SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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1. How are they tied together?

2. You are incorrect.

1. They are all part of the same story, they all are interconnected.

2. Yes, I am 100% correct. And I suspect I am correct about the reason why.

1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
The hundreds of years of different kings is implied in the movies. The policy of secrecy, must have been in place during the entire ages of exploration and imperalism.

And it had nothing to do with the movie, yet you bash the movie based on something that the movie had nothing to do with...all because it is filled with black people.

Dude. Don't be a fucking asshole.

I am not the one being an asshole, you are bashing a movie for not covering 50 years worth of comic books in one 2 hour movie.

Your race baiting, is you being an asshole.

I can have a conversation with someone being an asshole. I do it here all the time. But I will be pointing out that you are being as asshole, and I will be treating you accordingly.

Do you want to be treated, as though you are an asshole? DO you feel you deserve that?

Or, you could, you know, just drop the race baiting.

I do not give a flying fuck how you treat me, quit being suck a fucking snowflake for the love of god.

And while you are at it, quit bashing a movie for not covering 50 years worth of comic books in one 2 hour movie

Complaining about your shitty behavior, is not "being a snowflake". You are being a race baiting asshole.

There was a host of unexplained fantastical elements in the movie. That was a flaw. That was my only point is bringing it up.

It was one of a number of flaws.
1. How are they tied together?

2. You are incorrect.

1. They are all part of the same story, they all are interconnected.

2. Yes, I am 100% correct. And I suspect I am correct about the reason why.

1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?
Isn't it a little early for you to start drinking, Tipsy? You just posted that Hilter killed 6 million Jews/gypsies and Catholics to put an end to low morals in the media.

And you have another poster saying that Hitler did it right.

Hitler preferred to drink water. Ban water.

Hitler built the Autobahn, ban highways.

Hitler was correct about degenerative art.

Get over it.

I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always tell just by looking at someone who is Jewish. This is where the USA is now. Attacking and bulling visible minorities is acceptable because they're not "real Americans".

Now he's trying to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents. Shit's getting real.


You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

You should really take your own advice.
The Parallels are between Hitlery Von Cankles McPutin and Hitler.

Just like we compare you to Joseph Goebells.

Don't be sad little DemNazi. After Jesus comes for The Church and removes them from Earth and The 21 End Time Plagues Come, you and Bernie will actually be allowed to Behead People with your Guillotines. You'll accept The Mark of Anti-Christ, The Lefty Messiah, and then on Judgment Day after Armageddon, you will go to Hell, and burn there with Muhammad, Hitler, Stalin and Mao, and Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton too.
:71: Ok, Comrade Boomer.
You want to be my friend?
I already have my quota of Russian friends.
You go to more klan meetings than I do

YOu are really quite the asshole online. YOu must be very different in real life, huh?
Name-calling again.

You do agree that rw deserved it, do you not?
Ah.....that's your excuse for it, eh?

RW being a complete fucking asshole, is not an "excuse" for calling him an asshole. It is a good reason to call him an asshole.

ONly a fucking moron, would need that explained to him. Or a fucking liar.
Not only name-calling....but working hard at excuses for name-calling......:71: While crying about name-calling. :206::206::206:
1. How are they tied together?

2. You are incorrect.

1. They are all part of the same story, they all are interconnected.

2. Yes, I am 100% correct. And I suspect I am correct about the reason why.

1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.
YOu are really quite the asshole online. YOu must be very different in real life, huh?
Name-calling again.

You do agree that rw deserved it, do you not?
Ah.....that's your excuse for it, eh?

RW being a complete fucking asshole, is not an "excuse" for calling him an asshole. It is a good reason to call him an asshole.

ONly a fucking moron, would need that explained to him. Or a fucking liar.
Not only name-calling....but working hard at excuses for name-calling......:71: While crying about name-calling. :206::206::206:

Your lies are dismissed.
1. How are they tied together?

2. You are incorrect.

1. They are all part of the same story, they all are interconnected.

2. Yes, I am 100% correct. And I suspect I am correct about the reason why.

1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.

It is a damn shame, that as a white guy, I if I bitch about a movie that has a black main character, that my complaints are automatically dismissed, because of my skin color.

YOU are the one judging based on skin color, not me.
1. They are all part of the same story, they all are interconnected.

2. Yes, I am 100% correct. And I suspect I am correct about the reason why.

1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.

It is a damn shame, that as a white guy, I if I bitch about a movie that has a black main character, that my complaints are automatically dismissed, because of my skin color.

YOU are the one judging based on skin color, not me.

Not automatically, but after a while it became painfully obvious as you picked at every nit in one movie and overlooked every gaping hole in every other movie.
You go to more klan meetings than I do

YOu are really quite the asshole online. YOu must be very different in real life, huh?
Your affiliation with elements of the klan is well known.

Your saying shit you can't back up, and being a coward, is well know.

I like that you did not even deny being very different in real life. I guess there are limits to how stupid you want to look. Retreating again, I see.

All rw did, was call me a name. He is a fucking asshole and a troll. Like you are.
1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.

It is a damn shame, that as a white guy, I if I bitch about a movie that has a black main character, that my complaints are automatically dismissed, because of my skin color.

YOU are the one judging based on skin color, not me.

Not automatically, but after a while it became painfully obvious as you picked at every nit in one movie and overlooked every gaping hole in every other movie.
Isn't it sad how some people got triggered by "Black Panther"?
1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.

It is a damn shame, that as a white guy, I if I bitch about a movie that has a black main character, that my complaints are automatically dismissed, because of my skin color.

YOU are the one judging based on skin color, not me.

Not automatically, but after a while it became painfully obvious as you picked at every nit in one movie and overlooked every gaping hole in every other movie.

Could be confirmation bias on your part. There are plenty of white led movies/tv shows that I Bitch about. Maybe you should try asking me about some of them, before calling me vile slurs. Like an ass.
YOu are really quite the asshole online. YOu must be very different in real life, huh?
Your affiliation with elements of the klan is well known.

Your saying shit you can't back up, and being a coward, is well know.

I like that you did not even deny being very different in real life. I guess there are limits to how stupid you want to look. Retreating again, I see.

All rw did, was call me a name. He is a fucking asshole and a troll. Like you are.

FUck you.
and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.

It is a damn shame, that as a white guy, I if I bitch about a movie that has a black main character, that my complaints are automatically dismissed, because of my skin color.

YOU are the one judging based on skin color, not me.

Not automatically, but after a while it became painfully obvious as you picked at every nit in one movie and overlooked every gaping hole in every other movie.
Isn't it sad how some people got triggered by "Black Panther"?

I am a massive sci fi fan. I have strong opinions on most sci fi movies and/or television.

You people are assholes, when you assume that any complaints I have, when the main character is black, has anything to do with race.
Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.

It is a damn shame, that as a white guy, I if I bitch about a movie that has a black main character, that my complaints are automatically dismissed, because of my skin color.

YOU are the one judging based on skin color, not me.

Not automatically, but after a while it became painfully obvious as you picked at every nit in one movie and overlooked every gaping hole in every other movie.
Isn't it sad how some people got triggered by "Black Panther"?

I am a massive sci fi fan. I have strong opinions on most sci fi movies and/or television.

You people are assholes, when you assume that any complaints I have, when the main character is black, has anything to do with race.

It is the only thing you have complained about in this whole 82 page thread, and you have picked at nits of the black movie while ignoring holes in other movies.
I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.

It is a damn shame, that as a white guy, I if I bitch about a movie that has a black main character, that my complaints are automatically dismissed, because of my skin color.

YOU are the one judging based on skin color, not me.

Not automatically, but after a while it became painfully obvious as you picked at every nit in one movie and overlooked every gaping hole in every other movie.
Isn't it sad how some people got triggered by "Black Panther"?

I am a massive sci fi fan. I have strong opinions on most sci fi movies and/or television.

You people are assholes, when you assume that any complaints I have, when the main character is black, has anything to do with race.

It is the only thing you have complained about in this whole 82 page thread, and you have picked at nits of the black movie while ignoring holes in other movies.

It is not the only thing I have complained about. It is the thing I complained about, that has gotten the most responses and defenses.

Other complains were ignored and buried.
There is clearly some excellent examples of moves and/or shows that have gone down the crapper because of the asinine social pandering that has been forced into them despite a story line that does not flow with it.

Black panther is not one of those examples.
And it had nothing to do with the movie, yet you bash the movie based on something that the movie had nothing to do with...all because it is filled with black people.

Dude. Don't be a fucking asshole.

I am not the one being an asshole, you are bashing a movie for not covering 50 years worth of comic books in one 2 hour movie.

Your race baiting, is you being an asshole.

I can have a conversation with someone being an asshole. I do it here all the time. But I will be pointing out that you are being as asshole, and I will be treating you accordingly.

Do you want to be treated, as though you are an asshole? DO you feel you deserve that?

Or, you could, you know, just drop the race baiting.

I do not give a flying fuck how you treat me, quit being suck a fucking snowflake for the love of god.

And while you are at it, quit bashing a movie for not covering 50 years worth of comic books in one 2 hour movie

Complaining about your shitty behavior, is not "being a snowflake". You are being a race baiting asshole.

There was a host of unexplained fantastical elements in the movie. That was a flaw. That was my only point is bringing it up.

It was one of a number of flaws.
More retreating and name-calling. Heritage? Culture?
1. How are they tied together?

2. You are incorrect.

1. They are all part of the same story, they all are interconnected.

2. Yes, I am 100% correct. And I suspect I am correct about the reason why.

1. Same story? That is not an answer. They are seven different elements. THOR, now THOR had a collection of fantastical elements that were all tied together, ie Asgard is a far more advanced alien race. Wakanda? Not so much.

2. NO, you are not correct. and you are being an ass about it.

and Thor is white :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Dude, you are just being an asshole. Why?

I am tried of this passive aggressive racism, that is why. I do not think it is coincidence that the movie you have all these issues with is full of black people. Just about every question you asked about BP I could ask about Thor, but one is bad and one is good. Thor was a shit movie compared to the Black Panther.
Hey now! I loved Ragnorok!
Name-calling again.

You do agree that rw deserved it, do you not?
Ah.....that's your excuse for it, eh?

RW being a complete fucking asshole, is not an "excuse" for calling him an asshole. It is a good reason to call him an asshole.

ONly a fucking moron, would need that explained to him. Or a fucking liar.
Not only name-calling....but working hard at excuses for name-calling......:71: While crying about name-calling. :206::206::206:

Your lies are dismissed.
Too funny! :71:

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