Skins: "The Most Dangerous Show on Television"

So how much of this skin show have you watched?

Did you realize that viewing child porn is against the law?

I watched enough of it to form an opinion.

So you watched child porn, right?

Did you alert the cops?

If you didn't alert the cops, yet instead came on here and talked in detail about the child porn that you had just watched, that means that you are a pedophile.

I'm going to lock and delete this thread, since it could be construed as promoting child pornography. -- Sheldon
I watched enough of it to form an opinion.

So you watched child porn, right?

Did you alert the cops?

If you didn't alert the cops, yet instead came on here and talked in detail about the child porn that you had just watched, that means that you are a pedophile.

I'm going to lock and delete this thread, since it could be construed as promoting child pornography. -- Sheldon

I'm going to delete your post as it could be construed as impersonating a moderator - xotoxi
So you watched child porn, right?

Did you alert the cops?

If you didn't alert the cops, yet instead came on here and talked in detail about the child porn that you had just watched, that means that you are a pedophile.

I'm going to lock and delete this thread, since it could be construed as promoting child pornography. -- Sheldon

I'm going to delete your post as it could be construed as impersonating a moderator - xotoxi

The inmates are running the asylum- samson
Allie shouldn't watch Shameless or Weeds, either. LOL

I love Weeds! Andy is the coolest uncle in the history of TV.

Yeah he is. LOL
Hopefully they get back on track next season, this last season except for the last two episodes, wasn't the Weeds I love. I wish they would bring back Conrad, but he is on another show now. :(
Allie shouldn't watch Shameless or Weeds, either. LOL

I love Weeds! Andy is the coolest uncle in the history of TV.

Yeah he is. LOL
Hopefully they get back on track next season, this last season except for the last two episodes, wasn't the Weeds I love. I wish they would bring back Conrad, but he is on another show now. :(

The last episode I saw was where she showed her Mexican lover mayor guy the ultrasound photo. Season 4?

But yeah, the best seasons were when they were in Agrestic.

Were you referring to the scene where Silas hooked up with the milf from the cheese store? I'm pretty sure he was playing a character that was 17 then, so yeah... kiddie porn. :rolleyes:
I love Weeds! Andy is the coolest uncle in the history of TV.

Yeah he is. LOL
Hopefully they get back on track next season, this last season except for the last two episodes, wasn't the Weeds I love. I wish they would bring back Conrad, but he is on another show now. :(

The last episode I saw was where she showed her Mexican lover mayor guy the ultrasound photo. Season 4?

But yeah, the best seasons were when they were in Agrestic.

Were you referring to the scene where Silas hooked up with the milf from the cheese store? I'm pretty sure he was playing a character that was 17 then, so yeah... kiddie porn. :rolleyes:

Then there was the scenes with the deaf girl, and Shane losing his virginity.
ON Shameless, a new show, which actually has Doug's gay son, a "minor" gets a blow job.
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I don't know, I never watched it.

If it's over, it doesn't matter.

So how much of this skin show have you watched?

Did you realize that viewing child porn is against the law?

I watched enough of it to form an opinion.

You said that you are a mandatory reporter.

To whom have you reported this child pornography?

You probably should notify your local authorities. They will not have an jurisdiction, but at least it will cover your ass.

You also should notify your State Child Protective Services. This would also be a CYA move.

Finally, you should contact the FCC, as they would be the people to investigate the pornography that you accidentally witnessed.
Yeah he is. LOL
Hopefully they get back on track next season, this last season except for the last two episodes, wasn't the Weeds I love. I wish they would bring back Conrad, but he is on another show now. :(

The last episode I saw was where she showed her Mexican lover mayor guy the ultrasound photo. Season 4?

But yeah, the best seasons were when they were in Agrestic.

Were you referring to the scene where Silas hooked up with the milf from the cheese store? I'm pretty sure he was playing a character that was 17 then, so yeah... kiddie porn. :rolleyes:

Then there was the scenes with the deaf girl, and Shane losing his virginity.
ON Shameless, a new show, which actually has Doug's gay son a "minor" gets a blow job.

Yep, forgot about those.

AND there was the scene in either the first or second episode of S1 where Silas and Quinn lost their virginity under that hole in the roof--and I think they were 15 year old characters.

These are good examples. Like xotoxi kept saying about the law--it was implicit depicitions, not explicit.

If a show like Weeds wasn't taken off the air for breaking child porn laws, I doubt Skins does. I think the fact that it's on Showtime is irrelevant as far as the law is concerned.
Yeah he is. LOL
Hopefully they get back on track next season, this last season except for the last two episodes, wasn't the Weeds I love. I wish they would bring back Conrad, but he is on another show now. :(

The last episode I saw was where she showed her Mexican lover mayor guy the ultrasound photo. Season 4?

But yeah, the best seasons were when they were in Agrestic.

Were you referring to the scene where Silas hooked up with the milf from the cheese store? I'm pretty sure he was playing a character that was 17 then, so yeah... kiddie porn. :rolleyes:

Then there was the scenes with the deaf girl, and Shane losing his virginity.
ON Shameless, a new show, which actually has Doug's gay son a "minor" gets a blow job.

More child porn??? :eek:

Someone alert Alliebabby!!!
The last episode I saw was where she showed her Mexican lover mayor guy the ultrasound photo. Season 4?

But yeah, the best seasons were when they were in Agrestic.

Were you referring to the scene where Silas hooked up with the milf from the cheese store? I'm pretty sure he was playing a character that was 17 then, so yeah... kiddie porn. :rolleyes:

Then there was the scenes with the deaf girl, and Shane losing his virginity.
ON Shameless, a new show, which actually has Doug's gay son a "minor" gets a blow job.

More child porn??? :eek:

Someone alert Alliebabby!!!

They showed a lot more on Weeds, than on Skins last night. I actually watched it because of this thread. I have seen the UK show, and wondered what it was like. First, it was dark and you couldn't see anything. It was implied they had sex, like many other shows. All they showed was girls kissing, and one girl moans. The other girl could be moaning because she is kissing her stomach or something. :lol:
It probably wasn't brought up because this thread is about child Porn, i.e., Skins.

And though there are certain people who like to sexualize children and would like to pretend it's perfectly normal, the fact's illegal, and harmful to children.

It would be nice if you would stop with the pretense for once. We don't live in a bubble, nor a vacuum. The thread is about what is harmful to children. That's the point I'm making.

Many other things were brought up as examples of what's harmful to children...none of them being violence.

Why is that?
Violence is not a sin according to the bible. Sex is. Therefore, they only get upset when something is not in accordance with what the good book says. Violence is okay, but sex isn't. Killing people is okay, but doing that which produces life isn't. Such irony.
I won't be a party to Bible and/or God bashing.

Violence is a sin.

You need to revisit Exodus and read The 10 Commandments once again.
What if all the actors were at least 18, but they just looked like they were 13 or 14?

Does that satisfy all the 'child porn' complainers here?
The show would still be dangerous. But not necessarily illegal.

Although early sexual activity may be caused by a variety of factors, research indicates that the media plays a significant role.[13] According to journalism professor and media critic Jane Brown, since adolescents see so much sex in the media it is piquing their interest in sex at ages younger than they have traditionally been.[119] Research has "found a direct relationship between the amount of sexual content children see and their level of sexual activity or their intentions to have sex in the future."[120][119] However, the direction (and mechanism) of causality remains unclear.

A 2001 report found that teens rank the media second only to school sex education programs as a leading source of information about sex,[13] but a 2004 report found that "the media far outranked parents or schools as the source of information about birth control."[121] Studies have found that adolescents whose media diet was rich in sexual content were more than twice as likely as others to have had sex by the time they were sixteen.[122] In a Kaiser Family Foundation study, 76 percent of teens said that one reason young people have sex is because TV shows and movies make it seem normal for teens.[123] Adolescents may turn to the media as a "sexual super peer" when seeking information about sexual norms and adult roles given the lack of information about sexuality readily available to them.[120] Teens believe the media, as a super-peer, encourages and pressures them to have sex.[121]

Some researchers have found a direct link between the amount of television with high sexual content that teenagers watch and an increased likelihood of them becoming pregnant or fathering a child out of wedlock.[127] It has been discovered that teens exposed to the most sexual content on TV are twice as likely as teens watching less of this material to become pregnant before they reach age 20.[128]

Children who watch adult content on television are more likely to have sex earlier once they reach adolescence.[129][130] For every hour of adult-targeted television or movies watched by children when they were 6 to 8 years old, there was a 33% increased risk of becoming sexually active in early adolescence.

"Children have neither the life experience nor the brain development to fully differentiate between a reality they are moving toward and a fiction meant solely to entertain," explained David Bickham, a staff scientist in the Center on Media and Child Health.[130] "Children learn from the media, and when they watch media with sexual references and innuendos, our research suggests they are more likely to engage in sexual activity earlier in life."[130]

Several complementary studies have found that television viewing can influence multiple aspects of reproductive health among youths and that "earlier sexual initiation is associated with negative health outcomes."[127] Previous research has revealed two major ways that this glamorized perception of sex contributes to teen pregnancy: by encouraging teens to become sexually active early in their adolescence and by promoting inconsistent use of contraceptives

Researchers have also found that the younger an adolescent is at the time of their sexual debut, the greater the likelihood that they will engage in delinquent acts later. Adolescents who experience late sexual debut are the least likely to participate in delinquency.[170] According to one of the study's co-authors, Dana Haynie, adolescents who start having sex at a young age may not be prepared to deal with the emotional, social and behavioral consequences of their actions.[171] Study coauthor Stacy Armour theorized that adolescents "who waited longer than average may be developing friendships and relationships that can help protect them from potentially troublesome behaviors as they become young adults...The timing of events such as sexual activity can have profound consequences for adolescents, particularly when they occur prematurely...[T]he timing of sexual initiation does matter. Adolescents need to be at a stage when they are developmentally prepared for it."[171]

Adolescent sexuality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes it's wiki, but there are numerous citations at the bottom.
and this is's have an button.....

do it with me....hell i bet you can do it with a remote now....

most dangerous show on television....bit reactionary arent you

what about 'ch +' and 'ch -' ?
Skins” is surely one of the most sexually charged programs that MTV has featured. Before it even had its premiere, the Parents Television Council, a TV watchdog group, labeled “Skins” the “most dangerous program that has ever been foisted on your children.” The group objected to the gratuitous scenes of drug and alcohol use, violence and sexual acts.

Of course, those scenes may be what attract young viewers in the first place. Jessica Bennett, a senior writer for Newsweek, wrote last week, “ ‘Skins’ may be the most realistic show on television.”

The show is off to a running start. It attracted 3.3 million to its premiere on Monday night and set a new first-episode record for the channel among viewers ages 12 to 34.

Has anyone seen it? I did. Worse than you can possibly imagine. And I can tell you as someone who spends every day with teenagers (who often give me TMI), this is NOT "the most realistic show on television."

The most disturbing part for me was the end of the first episode. Driving stoned, the kids run their car off a bridge into the water. Amazingly all the passengers emerge completely unscathed and one announces "Oh shit, The weed got wet". And they laugh and laugh and laugh... Scary.

Glorifying sex, drugs, and child prostitution is dangerous. Glorifying teen driving accidents is deadly.

meh this show should help clean the gene pool at least

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