Skins: "The Most Dangerous Show on Television"

No. This is not faux outrage bones. And as much as we'd like to think that parents have control over what their teens are watching on TV and the internet, it's simply not the case. Most kids have TVs and computers in their bedrooms. May not be a great idea, but it's just the way it is..

its not "just the way it is" ... if a teenager is too irresponsible or can't be trusted than the parent should yank the tv and computer from their rooms or maybe the parents should educate themselves enough to block the content
I read where MTV had an emergency meeting after the FCC warned of possible criminal prosecution after investigating possible child pornography.
In the series, actors as young as 15 took part in sex scenes (no nudity was shown).

MTV should be renamed to TTV (Trash TV).
MTV has not been about music for at least 10 years.

BTW - MTV has been filtered off of every TV in my house...I don't know...7-8 years now.

congrats you are a pro-active, responsible parent unlike people who sit and cry everytime something bad comes on TV as if they have no control over their kids watching it
So? Conservatives are putting boycotts and censorship back on the table? Well, that didn't last long...:lol:
Agreed. All sex acts should be shown on tv to include fellatio, lesbian and homosexual sex. Children as young as 8 should be watching too. In fact, the FCC should mandate that all TV shows should have at least one gratuitous sex act per 30 minutes of television as a condition of license.

How else can we push society forward against the oppressive religious right?

or parents should just be responsible for what their kids watch. 100 channels could broadcast bdsm all day if they want and it wouldn't bother me at all. I would simply block the channels
Is this what we've come to? That some people would even think that this is alright and all we have to do is turn off the tv or turn the channel? There is no place for this kind of shit on TV. The FCC had better act and fast.

Who are the sponsors?

yep. change the channel and you wouldn't even know it exists. its pretty easy
You mustn't be a parent or teacher. Or you think it's ok for children to engage in prostitution and illegal drugs - without consequence.

Wouldn't it be refreshing if MTV did an honest "realistic" depiction of high school kids? Fat kids smoking cigarettes, littering, and playing video games until 4 a.m.? Or would that be too offensive?

Parents do not monitor teenagers' media. Unless a parent wants to spend 24/7 with their older children, it is IMPOSSIBLE to prevent them from seeing trash like this. What I'd like to see is all sponsors boycott the show.

nice non-sequitir. you always run to fallacies when your silly arguments are confronted. parent's can monitor there teenagers media just ast hey can a childs. if your teenager knows what you expect them to watch and they watch something else they are obviously too immature to make such decisions. take the tv out of their room and block the offending channels on all other tvs
How many children do you have?

How does spitting out a couple of kids give you the latitude to decide what can and can't come across my television?

I never implied that.

Having children, I think it puts it in a different perspective than it might be perceived by someone who doesn't have children. I merely asked G.T. if he had any kids, as he stated he isn't offended by it at all.

Sorry if my post didn't fit neatly inside your little box :(

you mean your fallacious garbage?
I read where MTV had an emergency meeting after the FCC warned of possible criminal prosecution after investigating possible child pornography.
In the series, actors as young as 15 took part in sex scenes (no nudity was shown).

MTV should be renamed to TTV (Trash TV).
MTV has not been about music for at least 10 years.

BTW - MTV has been filtered off of every TV in my house...I don't know...7-8 years now.

congrats you are a pro-active, responsible parent unlike people who sit and cry everytime something bad comes on TV as if they have no control over their kids watching it

That doesn't stop his kids from going over to little johnny's house and watching it because of johnny's irresponsible parents.
Is this what we've come to? That some people would even think that this is alright and all we have to do is turn off the tv or turn the channel? There is no place for this kind of shit on TV. The FCC had better act and fast.

Who are the sponsors?

yep. change the channel and you wouldn't even know it exists. its pretty easy

It's all over the news, how would you NOT know it exists?
I read where MTV had an emergency meeting after the FCC warned of possible criminal prosecution after investigating possible child pornography.
In the series, actors as young as 15 took part in sex scenes (no nudity was shown).

MTV should be renamed to TTV (Trash TV).
MTV has not been about music for at least 10 years.

BTW - MTV has been filtered off of every TV in my house...I don't know...7-8 years now.

congrats you are a pro-active, responsible parent unlike people who sit and cry everytime something bad comes on TV as if they have no control over their kids watching it

That doesn't stop his kids from going over to little johnny's house and watching it because of johnny's irresponsible parents.

or he could talk to johnny's parents about what they let their kids watch/do/etc as most responsible parents do OR he could have a relationship of trust with his kid and tell the kid he doesn't want him watching such stuff anywhere
Is this what we've come to? That some people would even think that this is alright and all we have to do is turn off the tv or turn the channel? There is no place for this kind of shit on TV. The FCC had better act and fast.

Who are the sponsors?

yep. change the channel and you wouldn't even know it exists. its pretty easy

It's all over the news, how would you NOT know it exists?

only because the lazy parents brigade is trying to get the government to do their job for them
Or the right wing nuts could start another thread that diminishes the affect real child porn has on the community
congrats you are a pro-active, responsible parent unlike people who sit and cry everytime something bad comes on TV as if they have no control over their kids watching it

That doesn't stop his kids from going over to little johnny's house and watching it because of johnny's irresponsible parents.

or he could talk to johnny's parents about what they let their kids watch/do/etc as most responsible parents do OR he could have a relationship of trust with his kid and tell the kid he doesn't want him watching such stuff anywhere

lol. Do you have kids?? And don't lie....
I think the show promotes taking drugs, having sex, fightint and just bad behavior of children (but there are many shows like that). MTV, in my mind, promotes many bad behaviors in teenages, such as that teen mom show WTF. That said I am strongly against censorship, unless it is my children. Heck I would demand Spartacus and Sons of Anarchy be of the air if I demanded Skins be off that air.

In other words as a parent, I would not let my kids watch this show and then call it a day. I wouldn't boycott MTV, boycott the sponsors or think twice about the show! I mean teenagers have behaved badly and in unsafe manners for long before Skins, long before TV, so I am sure they will continue to do so after Skins.

Where do you stop after Skins? I am sure shows like 90210 have sex and drinking! Spartacus has extreme violence. Sons of Anarchy glorifies the outlaw biker life style. And there could be a million other shows that people could have a problem with. Before you know it we could be stuck with Andy Griffin and Leave it to Beaver!
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The sex is salacious and may have violated the law. I don't know. I am more concerned about the glorification of drug use. There is one scene where they all sitting in a bathroom stall at school smoking a joint as if this common practice. Remarkably, they all seem to be good students. And a little drug induced car crash never hurt anyone...

I remember the first time I heard of a car crash in our school, kids a good five years older than me piled into a car and drove 15 miles to the next town for lunch at McDonalds, speeding back they lost control and hit a tree, three out of five dead.

MTV, my kids do not get to watch MTV, I am not real worried though, I have boys, if I had girls I would be out of my mind, MTV is pornography. Soft Porn.

I think the bigger question is why are children allowed to fake sex on Television or the Movies, it seems awfully close to a director or producers obsession with being a Pedaphile versus being entertainment.

If the actors are over 18 and pretend to be 14 year olds having sex, still, its what is inside the mind of man that is the problem, 14 year olds having sex, sounds very erotic, so, so, sensual, so damned hot.

MTV, we used to have to hide in the back alley. Not so anymore, another sexual door being opened. Sex with Children.
Yep TV has been pushing boundaries for years. Sad that there are a few people who don't believe in boundaries at all.

It looks like more companies are pulling the plug. The show may not survive the first season. Perhaps the social experiment failed.
That doesn't stop his kids from going over to little johnny's house and watching it because of johnny's irresponsible parents.

or he could talk to johnny's parents about what they let their kids watch/do/etc as most responsible parents do OR he could have a relationship of trust with his kid and tell the kid he doesn't want him watching such stuff anywhere

lol. Do you have kids?? And don't lie....

yep, 1

your deflection is noted

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