Sleep in his office, Tea Partier Rep. Fincher, scams taxpayers for millions

Who gets the vast majority of farm subsideis?

Poor people?

No corporations.
Well, at least you haven't started an "I'm leaving" thread yet....You just go away.

Could you be so kind as to indulge us once again?

notice how when Con-Hog left.....Zona shows up....i guess he feels safe now....

Safe? no. He almost made me do something I did not want to do. Turns out he got booted because of the way he is.

Come to think of it, we are all safer now that he is gone. lol. Well, at least the females on this board are safer from what I read. He seemed to not be too nice to them either. :doubt:

He asked me to prove something, then im's me and tells me his grandfather just died and his son is really sick. I did not want to go down that path so I left.

Clear now?

sure he did......
Who gets the vast majority of farm subsideis?

Poor people?

No corporations.

Ummmm, the answer should be 'farmers'. Whether they are wealthy corporate farms or struggling family run farms makes no difference.

The issue with 'farm' subsidies (and it's subsidies, not subsideis), is that it is being claimed by those who are not actually farming. Can you ever deal with the actual issue ever or prefer just using bullshit to swipe at someone whose politics are different to yours?

This is laughable. Seriously. We have very wealthy celebrities making use of 'farm' subsidies to avoid paying their fair share.... do you criticize that? No. You bitch about a genuine farmer claiming a subsidy to which he is legally entitled.

When will 'you people' (and by 'you people' I mean stupid people) learn what a level playing field is?
The Tea Party swept into the 112th Congress with promises of cutting government spending. But according to a report out today, at least five lawmakers with Tea Party connections have been longtime recipients of federal agricultural subsidies.

While the self-described Tea Party patriot lists his occupation as “farmer” and “gospel singer” in the Congressional Directory, he doesn’t mention that his family has received more than $3 million in farm subsidies from 1995 to 2009, according to the Environmental Working Group.

In 2009 alone, government farm subsidies totaled more than $16 billion. They totaled almost a quarter of a trillion dollars over the last 15 years.

Just five crops account for 90 percent of all farm subsidies: cotton, corn, rice, wheat, and soybeans.

ABC News: Stephen Fincher guilty of Tea Party hypocrisy?


had this been a democrat glenn beck and i would have been outraged!

and we would use it as more evidence of what evil lying scumbags ALL liberals are!

but it's a tea party conservative

so I say; I'm OUTRAGED that evil lying scumbag liberals try to blame ALL tea party members for the actions of just 1 tea party member

besides...he's probably just an evil lying liberal scumbag who has infiltrated the tea party
What was the name of that twit from LA that got so pissed off when a rumor was spread that she was a $100 million dollar whore that she stormed the floor of the senate and declared she wasn't that cheap and sold out for $300 million?

That's a bribe.

Farm subs are legal. You don't like it, change it.
The Tea Party swept into the 112th Congress with promises of cutting government spending. But according to a report out today, at least five lawmakers with Tea Party connections have been longtime recipients of federal agricultural subsidies.

While the self-described Tea Party patriot lists his occupation as “farmer” and “gospel singer” in the Congressional Directory, he doesn’t mention that his family has received more than $3 million in farm subsidies from 1995 to 2009, according to the Environmental Working Group.

In 2009 alone, government farm subsidies totaled more than $16 billion. They totaled almost a quarter of a trillion dollars over the last 15 years.

Just five crops account for 90 percent of all farm subsidies: cotton, corn, rice, wheat, and soybeans.

ABC News: Stephen Fincher guilty of Tea Party hypocrisy?


from your link;

ABC News’ Diane Sawyer grilled the lawmakers on the subject in January during her exclusive Tea Party interview with 10 freshmen members of the House and Senate.

“Are you ready to vote against all farm subsidies? That’s $20 billion by one estimate, at least,” Sawyer asked.

“Well, I think everything should be on the table,” Hartzler said. “And, yes, there’s a lot of us farmers that have participated in the program.”

Sawyer then asked Rep. Stutzman about the more than $100,000 in farm subsidies he received and whether he would vote to cut them.

Stutzman told ABC News that he is in favor of eliminating farm subsidies, including his own.

“Yes, I would vote to eliminate farm subsidies. It manipulates the market,” he said. “And that’s the problem here in Washington: The adult conversation, I think, has to be, ‘no.’”

Hartzler said she was open to “starting the discussion and look at it.”

Republicans are not the only ones who received federal subsidies.

On the Democrats side, Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., received $159,549 from USDA subsidies between 1995 and 2009, according to the report.

Listed as owners of T-Bone Farms, Tester and his wife Sharla received $282,754 in subsidies between the years of 1995 and 2009.

Darn those TPers!! They are willing to vote money out of thier own pocketts!!
Who gets the vast majority of farm subsideis?

Poor people?

No corporations.

Ummmm, the answer should be 'farmers'. Whether they are wealthy corporate farms or struggling family run farms makes no difference.

The issue with 'farm' subsidies (and it's subsidies, not subsideis), is that it is being claimed by those who are not actually farming. Can you ever deal with the actual issue ever or prefer just using bullshit to swipe at someone whose politics are different to yours?

This is laughable. Seriously. We have very wealthy celebrities making use of 'farm' subsidies to avoid paying their fair share.... do you criticize that? No. You bitch about a genuine farmer claiming a subsidy to which he is legally entitled.

When will 'you people' (and by 'you people' I mean stupid people) learn what a level playing field is?

You have been misinformed, CG.

They are not weathy corporate farmers.

Corporations are not people.

MOST OF THE WELFARE that people LIKE YOU so object to (and who can blame you for objecting to that?) goes to multibillion dollar CORPORATIONS, not to struggling farming people, but to the FAT CATS who own most of the nations agriBUSINESS.

Wake up and smell the class war, CG.
Who gets the vast majority of farm subsideis?

Poor people?

No corporations.

Ummmm, the answer should be 'farmers'. Whether they are wealthy corporate farms or struggling family run farms makes no difference.

The issue with 'farm' subsidies (and it's subsidies, not subsideis), is that it is being claimed by those who are not actually farming. Can you ever deal with the actual issue ever or prefer just using bullshit to swipe at someone whose politics are different to yours?

This is laughable. Seriously. We have very wealthy celebrities making use of 'farm' subsidies to avoid paying their fair share.... do you criticize that? No. You bitch about a genuine farmer claiming a subsidy to which he is legally entitled.

When will 'you people' (and by 'you people' I mean stupid people) learn what a level playing field is?

You have been misinformed, CG.

They are not weathy corporate farmers.

Corporations are not people.

MOST OF THE WELFARE that people LIKE YOU so object to (and who can blame you for objecting to that?) goes to multibillion dollar CORPORATIONS, not to struggling farming people, but to the FAT CATS who own most of the nations agriBUSINESS.

Wake up and smell the class war, CG.

Please provide links with proof that the farmers that apply for these subs don't actually get them.
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Another rdean thread goes down in flames. Try again Corky.
I'm sure the thought of socialism didn't cross their mind when they got all that evil government money...

No, probably not. I agree that this is an example of blatant hypocrisy, however, on the below issue you are incorrect.

Almost as hypocritical as the morons that ran against Obamacare taking government insurance as congressmen..

There is nothing hypocritical about them running against ObamaCare and taking health insurance from the government. The government is now their employer, just like the rest of us get health insurance from our employer. This should be evident to anyone with more than a third grade education, but I guess talking points to try and hurt the opposition are more important than intellectual honesty.
Who gets the vast majority of farm subsideis?

Poor people?

No corporations.

Ummmm, the answer should be 'farmers'. Whether they are wealthy corporate farms or struggling family run farms makes no difference.

The issue with 'farm' subsidies (and it's subsidies, not subsideis), is that it is being claimed by those who are not actually farming. Can you ever deal with the actual issue ever or prefer just using bullshit to swipe at someone whose politics are different to yours?

This is laughable. Seriously. We have very wealthy celebrities making use of 'farm' subsidies to avoid paying their fair share.... do you criticize that? No. You bitch about a genuine farmer claiming a subsidy to which he is legally entitled.

When will 'you people' (and by 'you people' I mean stupid people) learn what a level playing field is?

You have been misinformed, CG.

They are not weathy corporate farmers.

Corporations are not people.

MOST OF THE WELFARE that people LIKE YOU so object to (and who can blame you for objecting to that?) goes to multibillion dollar CORPORATIONS, not to struggling farming people, but to the FAT CATS who own most of the nations agriBUSINESS.

Wake up and smell the class war, CG.

I happen to know a cotton farming family in Arkansas, one of the richest in the state. Their farm is incorporated to protect their home, a lesson learned from the depression when when families lost their homes as a result of not being able to pay their feed bills, not from not paying the mortgage. There are agribusinesses out there that have millions of cultivated acres, but most of the farming is still done by small, family run, farms. If you do not like the fact that coroporations are getting farm subsidies I suggest you write to your Congressman and tell him you want them eliminated.
I thought you ran away to the circus.
And so it begins. Everything except the point you made.

Wait for it.

The Tea Party swept into the 112th Congress with promises of cutting government spending. But according to a report out today, at least five lawmakers with Tea Party connections have been longtime recipients of federal agricultural subsidies.

While the self-described Tea Party patriot lists his occupation as “farmer” and “gospel singer” in the Congressional Directory, he doesn’t mention that his family has received more than $3 million in farm subsidies from 1995 to 2009, according to the Environmental Working Group.

In 2009 alone, government farm subsidies totaled more than $16 billion. They totaled almost a quarter of a trillion dollars over the last 15 years.

Just five crops account for 90 percent of all farm subsidies: cotton, corn, rice, wheat, and soybeans.

ABC News: Stephen Fincher guilty of Tea Party hypocrisy?

in 2009 obama was president and the democrats had a majority in congress. Are you saying they fucked up? Sounds like it to me.

Told you. When faces with republican hypcracy, this is what they do. Every single time. I am surprised Kenyan, muslim or rev wight didnt come up.


yep, this board is a waste of time. anything that doesn't appease the neocons just got fallacious responses

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