Sky pilots

Pale Rider said:
Hell when I went through Air Force Basic Training in 1979, we HAD to go to Sunday services. We had NO CHOICE!

You got a problem with that?

It wasn't mandatory when I went in Nov '79. You could opt to hang around the barracks cleaning.
mrsx said:
I'll bet it was! Are you suggesting that coerced religious practice should be legal?

Again, no one was "forced" to go to chapel. But what would you suggest atheists and agnostics do while Christians are in chapel?
gop_jeff said:
Again, no one was "forced" to go to chapel. But what would you suggest atheists and agnostics do while Christians are in chapel?
That is a great question! I'm sure that one of the atheist posters will have some good ideas. In the meanwhile, I'd suggest that they go to a special atheist non-chapel where an anti-minister reads them excerpts from recent sermons on the 700 Club TV show, selections from the Complete Works of Jerry Falwell, and highlights from some of the Bible thumpers posting on these boards. The services would serve to strengthen their conviction that anyone who believes in God must be a fool.
MissileMan said:
It wasn't mandatory when I went in Nov '79. You could opt to hang around the barracks cleaning.

I went to A.F. basic in October of '79, and now that you've said that, I guess I do recall someone having the option of staying at the barracks and "G.I. partying". After the first Sunday, I don't recall anyone staying behind to clean though. I guess that was the coersion they used on us. "Clean or go to church". Really harsh... :rolleyes:

3711 BMTS, Flt 411, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX.
Pale Rider said:
I went to A.F. basic in October of '79, and now that you've said that, I guess I do recall someone having the option of staying at the barracks and "G.I. partying". After the first Sunday, I don't recall anyone staying behind to clean. I guess that was coersion they used on us. "Clean or go to church". Really harsh... :rolleyes:

3711 BMTS, Flt 411, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX.

Ya might want to check with "Bully" or "Mrsx" they might just consider a "GI Party" a :bang3:
gop_jeff said:
Again, no one was "forced" to go to chapel. But what would you suggest atheists and agnostics do while Christians are in chapel?

'Dem barracks woulda been spark'lin! :D
Pale Rider said:
I went to A.F. basic in October of '79, and now that you've said that, I guess I do recall someone having the option of staying at the barracks and "G.I. partying". After the first Sunday, I don't recall anyone staying behind to clean though. I guess that was the coersion they used on us. "Clean or go to church". Really harsh... :rolleyes:

3711 BMTS, Flt 411, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX.
Well, that may have been a difficult choice for you, but it is not what is alleged to have happened at the Air Force Academy.
archangel said:
Ya might want to check with "Bully" or "Mrsx" they might just consider a "GI Party" a :bang3:
Well, Mother Ann did say, "there is no dirt in heaven."
mrsx said:
Well, that may have been a difficult choice for you, but it is not what is alleged to have happened at the Air Force Academy.

Don't presume to know anything about me asshole. You don't know me and never will.

You start making "personal" assumptions about me, and you're looking for some real trouble.

Watch your step junior.
Pale Rider said:
Don't presume to know anything about me asshole. You don't know me and never will.

You start making "personal" assumptions about me, and you're looking for some real trouble.

Watch your step junior.
I don't presume. I conclude from your illiterate screed that you are an ignorant, foul-mouthed bore. Your idle threats are almost as amusing as your garbled thinking. You must have a good many embarassing secrets to be so paranoid about your "personal" life. Pinhead bluster is the acme of your forensic technique. Go away or I will taunt you for a second time.
mrsx said:
That is a great question! I'm sure that one of the atheist posters will have some good ideas. In the meanwhile, I'd suggest that they go to a special atheist non-chapel where an anti-minister reads them excerpts from recent sermons on the 700 Club TV show, selections from the Complete Works of Jerry Falwell, and highlights from some of the Bible thumpers posting on these boards. The services would serve to strengthen their conviction that anyone who believes in God must be a fool.

Quite telling that you would assume that non-religious = anti-Christian.
mrsx said:
I don't presume. I conclude from your illiterate screed that you are an ignorant, foul-mouthed bore. Your idle threats are almost as amusing as your garbled thinking. You must have a good many embarassing secrets to be so paranoid about your "personal" life. Pinhead bluster is the acme of your forensic technique. Go away or I will taunt you for a second time.


Dear mrsx

[x] dork [ ] dummy [ ] ignorant snot [ ] stupid [ ] nerd [ ] Elvis
[x] idiot[ ] computer geek [ ] retard [ ] sycophant [ ] Samuel Stoddard

You are being flamed because

[x] you continued a boring useless stupid thread
[x] you repeatedly posted to the same thread that you just posted to
[ ] you posted a "test"
[ ] you used vi and left a whole bunch of editing garbage on the screen
[ ] you posted a request for an article which was posted three times in the
past week
[ ] you claimed to have the original GGBJ
[ ] you posted some sort of religious junk that doesn't belong in this group
[x] you posted an article that was not funny, unoriginal and very boring
[x] your mother dresses you funny

To recant, you must

[x] actually post a humorous article
[ ] give up all your worldly possessions and become a Tibetan monk
[ ] hang yourself by the big toe for 72 hours
[x] abstain from sex for a month (shouldn't be too hard for you)
[ ] shave your head, paint a target on it, and go to Iraq
[ ] give your MP (Congressman in U.S.A., I guess) a donation of three hemp
plants to decorate his office
[ ] become politically correct and demand that manholes be renamed to
[ ] cut your testicles (or breasts, if you're a woman) off
[ ] _________________________________________________

Thank you for the time you have taken to read this, and please desist from
the offending behavior that led to this flame. Also, GO AWAY!


gop_jeff said:
Quite telling that you would assume that non-religious = anti-Christian.
"Atheist" means not a believer in God. The term is defined by rejection of religion. "Non-religious" is semantically similar but refers to practice (religion) rather than belief. There are more anti-Christians among religious believers (of other faiths) than among atheists. Many deists are non-religious. So what was your point?
mrsx said:
"Atheist" means not a believer in God. The term is defined by rejection of religion. "Non-religious" is semantically similar but refers to practice (religion) rather than belief. There are more anti-Christians among religious believers (of other faiths) than among atheists. Many deists are non-religious. So what was your point?

IMO There are two types of atheists. I will define them here:

1. The Atheist - those who treat their Atheism as the only Truth, they proselytize, they meet in order to get their message across to others, they treat people of a different "faith" as "stupid" and "unreasonable", they are not tolerant. They belong to a religion. It takes just as much faith to believe in Atheism as Truth as it does to believe in The Creator.

2. an atheist - somebody who doesn't believe in any god and therefore doesn't bother too much with religion other than to understand where others come from. This group does not belong to a religion, they do not proselytize, they do not meet in order to promote their ideas, they do not necessarily believe that everybody that believes differently are "wrong" or "unreasonable".
mrsx said:
"Atheist" means not a believer in God. The term is defined by rejection of religion. "Non-religious" is semantically similar but refers to practice (religion) rather than belief. There are more anti-Christians among religious believers (of other faiths) than among atheists. Many deists are non-religious. So what was your point?

My point is that the non-religious, be they atheists, agnostics, deists, etc., may object to your proposed program of shoving anti-Christian propoganda down their throats for an hour during basic training.
no1tovote4 said:
IMO There are two types of atheists. I will define them here:

1. The Atheist - those who treat their Atheism as the only Truth, they proselytize, they meet in order to get their message across to others, they treat people of a different "faith" as "stupid" and "unreasonable", they are not tolerant. They belong to a religion. It takes just as much faith to believe in Atheism as Truth as it does to believe in The Creator.

2. an atheist - somebody who doesn't believe in any god and therefore doesn't bother too much with religion other than to understand where others come from. This group does not belong to a religion, they do not proselytize, they do not meet in order to promote their ideas, they do not necessarily believe that everybody that believes differently are "wrong" or "unreasonable".
Not bad, not bad at all. I'd say class two is agnostic (doesn't know).
Trinity said:
Thank you for the time you have taken to read this, and please detest from
the offending behavior that led to this flame. Also, GO AWAY!
I think you want me to "desist," not "detest." Save your breath, you'll need it to blow up your Ann Coulter Love Doll.
P.S. I fart in your general direction
mrsx said:
Not bad, not bad at all. I'd say class two is agnostic (doesn't know).

Number 2, Actually doesn't believe in a god at all and is therefore atheist.

The agnostic would honestly admit that he doesn't know. There are also Agnostics who make a religion of it, who insist you believe like they do, etc.

The characteristics of this type of religion, IMO only, are those people who are certain of the beliefs on such a level that, to them, no reasonable person can exist that believes differently.

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