Slavery reparations could carry a $17 trillion price tag

How do you black supremacists explain the superiority of your race at the same time when demanding that whites pay your way? Almost seems like you believe that the black skin color is a handicap.

There are no black supremacists here and whites owe us money. Apparently your white skin is a handicap since whites made laws denying us the same thing whites got.

So if your dad raped and murdered some poor white girl you should be held it.

If my dad had done that and died, if the family sues us for wrongful death and the court ruled in their favor, I would be required to pay. These whitebread excuses you racists keep crying are without merit when you understand that white descendants of confederate soldiers got paid reparations beginning 95 years after the war ended until at least 2017. So take your little temper tantrum and shove it up your ass wb... Got it?

No you wouldnt be held responsible ya dumbshit.
Your fathers estate might be but we all know he's worth a dime bag and four malt liquors.

Don't forget the box of Swisher Sweets.

Are they split and turned into blunts?
That could increase his net worth by half.
Slavery reparations could carry a $17 trillion price tag

They could cost 100 trillion. And it would still accomplish nothing. Wouldn't make one Black happy. Worse, it would just make both them and whites LESS happy. Good thing it won't ever happen. This country is already broke, much of it over blacks to begin with and can't afford to spend 17 trillion on anything much less trying to appease a bunch of ungrateful unproductive idiots who've never been owed anything in the first place.

Lessee: 17 trillion: that is about $170,000 from every white taxpayer in the country! And how do we profile people, by race, so that only whites repay this "debt?" Or will blacks be paying into the "reparations" as well?

Hoo Boy! Only a race-baiting, Jesse Jackson loving idiot like IM2 would believe this.

If anything remotely close to this actually ever happens, if even $100 is given to each black person out of the federal treasury JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK, I predict there is going to be a whole lotta black killing in the streets. Then maybe the guilt-driven poverty pimps will finally be happy.
What blacks don't realize is that black slaves worked less than today's corporate office slaves.

If you don't believe me do the research yourself.

So in other words you made it all up. What a surprise.

Nope. You are just too lazy and shiftless to do the research.

I"m lazy?

In political discourse, when you make a claim somebody challenges, you provide the proof. That's the way it works. You can't make a claim, and when challenged, say "find my evidence of my claim for me." You made the claim--you provide your sources.

Now if you don't have sources, or well aware your source are not credible, then simply don't make the claim.

The idiot thinks a military pension is reparations.

One of his brothers are feeding him a lot of BS and he never validates what they tell him.

Speaking of BS, the Democrats are starting theirs again with the reparations garbage. They are worried that because of the great success many blacks are experiencing thanks to Trump's economy, they might lose some of that black vote they've been taking for granted the last couple of decades.

Some blacks are actually waking up. They see these new anti-semite Democrat women in Congress, and two of the presidential candidates have had their run--ins with blacks. Biden openly stated he had a great time working with segregationists, and Mayor Pete Buddyjiz is in the middle of a police shooting incident he seems to be lost for words about.
It is beginning.

Now watch how the trolling starts.

A new bill would calculate potential costs of reparations — and by Yahoo Finance estimates, these could reach as high as $17.1 trillion.

Last week, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties held the first hearing in a decade on H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act. The bill was first introduced in 1989 by former Congressman John Conyers (D-MI). Conyers reintroduced the bill each year until his retirement in 2017 — and each year, the bill languished in Congress.

The bill’s focus was not to pass reparations, but to research the impact slavery had on black Americans and develop proposals for redress.

Payments are not the focus of H.R. 40’

The subject of reparations has remained a political hot potato, with presidential candidates Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Beto O’Rourke and Julian Castro supporting some form of reparations. But while the Democratic-controlled House is willing to hear the bill, it seems likely that a bill on reparations will die in the Senate where Republicans have a majority. When asked about the hearing, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he opposed the measure, given that “not one of us currently living are responsible” for slavery.

McConnell continued, adding: "We've tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, by passing landmark civil rights legislation. We elected an African-American president.”

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), a sponsor of H.R. 40 — named after the 40 acres and a mule promised to freed slaves — responded to McConnell’s comments in a statement to Yahoo Finance.

“Payments are not the focus of H.R. 40,” the congresswoman said. “Knowledge is the focus of H.R. 40.”

“The Majority Leader may want to deny this bill a hearing, but he cannot deny the horror and the denial of freedom that human bondage represents,” she said. “The Majority Leader can't deny the free labor that slavery brought; he can't deny the people who died in transit; and he can't deny that this is the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the slave trade.”

The case for reparations

Activists have been calling for reparations for years, and in 2016, a UN panel declared that the U.S. owed black Americans reparations because of slavery and its link to injustices today in America.

“In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent,” the report states.

“Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency.”

Slavery reparations could carry a $17 trillion price tag
This is a divisive topic-when people are pleading for unity. Never get it this way. But the idea of illegals having to pay a special tax for it does have appeal.

It hasn't been divisive for whites to take things from us.

How do you black supremacists explain the superiority of your race at the same time when demanding that whites pay your way? Almost seems like you believe that the black skin color is a handicap.

There are no black supremacists here and whites owe us money. Apparently your white skin is a handicap since whites made laws denying us the same thing whites got.
What about the blacks who sold the blacks into slavery originally?
It hasn't been divisive for whites to take things from us.

How do you black supremacists explain the superiority of your race at the same time when demanding that whites pay your way? Almost seems like you believe that the black skin color is a handicap.

There are no black supremacists here and whites owe us money. Apparently your white skin is a handicap since whites made laws denying us the same thing whites got.

So if your dad raped and murdered some poor white girl you should be held it.
See what I mean? It's divisive!

These comments from mentally retarded white racists are what's divisive.
Duh. Does that meet your expectation? You better hope I'm white or your perception of the world will be shattered
It hasn't been divisive for whites to take things from us.

How do you black supremacists explain the superiority of your race at the same time when demanding that whites pay your way? Almost seems like you believe that the black skin color is a handicap.

it's getting worse ---now that we have the
NEW RACE """"person of color""" anyone can be a person of <<<color>>>
and thus ENTITLED. you can choose
when the census people come around to
BE anything you want that ENTITLES you

LOL! The racists are crying because others want absolute equality.
Show us where YOU are not treated equally, not a homeless drugee.

You see it every day. Stop living in denial.
You denied the question. Show us or pipe down!
How do you black supremacists explain the superiority of your race at the same time when demanding that whites pay your way? Almost seems like you believe that the black skin color is a handicap.

it's getting worse ---now that we have the
NEW RACE """"person of color""" anyone can be a person of <<<color>>>
and thus ENTITLED. you can choose
when the census people come around to
BE anything you want that ENTITLES you

LOL! The racists are crying because others want absolute equality.
Show us where YOU are not treated equally, not a homeless drugee.

You see it every day. Stop living in denial.

The police?
Depends where you are.
This is a divisive topic-when people are pleading for unity. Never get it this way. But the idea of illegals having to pay a special tax for it does have appeal.

It hasn't been divisive for whites to take things from us.

How do you black supremacists explain the superiority of your race at the same time when demanding that whites pay your way? Almost seems like you believe that the black skin color is a handicap.

There are no black supremacists here and whites owe us money. Apparently your white skin is a handicap since whites made laws denying us the same thing whites got.

So if your dad raped and murdered some poor white girl you should be held it.

If my dad had done that and died, if the family sues us for wrongful death and the court ruled in their favor, I would be required to pay. These whitebread excuses you racists keep crying are without merit when you understand that white descendants of confederate soldiers got paid reparations beginning 95 years after the war ended until at least 2017. So take your little temper tantrum and shove it up your ass wb... Got it?
Wb is that like bb?

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