Skyrocketing Crime Has Experts Baffled

I think part of our problem is some innovative synthetic drugs----FLOODING the streets----some how FENTANYL became a "trip"-----seems like a new idea to me----was a kinda
minor thing used in the operating room last time I looked. It makes people have hallucinations------does not seem like much fun
to me
It isn't the availability of drugs that generates crime. It's the repressed availability via counterproductive drug laws that force addicts to commit crimes to satisfy their craving.

One definition of insanity is attempting the same solution to the same problem over and over again and expecting a different result. The War on Drugs has been raging for more than sixty years and nothing has changed. In fact drugs are more readily available today than ever before. We have created a prison industrial complex and about 75% of our law enforcement resources are involved with drug law enforcement which is best described as a kind of Wack-a-Mole game.

It is way past time to try another approach.
Agreed, time to take a new approach to the drug problem. Time to go with the Singapore model and execute drug dealers.

take a deep breath and think again
In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.
In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.

be afraid-----the next toilet legislation will involve -----the toilet in your house or apartment------it must be made AVAILABLE
to all comers at all times

In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.

>>>>>> EVIL <<<<<<<<
In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.

>>>>>> EVIL <<<<<<<<

Leave defining things down to the left. Rational people can be opposed to something without thinking it is evil, or attributing an "ist" to it.

But by all means call things like this idiotic and stupid.
If you have a better approach, we're listening. We have a steady stream of black thugs from Chicago driving here to supply the area with heroin. Kids are dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis. Legalize it and kids will be dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis.
Until I have time to compose a substantive response I suggest you do a bit of research of the results of Portugal's decriminalization of all drugs. Here is a quick-start link for you: 14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

Let me know what you think.
In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.

>>>>>> EVIL <<<<<<<<

Leave defining things down to the left. Rational people can be opposed to something without thinking it is evil, or attributing an "ist" to it.

But by all means call things like this idiotic and stupid.

If you have a better approach, we're listening. We have a steady stream of black thugs from Chicago driving here to supply the area with heroin. Kids are dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis. Legalize it and kids will be dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis.
Until I have time to compose a substantive response I suggest you do a bit of research of the results of Portugal's decriminalization of all drugs. Here is a quick-start link for you: 14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

Let me know what you think.
Call us when the Portuguese make a positive contribution to mankind.
If you have a better approach, we're listening. We have a steady stream of black thugs from Chicago driving here to supply the area with heroin. Kids are dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis. Legalize it and kids will be dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis.
Until I have time to compose a substantive response I suggest you do a bit of research of the results of Portugal's decriminalization of all drugs. Here is a quick-start link for you: 14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

Let me know what you think.

The portugese do not need drugs---they got
TAPAS and PETISCOS-----and strange
critters dredged up from the bottom of the
sea (aka calamari) and many versions of
many parts of pigs
If you have a better approach, we're listening. We have a steady stream of black thugs from Chicago driving here to supply the area with heroin. Kids are dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis. Legalize it and kids will be dropping dead with needles stuck in their arms on a daily basis.
Until I have time to compose a substantive response I suggest you do a bit of research of the results of Portugal's decriminalization of all drugs. Here is a quick-start link for you: 14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

Let me know what you think.
Call us when the Portuguese make a positive contribution to mankind.

In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.
Nope. Everything forced upon society is alignment with anti-God evil. Nothing to do with capitulation to whining.
In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.
Nope. Everything forced upon society is alignment with anti-God evil. Nothing to do with capitulation to whining.

I acknowledge your point, but I like to leave my evil "evil", i.e. devoid of any good, intentions or otherwise. Its the same trend I see in defining down racism, sexism, and all the other isms.
In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.
Nope. Everything forced upon society is alignment with anti-God evil. Nothing to do with capitulation to whining.

I acknowledge your point, but I like to leave my evil "evil", i.e. devoid of any good, intentions or otherwise. Its the same trend I see in defining down racism, sexism, and all the other isms.
I think I'm just seeing the end game while you're referring to the actual acts, but I think we're on the same page.
In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
Mind boggling how evil has been so rapidly embraced.

I see it less about evil, and more about shameless busybodyism, and letting people in power decide who's butthurt reigns supreme via government sanction.

Assholes? Idiots? Yes. but to me evil is too strong of a word.
Nope. Everything forced upon society is alignment with anti-God evil. Nothing to do with capitulation to whining.

I acknowledge your point, but I like to leave my evil "evil", i.e. devoid of any good, intentions or otherwise. Its the same trend I see in defining down racism, sexism, and all the other isms.
I think I'm just seeing the end game while you're referring to the actual acts, but I think we're on the same page.

I can agree to that. I just prefer to live by the motto "Never attribute immediately to malice that which can also be explained by stupidity."
Call us when the Portuguese make a positive contribution to mankind.
If Portugal's wisely productive decision to withdraw from the destructively counterproductive world-wide war on drugs serves as an example to motivate other nations to follow suit, that will be an extremely positive contribution to mankind.

If you disagree it's because you don't know how wasteful and damaging the drug war has been. So I suggest you do some research.
Call us when the Portuguese make a positive contribution to mankind.
If Portugal's wisely productive decision to withdraw from the destructively counterproductive world-wide war on drugs serves as an example to motivate other nations to follow suit, that will be an extremely positive contribution to mankind.

If you disagree it's because you don't know how wasteful and damaging the drug war has been. So I suggest you do some research.
What's the latest technology from Portugal?
What's the latest technology from Portugal?
Which is to say -- what?

Portugal has never been known as a source of technological progress. Are you obliquely suggesting that the utterly counterproductive War On Drugs serves to promote advancement in the world of technology? If so, you need to get a big bong, start smoking a lot of marijuana -- and start thinking.
NYC has been getting worse for the past 2 years or so. More homeless on the street, more aggressive homeless, more fights in broad daylight, more altercations in the subway.

It isn't the bad old days of the 70's and 80's yet, but it is getting there.

The police are not as aggressive as they used to be, and to me it is a combination of direction from above, and apathy from the current anti-police attitudes lurking around.

the cops in New York IGNORE crime-----
they refuse to prosecute-----and the DAs refuse to prosecute. Any excuse to say---
"go sue him...." works fine. Another excuse is "what ? it happened last week"? -----
"STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS" thus we have IMPROVED CRIME STATS-----and dead people in the gutters
Same in Calif where the Dem leadership is more concerned on how to criminalize denial of manmade global warming speech than they are about murder and rape.

In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
That's the left wing political machine and the left wing media socially engineering our nation into depravity.
Never mind terrorism or gang violence or global economic crises or an ever growing class of poor and disenfranchised --- let us all focus on transgenders and their bathroom needs, forcing bakeries to close because they won't bake a cake, and calling global warming the biggest threat to our survival. Thanks Obama and company, wolves in rainbow clothing.
Hint: we will all die in many horrible ways or suffer mentally and physically long before the left's bogus threats ever hit the radar screen. What a sick joke we fools are having to endure.

PS -- If "experts" are fooled by skyrocketing crime then there are no experts.

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