Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different if it was a 20-something-year-old homosexual MALE teacher who molested the boy?

Being penetrated without consent is rape
Being invited to penetrate isn't

Face it. You are wrong. It's not any different. The thing is you guys wish you could get a girl who looked like that and you are probably a little envious of the boy, without taking anything else into consideration other than this woman's appearance. People have personalities. Every single one of them. And some of them are batshit crazy. Would you advise your 13-year-old child to get caught up in that shit? Then you are a shitty parent.

Sorry but no.

I am speaking as a man who was teenager who had sex with an older woman. I was 15 she was 20 and it was the best summer of my life

Yeah, sure you did. Lol. I suppose she was GORGEOUS too? :D Lol.

Believe it or not I really don't care and I thought she was cute but who knows as I was seeing her with a horny teen aged eye
Any woman or man who is having an intimate sexual relationship with a CHILD belongs in the slammer. There is GREAT potential for harm. Little boys have feelings too.
Yeah they all feel like getting laid
Any woman or man who is having an intimate sexual relationship with a CHILD belongs in the slammer. There is GREAT potential for harm. Little boys have feelings too.
You were never a teen aged boy so quite frankly you have no idea what you are talking about
Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.

Obviously some of you are STILL like 13-year-old little boys. Grow up! Act and think like an adult!

Prudish petulance getting uselessly bent out of shape!
No one is encouraging anyone to do anything here. No one has said this woman is normal. What a few males have testified to is that they were more than sexually ready and willing at that age.
Years of frustration cause mental problems too, remember. Therapeutic sex for teenage boys would be good for them and their future female partners. Societies in the past often understood this and instituted appropriate rites.
Obviously, this woman does not fit in that category and no one says she does.
What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.

Obviously some of you are STILL like 13-year-old little boys. Grow up! Act and think like an adult!

Prudish petulance getting uselessly bent out of shape!
No one is encouraging anyone to do anything here. No one has said this woman is normal. What a few males have testified to is that they were more than sexually ready and willing at that age.
Years of frustration cause mental problems too, remember. Therapeutic sex for teenage boys would be good for them and their future female partners. Societies in the past often understood this and instituted appropriate rites.
Obviously, this woman does not fit in that category and no one says she does.

You are a mental case!
Any woman or man who is having an intimate sexual relationship with a CHILD belongs in the slammer. There is GREAT potential for harm. Little boys have feelings too.
You were never a teen aged boy so quite frankly you have no idea what you are talking about

I was the parent of one! There is definitely potential for psychological harm. Think with your brain instead of your penis!
It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.

Obviously some of you are STILL like 13-year-old little boys. Grow up! Act and think like an adult!

Prudish petulance getting uselessly bent out of shape!
No one is encouraging anyone to do anything here. No one has said this woman is normal. What a few males have testified to is that they were more than sexually ready and willing at that age.
Years of frustration cause mental problems too, remember. Therapeutic sex for teenage boys would be good for them and their future female partners. Societies in the past often understood this and instituted appropriate rites.
Obviously, this woman does not fit in that category and no one says she does.

You are a mental case!

You are no judge.
Why is it different? A 13-year-old child is a 13-year-old child and should NOT be involved with adults. This woman is obviously insane.
one would perhaps have had be a thirteen year old boy to understand.

Obviously some of you are STILL like 13-year-old little boys. Grow up! Act and think like an adult!

Prudish petulance getting uselessly bent out of shape!
No one is encouraging anyone to do anything here. No one has said this woman is normal. What a few males have testified to is that they were more than sexually ready and willing at that age.
Years of frustration cause mental problems too, remember. Therapeutic sex for teenage boys would be good for them and their future female partners. Societies in the past often understood this and instituted appropriate rites.
Obviously, this woman does not fit in that category and no one says she does.

You are a mental case!

You are no judge.

Yes I am.
Any woman or man who is having an intimate sexual relationship with a CHILD belongs in the slammer. There is GREAT potential for harm. Little boys have feelings too.
You were never a teen aged boy so quite frankly you have no idea what you are talking about

I was the parent of one! There is definitely potential for psychological harm. Think with your brain instead of your penis!
Not the same thing.

Losing your virginity is not harmful
Any woman or man who is having an intimate sexual relationship with a CHILD belongs in the slammer. There is GREAT potential for harm. Little boys have feelings too.
You were never a teen aged boy so quite frankly you have no idea what you are talking about

I was the parent of one! There is definitely potential for psychological harm. Think with your brain instead of your penis!
Not the same thing.

Losing your virginity is not harmful
Certainly not for the male of the species.
These women are psychopaths. This is not a GOOD situation.

Teacher Accused of Cyberstalking Her Student

The mother believes that the middle school teacher was developing an emotional relationship with her 13-year-old son.

"Because every word out of her mouth wasn't sexual," Graham said. "She was being nice, like you would if you were boyfriend and girlfriend with a 13-year-old."

For the next few days, Graham and her husband continued to respond to Mantooth's texts, pretending to be their son.

According to Lt. Billy Sandars of the Pender County Police Department, the incident report was filed by Elizabeth Graham on June 11, four days after initial contact was allegedly made by Mantooth.
Teen aged boys have been used by adults throughout time to kill people and it is wrong. They are often referred to as 'armies'.
'She would stalk me': Ottawa teacher's aide pleads guilty to sexually assaulting male student for years

The high school student had always struggled in class so when he met teacher’s aide Kathy Kitts, he was grateful. She would, he felt, guide him through graduation day.

She helped him with his homework, and he trusted her. But a year later, when he turned 15, he said things started to change.

“She wanted to see me at lunch and on spares, see me alone and away from others. I was too young and too trusting to realize what was going to happen,” the student wrote in a victim-impact statement filed in Ottawa court on Thursday after Kitts, who turns 46 on Friday, pleaded guilty to sexually exploiting the boy for two years.
Teen aged boys have been used by adults throughout time to kill people and it is wrong. They are often referred to as 'armies'.

And this is your defense of this woman's actions?

Fucking weak sauce. Some of these boys have to have therapy because these people (in positions of authority) have screwed with these boys minds.

Obviously, this is NOT about sex for the woman.
Teen aged boys have been used by adults throughout time to kill people and it is wrong. They are often referred to as 'armies'.

And this is your defense of this woman's actions?

Fucking weak sauce. Some of these boys have to have therapy because these people (in positions of authority) have screwed with these boys minds.

Obviously, this is NOT about sex for the woman.

The boy will never respect women again
He will probably look at them as objects to be used for his own gratification

Reminds me of a young Trump
Teen aged boys have been used by adults throughout time to kill people and it is wrong. They are often referred to as 'armies'.

And this is your defense of this woman's actions?

Fucking weak sauce. Some of these boys have to have therapy because these people (in positions of authority) have screwed with these boys minds.

Obviously, this is NOT about sex for the woman.

The boy will never respect women again
He will probably look at them as objects to be used for his own gratification

Reminds me of a young Trump

And all of these people who espouse their "family values" bullshit are nothing but goddamn hypocrites.
Gets stranger

"Ms Vera allegedly admitted to the relationship when she was confronted by the school principal Elsa Wright, but said the boy’s parents were “accepting of their relationship” and invited her to attend family gatherings “as his girlfriend”.

She said the family was told when she became pregnant in January this year, and allegedly told the school police officer they were “very supportive and excited about the baby”.

Photos: Teacher Alexandria Vera Gets Pregnant by Student Who Was 13 | BSO

Shouldnt be a surprise when we're talking about mexicans.
Lets face it... They dont fit in with American values.

Most or all female teachers that has sexual relationship with kids are whites.
It happened that I was in Corona, Ca last year when one of the supplier mentioned this case during lunch.

CORONA: Former Centennial teacher pleads guilty to sex with students (UPDATE)

Here is a list of white teachers that molest their student.

The big list: Female teachers with students

Beaners fuck em young. You want to dispute that?

Dude. I'm talking about FEMALE teachers molesting kids. Not male Mexicans molesting kids.

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