Slavery in the USA 2016

the usa prison system is institutionalized slavery, prisoners work for 10 cent an hour or less.

USA prisoners are slaves.

theres an industrie working of these slaves.

Slaves don't get paid. Do try and keep up.
the usa prison system is institutionalized slavery, prisoners work for 10 cent an hour or less.

USA prisoners are slaves.

theres an industrie working of these slaves.
You're obviously an illiterate negro.
Your race has an average IQ in the double digits. All the other races on the planet have average IQ's in the triple digits.
Based on % of population your race is failing.
Blame GOD.
Why do I have to give my hard earned tax payer money to a bunch of BONOBOS?
Every other sane person on the planet understands if they want to eat they must work for it.
Apparently not the likes of you.
I think that prisons should be self sufficient. They should grow/harvest their own food, they should have well water, etc., with the prisoners doing the work. These guys and gals need to be working full time at least. Instead of us taxpayers having to pay to house and feed these inmates, they should be working for their keep.

Work is good for the body and soul. I agree its time to bring back the chain gangs. But even more important its time to stop the flow of drugs into this nation that is ruining so many lives.

And make people more responisible for their own actions. You don't get a raise for being knocked up and if you knock up a women you go to jail if you don't support them. Make drugs legal ,maybe I'm kinda on the fence, but make those who have kids feed them instead of others taking on their responsibility. This will stop alot of crime.
Prescription drugs are legal but also a big problem.

Not about people who need meds for mental or chemcal imbalances,they are just as ill as those with other illness like heart trouble who take meds.

But this has become a Prozac Nation. Too many people are prescribed drugs now for 'nervous' conditions. And way too many kids are given drugs to ' calm them down '. In many cases this is child abuse. Kids have energy its not an illness its natural. Ritilan is deangerous it has soem bad side affects. Very few kids need the drug.

Women think they need prozac,etc, I know lots of them. Life is a bitch at times so deal with it.

Now maybe you can get a pen pal in prison...

What are you talking about? You should get a pen pal to keep you company at the mental facility you reside at. Lol.

Too bad USMB isn't better at controlling their trolls. You cannot even have a normal conversation around here!

Just ignore them honey. But I do understand your frustration.
I think that prisons should be self sufficient. They should grow/harvest their own food, they should have well water, etc., with the prisoners doing the work. These guys and gals need to be working full time at least. Instead of us taxpayers having to pay to house and feed these inmates, they should be working for their keep.
No wonder no guy has you tied down...

Stay on topic, dummy. My status is none of your business. I don't care about yours, why do you care so much about mine?
Could care less about the fate of people in prison. They are getting what they earned. IMO, they have it too easy as it is while they are in jail. Prison should be such a terrible place, that if you live through your sentence, you would never ever do anything to put yourself back in that situation. Fuck 'em.
You're generalizing about something you apparently haven't given much thought to, specifically the substantial difference in the essential nature of certain crimes.

For example, if you rape a woman and beat the hell out of her you are likely to be housed in the same dormitory, cell-block, or cell, as some guy who got caught with a couple of pounds of marijuana. And it's just as likely the pot dealer will be doing the same amount of time (if not more time) as you are. Locked up in the same housing unit will be a guy whose game is assaulting and robbing old men and women along with the guy who specialized in stealing new cars from dealer lots. Both are likely doing the same amount of time in spite of the fact there is a striking difference in the moral character of their respective crimes.

This inequitable, and ultimately counterproductive, situation exists in every jurisdiction in America because no lawmakers have seen fit to introduce legislation to make punishments more in keeping with the nature of individual offenses. It is likely the reason no such legislation has been proposed is the fact that too few Americans give any thought at all to the situation -- and too many have adopted the casual "fuck 'em!" attitude you've expressed.
Could care less about the fate of people in prison. They are getting what they earned. IMO, they have it too easy as it is while they are in jail. Prison should be such a terrible place, that if you live through your sentence, you would never ever do anything to put yourself back in that situation. Fuck 'em.
You're generalizing about something you apparently haven't given much thought to, specifically the substantial difference in the essential nature of certain crimes.

For example, if you rape a woman and beat the hell out of her you are likely to be housed in the same dormitory, cell-block, or cell, as some guy who got caught with a couple of pounds of marijuana. And it's just as likely the pot dealer will be doing the same amount of time (if not more time) as you are. Locked up in the same housing unit will be a guy whose game is assaulting and robbing old men and women along with the guy who specialized in stealing new cars from dealer lots. Both are likely doing the same amount of time in spite of the fact there is a striking difference in the moral character of their respective crimes.

This inequitable, and ultimately counterproductive, situation exists in every jurisdiction in America because no lawmakers have seen fit to introduce legislation to make punishments more in keeping with the nature of individual offenses. It is likely the reason no such legislation has been proposed is the fact that too few Americans give any thought at all to the situation -- and too many have adopted the casual "fuck 'em!" attitude you've expressed.

I agree that sometimes it may seem inappropriate, but a lot of those people you are talking about are career criminals who have had their chances and blew them. If you cannot do the time, then don't do the crime. I know that sounds cliche, but it is true. If you don't want to go to jail, then don't commit crimes. It's very hard to feel sorry for them.
1820 Chinas drug Holocaust. The Opinum Wars. I think it was the Brits who flooded them with drugs.
Okay. Thanks.

I'm embarrassed to have overlooked that bit of history.

But I hasten to add that the Opium Wars are not only history but they took place during an era of relative ignorance about the inherent danger of unrestrained recreational use of opiates. It is not likely the same level of mass addiction would have occurred if the Chinese of that era were as knowledgeable about the risks of addiction as are the populations of today's developed world. Another factor to consider is addiction to powerful opiates is most common among economically depressed peoples and the population of China during that era was generally impoverished.

With regard to the topic, I maintain that unless government authority rises to the extreme level it did in China during the Opium Wars and is presently being exercised in the Philippines, law-enforcement is simply and obviously incapable of controlling access to and the use of recreational drugs. What can work but which has not been effectively implemented here in the U.S. is an intensive and well structured public education program such as that which has successfully managed to reduce cigarette smoking by approximately 80% -- without arresting a single individual or imposing repressive laws.

I know that because the public education program conducted in the '70s and '80s is what caused me to withdraw from a 35 year cigarette addiction in 1985 -- and it's what has prevented many millions of Americans from taking up that lethal habit.
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I agree that sometimes it may seem inappropriate, but a lot of those people you are talking about are career criminals who have had their chances and blew them. If you cannot do the time, then don't do the crime. I know that sounds cliche, but it is true. If you don't want to go to jail, then don't commit crimes. It's very hard to feel sorry for them.
Why are you ignoring the fact that there are crimes and there are crimes -- and some crimes are very different from others?

Would you agree there is a significant difference between someone who forcibly rapes you and someone who steals your car? Do you acknowledge the difference between being harmed and being inconvenienced? Have you any idea how many otherwise decent, peaceful individuals who did nothing more than possess or sell marijuana but are serving time in the same cell-blocks or dormitories as those who rape and kill and are, as you've said, habitual, assaultive felons?
I think that prisons should be self sufficient. They should grow/harvest their own food, they should have well water, etc., with the prisoners doing the work. These guys and gals need to be working full time at least. Instead of us taxpayers having to pay to house and feed these inmates, they should be working for their keep.
That could work in some remote, rural places but not in the mainstream. It simply isn't a practical idea (or it would be implemented).
the usa prison system is institutionalized slavery, prisoners work for 10 cent an hour or less.

USA prisoners are slaves.

theres an industrie working of these slaves.

Why don't you worry about the tens of thousands of Asian girls working as slaves in massage parlors?

Or pre-teen girls forced into marriage with older men in Muslim enclaves?

Or the thousands of African slaves in Muslim countries in the Mideast?

You are a troll.
Prisoners make ten cents per hour?

I thought they worked for cigarettes or extra dessert or something.
Smoking is now prohibited in American prisons. As the desserts, which are available from the prisons' commissaries, that's what most prisoners spend their earnings on.
Could care less about the fate of people in prison. They are getting what they earned. IMO, they have it too easy as it is while they are in jail. Prison should be such a terrible place, that if you live through your sentence, you would never ever do anything to put yourself back in that situation. Fuck 'em.
You're generalizing about something you apparently haven't given much thought to, specifically the substantial difference in the essential nature of certain crimes.

For example, if you rape a woman and beat the hell out of her you are likely to be housed in the same dormitory, cell-block, or cell, as some guy who got caught with a couple of pounds of marijuana. And it's just as likely the pot dealer will be doing the same amount of time (if not more time) as you are. Locked up in the same housing unit will be a guy whose game is assaulting and robbing old men and women along with the guy who specialized in stealing new cars from dealer lots. Both are likely doing the same amount of time in spite of the fact there is a striking difference in the moral character of their respective crimes.

This inequitable, and ultimately counterproductive, situation exists in every jurisdiction in America because no lawmakers have seen fit to introduce legislation to make punishments more in keeping with the nature of individual offenses. It is likely the reason no such legislation has been proposed is the fact that too few Americans give any thought at all to the situation -- and too many have adopted the casual "fuck 'em!" attitude you've expressed.

I beg to differ with you. My father, and two of my uncles, were prison guards in NC for a good many years before their deaths. Have had many discussions concerning what goes on in prison and all of the politics that go along with it. I know very well what happens in prisons and why the people that are there belong there. I stand my ground. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. If you have broken a law, any law, you deserve what you end up with for a jail sentence. You're barking up the wrong tree.
Most slaves in America are kidnapped and forced into prostitution. And usually it's a ****** forcing women into prostitution.

They should get a mandatory death penalty IMO. And every "John" that rapes them too.
I beg to differ with you. My father, and two of my uncles, were prison guards in NC for a good many years before their deaths. Have had many discussions concerning what goes on in prison and all of the politics that go along with it. I know very well what happens in prisons and why the people that are there belong there. I stand my ground. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. If you have broken a law, any law, you deserve what you end up with for a jail sentence. You're barking up the wrong tree.
Because you belong to a family of prison guards you've been conditioned to believe there is no fundamental character difference between an assaultive rapist and someone whose only "crime" has been selling marijuana or stealing a car.

You might want to visit your local library and see if they have a copy of, The Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant. It's a hard read and will take you awhile to get through. But I sincerely believe you will benefit immensely from it.

As for your father and two uncles, I'm afraid the time they spent as prison guards has hardened them beyond all hope of understanding, or willingness to understand, that all offender personalities are not irrecoverably degenerate sociopaths and/or pathologically violent personalities. Some just took a chance at something which imparted no harm to any vulnerable individual(s) and they got caught. Your father and uncles apparently had to assign some rational purpose to what they did for a living and now they've managed to convey the same rationalization to you.

Bottom line: Some prison inmates are rotten bastards who deserve to be hung from a tree. Others are not.


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