Skyrocketing Crime Has Experts Baffled

What's the latest technology from Portugal?
Which is to say -- what?

Portugal has never been known as a source of technological progress. Are you obliquely suggesting that the utterly counterproductive War On Drugs serves to promote advancement in the world of technology? If so, you need to get a big bong, start smoking a lot of marijuana -- and start thinking.
Portugal was once a leading world power. Now it's just a nation of stoners. My point has been made.
--The Ferguson Effect.

--allowing more criminal illegals in the country and releasing them without prosecuting them

--releasing felons

--reduction in gun crime prosectutions...

All to increase the level of violence and gun crime to renew their push for gun control....
Why are the experts baffled? When the administration uses the IRS as a criminal enterprise to punish political enemies and the media becomes a propaganda arm of the criminal enterprise we are in big trouble. The Chicago Trib was outraged and appalled that the NRA would endorse Trump but apparently they don't give a shit about the carnage in Chicago streets as long as the mayor is a democrat.

Why are the experts baffled? When the administration uses the IRS as a criminal enterprise to punish political enemies and the media becomes a propaganda arm of the criminal enterprise we are in big trouble. The Chicago Trib was outraged and appalled that the NRA would endorse Trump but apparently they don't give a shit about the carnage in Chicago streets as long as the mayor is a democrat.

How is the administration using the IRS to punish 'political enemies' when the KKK/NRA continues to be non-profit?

The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount
Wage disparity is the answer. Thanks to conservatives, young middle class and poor have little financial hope for the future.
I think part of our problem is some innovative synthetic drugs----FLOODING the streets----some how FENTANYL became a "trip"-----seems like a new idea to me----was a kinda
minor thing used in the operating room last time I looked. It makes people have hallucinations------does not seem like much fun
to me
It isn't the availability of drugs that generates crime. It's the repressed availability via counterproductive drug laws that force addicts to commit crimes to satisfy their craving.

One definition of insanity is attempting the same solution to the same problem over and over again and expecting a different result. The War on Drugs has been raging for more than sixty years and nothing has changed. In fact drugs are more readily available today than ever before. We have created a prison industrial complex and about 75% of our law enforcement resources are involved with drug law enforcement which is best described as a kind of Wack-a-Mole game.

It is way past time to try another approach.
Agreed, time to take a new approach to the drug problem. Time to go with the Singapore model and execute drug dealers.

take a deep breath and think again
Wait...What's wrong with executing drug dealers.?
See in many countries, even in Europe, criminals are not coddled as they are here and in Canada. In other places, prison is a horrible experience. Incarceration is not for rehabilitation. In those places prison is for punishment.
In some countries, prisons are places no one wants to go to. That is a deterrent.
Over here. a prison sentence is a red badge of courage. "I just got out of the joint" give one "street Cred".....
Wage disparity is the answer. Thanks to conservatives, young middle class and poor have little financial hope for the future.
What a bunch of bullshit liberal psychobabble.
There have been poor people from day one. Jesus Christ you libs will come up with the lamest of excuses to rationalize criminal behavior.
Call us when the Portuguese make a positive contribution to mankind.
If Portugal's wisely productive decision to withdraw from the destructively counterproductive world-wide war on drugs serves as an example to motivate other nations to follow suit, that will be an extremely positive contribution to mankind.

If you disagree it's because you don't know how wasteful and damaging the drug war has been. So I suggest you do some research.
Ok...For a moment lets say certain controlled substances will be decriminalized.
Ok, now who gets to dispense them? Testing for safety/purity? Which of these remain illegal because of their devastating effects on the health and well being of users?
"just make them legal" is an overly simplistic viewpoint.
I don't care what Portugal's government has done.
Portugal has what?: 55 people in a country the size of my back yard?
And what do Portuguese law enforcement officials do about drugs being dispensed to children? Say "fuck it, it's legal"?
The burgeoning crime rate in the US has nothing to do with drugs or income inequality or anything else except the total breakdown of the nuclear family and an absence of self respect and for respect of others.
Those committing these crimes plainly do not give a shit whether they see the next sunrise or not. it's all a game to them. And when a bullet send them to their dirt nap, yeah the families are sad, the mothers spit chewed nails, the screams are heard at the funeral, but the next hour, they are right back at it again.
Yep, go after innocents guns, rather than the black market dealers.
How much do you want to bet the solution the baffled elite come up with involves a reduction in Liberty for Americans.
That is the essence of law and order liberalism. Criminalize everyday activity by punishing the innocent to get to the guilty.
An example of this are school districts with these one size fits all discipline codes which deal in absolutes.
uppers scramble the minds of people---- making them more likely to NOT HAVE MONEY (to buy more) and very prone to commit crimes to get THE MONEY TO BUY MORE

Presuming all that is true, the War On Drugs has been going on with increasing intensity for more than half a century with absolutely no productive results. Drugs are more available today than they were when Nixon created the drug war debacle and the problem became even worse when Reagan escalated it. We have wasted trillions of dollars doing the same thing over and over, year after year, decade after decade, with no positive result. This utterly failed and wasteful policy has become a familiar and accepted routine. The only thing we've managed to achieve with it is the creation of a prison industrial complex more than half of which is occupied by drug offenders.

It is obvious what we are doing not only isn't working it is seriously counterproductive, meaning it is doing more harm than good. It is abundantly clear that laws and the enforcement thereof are not the solution, so it is well past time to pull the plug on it and try something else.

I suggest the way to go is to provide a controlled source of clean, properly measured doses of recreational drugs to adult users who agree to participate in federal programs which are designed to either regulate their use or to assist addicts in either limiting their use or to fully withdraw from use. If such a radical, well-regulated departure from the existing failed policy is combined with a well-crafted and intensive public education program I am certain the results would be impressive while costing less than half of what the failed and shamefully wasteful War On Drugs is costing us.

If the thought occurs to you that making recreational drugs legally available to the adult public will prompt an increase in use, consider your own potential response: If crack were made legally available would you rush right out and start using it?

Let me know what you think.
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NYC has been getting worse for the past 2 years or so. More homeless on the street, more aggressive homeless, more fights in broad daylight, more altercations in the subway.

It isn't the bad old days of the 70's and 80's yet, but it is getting there.

The police are not as aggressive as they used to be, and to me it is a combination of direction from above, and apathy from the current anti-police attitudes lurking around.

the cops in New York IGNORE crime-----
they refuse to prosecute-----and the DAs refuse to prosecute. Any excuse to say---
"go sue him...." works fine. Another excuse is "what ? it happened last week"? -----
"STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS" thus we have IMPROVED CRIME STATS-----and dead people in the gutters
Same in Calif where the Dem leadership is more concerned on how to criminalize denial of manmade global warming speech than they are about murder and rape.

In NYC its about the Bathroom Wars. City agencies got a big old email this week saying anyone can use whatever bathroom they want to use.
That's the left wing political machine and the left wing media socially engineering our nation into depravity.
Never mind terrorism or gang violence or global economic crises or an ever growing class of poor and disenfranchised --- let us all focus on transgenders and their bathroom needs, forcing bakeries to close because they won't bake a cake, and calling global warming the biggest threat to our survival. Thanks Obama and company, wolves in rainbow clothing.
Hint: we will all die in many horrible ways or suffer mentally and physically long before the left's bogus threats ever hit the radar screen. What a sick joke we fools are having to endure.

PS -- If "experts" are fooled by skyrocketing crime then there are no experts.

It all boils down to politicians wanting to look like they are "doing something", and the easiest way to do that is to pick the chickenshit issues, and run with it.

The hard issues require solutions that are not popular, and people will not agree to unpopular solutions until pain and misery forces them to live with it.
uppers scramble the minds of people---- making them more likely to NOT HAVE MONEY (to buy more) and very prone to commit crimes to get THE MONEY TO BUY MORE

Presuming all that is true, the War On Drugs has been going on with increasing intensity for more than half a century with absolutely no productive results. Drugs are more available today than they were when Nixon created the drug war debacle and the problem became even worse when Reagan escalated it. We have wasted trillions of dollars doing the same thing over and over, year after year, decade after decade, with no positive result. This utterly failed and wasteful policy has become a familiar and accepted routine. The only thing we've managed to achieve with it is the creation of a prison industrial complex more than half of which is occupied by drug offenders.

It is obvious what we are doing not only isn't working it is seriously counterproductive, meaning it is doing more harm than good. It is abundantly clear that laws and the enforcement thereof are not the solution, so it is well past time to pull the plug on it and try something else.

I suggest the way to go is to provide a controlled source of clean, properly measured doses of recreational drugs to adult users who agree to participate in federal programs which are designed to either regulate their use or to assist addicts in either limiting their use or to fully withdraw from use. If such a radical, well-regulated departure from the existing failed policy is combined with a well-crafted and intensive public education program I am certain the results would be impressive while costing less than half of what the failed and shamefully wasteful War On Drugs is costing us.

If the thought occurs to you that making recreational drugs legally available to the adult public will prompt an increase in use, consider your own potential response: If crack were made legally available would you rush right out and start using it?

Let me know what you think.

I have never used crack-----it was available to me----as was just about everything else including new syringes. I have never even used Marijuana. ----I have chewed on Khat
leaves in Israel-----once------I did not like it----it was just like chewing on-----leaves----I am not the person to ask-----HOWEVER I have seen the results of substance abuse in emergency rooms including death. "UPPERS" are a horror---people die CARDIAC. "DOWNERS" are a horror------people just stop breathing.
"uppers" also stimulate people to violence and other crimes. Getting back to me----I might have used all kinds of drugs if they were available to me when I was very young-----it was COST that stopped me

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