Small businesses in irreversible collapse - and no one cares, the media barely covers it... why??

Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Donald Trump was above all else...a businessman. He had his stuff made in China for the same reason most other companies had their stuff made in was the only way to be competitive.

The reason I "invoked" Clinton and Obama's names is that they were just two more American Presidents who let China walk all over us.
His hotels and golf courses and casinos were all made and china and shipped over here?
That is impressive... how do you ship 300 acres?
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

True, but they are not coming here for capitalism, but the wealth it has already generated. They hate freedom and want to vote themselves free shit. Such has been the case since the invasion act was enacted.
Unless you're a Native American, your lineage supposedly hated freedom and loved free shit. I'm not surprised considering what a piece of shit you turned out to be.

What a stupid remark. Democrat far left "progressive" living in hundreds of years to the past.

America was founded on freedom. Democrats are anti-American extremists. You are the only piece of shit here, 3rd worldist.

You were talking about immigrants....the same people we all came from except for the native americans. A piece of shit like you can even see it, can't you?
Actually native Americans are immigrants to. Mostly coming from Asia and the Middle East.
There are no native Americans. It was "people free" for millions of years
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

The demise of small independent businesses could be considered one of the greatest transfers of wealth and power from many hands to a few in the history of this country...and we will all be the worse off for it...which will be a big shock to the folks now 'applauding' it.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

The demise of small independent businesses could be considered one of the greatest transfers of wealth and power from many hands to a few in the history of this country...and we will all be the worse off for it...which will be a big shock to the folks now 'applauding' it.
I have never been a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but give pause to why all of this is happening. The PPP release gave me some hope. Unlike Obama, when he bailed out the richest of the rich - and kept giving them money long after they needed it... the PPP was for the little guy. We got exactly nothing in the 2008-09 collapse. Nothing. But this time we git help - in a BIG way. It saved my business, and 100,000's of other small companies.
But now, it is a basic fuck you from Congress/Senate. Right now as I type this several small businesses shuttered. In the time it took me to write this post, a few dozen closed their doors. And no one cares. They are too caught up in the cat fight to take notice.
And the end result will be a huge shift of $billions in commerce from the hands of 100,000s of local folks to a small handfull of the 1%.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

True, but they are not coming here for capitalism, but the wealth it has already generated. They hate freedom and want to vote themselves free shit. Such has been the case since the invasion act was enacted.
Unless you're a Native American, your lineage supposedly hated freedom and loved free shit. I'm not surprised considering what a piece of shit you turned out to be.

What a stupid remark. Democrat far left "progressive" living in hundreds of years to the past.

America was founded on freedom. Democrats are anti-American extremists. You are the only piece of shit here, 3rd worldist.

You were talking about immigrants....the same people we all came from except for the native americans. A piece of shit like you can even see it, can't you?
Actually native Americans are immigrants to. Mostly coming from Asia and the Middle East.
There are no native Americans. It was "people free" for millions of years

Tell me something...did that sound as batshit crazy in your head before you decided to say it out loud on the message board?
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

The demise of small independent businesses could be considered one of the greatest transfers of wealth and power from many hands to a few in the history of this country...and we will all be the worse off for it...which will be a big shock to the folks now 'applauding' it.
I have never been a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but give pause to why all of this is happening. The PPP release gave me some hope. Unlike Obama, when he bailed out the richest of the rich - and kept giving them money long after they needed it... the PPP was for the little guy. We got exactly nothing in the 2008-09 collapse. Nothing. But this time we git help - in a BIG way. It saved my business, and 100,000's of other small companies.
But now, it is a basic fuck you from Congress/Senate. Right now as I type this several small businesses shuttered. In the time it took me to write this post, a few dozen closed their doors. And no one cares. They are too caught up in the cat fight to take notice.
And the end result will be a huge shift of $billions in commerce from the hands of 100,000s of local folks to a small handfull of the 1%.

Gee, and who managed the PPP shit brains? Your Blob's Treasury department. But you don't dare criticize your lord and master.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

The demise of small independent businesses could be considered one of the greatest transfers of wealth and power from many hands to a few in the history of this country...and we will all be the worse off for it...which will be a big shock to the folks now 'applauding' it.
I have never been a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but give pause to why all of this is happening. The PPP release gave me some hope. Unlike Obama, when he bailed out the richest of the rich - and kept giving them money long after they needed it... the PPP was for the little guy. We got exactly nothing in the 2008-09 collapse. Nothing. But this time we git help - in a BIG way. It saved my business, and 100,000's of other small companies.
But now, it is a basic fuck you from Congress/Senate. Right now as I type this several small businesses shuttered. In the time it took me to write this post, a few dozen closed their doors. And no one cares. They are too caught up in the cat fight to take notice.
And the end result will be a huge shift of $billions in commerce from the hands of 100,000s of local folks to a small handfull of the 1%.

Gee, and who managed the PPP shit brains? Your Blob's Treasury department. But you don't dare criticize your lord and master.
PPP was a glimpse of hope that maybe, just maybe, someone in Washington gave two fucks about small businesses. I was absolutely shocked it happened. I fully expected another $trillion tax giveaway to the rich like Obama did from 2009 - 2014. Which resulted in the single largest and fastest transfer of wealth in American history. The wealth gap grew larger and faster under Obama than any other time in America. His administration CONTINUED to provide $70 Billion per month to corporations and the investment class despite the fact they were making record profits. And he did that for 3 years straight. So don't talk to me about corrupt Treasury. There was no greater friend to Wall Street than Barrack Obama. NONE.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Liberals hate small businesses. In Democrat- run economies, they get fucked and treated like greedy fat cats. Sure, Democrats demonize Corporations but that is just a dog whistle for them to be corporate cronies. Small businesses are too Middle Class and socialism has no room for middle class and individual prosperity.
apparently Trump is a liberal then...

President Donald Trump could have rescued American small businesses, but he didn’t. And this week, he could help save hundreds of thousands more if he took action, but he won’t.

Corporations got $500 billion with little oversight whereas small business only got $350 billion was depleted within two weeks.

Not only did the PPP not provide enough money to small businesses, we have learned that big companies got the majority of that money.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Liberals hate small businesses. In Democrat- run economies, they get fucked and treated like greedy fat cats. Sure, Democrats demonize Corporations but that is just a dog whistle for them to be corporate cronies. Small businesses are too Middle Class and socialism has no room for middle class and individual prosperity.
apparently Trump is a liberal then...

President Donald Trump could have rescued American small businesses, but he didn’t. And this week, he could help save hundreds of thousands more if he took action, but he won’t.

Corporations got $500 billion with little oversight whereas small business only got $350 billion was depleted within two weeks.

Not only did the PPP not provide enough money to small businesses, we have learned that big companies got the majority of that money.

Ok.... if that’s the case, here is a golden opportunity for Democrats to step up for small businesses. In the last 50 years, what have they done besides including small businesses with big corporations when it comes to taxes and regulations? Biden and Democrats should be all over small business. My bet is they won’t. You can “But Trump...” all you want when it comes to small businesses and not doing enough but compared to Democrats, Trump and Republicans do more for small business when it comes to taxes, regulations, and incentives. Democrats demonize big corporations but that is just a dog whistle for corporations to step up and “pay to play.”
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Liberals hate small businesses. In Democrat- run economies, they get fucked and treated like greedy fat cats. Sure, Democrats demonize Corporations but that is just a dog whistle for them to be corporate cronies. Small businesses are too Middle Class and socialism has no room for middle class and individual prosperity.
apparently Trump is a liberal then...

President Donald Trump could have rescued American small businesses, but he didn’t. And this week, he could help save hundreds of thousands more if he took action, but he won’t.

Corporations got $500 billion with little oversight whereas small business only got $350 billion was depleted within two weeks.

Not only did the PPP not provide enough money to small businesses, we have learned that big companies got the majority of that money.

Ok.... if that’s the case, here is a golden opportunity for Democrats to step up for small businesses. In the last 50 years, what have they done besides including small businesses with big corporations when it comes to taxes and regulations? Biden and Democrats should be all over small business. My bet is they won’t. You can “But Trump...” all you want when it comes to small businesses and not doing enough but compared to Democrats, Trump and Republicans do more for small business when it comes to taxes, regulations, and incentives. Democrats demonize big corporations but that is just a dog whistle for corporations to step up and “pay to play.”
Oh hell yeah!!
Lets see.... can we remember how much money small businesses received from the TARP funds???
What? Zero? Say that again??
And what??? The Obama admin was still shelling out between $40 BILLION and $70 BILLION per MONTH all the way to 2014?? Despite the fact Wall Street firms and Investment banks were making record profits??
Educate yourself dudmuck
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Liberals hate small businesses. In Democrat- run economies, they get fucked and treated like greedy fat cats. Sure, Democrats demonize Corporations but that is just a dog whistle for them to be corporate cronies. Small businesses are too Middle Class and socialism has no room for middle class and individual prosperity.
apparently Trump is a liberal then...

President Donald Trump could have rescued American small businesses, but he didn’t. And this week, he could help save hundreds of thousands more if he took action, but he won’t.

Corporations got $500 billion with little oversight whereas small business only got $350 billion was depleted within two weeks.

Not only did the PPP not provide enough money to small businesses, we have learned that big companies got the majority of that money.

Ok.... if that’s the case, here is a golden opportunity for Democrats to step up for small businesses. In the last 50 years, what have they done besides including small businesses with big corporations when it comes to taxes and regulations? Biden and Democrats should be all over small business. My bet is they won’t. You can “But Trump...” all you want when it comes to small businesses and not doing enough but compared to Democrats, Trump and Republicans do more for small business when it comes to taxes, regulations, and incentives. Democrats demonize big corporations but that is just a dog whistle for corporations to step up and “pay to play.”
Oh hell yeah!!
Lets see.... can we remember how much money small businesses received from the TARP funds???
What? Zero? Say that again??
And what??? The Obama admin was still shelling out between $40 BILLION and $70 BILLION per MONTH all the way to 2014?? Despite the fact Wall Street firms and Investment banks were making record profits??
Educate yourself dudmuck
ok, here ya go

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