Small Business Owner: I’ll Invest In 100 New Jobs – If Romney Wins

Using the term "work" in support of an argument for Obama is an oxymoron.

Seriously, I can't believe you people went through TWO pages of discussion and never figured out what the number meant. Incredible.

you're still trying to figure it out, aren't you?

It's my bad. I'm talking to people who think government requiring people to pay a mimimum wage will get companies to pay someone not worth $7.25 an hour rather then only hire people worth $7.25 an hour, that government can oppose every form of energy production and explorations and prices will drop, that taking money from the people who create jobs will not reduce jobs that are available, that women are vaginae who only care about abortion and free birth control, that blacks can't compete unless you lower the bar and it's racist to think otherwise...

Why wouldn't you think they meant they would hire 100 agents for $500? You don't know anything about anything else? Why wouldn't that make perfect sense to you?

i'm sorry you're stupid, but it's not my fault.

how about a little personal responsibility on your part, stupid?

it doesn't

You have to read the article. And you have to know how to read...

i read the article.

if you think it's $50k/job, you're beyond stupid.

tough break for you

To hire the agents, provide phones, desks, computers, office space, utilities, payroll services, perform accounting as well as absorb the costs of all the deals they create. That doesn't mean they are making $50K, there are a lot of other costs. That you think hea meant he's going to pay $500 for all those things as well as payroll is ... I guess what I should have expected from you. Figuring things out isn't going to happen. The field is salted.
you're still trying to figure it out, aren't you?

It's my bad. I'm talking to people who think government requiring people to pay a mimimum wage will get companies to pay someone not worth $7.25 an hour rather then only hire people worth $7.25 an hour, that government can oppose every form of energy production and explorations and prices will drop, that taking money from the people who create jobs will not reduce jobs that are available, that women are vaginae who only care about abortion and free birth control, that blacks can't compete unless you lower the bar and it's racist to think otherwise...

Why wouldn't you think they meant they would hire 100 agents for $500? You don't know anything about anything else? Why wouldn't that make perfect sense to you?

i'm sorry you're stupid, but it's not my fault.

how about a little personal responsibility on your part, stupid?


Hey, I did say it was my fault. What was I thinking arguing with someone who couldn't buy a clue.
You have to read the article. And you have to know how to read...

i read the article.

if you think it's $50k/job, you're beyond stupid.

tough break for you

To hire the agents, provide phones, desks, computers, office space, utilities, payroll services, perform accounting as well as absorb the costs of all the deals they create. That doesn't mean they are making $50K, there are a lot of other costs. That you think hea meant he's going to pay $500 for all those things as well as payroll is ... I guess what I should have expected from you. Figuring things out isn't going to happen. The field is salted.

you're babbling now.

take a deep breath

as often as you're wrong, i'd think you'd handle it better
You have to read the article. And you have to know how to read...

i read the article.

if you think it's $50k/job, you're beyond stupid.

tough break for you

To hire the agents, provide phones, desks, computers, office space, utilities, payroll services, perform accounting as well as absorb the costs of all the deals they create. That doesn't mean they are making $50K, there are a lot of other costs. That you think hea meant he's going to pay $500 for all those things as well as payroll is ... I guess what I should have expected from you. Figuring things out isn't going to happen. The field is salted.

Why didn't he say he'd be investing $5 million if it was $50k per job?
So, he's going to magically hire 100 people with $50,000? And where will he find people willing to work for such an amazing wage of $500?

This guy is full of shit and you idiots lap it up.

Employees generally create more income for the business than the business has to pay out to them. That's what you stupid fuck liberals do not underfuckinstand!

A man hires a mechanic for his shop, then he charges enough per hour for that mechanic to cover the entire cost of having him there.

Go to fuckin' school!

I gotta talk to the dude described in the OP and the hotel owner.

If hiring workers brings in more $$ than is costs, I am going to put an ad in my local paper tomorrow and hire 50 new employees. I'll make money off every one of them!

This is a gold mine!
You are not too smart, it seems.

But that's OK...everyone but you already knew that.
Ppl are idiots whay can I say. Remember all the hype from the ammo salesmen when Obama got elected? Turned out to be just hype or false advertising to drive up the cost of ammo. Anyways, that does not sound like much of a small business.

Your facts are a bit off. Many gunowners bought more ammo without any prompting from ammo salesman but just based on Obama's stated position on gun control. Soon after taking office, Obama put out feelers for more gun control but got a "don't even try it" even when the Dems controlled both chambers of Congress. Dems still remember acutely that one of the main reasons Gore lost TN was the perception that he was anti-gun.

Anyway, many of the other fears about Obama have turned out to be entirely justified.

Obama and Romney: Where they stand on guns

" Obama has signed laws letting people carry concealed weapons in national parks and in checked bags on*Amtrak*trains. He's voiced support for a renewed ban on assault-type weapons but hasn't tried to get that done. He blames*Congress*for opposing such measures."

Is that what you are talking about as the anti gun President? The one who lets you bring your gun with you wherever but may support some lip service ban like Clinton's?

Seriously, abortion, foreign policy and gun rights voters can stay home this time around.

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