Small Town Rural America Has Been Screwed

Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.
now thats a stupid view to have,,
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right @colfax_m ?
When an illiterate third worlder can take your job, maybe the reason you are struggling economically is that you have little of value to offer to the economy.

My job requires capitalization, communication and people skills, discipline, accountability, ambition and an iQ...none of which thirdworlders possess. I thought you were worried about blacks and the legal brown people who are living in squalor trying to compete with the modern day slaves?

Your job has nothing to do with this.

Modern day slave is exactly what Republicans want to turn the lower skilled workforce into.

Really...Which Republicans policies are leading to such a thing?

Republicans have been anti-union forever.

All the power is being concentrated in the people who control the capital.

That sounds neat....which Republican
policies or legislation is aimed to turn the lower skilled workforce into slaves?
Seems like Democrats recruiting Mexico’s most desperate is the worse possible thing for lower skilled
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right @colfax_m ?
When an illiterate third worlder can take your job, maybe the reason you are struggling economically is that you have little of value to offer to the economy.

My job requires capitalization, communication and people skills, discipline, accountability, ambition and an iQ...none of which thirdworlders possess. I thought you were worried about blacks and the legal brown people who are living in squalor trying to compete with the modern day slaves?

Your job has nothing to do with this.

Modern day slave is exactly what Republicans want to turn the lower skilled workforce into.

Really...Which Republicans policies are leading to such a thing?

Republicans have been anti-union forever.

All the power is being concentrated in the people who control the capital.

That sounds neat....which Republican
policies or legislation is aimed to turn the lower skilled workforce into slaves?
Seems like Democrats recruiting Mexico’s most desperate is the worse possible thing for lower skilled

Right to work acts, for example.

Are you pretending like Republicans aren’t pursuing anti-union policies?

I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right @colfax_m ?
When an illiterate third worlder can take your job, maybe the reason you are struggling economically is that you have little of value to offer to the economy.

My job requires capitalization, communication and people skills, discipline, accountability, ambition and an iQ...none of which thirdworlders possess. I thought you were worried about blacks and the legal brown people who are living in squalor trying to compete with the modern day slaves?

Your job has nothing to do with this.

Modern day slave is exactly what Republicans want to turn the lower skilled workforce into.

Really...Which Republicans policies are leading to such a thing?

Republicans have been anti-union forever.

All the power is being concentrated in the people who control the capital.

That sounds neat....which Republican
policies or legislation is aimed to turn the lower skilled workforce into slaves?
Seems like Democrats recruiting Mexico’s most desperate is the worse possible thing for lower skilled

Right to work acts, for example.

Are you pretending like Republicans aren’t pursuing anti-union policies?

right to work??

imagine the horrors of allowing people the right to work without paying a 3rd party for permission,,,
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.

When the business is raided and the employer arrested, arrest the illegals also and deport them.
I've been on a road trip that I've wanted to do for a very long time.

I drove east to Illinois then am driving southwest to the Pacific Ocean on what's left of Route 66.

That road, or what's left of it, goes through small town rural America.

I've gone through ghost town after ghost town. The towns that aren't abandoned are so deeply depressed it's painful and shameful to see.

Small town rural America has been totally screwed and abandoned by both our government and our citizens.

I understand now why so many republicans are so angry. I don't understand why they can't see why they have been screwed so badly and by whom.

Most of the states and all of the towns are controlled by republicans. People keep voting for them because of social issues like gay marriage and because they don't make much money and wrongly seem to believe that tax cuts are the answer to their financial problems.

Tax cuts have only totally screwed small town rural America. Their roads are so bad. I mean so bad that there were times the rough road and wind has my car literally bouncing down the road. When was the last time their roads were paved? The poverty is just terrible.

This is the result of keeping wages low, no regulation on business and trillions in tax cuts for the rich and big business.

Capitalism is making it worse because there's no money to be made in those areas so they are abandoned by business which results in more depressed economic conditions.

Raising wages will help these people a lot. Not just by increasing their own pay but by increased business from others being paid more. No little tax cut that is temporary will be a solution to such poverty. Higher wages will.

Better education will help a lot. So people don't have to take low wage jobs that require public assistance to be able to survive.

Small town rural America needs to stop electing politicians who don't give a damn about them and won't invest in the people and the areas they live in.

I was in one place that the water coming out of the faucet was a light brown and cloudy. I didn't wash my hands, I used hand sanitizer instead.

I have gone through countless towns that are totally abandoned. I've gone through farming areas that there aren't houses on the land. Just farming. People don't live in those areas anymore so the towns are turning into ghost towns.

The air in Oklahoma and Texas was so polluted it has caused a sinus infection. And people live in those areas. I can only imagine the health problems of the people in those areas but they don't have any hospital or medical facilities to go to. They have to travel hundreds of miles to get medical help.

Younger people who weren't alive before Reagan think this is normal.

It's not.

America wasn't like this before the conservatives convinced Americans that taxes, regulations, worker protections, a livable wage and investing in our nation was a horrible thing.

I totally understand now why so many in small town rural America voted for trump. He was the first republican who actually vocalized the problems the Republican Party was creating.

Only he either went about fixing the problem wrong or just didn't do anything. Which is what he mostly did. Nothing. In fact, things got worse for small town rural America.

I don't know what the solution is to help these people see that voting for republicans got them in this mess and won't get them out of it.

But I finally saw for myself the reasons why republicans voted for trump.

So you just drove through and you had time to find out the political leanings of every person in every town huh?

That is such a stupid comment.

All I have to do is look at who they elect.

Guess what?

Democrats or moderates don't vote for republicans.

If the mayor, city counsel, the representation in their state congress and congress in DC are republican, the majority of the people in that area are republicans.

While the cities are in good shape compared to the rural areas, they are still sub par compared to the area I live in but the cities in the red states are much better off than the small towns in the rural areas.

You don't realize they are taking your tax dollars and spending it on the cities while leaving the rural areas to fall apart.

The state I live in doesn't have conditions like this. We don't have ghost towns. You can drive through rural areas of my state and find small towns that while aren't as well off as the cities, they aren't dying.

You people need to get out of your areas and experience what's happening in the cities and other states.

Yes, I haven't spent much time in red states anymore so I was very shocked to see what has happened to small town rural America in red states.

The change is very dramatic and I find it shameful. It shouldn't be happening.
Most of rural America has been driven by agriculture, and with the advent in the last century of mechanization, the family farms that fed the nation have been replaced by mega-farming that requires vastly fewer bodies to run. Fewer bodies translates into less economic activity. Remove mining for things like coal from the equation, and you remove a major source of revenue from an area. So, there are changes effecting the economic health of regions that have nothing whatsoever to do with Republican politics. You have to be able, though, to remove your partisan blinders to see them.
Right wingers come out in hives when you mention higher wages. Higher wages are communism because they reduce the profits that their masters make. Its the big right wing con.

I do not disagree with paying someone a living wage as long as they are worth the pay.

You want me to pay someone no matter their worth which is wrong in my eyes!
Well thats not quite what I am saying. Valuing what somebody does is a complex issue. And I am not arguing for everyone to be paid the same. But if someone works at a job all week they should at least be able to enjoy a reasonable standard of living. We can discuss what that is if you want to start another thread.

I am good paying someone what they are worth.
And what do you use to st that level ?

I'm not sure what the question is?
Companies that hire illegals need to pay fines and ownership should be sent to jail and the illegals need to be sent back to their countries.
Companies will send their jobs along with the illegals.

If that is what they want to do, I am against them working here illegally, they need to follow the rules that we as citizens of this country must follow instead of breaking laws.
Right wingers come out in hives when you mention higher wages. Higher wages are communism because they reduce the profits that their masters make. Its the big right wing con.

Well except for higher pay for the overhead (CEO, etc).

I have never understood that.

These people are living in poverty while the ceos, executives and stockholders are being paid millions of dollars a year.

They want to keep living in such horrible circumstances.

I don't get it. Why would anyone want to work hard all their lives to make someone else filthy rich while at the same time fight to keep yourself living in poverty.

It doesn't make sense to me.
Because high pay and wealth accumulation isn't the biggest draw for a lot of people. A lot see how wealth and the pursuit of wealth sucks the soul out of people and would rather trade a lower standard of living for the freedom to raise their families free from the choking strictures of leftist society. It's the difference between making a low wage, living on a small rural road in a cheap house that you can paint what color you want and making a high wage living on a cul-de-sac in a tony suburb with an HOA president who has the power to force you to paint your McMansion a certain color, prevent you from having things in your own backyard, and dictate to you whether you can fly the nation's flag on your own property.

IOW, freedom carries a cost. If you've never been free you don't get it.
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.

When the business is raided and the employer arrested, arrest the illegals also and deport them.

Haha...that’s clever.
Is that kind of like “arrest the crackhead ONLY if and when you can arrest the crack dealer.”
Hear how retarded that sounds?
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.

When the business is raided and the employer arrested, arrest the illegals also and deport them.

Haha...that’s clever.
Is that kind of like “arrest the crackhead ONLY if and when you can arrest the crack dealer.”
Hear how retarded that sounds?

I don't support arrestsing the user. I support getting them rehab.

You ignore the lawbreakers you want to and I'll ignore the ones I want to.
These rural folks are very confusing. They seem to want help, on one hand, and then want, on the other hand, to live apart from the rest of their fellow Americans, blaming their fellow citizens all the way when nobody else is actually treating them badly.

The ruralists need to get out more, meet more people, acknowledge that people who are different from themselves exist. They somehow expect that the rest of the U.S. cater to their desire to live in a bubble. The closer you live to a population center, the more different people you interact with. I grew up right outside of NYC, and live in the DC suburbs. I've known people from all over the world. I've really enjoyed it. I can't imagine living any other way.

The anger that these ruralists exhibit toward others is entirely unfounded. Nobody owes them anything. They have no one else to blame for their failure to participate in society.
Here's the money quote in that:

"I can't imagine living any other way."

Neither can people in rural areas. They HATE the idea that their neighbors could see into their houses. They HATE the idea that an HOA president can literally dictate the color of their house, the size and shape of their mailbox, when their grass has to be cut, how big their shrubs can be. They HATE the idea that there's nowhere they can hunt and they would be crucified if they dressed out a deer in the front yard. They HATE the idea that they couldn't have chickens in the backyard for fresh eggs every day. They HATE the idea that their kids could not safely play outside without multiple adults constantly watching them.

I'll paraphrase your last sentences. The anger that these urbanites exhibit toward others is entirely unfounded. Nobody owes them anything. They have no one else to blame for their hatred and fear toward those who trade wealth for freedom.

Let's put this to you. Would you rather live where:

Someone else dictates the color of your house? Or where you can paint your house whatever color appeals to you?
Your children can never go outside without you being literally within 20 feet of them at all times? Or your children can safely play outside because you have plenty of room and even if they wander off, you know everyone that lives within a 5 mile radius and they will make sure the kids get back to you?
You are totally dependent on trucks getting into town from the countryside with your food? Or where you can provide for the basic needs of your family and don't worry very much about food distribution chains being broken?
You smell car exhaust and sewer gas every time you step outside? Or where you can breath clean air every day when you go outside?
You hear police sirens multiple times every day and see reports of yet another shooting two blocks from your house? Or where the only shooting going on is during deer or turkey season and you don't have to keep an eye on every car that passes?

And finally, would you rather have to say, "I wish someone would do something about this", or would you rather say, "I'd better do something about this", and do it yourself?

See, I think this is one reason why urbanites tend to vote democrat. They are very removed from the source of things. Literally, their entire lives are spent having people bring them things. If they want food, they go to a store and buy it or just call someone who will bring it to them. Someone else does all the work to make it available. If they want clothes, they they go to a store and buy them. Someone else does all the work to make it available. In short, they are accustomed to receiving things that someone else has made. The rural dweller, OTOH, lives closer to the source of things. They can raise their own livestock. If they want a chicken dinner for Sunday lunch, someone takes an axe into the chicken yard. If they want to fill the freezer with beef for the winter, a cow gets slaughtered. They can get their own fresh milk and eggs daily without needing someone else to get it for them. Is it any wonder then that urbanites believe in and vote for a Santa Claus who promises them ever more free stuff while the rural dweller prefers to vote for those promising to leave them the heck alone?
I've been on a road trip that I've wanted to do for a very long time.

I drove east to Illinois then am driving southwest to the Pacific Ocean on what's left of Route 66.

That road, or what's left of it, goes through small town rural America.

I've gone through ghost town after ghost town. The towns that aren't abandoned are so deeply depressed it's painful and shameful to see.

Small town rural America has been totally screwed and abandoned by both our government and our citizens.

I understand now why so many republicans are so angry. I don't understand why they can't see why they have been screwed so badly and by whom.

Most of the states and all of the towns are controlled by republicans. People keep voting for them because of social issues like gay marriage and because they don't make much money and wrongly seem to believe that tax cuts are the answer to their financial problems.

Tax cuts have only totally screwed small town rural America. Their roads are so bad. I mean so bad that there were times the rough road and wind has my car literally bouncing down the road. When was the last time their roads were paved? The poverty is just terrible.

This is the result of keeping wages low, no regulation on business and trillions in tax cuts for the rich and big business.

Capitalism is making it worse because there's no money to be made in those areas so they are abandoned by business which results in more depressed economic conditions.

Raising wages will help these people a lot. Not just by increasing their own pay but by increased business from others being paid more. No little tax cut that is temporary will be a solution to such poverty. Higher wages will.

Better education will help a lot. So people don't have to take low wage jobs that require public assistance to be able to survive.

Small town rural America needs to stop electing politicians who don't give a damn about them and won't invest in the people and the areas they live in.

I was in one place that the water coming out of the faucet was a light brown and cloudy. I didn't wash my hands, I used hand sanitizer instead.

I have gone through countless towns that are totally abandoned. I've gone through farming areas that there aren't houses on the land. Just farming. People don't live in those areas anymore so the towns are turning into ghost towns.

The air in Oklahoma and Texas was so polluted it has caused a sinus infection. And people live in those areas. I can only imagine the health problems of the people in those areas but they don't have any hospital or medical facilities to go to. They have to travel hundreds of miles to get medical help.

Younger people who weren't alive before Reagan think this is normal.

It's not.

America wasn't like this before the conservatives convinced Americans that taxes, regulations, worker protections, a livable wage and investing in our nation was a horrible thing.

I totally understand now why so many in small town rural America voted for trump. He was the first republican who actually vocalized the problems the Republican Party was creating.

Only he either went about fixing the problem wrong or just didn't do anything. Which is what he mostly did. Nothing. In fact, things got worse for small town rural America.

I don't know what the solution is to help these people see that voting for republicans got them in this mess and won't get them out of it.

But I finally saw for myself the reasons why republicans voted for trump.

The problem is that none of these people have the resources to travel to other countries to see how those of us who live in a liberal country live like.

Every time I cross the border, I am shocked at how "run-down" the USA looks in comparison. The condition of your interstates are shocking. We have almost no toll roads and our 400 series highways are smooth superhighways, not patchy or full of potholes.

I now live in rural, conservative Ontario, but these are real conservatives, not Republicans. Our countryside is postcard pretty farms,

The Conservative Harper government ran the country for 9 years, during which time cut taxes, and they cut programs and spending, and the cut the deficit. The result is that wages stagnated, the gap between rich and poor widened, and growth slowed.

Since Trudeau's Liberals were elected in 2015, Canada is now the Best Country in the World to live in, with the fastest growing middle class in the world, and wages are growing.

Canadians occasion experiment with conservatives and their policies, and we always regrett it fairly quickly.
These rural folks are very confusing. They seem to want help, on one hand, and then want, on the other hand, to live apart from the rest of their fellow Americans, blaming their fellow citizens all the way when nobody else is actually treating them badly.

The ruralists need to get out more, meet more people, acknowledge that people who are different from themselves exist. They somehow expect that the rest of the U.S. cater to their desire to live in a bubble. The closer you live to a population center, the more different people you interact with. I grew up right outside of NYC, and live in the DC suburbs. I've known people from all over the world. I've really enjoyed it. I can't imagine living any other way.

The anger that these ruralists exhibit toward others is entirely unfounded. Nobody owes them anything. They have no one else to blame for their failure to participate in society.
Here's the money quote in that:

"I can't imagine living any other way."

Neither can people in rural areas. They HATE the idea that their neighbors could see into their houses. They HATE the idea that an HOA president can literally dictate the color of their house, the size and shape of their mailbox, when their grass has to be cut, how big their shrubs can be. They HATE the idea that there's nowhere they can hunt and they would be crucified if they dressed out a deer in the front yard. They HATE the idea that they couldn't have chickens in the backyard for fresh eggs every day. They HATE the idea that their kids could not safely play outside without multiple adults constantly watching them.

I'll paraphrase your last sentences. The anger that these urbanites exhibit toward others is entirely unfounded. Nobody owes them anything. They have no one else to blame for their hatred and fear toward those who trade wealth for freedom.

Let's put this to you. Would you rather live where:

Someone else dictates the color of your house? Or where you can paint your house whatever color appeals to you?
Your children can never go outside without you being literally within 20 feet of them at all times? Or your children can safely play outside because you have plenty of room and even if they wander off, you know everyone that lives within a 5 mile radius and they will make sure the kids get back to you?
You are totally dependent on trucks getting into town from the countryside with your food? Or where you can provide for the basic needs of your family and don't worry very much about food distribution chains being broken?
You smell car exhaust and sewer gas every time you step outside? Or where you can breath clean air every day when you go outside?
You hear police sirens multiple times every day and see reports of yet another shooting two blocks from your house? Or where the only shooting going on is during deer or turkey season and you don't have to keep an eye on every car that passes?

And finally, would you rather have to say, "I wish someone would do something about this", or would you rather say, "I'd better do something about this", and do it yourself?

See, I think this is one reason why urbanites tend to vote democrat. They are very removed from the source of things. Literally, their entire lives are spent having people bring them things. If they want food, they go to a store and buy it or just call someone who will bring it to them. Someone else does all the work to make it available. If they want clothes, they they go to a store and buy them. Someone else does all the work to make it available. In short, they are accustomed to receiving things that someone else has made. The rural dweller, OTOH, lives closer to the source of things. They can raise their own livestock. If they want a chicken dinner for Sunday lunch, someone takes an axe into the chicken yard. If they want to fill the freezer with beef for the winter, a cow gets slaughtered. They can get their own fresh milk and eggs daily without needing someone else to get it for them. Is it any wonder then that urbanites believe in and vote for a Santa Claus who promises them ever more free stuff while the rural dweller prefers to vote for those promising to leave them the heck alone?

If you don't want people to dictate the colour of your house, don't buy into a stupid gated, freehold condominium, or other kind of restricted living situation. I have never owned a condominium because I don't want someone telling me what drapes I can hang in my living room. My friends who live in condos are not allowed to get tradesmen to have anyone come into their units during lockdown, their unless the repair is an emergency.

No you cannot dress a deer in your front yard, in any town anywhere. But chickens are an issue for my family. My daughter had to rehome her flock when the new neighbours objected to the getting out of the run into their yard. I wonder how her city dweller neighbors are going to deal with manure spreading season a couple of weeks from now.

Government programs are not "free stuff" and the ignorance of country people as to the necessity of government programs is far, far greater and more dangerous to the nation than the ignorance about city dwellers to the concerns of rural dwellers.
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.

When the business is raided and the employer arrested, arrest the illegals also and deport them.

Haha...that’s clever.
Is that kind of like “arrest the crackhead ONLY if and when you can arrest the crack dealer.”
Hear how retarded that sounds?

I don't support arrestsing the user. I support getting them rehab.

You ignore the lawbreakers you want to and I'll ignore the ones I want to.

As much as I hate employers who hire illegals, understand, it is not illegal to offer a job.
The "lawbreakers" are those traversing our border...You have chosen not to see it that way for some strange bet is you have illegal roots of your own.
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.

When the business is raided and the employer arrested, arrest the illegals also and deport them.

Haha...that’s clever.
Is that kind of like “arrest the crackhead ONLY if and when you can arrest the crack dealer.”
Hear how retarded that sounds?

I don't support arrestsing the user. I support getting them rehab.

You ignore the lawbreakers you want to and I'll ignore the ones I want to.

As much as I hate employers who hire illegals, understand, it is not illegal to offer a job.
The "lawbreakers" are those traversing our border...You have chosen not to see it that way for some strange bet is you have illegal roots of your own.

Yes it is illegal to hire undocumented workers. Barrack Obama was prosecuting employers who repeated violate the law, but Donald Trump refused to prosecute these companies. The employers are breaking the law too. It's up to them to ensure they're hiring only American citizens with valid SS numbers, or those with valid green cards.

But your attempt to deflect from the illegal activities of employers in luring illegal immigrants from Central America, and offering them employment in the US is noted. As always with you, it is the brown people who breaking the law and should be punished. The white man has done no wrong.
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.

When the business is raided and the employer arrested, arrest the illegals also and deport them.

Haha...that’s clever.
Is that kind of like “arrest the crackhead ONLY if and when you can arrest the crack dealer.”
Hear how retarded that sounds?

I don't support arrestsing the user. I support getting them rehab.

You ignore the lawbreakers you want to and I'll ignore the ones I want to.

As much as I hate employers who hire illegals, understand, it is not illegal to offer a job.
The "lawbreakers" are those traversing our border...You have chosen not to see it that way for some strange bet is you have illegal roots of your own.

It's not illegal to cross the border.
Explain please.

Also, Everyone is greedy.

I disagree that the idea that one should be able to pay their bills in exchange for a 40 hour work week makes one greedy.
I know the answer....You Lefties should invite 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders to flood our employment, education, healthcare and welfare systems....that’ll make everything better...ain’t that right colfax_m ?

It's the greedy business that are inviting them but you know that.

Public opinion can change that...are you helping to change the public’s opinion?
Are you fighting against sanctuary city policies, are you fighting for aggressive deportation legislation...etc etc?

I have argued endlessly to address the employers hiring illegals. That's how you find them.

Okay do you stand against sanctuary city policies, free healthcare for illegals, free school for illegals, free shit for illegals, drivers licenses for illegals and ALL incentives for illegals? Are you for aggressive deportation legislation?

No. Since we will not address employee's hiring illegals I support ignoring all immigration laws.

Haha...Right. I thought so.
The old “go after the employers” bullshit it just something for proponents of illegal immigration to hide behind.
We already knew that.

When the business is raided and the employer arrested, arrest the illegals also and deport them.

Haha...that’s clever.
Is that kind of like “arrest the crackhead ONLY if and when you can arrest the crack dealer.”
Hear how retarded that sounds?

I don't support arrestsing the user. I support getting them rehab.

You ignore the lawbreakers you want to and I'll ignore the ones I want to.

As much as I hate employers who hire illegals, understand, it is not illegal to offer a job.
The "lawbreakers" are those traversing our border...You have chosen not to see it that way for some strange bet is you have illegal roots of your own.

It's not illegal to cross the border.

You really need to do some due diligence before making a fool of yourself.

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