Slanted News for First 100 Days Obama v Trump

You can not expect the media or public to give favorable reviews and have positive attitudes towards trump when he and his administration are routinely and consistently caught telling provable lies and saying stupid or misinformed comments.

That does not justify 90% slanted or fake news. Obama told lies all the time, and bigger lies, and still the MSM fawned over him. Remember the initial Obamacare rollout disaster? Trump, as president, deserves honest coverage, and an "exaggeration" is not a lie. Arguing over Trump's crowd size compared to everyone would save at least $2,500 a year on healthcare aren't comparable.

Obama did not tell provable lies on a daily basis. He wasn't using the office of the President to line his own pockets nor was he selling access to the President via his golf clubs. He didn't blame others for his own failures. In his first 100 Days, he passed the stimulus package and 28 other pieces of legislation. And he didn't spend 3 days out of every 7, on vacation. He went golfing once.

When you compare their accomplishments in the first 100 Days, Obama was prepared and ready to get to work. Trump has blundered around, screwing up everything he tried. And then there's the whole Russian investigation.

Obama had no interest in how the size of his Inauguration Day crowd was, while Trump was fixated on it for weeks. Trump is still fixated on his victory, handing out final EC. Tallies to WH visitors last week.

Both Obama and Trump got the press they deserved. If Trump wants better press, he could try doing a better job.

If obstructionist Democrats would get out of his way, he could do his job.

If they don't use legislative powers, they use activist judges to stop him. You have to understand that your side is scared to death of of Trump. If what he does actually works, it's curtains for the Democrat party.
Ray, be honest here with the whole story.

The GOP has the Senate and the House and the presidency.

The federal courts have only interfered with two EO orders.

That is not obstructionism.
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
Yeah the 24/7 news coverage about her e-mails was so pro Hillary :rolleyes:
The news coverage was justified...especially in view of the leniency and non-action shown by the Obama justice department. The bitch should be in prison already! Thanks to Valerie Jarrett, Loretta Lynch, Slick Willy, James Comey and Asshole Barack H. Obama, she skated!
But it's the people's fault due to punishing their representatives when they even come close to compromise; esp. Republicans who routinely run opposition against itself in a quest for conservative purity! The Dems are on the same track with the new Dem. Chair looking for absolutes on the "choice" issue! You can't do that; we wind up as culturally insane as right-wingers! It's one of the reasons Hillary lost the women's vote to a misogynist pig; went too far LEFT! Women talk a good game about moving into the future, but they're still stuck in past; often sabotaging themselves when they vote against their own interests! They outnumber men in all aspects of life; esp. the voters, but their representation is going down instead of up! When they actually had a chance to elect the ultimate woman, they balked, so I will never even listen to their cater-walling when this man in Washington

The first female President should be one that represents her gender with pride. Electing a woman under FBI investigations and corruption all around her is not what women wanted as the Mother of our country.

I give the women credit for bypassing Hil-Liar and waiting it out for a sober honest person. Sorry that some of your flock found their way off the plantation, but if you ever run another woman again, make sure it's somebody women of America can be proud of.

But I guess it's ok that an old white crazy man can be under the same investigation! Hilarious and hypocritical don't you think? I don't mind he made it in; goes along with the other sick countries taking on tyrants and dictators as their leaders! I doubt we can sink much further, but you never know with the lack of intelligentsia in this country! The only thing in question is how long will it take to impeach this arse-hole and take on another in Pence? :9: :argue: :bang3: :blahblah:

Good luck with that having an all Republican led federal government. There are no Russian ties to Trump. Why do you think the media dropped it already? There's nothing there. You are talking apples and oranges. Hillary destroyed incriminating evidence subpoenaed by the United States Congress. She lied under oath. She violated multiple rules for SOS. Trump didn't do anything like that.

Lack of intelligence? That's what you on the left think of our American women? Tell us, are they deplorable too?
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
Yeah the 24/7 news coverage about her e-mails was so pro Hillary :rolleyes:
The news coverage was justified...especially in view of the leniency and non-action shown by the Obama justice department. The bitch should be in prison already! Thanks to Valerie Jarrett, Loretta Lynch, Slick Willy, James Comey and Asshole Barack H. Obama, she skated!
Dude you're coming across as pathetic. Trump even instructed you rubes to stop caring because the election is over. Time to come back to reality.
Ray, be honest here with the whole story.

The GOP has the Senate and the House and the presidency.

The federal courts have only interfered with two EO orders.

That is not obstructionism.

If that isn't, I don't know what is.

He wanted to put a halt to immigrants from selected countries perfectly within our laws. Activist judge stopped that. He wants to withhold funding from places that are Sanctuary, another activist judge stopped that. He wanted to build a wall. Democrats in the Senate threatened to shut down the government.

His major issues are being stopped by the left, so yes, that is obstructionism. He may have an all Republican led house, but not enough in the Senate to override Democrats.
Even Faux News and talk radio are turning on Dump.

"Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated"

"I thought it would be easier."

"After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it's not so easy."

^ That's your President, folks. That's why coverage has been terrible. Because Trump's Presidency has been terrible.
The conservative commentators have not turned on the President. It is the liberal asswipes that instigated boycotts of advertisers after false accusations of sexual harassment that caused the owners of Fox to buy out contracts early. The same asswipes are now going after people at Fox.

Their goal is to turn Fox into another liberal media tool.

Liberals will not stop until they have completely destroyed the idea of free speech. Fucking whining-ass babies can't stand the thought of opposing views being broadcast to the public.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. They do not know that they are SICK!
Good luck with that having an all Republican led federal government. There are no Russian ties to Trump. Why do you think the media dropped it already?
The media hasn't report on it lateely because the FBI hasn't released any new info and the congressional inquiry just got started back up last week after republicans ground it to a halt. I know you're used to Breitbart, where they just make up filler stories to make you think there are things going on, but real news media operates differently.
Ray, be honest here with the whole story.

The GOP has the Senate and the House and the presidency.

The federal courts have only interfered with two EO orders.

That is not obstructionism.

If that isn't, I don't know what is.

He wanted to put a halt to immigrants from selected countries perfectly within our laws. Activist judge stopped that. He wants to withhold funding from places that are Sanctuary, another activist judge stopped that. He wanted to build a wall. Democrats in the Senate threatened to shut down the government.

His major issues are being stopped by the left, so yes, that is obstructionism. He may have an all Republican led house, but not enough in the Senate to override Democrats.

Legislation has to get out of the HOUSE to make it to the Senate to be obstructed! That hasn't happened once since Trump took office! As all can see, Republicans own it and they sound pretty stupid trying to blame Democrats for obstruction when I can't remember a vote for Obama's legislation getting even one vote by a "righty!" It's ok for them to kvetch, b!tch, and moan, but Dems are the real obstructionists! That's the most ridiculous thing going back to Clinton admin. when Dole as Minority Leader promised not one Republican vote will be cast in his favor! Screw them all; esp. Republicans of this day who can look people in the eye and play the freakin' victim! They own it ALL now; asked for it and they got it! FK OFF! :9: :argue: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Even Faux News and talk radio are turning on Dump.

"Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated"

"I thought it would be easier."

"After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it's not so easy."

^ That's your President, folks. That's why coverage has been terrible. Because Trump's Presidency has been terrible.
The conservative commentators have not turned on the President. It is the liberal asswipes that instigated boycotts of advertisers after false accusations of sexual harassment that caused the owners of Fox to buy out contracts early. The same asswipes are now going after people at Fox.

Their goal is to turn Fox into another liberal media tool.

Liberals will not stop until they have completely destroyed the idea of free speech. Fucking whining-ass babies can't stand the thought of opposing views being broadcast to the public.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. They do not know that they are SICK!
Slogans and buzz phrases are all you have. Fuckin' rube.
Obama passed meaningful legislation and incited zero fear of global nuclear war during his first 100 days. Just 2 of many advantages his first 100 days had over Trump's.

Ocare wasnt meaningful legislation. Neither was the stimulus. Just more lies from the predecessor.
Oh they why did you spend 8 years losing your shit over it? :rolleyes:
Good luck with that having an all Republican led federal government. There are no Russian ties to Trump. Why do you think the media dropped it already?
The media hasn't report on it lateely because the FBI hasn't released any new info and the congressional inquiry just got started back up last week after republicans ground it to a halt. I know you're used to Breitbart, where they just make up filler stories to make you think there are things going on, but real news media operates differently.

Of course there is no new information because there isn't any. At the most, the Russians hacked into the Democrat computers and told us the truth about what they were up to. That has nothing to do with Trump.
Ray, be honest here with the whole story.

The GOP has the Senate and the House and the presidency.

The federal courts have only interfered with two EO orders.

That is not obstructionism.

If that isn't, I don't know what is.

He wanted to put a halt to immigrants from selected countries perfectly within our laws. Activist judge stopped that. He wants to withhold funding from places that are Sanctuary, another activist judge stopped that. He wanted to build a wall. Democrats in the Senate threatened to shut down the government.

His major issues are being stopped by the left, so yes, that is obstructionism. He may have an all Republican led house, but not enough in the Senate to override Democrats.
The judges say he was outside of the law: that is for the judiciary to decide. That is not activism.

The Democrats do not think a wall is the right thing: they have the right to be involved in governance.

Checks and balances work with in the legislative branch as it does for all three branches.
Good luck with that having an all Republican led federal government. There are no Russian ties to Trump. Why do you think the media dropped it already?
The media hasn't report on it lateely because the FBI hasn't released any new info and the congressional inquiry just got started back up last week after republicans ground it to a halt. I know you're used to Breitbart, where they just make up filler stories to make you think there are things going on, but real news media operates differently.

Of course there is no new information because there isn't any. At the most, the Russians hacked into the Democrat computers and told us the truth about what they were up to. That has nothing to do with Trump.
No, that is not the truth, and I think you know that.
Obama passed meaningful legislation and incited zero fear of global nuclear war during his first 100 days. Just 2 of many advantages his first 100 days had over Trump's.

Ocare wasnt meaningful legislation. Neither was the stimulus. Just more lies from the predecessor.
Oh they why did you spend 8 years losing your shit over it? :rolleyes:

Anyone with half a brain knew it would be a disaster....and it is.
Obama passed meaningful legislation and incited zero fear of global nuclear war during his first 100 days. Just 2 of many advantages his first 100 days had over Trump's.

Ocare wasnt meaningful legislation. Neither was the stimulus. Just more lies from the predecessor.
Oh they why did you spend 8 years losing your shit over it? :rolleyes:

Anyone with half a brain knew it would be a disaster....and it is.
Then repeal it a 62nd time. Oops... you won't.
Ray, be honest here with the whole story.

The GOP has the Senate and the House and the presidency.

The federal courts have only interfered with two EO orders.

That is not obstructionism.

If that isn't, I don't know what is.

He wanted to put a halt to immigrants from selected countries perfectly within our laws. Activist judge stopped that. He wants to withhold funding from places that are Sanctuary, another activist judge stopped that. He wanted to build a wall. Democrats in the Senate threatened to shut down the government.

His major issues are being stopped by the left, so yes, that is obstructionism. He may have an all Republican led house, but not enough in the Senate to override Democrats.
The judges say he was outside of the law: that is for the judiciary to decide. That is not activism.

The Democrats do not think a wall is the right thing: they have the right to be involved in governance.

Checks and balances work with in the legislative branch as it does for all three branches.

The judiciary is now legislating which is a violation of our separation of powers. That is judicial activism. We know the Democrats don't want a wall. They love the drugs, illegals and criminals getting into this country killing our citizens. But like I said, it's liberals that are stopping Trump from doing his job, so you can't blame Trump for that.
The government is Republican.

The party owns the success and the failure of government now.

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