Slave of Zion Trump to divide Syria


Nov 14, 2012
Trump´s actions in Syria are solely motivated by his devotion to Zion. n-tv, Germany´s largest news broadcaster, now interviewed Middle East expert Günter Meyer.

USA wants to break up Syria

"In mid-March 2011, there were first protests to Syria, then unleashed an avalanche of violence.Seven years later, large parts of the country are in ruins, nearly half a million people have died in the bloody civil war. Ruler Bashar Al-Assad, thanks to his powerful allies, is as strong as he has not been in years. Nevertheless, there will be no peace in the country in the foreseeable future, the Middle East expert Günter Meyer warns in an interview with The origins of the conflict in Syria are now almost exactly seven years back. How close is a peaceful solution? Is there any indication that the situation is improving?

Günter Meyer: If you had asked me six months ago, I would have answered yes. However, according to the latest information on the US strategy to be implemented jointly with England, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan against the Assad government and its allies, the prospects for peace in the foreseeable future are deep black. At present, I see no chance of finding a peaceful solution to the goals the US government is currently pursuing as the strongest force in this proxy war.

You mean the possible smashing of the Syrian state?

That's the government's planning in Washington. The entire east of Syria is to be split off. In the northeast, the Kurds, with American support, have already established their own Kurdish state. The remaining area along the border with Iraq in the east should also be placed under the control of US troops with the help of Assad militia. The anti-Assad militias are currently being trained in the US military base Al-Tanf on Syrian territory near the Jordanian border. Just two weeks ago, another 1,000 US soldiers were transferred there.

Why there, on the border to Iraq? After all, the country is an ally of the United States.

The joint fight against the ISIS's Sunni terrorists has significantly increased the influence of Shiite Iran in Iraq, with its majority Shiite population. As a result, until recently, Iranian supplies could be transported by land via Iraq to Syria. The troops of the Assad opponents are to block this direct connection in East Syria.

This is diametrically opposed to the interests of Russia and Iran, who desperately want to preserve the integrity of Syria. Are the US trying to protect Israel, or is Washington pursuing its own interests?

It's primarily about protecting Israel. This is the top priority under Donald Trump. The threat to Israel from Iran should be eliminated. With the dismissal of his Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson and the appointment of his successor, who has clearly positioned himself as a hawk and wants to terminate the nuclear agreement with Iran, is in the confrontation with Iran, a new stage of escalation before. And another Israeli enemy to be eliminated from the US point of view is Iran-backed Syria. Washington is about to destroy the country, to split it up and to shield Israel in East Syria against the threat of Iran. In view of these goals of the US government, efforts that could lead to a quick peace currently have not the slightest chance of success.

The idea of a divided Syria is also popular in Israel, above all because the Israelis in an independent Kurdish state see a possible new ally. Is the US also about creating new, potentially friendly states?

That Israel welcomes a Kurdish state is in line with the idea that the unity of Syria will be abandoned and that a number of small states will emerge. Compared with such small states, it is much easier to enforce one's own interests than is possible for a strong Syrian state.

Are the US currently at risk of direct confrontation with Iran or Russia?

Yes, obviously. This is also shown by the recent development in East Ghuta. There, in addition to the fighting, the media war also reaches a new level of escalation. This is mainly driven by the propaganda organization of the white helmets. The aim is to incite indignation against the "brutal Russians" and the "inhumane Assad regime" that is massacring the defenseless civilian population. This view of events in East Ghuta, backed by countless images of heroic white helmets rescuing small children, determines media perception in the Western world and paves the way for the justification of a direct military confrontation between the US and Syria and its allies. This is just proven by the recent statements of the United Nations Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley. It has threatened to use American cruise missiles against Syria unless it succeeds in enforcing an unconditional ceasefire in eastern Ghuta. That would be a direct military intervention, which would contribute to further aggravating the conflict and which fits in exactly with Trump's strategy.

Keyword white helmets: You say propaganda organization. Are not the white helmets above all an organization that helps people?

This organization is mainly funded by the governments in London and Washington with several hundred million US dollars. Its main task is to provide the media with heartbreaking videos and photos of the victims of the Assad regime's brutal attacks. The fact that these recordings are often staged, or even portrayed by actors in a worldwide video by CNN, has already been shown during the siege of East Aleppo.

It is undisputed that the Syrian government is primarily responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Ghuta. Only here is a completely different scale applied than in the bombing of Rakka and Mosul by the US-led alliance. There it was agreed that there could be only one military solution against the jihadists of the IS and therefore unfortunately the death of thousands of civilians must be taken into account, which served the IS as human shields.

De facto, the same framework conditions prevail in East Ghuta as before in the conquest of the other two cities: jihadist militias, including numerous al-Qaeda supporters, are terrorizing the inhabitants of the neighboring Syrian capital by firing rockets and mortar shells. At the same time, they use the civilian population in eastern Ghuta as human shields and shoot anyone who tries to escape via the security corridors set up by the Russians. Three humanitarian catastrophes - only thanks to the successful media propaganda and the one-sided reporting, the events are perceived completely different.

Benjamin Konietzny spoke with Günter Meyer"

(translated with google)

"Die USA wollen Syrien zerschlagen"
Trump´s actions in Syria are solely motivated by his devotion to Zion. n-tv, Germany´s largest news broadcaster, now interviewed Middle East expert Günter Meyer.

USA wants to break up Syria

"In mid-March 2011, there were first protests to Syria, then unleashed an avalanche of violence.Seven years later, large parts of the country are in ruins, nearly half a million people have died in the bloody civil war. Ruler Bashar Al-Assad, thanks to his powerful allies, is as strong as he has not been in years. Nevertheless, there will be no peace in the country in the foreseeable future, the Middle East expert Günter Meyer warns in an interview with The origins of the conflict in Syria are now almost exactly seven years back. How close is a peaceful solution? Is there any indication that the situation is improving?

Günter Meyer: If you had asked me six months ago, I would have answered yes. However, according to the latest information on the US strategy to be implemented jointly with England, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan against the Assad government and its allies, the prospects for peace in the foreseeable future are deep black. At present, I see no chance of finding a peaceful solution to the goals the US government is currently pursuing as the strongest force in this proxy war.

You mean the possible smashing of the Syrian state?

That's the government's planning in Washington. The entire east of Syria is to be split off. In the northeast, the Kurds, with American support, have already established their own Kurdish state. The remaining area along the border with Iraq in the east should also be placed under the control of US troops with the help of Assad militia. The anti-Assad militias are currently being trained in the US military base Al-Tanf on Syrian territory near the Jordanian border. Just two weeks ago, another 1,000 US soldiers were transferred there.

Why there, on the border to Iraq? After all, the country is an ally of the United States.

The joint fight against the ISIS's Sunni terrorists has significantly increased the influence of Shiite Iran in Iraq, with its majority Shiite population. As a result, until recently, Iranian supplies could be transported by land via Iraq to Syria. The troops of the Assad opponents are to block this direct connection in East Syria.

This is diametrically opposed to the interests of Russia and Iran, who desperately want to preserve the integrity of Syria. Are the US trying to protect Israel, or is Washington pursuing its own interests?

It's primarily about protecting Israel. This is the top priority under Donald Trump. The threat to Israel from Iran should be eliminated. With the dismissal of his Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson and the appointment of his successor, who has clearly positioned himself as a hawk and wants to terminate the nuclear agreement with Iran, is in the confrontation with Iran, a new stage of escalation before. And another Israeli enemy to be eliminated from the US point of view is Iran-backed Syria. Washington is about to destroy the country, to split it up and to shield Israel in East Syria against the threat of Iran. In view of these goals of the US government, efforts that could lead to a quick peace currently have not the slightest chance of success.

The idea of a divided Syria is also popular in Israel, above all because the Israelis in an independent Kurdish state see a possible new ally. Is the US also about creating new, potentially friendly states?

That Israel welcomes a Kurdish state is in line with the idea that the unity of Syria will be abandoned and that a number of small states will emerge. Compared with such small states, it is much easier to enforce one's own interests than is possible for a strong Syrian state.

Are the US currently at risk of direct confrontation with Iran or Russia?

Yes, obviously. This is also shown by the recent development in East Ghuta. There, in addition to the fighting, the media war also reaches a new level of escalation. This is mainly driven by the propaganda organization of the white helmets. The aim is to incite indignation against the "brutal Russians" and the "inhumane Assad regime" that is massacring the defenseless civilian population. This view of events in East Ghuta, backed by countless images of heroic white helmets rescuing small children, determines media perception in the Western world and paves the way for the justification of a direct military confrontation between the US and Syria and its allies. This is just proven by the recent statements of the United Nations Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley. It has threatened to use American cruise missiles against Syria unless it succeeds in enforcing an unconditional ceasefire in eastern Ghuta. That would be a direct military intervention, which would contribute to further aggravating the conflict and which fits in exactly with Trump's strategy.

Keyword white helmets: You say propaganda organization. Are not the white helmets above all an organization that helps people?

This organization is mainly funded by the governments in London and Washington with several hundred million US dollars. Its main task is to provide the media with heartbreaking videos and photos of the victims of the Assad regime's brutal attacks. The fact that these recordings are often staged, or even portrayed by actors in a worldwide video by CNN, has already been shown during the siege of East Aleppo.

It is undisputed that the Syrian government is primarily responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Ghuta. Only here is a completely different scale applied than in the bombing of Rakka and Mosul by the US-led alliance. There it was agreed that there could be only one military solution against the jihadists of the IS and therefore unfortunately the death of thousands of civilians must be taken into account, which served the IS as human shields.

De facto, the same framework conditions prevail in East Ghuta as before in the conquest of the other two cities: jihadist militias, including numerous al-Qaeda supporters, are terrorizing the inhabitants of the neighboring Syrian capital by firing rockets and mortar shells. At the same time, they use the civilian population in eastern Ghuta as human shields and shoot anyone who tries to escape via the security corridors set up by the Russians. Three humanitarian catastrophes - only thanks to the successful media propaganda and the one-sided reporting, the events are perceived completely different.

Benjamin Konietzny spoke with Günter Meyer"

(translated with google)

"Die USA wollen Syrien zerschlagen"

Why shouldn't there be an independent Kurdistan? Anyway, I have absolutely no sympathy for Assad after I see crying Syrian children being sprayed off after chemical attacks on them.
Trump´s actions in Syria are solely motivated by his devotion to Zion. n-tv, Germany´s largest news broadcaster, now interviewed Middle East expert Günter Meyer.

USA wants to break up Syria

"In mid-March 2011, there were first protests to Syria, then unleashed an avalanche of violence.Seven years later, large parts of the country are in ruins, nearly half a million people have died in the bloody civil war. Ruler Bashar Al-Assad, thanks to his powerful allies, is as strong as he has not been in years. Nevertheless, there will be no peace in the country in the foreseeable future, the Middle East expert Günter Meyer warns in an interview with The origins of the conflict in Syria are now almost exactly seven years back. How close is a peaceful solution? Is there any indication that the situation is improving?

Günter Meyer: If you had asked me six months ago, I would have answered yes. However, according to the latest information on the US strategy to be implemented jointly with England, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan against the Assad government and its allies, the prospects for peace in the foreseeable future are deep black. At present, I see no chance of finding a peaceful solution to the goals the US government is currently pursuing as the strongest force in this proxy war.

You mean the possible smashing of the Syrian state?

That's the government's planning in Washington. The entire east of Syria is to be split off. In the northeast, the Kurds, with American support, have already established their own Kurdish state. The remaining area along the border with Iraq in the east should also be placed under the control of US troops with the help of Assad militia. The anti-Assad militias are currently being trained in the US military base Al-Tanf on Syrian territory near the Jordanian border. Just two weeks ago, another 1,000 US soldiers were transferred there.

Why there, on the border to Iraq? After all, the country is an ally of the United States.

The joint fight against the ISIS's Sunni terrorists has significantly increased the influence of Shiite Iran in Iraq, with its majority Shiite population. As a result, until recently, Iranian supplies could be transported by land via Iraq to Syria. The troops of the Assad opponents are to block this direct connection in East Syria.

This is diametrically opposed to the interests of Russia and Iran, who desperately want to preserve the integrity of Syria. Are the US trying to protect Israel, or is Washington pursuing its own interests?

It's primarily about protecting Israel. This is the top priority under Donald Trump. The threat to Israel from Iran should be eliminated. With the dismissal of his Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson and the appointment of his successor, who has clearly positioned himself as a hawk and wants to terminate the nuclear agreement with Iran, is in the confrontation with Iran, a new stage of escalation before. And another Israeli enemy to be eliminated from the US point of view is Iran-backed Syria. Washington is about to destroy the country, to split it up and to shield Israel in East Syria against the threat of Iran. In view of these goals of the US government, efforts that could lead to a quick peace currently have not the slightest chance of success.

The idea of a divided Syria is also popular in Israel, above all because the Israelis in an independent Kurdish state see a possible new ally. Is the US also about creating new, potentially friendly states?

That Israel welcomes a Kurdish state is in line with the idea that the unity of Syria will be abandoned and that a number of small states will emerge. Compared with such small states, it is much easier to enforce one's own interests than is possible for a strong Syrian state.

Are the US currently at risk of direct confrontation with Iran or Russia?

Yes, obviously. This is also shown by the recent development in East Ghuta. There, in addition to the fighting, the media war also reaches a new level of escalation. This is mainly driven by the propaganda organization of the white helmets. The aim is to incite indignation against the "brutal Russians" and the "inhumane Assad regime" that is massacring the defenseless civilian population. This view of events in East Ghuta, backed by countless images of heroic white helmets rescuing small children, determines media perception in the Western world and paves the way for the justification of a direct military confrontation between the US and Syria and its allies. This is just proven by the recent statements of the United Nations Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley. It has threatened to use American cruise missiles against Syria unless it succeeds in enforcing an unconditional ceasefire in eastern Ghuta. That would be a direct military intervention, which would contribute to further aggravating the conflict and which fits in exactly with Trump's strategy.

Keyword white helmets: You say propaganda organization. Are not the white helmets above all an organization that helps people?

This organization is mainly funded by the governments in London and Washington with several hundred million US dollars. Its main task is to provide the media with heartbreaking videos and photos of the victims of the Assad regime's brutal attacks. The fact that these recordings are often staged, or even portrayed by actors in a worldwide video by CNN, has already been shown during the siege of East Aleppo.

It is undisputed that the Syrian government is primarily responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Ghuta. Only here is a completely different scale applied than in the bombing of Rakka and Mosul by the US-led alliance. There it was agreed that there could be only one military solution against the jihadists of the IS and therefore unfortunately the death of thousands of civilians must be taken into account, which served the IS as human shields.

De facto, the same framework conditions prevail in East Ghuta as before in the conquest of the other two cities: jihadist militias, including numerous al-Qaeda supporters, are terrorizing the inhabitants of the neighboring Syrian capital by firing rockets and mortar shells. At the same time, they use the civilian population in eastern Ghuta as human shields and shoot anyone who tries to escape via the security corridors set up by the Russians. Three humanitarian catastrophes - only thanks to the successful media propaganda and the one-sided reporting, the events are perceived completely different.

Benjamin Konietzny spoke with Günter Meyer"

(translated with google)

"Die USA wollen Syrien zerschlagen"

Trump´s actions in Syria are solely motivated by his devotion to Zion. n-tv, Germany´s largest news broadcaster, now interviewed Middle East expert Günter Meyer.

USA wants to break up Syria

"In mid-March 2011, there were first protests to Syria, then unleashed an avalanche of violence.Seven years later, large parts of the country are in ruins, nearly half a million people have died in the bloody civil war. Ruler Bashar Al-Assad, thanks to his powerful allies, is as strong as he has not been in years. Nevertheless, there will be no peace in the country in the foreseeable future, the Middle East expert Günter Meyer warns in an interview with The origins of the conflict in Syria are now almost exactly seven years back. How close is a peaceful solution? Is there any indication that the situation is improving?

Günter Meyer: If you had asked me six months ago, I would have answered yes. However, according to the latest information on the US strategy to be implemented jointly with England, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan against the Assad government and its allies, the prospects for peace in the foreseeable future are deep black. At present, I see no chance of finding a peaceful solution to the goals the US government is currently pursuing as the strongest force in this proxy war.

You mean the possible smashing of the Syrian state?

That's the government's planning in Washington. The entire east of Syria is to be split off. In the northeast, the Kurds, with American support, have already established their own Kurdish state. The remaining area along the border with Iraq in the east should also be placed under the control of US troops with the help of Assad militia. The anti-Assad militias are currently being trained in the US military base Al-Tanf on Syrian territory near the Jordanian border. Just two weeks ago, another 1,000 US soldiers were transferred there.

Why there, on the border to Iraq? After all, the country is an ally of the United States.

The joint fight against the ISIS's Sunni terrorists has significantly increased the influence of Shiite Iran in Iraq, with its majority Shiite population. As a result, until recently, Iranian supplies could be transported by land via Iraq to Syria. The troops of the Assad opponents are to block this direct connection in East Syria.

This is diametrically opposed to the interests of Russia and Iran, who desperately want to preserve the integrity of Syria. Are the US trying to protect Israel, or is Washington pursuing its own interests?

It's primarily about protecting Israel. This is the top priority under Donald Trump. The threat to Israel from Iran should be eliminated. With the dismissal of his Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson and the appointment of his successor, who has clearly positioned himself as a hawk and wants to terminate the nuclear agreement with Iran, is in the confrontation with Iran, a new stage of escalation before. And another Israeli enemy to be eliminated from the US point of view is Iran-backed Syria. Washington is about to destroy the country, to split it up and to shield Israel in East Syria against the threat of Iran. In view of these goals of the US government, efforts that could lead to a quick peace currently have not the slightest chance of success.

The idea of a divided Syria is also popular in Israel, above all because the Israelis in an independent Kurdish state see a possible new ally. Is the US also about creating new, potentially friendly states?

That Israel welcomes a Kurdish state is in line with the idea that the unity of Syria will be abandoned and that a number of small states will emerge. Compared with such small states, it is much easier to enforce one's own interests than is possible for a strong Syrian state.

Are the US currently at risk of direct confrontation with Iran or Russia?

Yes, obviously. This is also shown by the recent development in East Ghuta. There, in addition to the fighting, the media war also reaches a new level of escalation. This is mainly driven by the propaganda organization of the white helmets. The aim is to incite indignation against the "brutal Russians" and the "inhumane Assad regime" that is massacring the defenseless civilian population. This view of events in East Ghuta, backed by countless images of heroic white helmets rescuing small children, determines media perception in the Western world and paves the way for the justification of a direct military confrontation between the US and Syria and its allies. This is just proven by the recent statements of the United Nations Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley. It has threatened to use American cruise missiles against Syria unless it succeeds in enforcing an unconditional ceasefire in eastern Ghuta. That would be a direct military intervention, which would contribute to further aggravating the conflict and which fits in exactly with Trump's strategy.

Keyword white helmets: You say propaganda organization. Are not the white helmets above all an organization that helps people?

This organization is mainly funded by the governments in London and Washington with several hundred million US dollars. Its main task is to provide the media with heartbreaking videos and photos of the victims of the Assad regime's brutal attacks. The fact that these recordings are often staged, or even portrayed by actors in a worldwide video by CNN, has already been shown during the siege of East Aleppo.

It is undisputed that the Syrian government is primarily responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Ghuta. Only here is a completely different scale applied than in the bombing of Rakka and Mosul by the US-led alliance. There it was agreed that there could be only one military solution against the jihadists of the IS and therefore unfortunately the death of thousands of civilians must be taken into account, which served the IS as human shields.

De facto, the same framework conditions prevail in East Ghuta as before in the conquest of the other two cities: jihadist militias, including numerous al-Qaeda supporters, are terrorizing the inhabitants of the neighboring Syrian capital by firing rockets and mortar shells. At the same time, they use the civilian population in eastern Ghuta as human shields and shoot anyone who tries to escape via the security corridors set up by the Russians. Three humanitarian catastrophes - only thanks to the successful media propaganda and the one-sided reporting, the events are perceived completely different.

Benjamin Konietzny spoke with Günter Meyer"

(translated with google)

"Die USA wollen Syrien zerschlagen"

Why shouldn't there be an independent Kurdistan? Anyway, I have absolutely no sympathy for Assad after I see crying Syrian children being sprayed off after chemical attacks on them.
Does this look like the Al-Qaeda Barrel Bomb chemical propaganda thread? You like to give someone an own country? Take your soil then, not others´.
Trump´s actions in Syria are solely motivated by his devotion to Zion. n-tv, Germany´s largest news broadcaster, now interviewed Middle East expert Günter Meyer.

USA wants to break up Syria

"In mid-March 2011, there were first protests to Syria, then unleashed an avalanche of violence.Seven years later, large parts of the country are in ruins, nearly half a million people have died in the bloody civil war. Ruler Bashar Al-Assad, thanks to his powerful allies, is as strong as he has not been in years. Nevertheless, there will be no peace in the country in the foreseeable future, the Middle East expert Günter Meyer warns in an interview with The origins of the conflict in Syria are now almost exactly seven years back. How close is a peaceful solution? Is there any indication that the situation is improving?

Günter Meyer: If you had asked me six months ago, I would have answered yes. However, according to the latest information on the US strategy to be implemented jointly with England, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan against the Assad government and its allies, the prospects for peace in the foreseeable future are deep black. At present, I see no chance of finding a peaceful solution to the goals the US government is currently pursuing as the strongest force in this proxy war.

You mean the possible smashing of the Syrian state?

That's the government's planning in Washington. The entire east of Syria is to be split off. In the northeast, the Kurds, with American support, have already established their own Kurdish state. The remaining area along the border with Iraq in the east should also be placed under the control of US troops with the help of Assad militia. The anti-Assad militias are currently being trained in the US military base Al-Tanf on Syrian territory near the Jordanian border. Just two weeks ago, another 1,000 US soldiers were transferred there.

Why there, on the border to Iraq? After all, the country is an ally of the United States.

The joint fight against the ISIS's Sunni terrorists has significantly increased the influence of Shiite Iran in Iraq, with its majority Shiite population. As a result, until recently, Iranian supplies could be transported by land via Iraq to Syria. The troops of the Assad opponents are to block this direct connection in East Syria.

This is diametrically opposed to the interests of Russia and Iran, who desperately want to preserve the integrity of Syria. Are the US trying to protect Israel, or is Washington pursuing its own interests?

It's primarily about protecting Israel. This is the top priority under Donald Trump. The threat to Israel from Iran should be eliminated. With the dismissal of his Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson and the appointment of his successor, who has clearly positioned himself as a hawk and wants to terminate the nuclear agreement with Iran, is in the confrontation with Iran, a new stage of escalation before. And another Israeli enemy to be eliminated from the US point of view is Iran-backed Syria. Washington is about to destroy the country, to split it up and to shield Israel in East Syria against the threat of Iran. In view of these goals of the US government, efforts that could lead to a quick peace currently have not the slightest chance of success.

The idea of a divided Syria is also popular in Israel, above all because the Israelis in an independent Kurdish state see a possible new ally. Is the US also about creating new, potentially friendly states?

That Israel welcomes a Kurdish state is in line with the idea that the unity of Syria will be abandoned and that a number of small states will emerge. Compared with such small states, it is much easier to enforce one's own interests than is possible for a strong Syrian state.

Are the US currently at risk of direct confrontation with Iran or Russia?

Yes, obviously. This is also shown by the recent development in East Ghuta. There, in addition to the fighting, the media war also reaches a new level of escalation. This is mainly driven by the propaganda organization of the white helmets. The aim is to incite indignation against the "brutal Russians" and the "inhumane Assad regime" that is massacring the defenseless civilian population. This view of events in East Ghuta, backed by countless images of heroic white helmets rescuing small children, determines media perception in the Western world and paves the way for the justification of a direct military confrontation between the US and Syria and its allies. This is just proven by the recent statements of the United Nations Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley. It has threatened to use American cruise missiles against Syria unless it succeeds in enforcing an unconditional ceasefire in eastern Ghuta. That would be a direct military intervention, which would contribute to further aggravating the conflict and which fits in exactly with Trump's strategy.

Keyword white helmets: You say propaganda organization. Are not the white helmets above all an organization that helps people?

This organization is mainly funded by the governments in London and Washington with several hundred million US dollars. Its main task is to provide the media with heartbreaking videos and photos of the victims of the Assad regime's brutal attacks. The fact that these recordings are often staged, or even portrayed by actors in a worldwide video by CNN, has already been shown during the siege of East Aleppo.

It is undisputed that the Syrian government is primarily responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Ghuta. Only here is a completely different scale applied than in the bombing of Rakka and Mosul by the US-led alliance. There it was agreed that there could be only one military solution against the jihadists of the IS and therefore unfortunately the death of thousands of civilians must be taken into account, which served the IS as human shields.

De facto, the same framework conditions prevail in East Ghuta as before in the conquest of the other two cities: jihadist militias, including numerous al-Qaeda supporters, are terrorizing the inhabitants of the neighboring Syrian capital by firing rockets and mortar shells. At the same time, they use the civilian population in eastern Ghuta as human shields and shoot anyone who tries to escape via the security corridors set up by the Russians. Three humanitarian catastrophes - only thanks to the successful media propaganda and the one-sided reporting, the events are perceived completely different.

Benjamin Konietzny spoke with Günter Meyer"

(translated with google)

"Die USA wollen Syrien zerschlagen"

Too dumb, can´t read.

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