Slanted News for First 100 Days Obama v Trump

Yeah, right. That would stop liberal activist judges from interfering with the Presidents job. Do you think I was born last night?

What happened the last time he looked to Democrats to work with him? Oh yes, that's right, Judge Gorsuch. How did that work out for him?
The Dems were not going to go with Gorsuch, you know that. Now that is over. Let's see what can be done.

No, the judges are not commies, and you are no authority or authoritative on the law.

You don't have to be. It's right there in plain English; a language these Commie judges don't seem to understand. Nothing ambiguous about it. Nothing to question. The President BY LAW has the right to restrict any immigrant from this country. An activist judge said he will decide who is allowed in this country or not.

When the judicial rules that they are the decider on what laws will be enforced, that is judicial activism and a violation of our separation of powers. Liberals will stop at nothing to maintain power.
^^^ commie judges (yeah, he said it). Raye, the liberals don't have power, the GOP has it and is squabbling amongst its various factions, of course egged on by the Dems.

The only "squabble" between the Republicans is on healthcare. Everything else was stopped (or was tried to be stopped) by a liberal or Democrat.
what else has Pres Trump even tried to pass in Congress? He's an executive order kind of seems....and nothing sticks via executive order, its all temporary...he needs Congress to get anything worth a darn, done and so far he can't accomplish those negotiations.

A lib judge (or Senate) can stop any of these things, so the Congress is irrelevant.

Going through Congress or issuing an EO is no different to liberals. They are going to stop him no matter where the law comes from.

The regulation that permits a President from restricting immigration for the interest of our country WAS passed by the Congress and Senate years ago. And what happened? It was stopped by an activist judge.
You can not expect the media or public to give favorable reviews and have positive attitudes towards trump when he and his administration are routinely and consistently caught telling provable lies and saying stupid or misinformed comments.

That's kind of funny because the exact same statement can be made for obummer.
Nonsense. Barely a day goes by that trump or his staff is not telling whopper lies.
But it's the people's fault due to punishing their representatives when they even come close to compromise; esp. Republicans who routinely run opposition against itself in a quest for conservative purity! The Dems are on the same track with the new Dem. Chair looking for absolutes on the "choice" issue! You can't do that; we wind up as culturally insane as right-wingers! It's one of the reasons Hillary lost the women's vote to a misogynist pig; went too far LEFT! Women talk a good game about moving into the future, but they're still stuck in past; often sabotaging themselves when they vote against their own interests! They outnumber men in all aspects of life; esp. the voters, but their representation is going down instead of up! When they actually had a chance to elect the ultimate woman, they balked, so I will never even listen to their cater-walling when this man in Washington

The first female President should be one that represents her gender with pride. Electing a woman under FBI investigations and corruption all around her is not what women wanted as the Mother of our country.

I give the women credit for bypassing Hil-Liar and waiting it out for a sober honest person. Sorry that some of your flock found their way off the plantation, but if you ever run another woman again, make sure it's somebody women of America can be proud of.

But I guess it's ok that an old white crazy man can be under the same investigation! Hilarious and hypocritical don't you think? I don't mind he made it in; goes along with the other sick countries taking on tyrants and dictators as their leaders! I doubt we can sink much further, but you never know with the lack of intelligentsia in this country! The only thing in question is how long will it take to impeach this arse-hole and take on another in Pence? :9: :argue: :bang3: :blahblah:

Good luck with that having an all Republican led federal government. There are no Russian ties to Trump. Why do you think the media dropped it already? There's nothing there. You are talking apples and oranges. Hillary destroyed incriminating evidence subpoenaed by the United States Congress. She lied under oath. She violated multiple rules for SOS. Trump didn't do anything like that.

Lack of intelligence? That's what you on the left think of our American women? Tell us, are they deplorable too?
you only watch FOX, that is clear as day! :rolleyes: :lol:

By all means, please elaborate. What does Fox (which I haven't turned on since Bill O left) have to do with it?
But it's the people's fault due to punishing their representatives when they even come close to compromise; esp. Republicans who routinely run opposition against itself in a quest for conservative purity! The Dems are on the same track with the new Dem. Chair looking for absolutes on the "choice" issue! You can't do that; we wind up as culturally insane as right-wingers! It's one of the reasons Hillary lost the women's vote to a misogynist pig; went too far LEFT! Women talk a good game about moving into the future, but they're still stuck in past; often sabotaging themselves when they vote against their own interests! They outnumber men in all aspects of life; esp. the voters, but their representation is going down instead of up! When they actually had a chance to elect the ultimate woman, they balked, so I will never even listen to their cater-walling when this man in Washington

The first female President should be one that represents her gender with pride. Electing a woman under FBI investigations and corruption all around her is not what women wanted as the Mother of our country.

I give the women credit for bypassing Hil-Liar and waiting it out for a sober honest person. Sorry that some of your flock found their way off the plantation, but if you ever run another woman again, make sure it's somebody women of America can be proud of.

But I guess it's ok that an old white crazy man can be under the same investigation! Hilarious and hypocritical don't you think? I don't mind he made it in; goes along with the other sick countries taking on tyrants and dictators as their leaders! I doubt we can sink much further, but you never know with the lack of intelligentsia in this country! The only thing in question is how long will it take to impeach this arse-hole and take on another in Pence? :9: :argue: :bang3: :blahblah:

Good luck with that having an all Republican led federal government. There are no Russian ties to Trump. Why do you think the media dropped it already? There's nothing there. You are talking apples and oranges. Hillary destroyed incriminating evidence subpoenaed by the United States Congress. She lied under oath. She violated multiple rules for SOS. Trump didn't do anything like that.

Lack of intelligence? That's what you on the left think of our American women? Tell us, are they deplorable too?
you only watch FOX, that is clear as day! :rolleyes: :lol:

By all means, please elaborate. What does Fox (which I haven't turned on since Bill O left) have to do with it?
all the other 24/7 ARE STILL REPORTING on the Russians and any possible Trump team collusion and Flynn being an agent of a foreign power....

The Russian interference and possible Trump team criminality investigation is just getting its sea legs, just getting started, and none of the 3 or 4 or 5 individual investigations are even close to being finalized...and the nightly 24/7's are ALL covering it in depth....except, FOX.
Pew Research confirmed what is obvious. I used to enjoy BusinessWeek as source for what I found to be impartial (on the most part) political news. Then it was bought by Bloomberg and I stopped my subscription very soon afterwards feeling the quality had suffered a good bit. Still I tend to use other economic publications' websites for political news, figuring investors what to know the straight scoop on what's happening in Washington and want it first.
The first female President should be one that represents her gender with pride. Electing a woman under FBI investigations and corruption all around her is not what women wanted as the Mother of our country.

I give the women credit for bypassing Hil-Liar and waiting it out for a sober honest person. Sorry that some of your flock found their way off the plantation, but if you ever run another woman again, make sure it's somebody women of America can be proud of.

But I guess it's ok that an old white crazy man can be under the same investigation! Hilarious and hypocritical don't you think? I don't mind he made it in; goes along with the other sick countries taking on tyrants and dictators as their leaders! I doubt we can sink much further, but you never know with the lack of intelligentsia in this country! The only thing in question is how long will it take to impeach this arse-hole and take on another in Pence? :9: :argue: :bang3: :blahblah:

Good luck with that having an all Republican led federal government. There are no Russian ties to Trump. Why do you think the media dropped it already? There's nothing there. You are talking apples and oranges. Hillary destroyed incriminating evidence subpoenaed by the United States Congress. She lied under oath. She violated multiple rules for SOS. Trump didn't do anything like that.

Lack of intelligence? That's what you on the left think of our American women? Tell us, are they deplorable too?
you only watch FOX, that is clear as day! :rolleyes: :lol:

By all means, please elaborate. What does Fox (which I haven't turned on since Bill O left) have to do with it?
all the other 24/7 ARE STILL REPORTING on the Russians and any possible Trump team collusion and Flynn being an agent of a foreign power....

The Russian interference and possible Trump team criminality investigation is just getting its sea legs, just getting started, and none of the 3 or 4 or 5 individual investigations are even close to being finalized...and the nightly 24/7's are ALL covering it in depth....except, FOX.

Well that's good to know since I don't watch them. But I do go Google and read what they have, and I also listen to the news on the radio and I haven't heard anything in weeks. Same with my local news.

So as I should have expected, it's the typical left-wing MSM that has you people still wound up on this. It's been almost four months since Trump was elected.
The Dems were not going to go with Gorsuch, you know that. Now that is over. Let's see what can be done.

No, the judges are not commies, and you are no authority or authoritative on the law.

You don't have to be. It's right there in plain English; a language these Commie judges don't seem to understand. Nothing ambiguous about it. Nothing to question. The President BY LAW has the right to restrict any immigrant from this country. An activist judge said he will decide who is allowed in this country or not.

When the judicial rules that they are the decider on what laws will be enforced, that is judicial activism and a violation of our separation of powers. Liberals will stop at nothing to maintain power.
^^^ commie judges (yeah, he said it). Raye, the liberals don't have power, the GOP has it and is squabbling amongst its various factions, of course egged on by the Dems.

The only "squabble" between the Republicans is on healthcare. Everything else was stopped (or was tried to be stopped) by a liberal or Democrat.
Tax Reform? ACA? The Wall? The GOP can pass any of these things if they unite.

No they can't because it requires a 60 vote Senate vote. We currently only have 52 votes, and that's if everybody sticks together.
That's how they have done it for almost 100 years. Personally, I think it should be a 51% for the Senate, just like the House.
You don't have to be. It's right there in plain English; a language these Commie judges don't seem to understand. Nothing ambiguous about it. Nothing to question. The President BY LAW has the right to restrict any immigrant from this country. An activist judge said he will decide who is allowed in this country or not.

When the judicial rules that they are the decider on what laws will be enforced, that is judicial activism and a violation of our separation of powers. Liberals will stop at nothing to maintain power.
^^^ commie judges (yeah, he said it). Raye, the liberals don't have power, the GOP has it and is squabbling amongst its various factions, of course egged on by the Dems.

The only "squabble" between the Republicans is on healthcare. Everything else was stopped (or was tried to be stopped) by a liberal or Democrat.
Tax Reform? ACA? The Wall? The GOP can pass any of these things if they unite.

No they can't because it requires a 60 vote Senate vote. We currently only have 52 votes, and that's if everybody sticks together.
That's how they have done it for almost 100 years. Personally, I think it should be a 51% for the Senate, just like the House.

I agree totally.

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Thank you, Raye.

Having said everything above that was said, the fact remains that this is how the situation for now works.

If the roles were reversed, the GOP as minority would (and have in the past) fought the same tactics and strategy.
Thank you, Raye.

Having said everything above that was said, the fact remains that this is how the situation for now works.

If the roles were reversed, the GOP as minority would (and have in the past) fought the same tactics and strategy.

Yes, but you can't say the blame lies with the majority when we have a system of government that allows the minority to stop the majority from advancing their issues.
Thank you, Raye.

Having said everything above that was said, the fact remains that this is how the situation for now works.

If the roles were reversed, the GOP as minority would (and have in the past) fought the same tactics and strategy.

Yes, but you can't say the blame lies with the majority when we have a system of government that allows the minority to stop the majority from advancing their issues.
The fault lies with a democratic system that has checks and balances in the legislature that have been so forged over 225 years or so.
What did Trump do?
-Fuck over the environment
-Cut earth science
-Attack education
-Fight for a healthcare bill that would throw 30 million people off of their healthcare insurance.

How is this success unless you're satan?
There is no truth in what you say
What did Trump do?
-Fuck over the environment
-Cut earth science
-Attack education
-Fight for a healthcare bill that would throw 30 million people off of their healthcare insurance.

How is this success unless you're satan?

You've been attending way too many of those protest marches without knowing what everybody else was protesting.
Well there wasn't a single registered Republican at the White House press corps dinner so its no surprise the Trump coverage is full of lies, distortion, and intentional liberal bias.

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