*Small Moon: Will Crash Into Earth*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming in hot, it is not; no way going to float around earth for 30 days, then go away as if it was meant to happen, its a sign of the times in my opinion.
2. They have to massage this story, cause It will enrage the mad men, in the Middle East, they will kill many over it, I think, with any luck, it will hit that bs mosque in Saudi Arabia, the one, in Mecca.
3. Scientists can not openly say, we are going to be hit, they see this asteroid coming at us, and its far away, but it has to be traveling thousands of miles an hour, and somehow, it will slow down, get snagged by our earths gravity, and revolve around us a month or so, and then something will make it veer off out of its orbit, back to space, to be free to roam the, Universe.
4. Ludicrous.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming in hot, it is not; no way going to float around earth for 30 days, then go away as if it was meant to happen, its a sign of the times in my opinion.
2. They have to massage this story, cause It will enrage the mad men, in the Middle East, they will kill many over it, I think, with any luck, it will hit that bs mosque in Saudi Arabia, the one, in Mecca.
3. Scientists can not openly say, we are going to be hit, they see this asteroid coming at us, and its far away, but it has to be traveling thousands of miles an hour, and somehow, it will slow down, get snagged by our earths gravity, and revolve around us a month or so, and then something will make it veer off out of its orbit, back to space, to be free to roam the, Universe.
4. Ludicrous.

Let's send a spaceship out to dock with it and put nukes on it and blow it up. We can take a Hollywood camera crew with them and make a movie out of this event. The astronauts will fail and schools will be named after them. Should be interesting.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming in hot, it is not; no way going to float around earth for 30 days, then go away as if it was meant to happen, its a sign of the times in my opinion.
2. They have to massage this story, cause It will enrage the mad men, in the Middle East, they will kill many over it, I think, with any luck, it will hit that bs mosque in Saudi Arabia, the one, in Mecca.
3. Scientists can not openly say, we are going to be hit, they see this asteroid coming at us, and its far away, but it has to be traveling thousands of miles an hour, and somehow, it will slow down, get snagged by our earths gravity, and revolve around us a month or so, and then something will make it veer off out of its orbit, back to space, to be free to roam the, Universe.
4. Ludicrous.

My God, you're dumber than shit.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming in hot, it is not; no way going to float around earth for 30 days, then go away as if it was meant to happen, its a sign of the times in my opinion.
2. They have to massage this story, cause It will enrage the mad men, in the Middle East, they will kill many over it, I think, with any luck, it will hit that bs mosque in Saudi Arabia, the one, in Mecca.
3. Scientists can not openly say, we are going to be hit, they see this asteroid coming at us, and its far away, but it has to be traveling thousands of miles an hour, and somehow, it will slow down, get snagged by our earths gravity, and revolve around us a month or so, and then something will make it veer off out of its orbit, back to space, to be free to roam the, Universe.
4. Ludicrous.

Orbital mechanics not your strong suit, is it Chicken Little?

Ya had me rollin' at "somehow, it will slow down".
In fact, it's going to speed up a bit..enough that it will break away from its rather weak far orbit of the earth and slingshot off into space.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming in hot, it is not; no way going to float around earth for 30 days, then go away as if it was meant to happen, its a sign of the times in my opinion.
2. They have to massage this story, cause It will enrage the mad men, in the Middle East, they will kill many over it, I think, with any luck, it will hit that bs mosque in Saudi Arabia, the one, in Mecca.
3. Scientists can not openly say, we are going to be hit, they see this asteroid coming at us, and its far away, but it has to be traveling thousands of miles an hour, and somehow, it will slow down, get snagged by our earths gravity, and revolve around us a month or so, and then something will make it veer off out of its orbit, back to space, to be free to roam the, Universe.
4. Ludicrous.

I for one welcome our new moon overlords. I see this as a great opportunity to procure massive amounts of green cheese for resale, and finally meet the Man in the Moon.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its going to surprise a lot of mad men when it comes crashing down on, Mecca.
2. And it wont be luck the Arab's need to avert this space stone, and it will come crashing down on a, GREAT SIN MECCA.
3. Just about ready to take place, maybe a sacrifice will avert it?
4. Quick cut off the heads of three hundred Arab virgin men, below the age of 15.
5. When the worse happens, you will see then wont, cha?

Sorry bout that,

1. Its going to surprise a lot of mad men when it comes crashing down on, Mecca.
2. And it wont be luck the Arab's need to avert this space stone, and it will come crashing down on a, GREAT SIN MECCA.
3. Just about ready to take place, maybe a sacrifice will avert it?
4. Quick cut off the heads of three hundred Arab virgin men, below the age of 15.
5. When the worse happens, you will see then wont, cha?

You're and idiot. The Gulf states don't want war. ..and the Arabs know a lot about astronomy. They were the first navigators.
About 33 ft. in diameter is a relatively good sized rock but hardly a "mini-moon". NASA says it's nine times further from the earth than the moon and poses no threat for a month or two when it will disappear.

It is nothing. Just a small hunk of rock caught by the Earth that will sort of orbit us once or so then get flung back out into space.

What people ought to be more concerned about is that we could not detect this thing until very late and had it been aimed differently, it might have slammed into the earth big enough to destroy a city like a nuclear bomb and there is nothing we could do to stop it because we were too busy lobbing missiles at each other to care.
and the first astrologers.
Now ya just gone too far...LOL! Arabs refined and codified Greek Astrology---but they had a body of work to refer to.
Sumerians, and through them the Babylonians, were first, afaik...I wouldn't wonder the Chinese and those on the Indian sub-continent might even be older.

Who invented astrology?​

The history of astrology in a rough timeline​

30,000-10,000 B.C.​

The roots of astrology begin with earliest civilization. Maps of the stars existed long before maps of the earth. Archaeologists have found cave paintings, mammoth tusks, and bones marked with lunar phases. Man has long coped with uncertainty and the change brought on by nature’s cycles by tracking the stars—the seven visible planets were our first GPS.

6,000 B.C.​

The Sumerians in Mesopotamia history note the movements of the planets and stars.

2,400-331 B.C.​

The Babylonians (also known as the Chaldeans) continue what the Sumerians started, inventing the first astrological system over thousands of years. They created the zodiac wheel that we use today (with planets and houses) around 700 B.C. The oldest known horoscope chart in history is believed to date to 409 B.C.

331 B.C.-5th Century A.D.​

Alexander the Great conquers Babylon/Chaldea and the Greeks eventually start making advances in astrology, along with developments in medicine, geometry, mathematics, and philosophy. The modern names for planets and zodiac signs come from Greek literature. In 140 A.D., Ptolemy publishes Tetrabiblos, one of the most revered astrology works ever written in history. Tetrabiblos contains core techniques of astrology used to this day, including planets, zodiac signs, houses, and aspects (or angles).

5th Century A.D.​

The Roman Empire falls. Western astrology disappears for 500 years and the Arabs continue studying and developing Greek astrology.

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