I point out the vast majority of movies have mostly white casts, white directors, and white writers, you would probably respond with something like "But they aren't pandering to white nationalists/conservatives/whatever ideology you want to throw out."

I agree that having such a large degree of black representation in the movie was made a big deal and helped bump its popularity. However, the reason it was such a big deal is that that sort of representation had been absent in the super-hero genre prior to Black Panther. It's similar to Wonder Woman; that was a super hero movie with a female lead and female director, as well as much greater than usual female representation among the actors. In both cases, it is only because that sort of representation didn't exist that such a big deal was made of it. As such, the idea that the pandering of Black Panther to blacks would make tons of money if only it were done to whites is, IMO, asinine. Movies in general have been pandering in that way since the beginning.

And if you want a movie that panders to conservatives, with a mostly white cast, white writer, white director, how about Unplanned? That's an anti-abortion movie, it seems to be almost entirely white, and it was profitable. It doesn't come anywhere vaguely near the level of Black Panther, though, so I'm not sure about the idea that pandering to a conservative, white audience is leaving untold billions on the table is in any way supported by the example.

Red Dawn was a good example, and also nowhere vaguely close to as successful as Black Panther.

Here, have a couple of lists of particularly patriotic American movies.

The 25 Most Awesomely American Movies to Watch on July 4
The Most Patriotic Movies of All Time

Of course you might disagree with some of the choices (I did), but is that not enough patriotic American pandering to entice the many viewers you seem to think are avoiding seeing movies? Or was that sort of pandering used in the past, but not in more recent years?

1. It is not pandering to have a mostly white production crew/cast.

2. Wonderwoman is a good example of pandering to women, as a group, done better than Black Panther, (the men were not all ineffective clowns).

3. Why was Red Dawn not as successful, or better yet, vastly more successful than Black Panther?

1. But it is pandering to have mostly black production crew/cast..and then you wonder why I painted you the way I did...

2. Whites in Black Panther also were not all ineffective clowns.

3. Red Dawn was not as successful because there are not that many people like you that need to have their nationalism stroked. I enjoyed the first Red Dawn, it was an enjoyable movie.

1. Dude. Whites are the majority in this country. Random chance and merit is likely to give you white majorities in any random group. THat is not pandering. Specifically hiring based on skin color, so that you can make a PR point about having a production crew that is that skin color, is pandering. THat you consider that to be something wrong about me, says something about YOU.

2. The white lead, had to lay there like a helpless bitch, while a young girl insulted him and saved his life.

3. Interesting claim. So, in your opinion, Red Dawn did not get the reaction Black Panther did, because whites don't want to be pandered to. Actually don't NEED to be pandered to. How does the success of Wonderwoman fit into that, in your opinion.

Wonder Woman was a far better movie, thus it did far better. It had nothing to do with this fantasy of pandering that you have created to explain why non white male led movies do well.

Wonderwoman was a far better movie than Black Panther, I agree, but it did not do better at box office. It did very well, but significantly less well than Black Panther, despite both playing the pandering game, to a far larger target audience.

How does that fit into your "need pandering" theory?

I meant Wonder Woman was far better than Red Dawn.

It did worse than Black Panther because DC is less popular than Marvel. Most DC movies outside of a few Batman movies are terrible. Wonder Woman was an exception to that rule.

It fits well because neither movie did well based upon pandering.
Several groups are bigger then the primary target of BLack Panther.

You get large percentages of those groups to go multiple times, AND you get the rest of the movie market to go also, and it should be an insane money fountain.

That is my point.

What you are missing is that is already happening. Again, you assume everyone has the same views as you...but you are the tiny minority.

You being smug and superior is not contributing to the conversation.

WHy do you think that Red Dawn was not a bigger hit than Black Panther?

Because it was not as good as a movie and it did not appeal to as large of an audience. This is not really all that complicated.

1. But Black Panther was also, not a good movie.

2. Appealing to American Nationalism, should appeal to a massively larger audience. Why did it not work?

1. Most of the world disagrees with you on that point. But I know, you are right and everyone else is wrong...

2. Because most of us have no need to have it appealed to, only a few far right wingers like you have that desire.

1. In this, yes. It was a shit movie. As we already discussed at length.

2. Yeah, you said that. But saying "need" doesn't explain why feel good message, for a larger group, should not be appreciated by large percentages of that group.
1. Why can't the strategy of targeting a certain group as an audience, that worked so well with blacks, with Black Panther, work with other groups?
Who says it has not?

That is why shows like Duck Dynasty did so well, they were targeting groups that were normally left out of that particular genera.

That is what most of the Marvel universe actually was.

Most of the Marvel Universe was not that. Iron Man was not. Thor was not. The Avengers was not. Even Captain Freaking America was not.
The first ones all were.

What group did Iron Man pander to? Thor? Captain America? The Avengers?
1. Why can't the strategy of targeting a certain group as an audience, that worked so well with blacks, with Black Panther, work with other groups?
Who says it has not?

That is why shows like Duck Dynasty did so well, they were targeting groups that were normally left out of that particular genera.

That is what most of the Marvel universe actually was.

Most of the Marvel Universe was not that. Iron Man was not. Thor was not. The Avengers was not. Even Captain Freaking America was not.
The first ones all were.

What group did Iron Man pander to? Thor? Captain America? The Avengers?

White males...based upon your definition of pandering
1. It is not pandering to have a mostly white production crew/cast.

2. Wonderwoman is a good example of pandering to women, as a group, done better than Black Panther, (the men were not all ineffective clowns).

3. Why was Red Dawn not as successful, or better yet, vastly more successful than Black Panther?

1. But it is pandering to have mostly black production crew/cast..and then you wonder why I painted you the way I did...

2. Whites in Black Panther also were not all ineffective clowns.

3. Red Dawn was not as successful because there are not that many people like you that need to have their nationalism stroked. I enjoyed the first Red Dawn, it was an enjoyable movie.

1. Dude. Whites are the majority in this country. Random chance and merit is likely to give you white majorities in any random group. THat is not pandering. Specifically hiring based on skin color, so that you can make a PR point about having a production crew that is that skin color, is pandering. THat you consider that to be something wrong about me, says something about YOU.

2. The white lead, had to lay there like a helpless bitch, while a young girl insulted him and saved his life.

3. Interesting claim. So, in your opinion, Red Dawn did not get the reaction Black Panther did, because whites don't want to be pandered to. Actually don't NEED to be pandered to. How does the success of Wonderwoman fit into that, in your opinion.

Wonder Woman was a far better movie, thus it did far better. It had nothing to do with this fantasy of pandering that you have created to explain why non white male led movies do well.

Wonderwoman was a far better movie than Black Panther, I agree, but it did not do better at box office. It did very well, but significantly less well than Black Panther, despite both playing the pandering game, to a far larger target audience.

How does that fit into your "need pandering" theory?

I meant Wonder Woman was far better than Red Dawn.

It did worse than Black Panther because DC is less popular than Marvel. Most DC movies outside of a few Batman movies are terrible. Wonder Woman was an exception to that rule.

It fits well because neither movie did well based upon pandering.

You don't think that Wonderwoman having a female director and a largely female cast and a strong female star, did not significantly impact on how popular it was with movie goers?
1. Why can't the strategy of targeting a certain group as an audience, that worked so well with blacks, with Black Panther, work with other groups?
Who says it has not?

That is why shows like Duck Dynasty did so well, they were targeting groups that were normally left out of that particular genera.

That is what most of the Marvel universe actually was.

Most of the Marvel Universe was not that. Iron Man was not. Thor was not. The Avengers was not. Even Captain Freaking America was not.
The first ones all were.

What group did Iron Man pander to? Thor? Captain America? The Avengers?
1. Why can't the strategy of targeting a certain group as an audience, that worked so well with blacks, with Black Panther, work with other groups?
Who says it has not?

That is why shows like Duck Dynasty did so well, they were targeting groups that were normally left out of that particular genera.

That is what most of the Marvel universe actually was.

Most of the Marvel Universe was not that. Iron Man was not. Thor was not. The Avengers was not. Even Captain Freaking America was not.
The first ones all were.

What group did Iron Man pander to? Thor? Captain America? The Avengers?

White males...based upon your definition of pandering

I dont' see the connection between what I have described as pandering, and those earlier movies at all. Explain it to me in detail, cause I'm not getting it at all.
1. But it is pandering to have mostly black production crew/cast..and then you wonder why I painted you the way I did...

2. Whites in Black Panther also were not all ineffective clowns.

3. Red Dawn was not as successful because there are not that many people like you that need to have their nationalism stroked. I enjoyed the first Red Dawn, it was an enjoyable movie.

1. Dude. Whites are the majority in this country. Random chance and merit is likely to give you white majorities in any random group. THat is not pandering. Specifically hiring based on skin color, so that you can make a PR point about having a production crew that is that skin color, is pandering. THat you consider that to be something wrong about me, says something about YOU.

2. The white lead, had to lay there like a helpless bitch, while a young girl insulted him and saved his life.

3. Interesting claim. So, in your opinion, Red Dawn did not get the reaction Black Panther did, because whites don't want to be pandered to. Actually don't NEED to be pandered to. How does the success of Wonderwoman fit into that, in your opinion.

Wonder Woman was a far better movie, thus it did far better. It had nothing to do with this fantasy of pandering that you have created to explain why non white male led movies do well.

Wonderwoman was a far better movie than Black Panther, I agree, but it did not do better at box office. It did very well, but significantly less well than Black Panther, despite both playing the pandering game, to a far larger target audience.

How does that fit into your "need pandering" theory?

I meant Wonder Woman was far better than Red Dawn.

It did worse than Black Panther because DC is less popular than Marvel. Most DC movies outside of a few Batman movies are terrible. Wonder Woman was an exception to that rule.

It fits well because neither movie did well based upon pandering.

You don't think that Wonderwoman having a female director and a largely female cast and a strong female star, did not significantly impact on how popular it was with movie goers?

I think most movie goers are like me and had no idea it was a female director nor do most give a crap.

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