Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?
My city proposed the same thing. It's 100% Democrat here. But they voted their own law down. Why? Because of this reason. They knew by imposing a 15 dollar minimum wage, that businesses would leave the city for the suburbs. So next they approached the country with the idea. The county rejected it for the same reason. Businesses would leave for adjoining counties.

The one proven theory that Democrats will never accept is the action/ reaction theory. If you push an action, you will likely get an equal or greater reaction. Democrats want to believe that if they attack other Americans, they will just sit there and take it.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?

The article has nobody in it saying they have shut down due to the MW and small businesses in NYC have a lower MW than larger employers. There are businesses like Dunkin Doughnuts and cell phone companies that are expanding in NYC. It is a matter of what you provide. Restaurants have a short shelf-life in the Age of the Foodie so their numbers have been going down in NYC for years. Major retailers have been pulling out or downsizing to showroom only stores because sales have moved online.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread

You can't write a thirty page article detailing every single business in a city that size. The people they interviewed are just examples, not the only ones affected.

You on the left believe that if somebody owns a business, they have unlimited money to spend. If they are attacked by taxes or other government regulations that cost their business more money, they will just have to dig a little deeper into their pockets; have to do with one less SUV or boat.

The truth of the matter is most small businesses fail within the first five years. Many more struggle if they make it that far. So in the future if they want to survive, they will follow the path of big restaurant chains like McDonald's and Burger King, and invest in automation to replace those workers they can't afford to pay.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread

Yep, they're just shutting down so they can take a 3 year vacation....dumbass.
Well that's shocking.

That it is.

Only a moron wouldn't see small businesses closing because of that ridiculous $15 dollar an hour minimum wage.

Minimum wage was never meant to support anyone. It was meant for high school kids to make a little cash at night and on summer vacation.

Only idiots would demand a $15 dollar an hour minimum wage. Prices will go up to cover it. Hours will be cut, workers let go and small businesses will just close.

Not to smart.
Well that's shocking.

That it is.

Only a moron wouldn't see small businesses closing because of that ridiculous $15 dollar an hour minimum wage.

Minimum wage was never meant to support anyone. It was meant for high school kids to make a little cash at night and on summer vacation.

Only idiots would demand a $15 dollar an hour minimum wage. Prices will go up to cover it. Hours will be cut, workers let go and small businesses will just close.

Not to smart.

What they fail to understand is when an employer gives a dollar an hour raise, it costs the employer more than that dollar. Other things increase in cost as well, such as vacation time where you are getting paid to not work. Social Security and Medicare contributions since your employer has to match those contributions and you will be paying more into them. Insurances increase as well because if something happens to you like getting laid off or getting hurt on the job, the payout is based on how much you make per month.

When you take a huge pay increase like this, the employer has to take huge other losses on top of it.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?
Computers, dumbass
Funny but right down the street at Wall Street they are still screaming for lower interest rates. Seems odd that we condemn the lowest rung for wanting to step up but we never condemn those at the top for still wanting more.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?
Computers, dumbass
Well damn, aren’t you bringing your A-game.

Computers make it possible, wage costs make it a sound business decision.

Here’s a thought that will probably go over your head. If you’re doing a job that can be done with an IPad and you start making ridiculous wage demands... the IPad is going to get your job.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?
Computers, dumbass
Well damn, aren’t you bringing your A-game.

Computers make it possible, wage costs make it a sound business decision.

Here’s a thought that will probably go over your head. If you’re doing a job that can be done with an IPad and you start making ridiculous wage demands... the IPad is going to get your job.

And we pay the employee to stay home.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”

Why no concern over workers struggling with a $7.25 wage?
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”

Did you actually read the article you linked to?

One restaurant owner said:

While she has not had to reduce her staff, she has had to be more careful about overtime and pull back on some people’s shifts.

“What it really forces you to do is make sure that nobody works more than 40 hours,” Koteen said. “You can only cut back so many people before the service starts to suffer.”

You have to make sure nobody works more than 40 hours, so you don't have to pay overtime. Maybe she should hire a couple more people to ensure she doesn't get stuck with overtime.

And then there's this business owner:

Sarah McNally — who owns the local bookstore chain McNally Jackson Books, which employs 75 people at its four locations in New York City — said that there is “absolutely no benefit” to operating a retail business in the city, and is working to open two more stores to stay profitable.

She has not had to reduce hours or employment to deal with the pay increase, though.

McNally's complaint is that SHE'S not getting paid enough so she's opening two more stores to increase HER income. That should create close to 40 more jobs, so the OWNER can increase her income.

It's just awesome that people have to hire more people and let their existing workers have some sort of personal life after working 40 hours per week.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Eventually common sense needs to break through your partisan wall.

If a company has X amount of money to spend on labor and the cost of that labor suddenly goes up without a corresponding rise in revenue then something has to give.

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