Small businesses in irreversible collapse - and no one cares, the media barely covers it... why??

Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Liberals hate small businesses. In Democrat- run economies, they get fucked and treated like greedy fat cats. Sure, Democrats demonize Corporations but that is just a dog whistle for them to be corporate cronies. Small businesses are too Middle Class and socialism has no room for middle class and individual prosperity.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Most small businesses fail with or without corona

Just the nature of the market
Well yah. But they were shut down. And now there's no testing to determine who in a business establishment is, or isn't, infected. The econ simply is not going to rebound until the virus is contained.

But to the OP, the answer, to why the failure of small biz is not the most important issue, is simply that at this moment in time news consumers want to hear of something else. Trump supporters want us to believe a "race riot" is coming to our neighborhood … when if we ever had "race riots" it was before most were born, and the blacks aren't coming for us anyway. And some Biden supporters are predisposed to ignoring any provocation a black suspect gives to cops, and others are concerned Biden's letting Trump distract

Sure it will, we could just start ignoring it like we do every other form of cold

Less than 10,000 healthy americans have died from this. Everyone else had a major co morbidity
Well you're certainly ignoring it. Against all scientific advice. LOL
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Most small businesses fail with or without corona

Just the nature of the market
Well yah. But they were shut down. And now there's no testing to determine who in a business establishment is, or isn't, infected. The econ simply is not going to rebound until the virus is contained.

But to the OP, the answer, to why the failure of small biz is not the most important issue, is simply that at this moment in time news consumers want to hear of something else. Trump supporters want us to believe a "race riot" is coming to our neighborhood … when if we ever had "race riots" it was before most were born, and the blacks aren't coming for us anyway. And some Biden supporters are predisposed to ignoring any provocation a black suspect gives to cops, and others are concerned Biden's letting Trump distract

Sure it will, we could just start ignoring it like we do every other form of cold

Less than 10,000 healthy americans have died from this. Everyone else had a major co morbidity
Well you're certainly ignoring it. Against all scientific advice. LOL

I have ivy league educated doctors as kin

I ignore a lotta scientific advice lol

It's a NOVEL virus. They don't know shit. Which is why they were killing so many at the start with ventilators. Surprise you automate the function of your lungs is a much bigger risk than trying to wait out covid

The doctors would be saying this shit every year if people listened. It's no different than the flu. We don't give a shit about the flu why am i suddenly going to care about this?
OK... so yeah... I should know better.
Yeah... 2 million companies all filing bankruptcy at the same time is the way to go... the magic money fairy will make it all work.

iMO the issue has been "covered" to the extent anything is covered. As others noted, what media outlets "cover" depends upon what issues their audience wants to hear about, so advertisers are kept happy with attentive viewers. But we're in the most serious recession since 1931 or so. Still a slim maj of around 52% thinks Trump is better on the econ than dems. And it is true that pre-pandemic we had the lowest unemployment of my lifetime, and wages acatually began increasing without UNIONS. And we're 7 weeks before an election. Trump wants people to see Portland in every city near them. And the dems have a maj of their base that seems intent on ignoring any provocation of the cops that occurs prior to a use of force on a minority citizen. In short, the econ is not the issue people are focusing on at this moment.
I beg to differ, Ben...I believe the "people" are focusing on the's the main stream media that is focused on Black Lives Matter protests and the pandemic!

People don't like what they're seeing with the riots...they want the violence to end and they want to get back to some semblance of their normal lives as far as Covid 19 is concerned. Joe Biden doesn't offer solutions that will make either of those things happen.
OK... so yeah... I should know better.
Yeah... 2 million companies all filing bankruptcy at the same time is the way to go... the magic money fairy will make it all work.

iMO the issue has been "covered" to the extent anything is covered. As others noted, what media outlets "cover" depends upon what issues their audience wants to hear about, so advertisers are kept happy with attentive viewers. But we're in the most serious recession since 1931 or so. Still a slim maj of around 52% thinks Trump is better on the econ than dems. And it is true that pre-pandemic we had the lowest unemployment of my lifetime, and wages acatually began increasing without UNIONS. And we're 7 weeks before an election. Trump wants people to see Portland in every city near them. And the dems have a maj of their base that seems intent on ignoring any provocation of the cops that occurs prior to a use of force on a minority citizen. In short, the econ is not the issue people are focusing on at this moment.
I beg to differ, Ben...I believe the "people" are focusing on the's the main stream media that is focused on Black Lives Matter protests and the pandemic!

People don't like what they're seeing with the riots...they want the violence to end and they want to get back to some semblance of their normal lives as far as Covid 19 is concerned. Joe Biden doesn't offer solutions that will make either of those things happen.
Consider this... Don Lemon just a month ago was literally making fun of people who, in his opinion, were "exaggerating" the violence of riots. He was certainly among the many liberals who wanted to believe it was mainly peaceful.... HOWEVER... then the rioting started to poll very bad for Democrats... and suddenly he is all concerned now. Of course.... he is blaming it on Trump.
You can't stop stupid.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Donald Trump was above all else...a businessman. He had his stuff made in China for the same reason most other companies had their stuff made in was the only way to be competitive.

The reason I "invoked" Clinton and Obama's names is that they were just two more American Presidents who let China walk all over us.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Donald Trump was above all else...a businessman. He had his stuff made in China for the same reason most other companies had their stuff made in was the only way to be competitive.
And his empire would collapse if he made $0.20 less on a necktie? He made a choice of pennies over people. He didn't give two shits about american small business then....and he doesn't give two shits about american small business now. Hence the CARES act which quickly favored the Lakers over main street USA.

The reason I "invoked" Clinton and Obama's names is that they were just two more American Presidents who let China walk all over us.

Oh yeah...your blob has really stood up to China.


Smell what you're shoveling.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Donald Trump was above all else...a businessman. He had his stuff made in China for the same reason most other companies had their stuff made in was the only way to be competitive.
And his empire would collapse if he made $0.20 less on a necktie? He made a choice of pennies over people. He didn't give two shits about american small business then....and he doesn't give two shits about american small business now. Hence the CARES act which quickly favored the Lakers over main street USA.

The reason I "invoked" Clinton and Obama's names is that they were just two more American Presidents who let China walk all over us.

Oh yeah...your blob has really stood up to China.

View attachment 384270
Smell what you're shoveling.
You really can't grasp why the Chinese want Joe Biden over Donald Trump...can you, Candy?
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

I fully favor capitalism too. I was just pointing out that the free market endangers all who take part whether you're labor, a business owner, a corporation, etc...
Capitalism is far superior to socialism. But it's not without it's flaws.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Donald Trump was above all else...a businessman. He had his stuff made in China for the same reason most other companies had their stuff made in was the only way to be competitive.
And his empire would collapse if he made $0.20 less on a necktie? He made a choice of pennies over people. He didn't give two shits about american small business then....and he doesn't give two shits about american small business now. Hence the CARES act which quickly favored the Lakers over main street USA.

The reason I "invoked" Clinton and Obama's names is that they were just two more American Presidents who let China walk all over us.

Oh yeah...your blob has really stood up to China.

View attachment 384270
Smell what you're shoveling.
You really can't grasp why the Chinese want Joe Biden over Donald Trump...can you, Candy?

I really don't care in terms of the thread about small businesses...

As for the broader picture, I imagine 200 nations all want some stability from the world's largest economy. Right now, we have a circus and a ringmaster who has no clue what he is doing.

Case in point...the trade war with China has done nothing to change the trade imbalance with China:


And this is the Blob's Commerce Department that is reporting the failure of the blob.
RINO corporatism and Democrat labor-unionism are walking hand in hand down the bipartisan Congressional aisle and silencing the voices of true conservatives.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Donald Trump was above all else...a businessman. He had his stuff made in China for the same reason most other companies had their stuff made in was the only way to be competitive.
And his empire would collapse if he made $0.20 less on a necktie? He made a choice of pennies over people. He didn't give two shits about american small business then....and he doesn't give two shits about american small business now. Hence the CARES act which quickly favored the Lakers over main street USA.

The reason I "invoked" Clinton and Obama's names is that they were just two more American Presidents who let China walk all over us.

Oh yeah...your blob has really stood up to China.

View attachment 384270
Smell what you're shoveling.
You really can't grasp why the Chinese want Joe Biden over Donald Trump...can you, Candy?

I really don't care in terms of the thread about small businesses...

As for the broader picture, I imagine 200 nations all want some stability from the world's largest economy. Right now, we have a circus and a ringmaster who has no clue what he is doing.

Case in point...the trade war with China has done nothing to change the trade imbalance with China:

View attachment 384277

And this is the Blob's Commerce Department that is reporting the failure of the blob.
Your stats end in 2018, Candy...why is that?
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor. no. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Play less Empires and Puzzles and read a book.
Good lord.

We have a capitalist system in this nation. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
Whatever it is you sell, the buyer can get somewhere else in our capitalist system. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.
So whether "you" survive in our capitalist system where anyone can sell anything at any price; the system doesn't care. Right? I'm sure you'll disagree but I don't really give a shit.

Try to understand what you're talking about .
You don't give a shit about millions of people losing their jobs...their life savings...their homes? What DO you give a shit about, Candy? Defeating Donald Trump in November? Tell us what you're willing to sacrifice to try and make that happen!

Oh fuck off.

I only said that capitalism doesn't care if you're the one providing the goods or services. If you don't believe me, look at Sears, Monty Ward, Eastern Airlines, or any of the hundreds of other corporations that have gone by the wayside when someone else came along and did it smarter, faster and better. Its a harsh reality that in a free market, you're existence is precarious at best. In a global market, it's even more unstable.

As for defeating the blob who is doing nothing to help small businesses--you may remember he had his crap made in China instead of hiring a small US firm to make the shit--it is job #1. It should be yours too fuck face.
Sears didn't go out of business because the government shut them down, Candy! Thousands of US business have gone out of business during this pandemic because the government forced them to close their doors. Thousands more are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now!
Yet again, you missed the point. I think and sincerely hope you're doing it on purpose at this point.

I'm amused by your claim that it's Donald Trump that caused so much of the goods we buy to come from other countries. NAFTA wasn't Trump's deal. That was Clinton. Obama did nothing to level the playing field with China. Trump has actually passed trade deals that don't penalize American manufacturers and OMG...manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US!
Of course I never made such a comment. You're either stupid or high on drugs if that is what you read.

I did say that the blob didn't care enough about small businesses to have his stuff made here. And for some reason you've invoked Clinton and Obama in response.
Donald Trump was above all else...a businessman. He had his stuff made in China for the same reason most other companies had their stuff made in was the only way to be competitive.
And his empire would collapse if he made $0.20 less on a necktie? He made a choice of pennies over people. He didn't give two shits about american small business then....and he doesn't give two shits about american small business now. Hence the CARES act which quickly favored the Lakers over main street USA.

The reason I "invoked" Clinton and Obama's names is that they were just two more American Presidents who let China walk all over us.

Oh yeah...your blob has really stood up to China.

View attachment 384270
Smell what you're shoveling.
You really can't grasp why the Chinese want Joe Biden over Donald Trump...can you, Candy?

I really don't care in terms of the thread about small businesses...

As for the broader picture, I imagine 200 nations all want some stability from the world's largest economy. Right now, we have a circus and a ringmaster who has no clue what he is doing.

Case in point...the trade war with China has done nothing to change the trade imbalance with China:

View attachment 384277

And this is the Blob's Commerce Department that is reporting the failure of the blob.
Your stats end in 2018, Candy...why is that?

That was the first graphic I came to...

Here is one that shows we still have almost a $350B trade deficit with China:


Your blob has not been tough on China...
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

True, but they are not coming here for capitalism, but the wealth it has already generated. They hate freedom and want to vote themselves free shit. Such has been the case since the invasion act was enacted.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

True, but they are not coming here for capitalism, but the wealth it has already generated. They hate freedom and want to vote themselves free shit. Such has been the case since the invasion act was enacted.
Unless you're a Native American, your lineage supposedly hated freedom and loved free shit. I'm not surprised considering what a piece of shit you turned out to be.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

True, but they are not coming here for capitalism, but the wealth it has already generated. They hate freedom and want to vote themselves free shit. Such has been the case since the invasion act was enacted.
Unless you're a Native American, your lineage supposedly hated freedom and loved free shit. I'm not surprised considering what a piece of shit you turned out to be.

What a stupid remark. Democrat far left "progressive" living in hundreds of years to the past.

America was founded on freedom. Democrats are anti-American extremists. You are the only piece of shit here, 3rd worldist.
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

True, but they are not coming here for capitalism, but the wealth it has already generated. They hate freedom and want to vote themselves free shit. Such has been the case since the invasion act was enacted.
Unless you're a Native American, your lineage supposedly hated freedom and loved free shit. I'm not surprised considering what a piece of shit you turned out to be.

What a stupid remark. Democrat far left "progressive" living in hundreds of years to the past.

America was founded on freedom. Democrats are anti-American extremists. You are the only piece of shit here, 3rd worldist.

You were talking about immigrants....the same people we all came from except for the native americans. A piece of shit like you can even see it, can't you?
Yes this belongs in politics, because it is politics that is killing small businesses across the country.
I have been saying this for 3 months with little response even on this forum. We are entering into a place this country has never been before - the near complete loss of small businesses. In our locale, nearly 1/3 are closed indefinitely or permanently. It is the same everywhere.

So why is the news barely covering this??

Because the investment/financial class couldn't think of a better thing to happen. You can't invest in a small business. You can't cut 5% cream off the top by playing in the stock market... because they are not there. As every small business closes, in all likelihood the market will be assumed by a corporate box store. Or via online. And THAT can be invested in. So as small businesses close, this opens the door for $100s Billions in investable commerce that is off limits to them now.
And what will be the result - and even greater concentration of wealth.

Long live corporatism.

Its a harsh reality of doesn't care if you live or if you die. Whatever you sell will be sold by someone else; be it widgets, your talent, or labor.

Currently, the US is the most Capitalist economy in the world. The US enjoys the highest demand among immigrants. Clearly, people favor the harsh reality of Capitalism over the harsh reality of socialism because Capitalism offers the opportunity for personal prosperity. Socialism, for all of its false promises, doesn’t give you that.

True, but they are not coming here for capitalism, but the wealth it has already generated. They hate freedom and want to vote themselves free shit. Such has been the case since the invasion act was enacted.
Unless you're a Native American, your lineage supposedly hated freedom and loved free shit. I'm not surprised considering what a piece of shit you turned out to be.

What a stupid remark. Democrat far left "progressive" living in hundreds of years to the past.

America was founded on freedom. Democrats are anti-American extremists. You are the only piece of shit here, 3rd worldist.

You were talking about immigrants....the same people we all came from except for the native americans. A piece of shit like you can even see it, can't you?

Those are the settlers who founded this nation you moron. Noting to do with your 3rd world vote harvesting operation.

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