Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

Actually Roman Polanski. See, if it's done by a crackhead, it's rape. If it's done by a famous Hollywood type, it's not really rape, even when the victim is 13 and drugged.[/QUOTE]

I've been advocating that Polanksi face Justice for years. he's scum!!


He faced 'justice' and admitted his wrong doing. What he escaped was punishment. The U.S. has not succeeded in extraditing him, but it's still active.[/QUOTE]

He's a scumbag pedophile and belongs in prison.
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

An adult woman can totally FUCK with the mind of a child. Duh. What about her "pregnancy?" Was that a good thing too? High five kid, you're a 13-year-old daddy of a crazy woman who is going to be old and ugly while you are still young, and now you are tied to her for life. Good thing she got that abortion, eh?
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
I hate to tell you this but boys are different than girls

A 13 year old boy does nothing but think about getting laid by a hot teacher that's why they carry their books in front of their crotches when they leave said hot teacher's class

This kid had a dream come true and you want to tell him he was traumatized.

He wasn't
There has been no post saying the woman was other than mentally challenged.
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
I hate to tell you this but boys are different than girls

A 13 year old boy does nothing but think about getting laid by a hot teacher that's why they carry their books in front of their crotches when they leave said hot teacher's class

This kid had a dream come true and you want to tell him he was traumatized.

He wasn't

What if the kid is gay and it was a homosexual MALE teacher? Of course he could be traumatized either way in MANY different ways. This woman is obviously a psycho or something! Think about how a psycho woman like that could fuck with YOUR brain!
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?

Being penetrated without consent is rape
Being invited to penetrate isn't
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?
It's kind of a matter of what gets put where, donchathink?
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.

Obviously some of you are STILL like 13-year-old little boys. Grow up! Act and think like an adult!
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?
It's kind of a matter of what gets put where, donchathink?

Why? What difference does it make? If the boy is gay and he was attracted to his gay teacher and they got it on, how is that any different?
Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.

Obviously some of you are STILL like 13-year-old little boys. Grow up! Act and think like an adult!
What fun is that?

I'm speaking as a man who was once a teenager and no teenage boy who has sex with a woman is being traumatized. Believe me they are loving every minute of it
What is wrong with people? Too much exposure to zero morales. What could someone possibly have in common with someone not an adult. It's totally purely sexual, nothing else.

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?

Being penetrated without consent is rape
Being invited to penetrate isn't

Face it. You are wrong. It's not any different. The thing is you guys wish you could get a girl who looked like that and you are probably a little envious of the boy, without taking anything else into consideration other than this woman's appearance. People have personalities. Every single one of them. And some of them are batshit crazy. Would you advise your 13-year-old child to get caught up in that shit? Then you are a shitty parent.
What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.

Obviously some of you are STILL like 13-year-old little boys. Grow up! Act and think like an adult!
What fun is that?

I'm speaking as a man who was once a teenager and no teenage boy who has sex with a woman is being traumatized. Believe me they are loving every minute of it

You don't know anything about it. That boy is TOO young to make good decisions for himself.
Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?
It's kind of a matter of what gets put where, donchathink?

Why? What difference does it make? If the boy is gay and he was attracted to his gay teacher and they got it on, how is that any different?

To repeat, "It's kind of a matter of what gets put where, donchathink?"
Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?

Being penetrated without consent is rape
Being invited to penetrate isn't

Face it. You are wrong. It's not any different. The thing is you guys wish you could get a girl who looked like that and you are probably a little envious of the boy, without taking anything else into consideration other than this woman's appearance. People have personalities. Every single one of them. And some of them are batshit crazy. Would you advise your 13-year-old child to get caught up in that shit? Then you are a shitty parent.

Sorry but no.

I am speaking as a man who was teenager who had sex with an older woman. I was 15 she was 20 and it was the best summer of my life
What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?
It's kind of a matter of what gets put where, donchathink?

Why? What difference does it make? If the boy is gay and he was attracted to his gay teacher and they got it on, how is that any different?

To repeat, "It's kind of a matter of what gets put where, donchathink?"

Why don't you explain to me why that matters? What if SHE put on a strap on and did him in the butt?
What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?

Being penetrated without consent is rape
Being invited to penetrate isn't

Face it. You are wrong. It's not any different. The thing is you guys wish you could get a girl who looked like that and you are probably a little envious of the boy, without taking anything else into consideration other than this woman's appearance. People have personalities. Every single one of them. And some of them are batshit crazy. Would you advise your 13-year-old child to get caught up in that shit? Then you are a shitty parent.

Sorry but no.

I am speaking as a man who was teenager who had sex with an older woman. I was 15 she was 20 and it was the best summer of my life

Yeah, sure you did. Lol. I suppose she was GORGEOUS too? :D Lol.

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