Sleeper Issue? GOP wants to dismantle the VA and throw veterans under the bus.

so dean do you actually think you are convincing any righties here to not vote republican?
Progressives have never given two shits about veterans/military folk...

Remember the sixties??
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.
VA medical care is considered some of the best in the world. Don't drink GOP swill. Soon, you might believe trickle down is sound economics and we went to Iraq to liberate people and they hate us for our freedom. GOP Swill can turn really smart people stupid.
And try not to get any on you. It turns your skin white.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.
VA medical care is considered some of the best in the world. Don't drink GOP swill. Soon, you might believe trickle down is sound economics and we went to Iraq to liberate people and they hate us for our freedom. GOP Swill can turn really smart people stupid.
And try not to get any on you. It turns your skin white.
VA medical care the best in the world? My lord, I get more timely care for my dog.
The tea party is anti-government and nothing more then anarchist. These people believe that we should go back to the wild west days.

We must vote democrat to defeat these animal trash. Our troops depend on it, our children depend on it and the rights of our workers depend on it.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.
VA medical care is considered some of the best in the world. Don't drink GOP swill. Soon, you might believe trickle down is sound economics and we went to Iraq to liberate people and they hate us for our freedom. GOP Swill can turn really smart people stupid.
And try not to get any on you. It turns your skin white.
VA medical care the best in the world? My lord, I get more timely care for my dog.

Yet, you have no solutions besides throwing the bums on the street. Who are fuck are you trying to kid?

Where is your reforms? It is goddamn insulting to see that you want to abolish something that the government should do for our troops.
The tea party is anti-government and nothing more then anarchist. These people believe that we should go back to the wild west days.

We must vote democrat to defeat these animal trash. Our troops depend on it, our children depend on it and the rights of our workers depend on it.
It's hard to read that and believe the person typing it is for real.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.

Don't get your care from VA do ya? I just got a new VA community clinic, all new equipment, expanded staff and services. I go to a private dentist because the VA dental clinic is 50 miles away and VA picks up 100% of the tab.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.
VA medical care is considered some of the best in the world. Don't drink GOP swill. Soon, you might believe trickle down is sound economics and we went to Iraq to liberate people and they hate us for our freedom. GOP Swill can turn really smart people stupid.
And try not to get any on you. It turns your skin white.
VA medical care the best in the world? My lord, I get more timely care for my dog.

Yet, you have no solutions besides throwing the bums on the street. Who are fuck are you trying to kid?

Where is your reforms? It is goddamn insulting to see that you want to abolish something that the government should do for our troops.
No we want to see them access private medical care. Maybe then their appointments, which by the records take 24 days but actually take 115 days, might actually take place before they're dead.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.

Don't get your care from VA do ya? I just got a new VA community clinic, all new equipment, expanded staff and services. I go to a private dentist because the VA dental clinic is 50 miles away and VA picks up 100% of the tab.
Actually yes I do. Local clinic sucks for cancer treatments so I have to drive to Orlando to do that. If I get sick It takes a month to get an appointment, sometimes 3. Still it's better than nothing.

I always wonder who works for the VA, is it top quality doctors or noobs who can't make it elsewhere?
The tea party is anti-government and nothing more then anarchist. These people believe that we should go back to the wild west days.

We must vote democrat to defeat these animal trash. Our troops depend on it, our children depend on it and the rights of our workers depend on it.
It's hard to read that and believe the person typing it is for real.
Then explain why they are wrong.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.
VA medical care is considered some of the best in the world. Don't drink GOP swill. Soon, you might believe trickle down is sound economics and we went to Iraq to liberate people and they hate us for our freedom. GOP Swill can turn really smart people stupid.
And try not to get any on you. It turns your skin white.
VA medical care the best in the world? My lord, I get more timely care for my dog.

Yet, you have no solutions besides throwing the bums on the street. Who are fuck are you trying to kid?

Where is your reforms? It is goddamn insulting to see that you want to abolish something that the government should do for our troops.
No we want to see them access private medical care. Maybe then their appointments, which by the records take 24 days but actually take 115 days, might actually take place before they're dead.
Reminds me of the health care website. Republicans have swallowed the swill. They actually believe our government is so inept, they are the Keystone Cops running around burning money and destroying everything with ineptness.

Every single time, when a giant website is brought on line, it's had problems. Airlines giving away free tickets or tickets costing a dollar. Amazon selling expensive items for the cost of shipping.
Look at the space plane. Private industry is working hard to catch up to the level of NASA. Red states with "tiny" and "ineffective" government are disasters. Yet the GOP refuses to see any of that. And of course, for refusing to even acknowledge the facts, the "I" word comes up, ignorant" and the right wing becomes outraged.
I think veterans should have medical cards that work at any hospital and not be restricted to second rate VA only clinics.

Don't get your care from VA do ya? I just got a new VA community clinic, all new equipment, expanded staff and services. I go to a private dentist because the VA dental clinic is 50 miles away and VA picks up 100% of the tab.
Actually yes I do. Local clinic sucks for cancer treatments so I have to drive to Orlando to do that. If I get sick It takes a month to get an appointment, sometimes 3. Still it's better than nothing.

I always wonder who works for the VA, is it top quality doctors or noobs who can't make it elsewhere?
If you keep up with politics, the GOP constantly cuts their funding and they don't have money coming in because they don't charge the veterans that go there. How can you not know that?
The Best Care Anywhere - Phillip Longman

By the mid-1990s, the reputation of veterans hospitals had sunk so low that conservatives routinely used their example as a kind of reductio ad absurdum critique of any move toward "socialized medicine." Here, for instance, is Jarret B. Wollstein, a right-wing activist/author, railing against the Clinton health-care plan in 1994: "To see the future of health care in America for you and your children under Clinton's plan," Wollstein warned, "just visit any Veterans Administration hospital. You'll find filthy conditions, shortages of everything, and treatment bordering on barbarism."
And so it goes today. If the debate is over health-care reform, it won't be long before some free-market conservative will jump up and say that the sorry shape of the nation's veterans hospitals just proves what happens when government gets into the health-care business. And if he's a true believer, he'll then probably go on to suggest, quoting William Safire and other free marketers, that the government should just shut down the whole miserable system and provide veterans with health-care vouchers.
Yet here's a curious fact that few conservatives or liberals know. Who do you think receives higher-quality health care. Medicare patients who are free to pick their own doctors and specialists? Or aging veterans stuck in those presumably filthy VA hospitals with their antiquated equipment, uncaring administrators, and incompetent staff? An answer came in 2003, when the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine published a study that compared veterans health facilities on 11 measures of quality with fee-for-service Medicare. On all 11 measures, the quality of care in veterans facilities proved to be "significantly better."


What Republicans don't want to you to know is that Veterans are angry at the amount of time it takes to get in, but NOT with the quality of care they get. So why is the quality so great? Can anyone answer that question? Hint: It's something Bill Clinton did in the 90's. Can you guess what it was?
The tea party is anti-government and nothing more then anarchist. These people believe that we should go back to the wild west days.

We must vote democrat to defeat these animal trash. Our troops depend on it, our children depend on it and the rights of our workers depend on it.
so you are a democrat this week matt?...

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