"Smaller government" advocates

Yet he's hailed by most Republicans as a great 'Small/Less Government' Conservative hero. They are lost souls. The OP did nail it.

Paul is the lowest IQ liberal here. Bush is hailed as a liberal by conservatives. That doesn't stop Paul from being a low IQ liberal liar.
. Being civilized and taking care of the unfortunate-.

ah yes, there it is again the liberal fancies himself as morally superior, actually a morally superior bigot!! China just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty by switching to capitalism while liberals want them to switch back to the liberalism that slowly starved 120 million to death!!
The RWers' belief that they're lazy and stupid will get them a free ticket to hell. Allow training and make jobs worthwhile, dupe.

typical liberal bigot still in GED school. He imagines he's morally superior because he supports crippling intergenerational welfare. Is that different than white man thinking he's superior because of the color of his skin?
The RWers' belief that they're lazy and stupid will get them a free ticket to hell. Allow training and make jobs worthwhile, dupe.

typical liberal bigot still in GED school. He imagines he's morally superior because he supports crippling intergenerational welfare. Is that different than white man thinking he's superior because of the color of his skin?
Retired teacher and businessman, hater dupe Pubtroll (the only kind). ^^
. Being civilized and taking care of the unfortunate-.

ah yes, there it is again the liberal fancies himself as morally superior, actually a morally superior bigot!! China just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty by switching to capitalism while liberals want them to switch back to the liberalism that slowly starved 120 million to death!!
. Being civilized and taking care of the unfortunate-.

ah yes, there it is again the liberal fancies himself as morally superior, actually a morally superior bigot!! China just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty by switching to capitalism while liberals want them to switch back to the liberalism that slowly starved 120 million to death!!

why not tell us more about how morally superior and bigoted you are because you support crippling intergeneration welfare programs of all kinds !!
I'm an anarchist, so I can say with authority that you are no anarchist. You foolishly still believe that government can be limited.

Fair enough, it can't.But you foolishly believe it can not exist. LOL

Either way the moron liberals will be minions to Maos and Obamas and crush us with their armies. So if that's the standard, we should just both give it up now

Aren't you a minion to Obama?

Um .. yeah ... that's what I am, always advocating more government ...


Let's go with that

You live under Obama, right? And you used the term. So.... kind of sounds like that is what you are.

First of all, your reading skills are horrible, I was more specific than that. Or just may you're too biased by leftist ideology.

But that aside, What the Fuck are you talking about? I oppose Obama and his Marxist ideology. In what way do you think you're making sense?

No, my reading skills aren't bad.

You may have been more specific, but you were basically being idiotic, so I made a post that basically points that out.

The fact that you call Obama Marxist just shows how much of a waste of time this all is.
And hey, how bout another 'Stimulus?' Remember that? Another 'Small/Less' Government George W. Bush invention. Talk about 'Freebies?' Yikes! Didn't hear the 'Small/Less' Government Republicans complaining about that Freebie. In fact, most cheered it on with euphoric enthusiasm. He only expanded the size and scope of Government more than any other President in history, other than FDR.

There's so much doshonesty & hyporcisy from both sides on this issue. For instance, the Communists/Progressives had a huge problem with Bush's Stimulus. They whined about it daily. Yet they hailed Obama's massive Stimulus as the 'savior of humanity.' And then of course the Republicans whined about his Stimulus daily. So the OP did nail it Spot On. Very few are really for 'Small/Less' Government. It's only about convenience for most.

It's a team sport. You don't need to use your brain, you just cheer your team on. It's ridiculous. It's ruining the US.
Boy are you Big Government Authoritarians way off. Our Founding Fathers would be appalled at what you've done to the country. You can't give up Liberty for Security. You'll end up with neither.

I gave up neither. How about you?

Yes you have. And after the next major Terrorist event, you'll beg Big Brother to take more away. You'll continue to do what our Foundng Fathers warned against. You guys aren't for small/less Government. That's just a matter of convenience for you.
why not just vote the right out of office if they do that?

The 'Small/Less Government Republican' is a myth. It doesn't exist. George W. Bush is a prime example of that. He expanded the size and scope of Government more than any other President in history, besides FDR.

He's responsible for the 'Stimulus', Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, Massive expansion of NSA Spying, and massive Debt. Yet he's hailed by most Republicans as a great 'Small/Less Government' Conservative hero. They are lost souls. The OP did nail it.

I've never heard anybody say GW was a conservative yet alone a small government conservative hero.

Some may defend his actions or say some nice things about him, but small government conservative hero isn't one of them.

Well he sure did run as one. And i didn't see folks like you opposing things like his massive 'Stimulus' freebie. I saw the exact opposite coming from you.
I gave up neither. How about you?

Yes you have. And after the next major Terrorist event, you'll beg Big Brother to take more away. You'll continue to do what our Foundng Fathers warned against. You guys aren't for small/less Government. That's just a matter of convenience for you.
why not just vote the right out of office if they do that?

The 'Small/Less Government Republican' is a myth. It doesn't exist. George W. Bush is a prime example of that. He expanded the size and scope of Government more than any other President in history, besides FDR.

He's responsible for the 'Stimulus', Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, Massive expansion of NSA Spying, and massive Debt. Yet he's hailed by most Republicans as a great 'Small/Less Government' Conservative hero. They are lost souls. The OP did nail it.

I've never heard anybody say GW was a conservative yet alone a small government conservative hero.

Some may defend his actions or say some nice things about him, but small government conservative hero isn't one of them.

Well he sure did run as one. And i didn't see folks like you opposing things like his massive 'Stimulus' freebie. I saw the exact opposite coming from you.

Actually if you check my history, I only joined this forum a few months ago so you don't know what I thought.

And if you look at the difference between Bush's stimulus and DumBama's, Bush only gave taxpayers their money back whereas DumBama took nearly a trillion dollars of taxpayer money to fund liberal supporters like government jobs and unions.

You see, if you want to try and stimulate an economy using money, you get better results with a widespread of money instead of targeting specific groups and expecting that giveaway to stimulate an economy of 315 million people.

What about our economy today? It had nothing to do with DumBama or any stimulus package. It has to do with lower fuel prices thanks to Fracking. Lower fuel prices put money in the pockets of people from coast to coast and still is; a widespread of money.
Every great power throughout history supported taxing its populous to build infrastructure, supported education and encouraged science and r&d. Society's that don't normally end up quite poor and backwards.

I think we should focus more on encouraging economic growth here at home instead of attempting to police the world. This means our people need to be educated and we need to maintain our own country.

The world police was not a job opening that we applied for, but somebody has to be the world police. If we don't want to be, think of who has the power to gladly take our place.

We applied for the job. America and it's military as well as CIA has interfered in and invaded other sovereign nations ever since the end of WW2. Usually in countries that are not strong militarily.
And hey, how bout another 'Stimulus?' Remember that? Another 'Small/Less' Government George W. Bush invention. Talk about 'Freebies?' Yikes! Didn't hear the 'Small/Less' Government Republicans complaining about that Freebie. In fact, most cheered it on with euphoric enthusiasm. He only expanded the size and scope of Government more than any other President in history, other than FDR.

There's so much doshonesty & hyporcisy from both sides on this issue. For instance, the Communists/Progressives had a huge problem with Bush's Stimulus. They whined about it daily. Yet they hailed Obama's massive Stimulus as the 'savior of humanity.' And then of course the Republicans whined about his Stimulus daily. So the OP did nail it Spot On. Very few are really for 'Small/Less' Government. It's only about convenience for most.

It's a team sport. You don't need to use your brain, you just cheer your team on. It's ridiculous. It's ruining the US.

Who's team am I supposed to be on? I don't agree with anyone. On the other hand, you keep arguing straight line Democrat and you claim to not be on their team
Fair enough, it can't.But you foolishly believe it can not exist. LOL

Either way the moron liberals will be minions to Maos and Obamas and crush us with their armies. So if that's the standard, we should just both give it up now

Aren't you a minion to Obama?

Um .. yeah ... that's what I am, always advocating more government ...


Let's go with that

You live under Obama, right? And you used the term. So.... kind of sounds like that is what you are.

First of all, your reading skills are horrible, I was more specific than that. Or just may you're too biased by leftist ideology.

But that aside, What the Fuck are you talking about? I oppose Obama and his Marxist ideology. In what way do you think you're making sense?

No, my reading skills aren't bad.

You may have been more specific, but you were basically being idiotic, so I made a post that basically points that out.

The fact that you call Obama Marxist just shows how much of a waste of time this all is.
How does Obama disagree with the Communist manifesto? Since the idea he's a Marxist makes me an idiot, so that one should be easy...
WTF is an UE? And let's cut welfare for all individuals mentally and physically capable of working.
Unemployment. No. Let's make jobs worth having.

Making a higher wage is an investment--not an entitlement like you want it to be. You want to invest in yourself? That's the best investment you can make. Your return is a better paying job than the average worker and much more secure employment future. You should have to pay for it if that's what you want.
Yup, every man for himself in Reaganist NEW BS GOP America. Except for megarich Pubs and their giant corps. Absolutely brainwashed, oblivious, and selfish. And how we're losing our middle class and the global competition. Idiocy.

What's more selfish? Somebody or some people wanting to keep more of their money that they earned, or somebody that didn't earn money and demand other people pay for their expenditures?
Selfish, deluded GOP a-holes. Who become the latter as soon as THEY get unlucky. Helping the unfortunate is called CIVILIZATION and SMART. Raygun made blaming the poor acceptable, it's a disgrace. The RWers' belief that they're lazy and stupid will get them a free ticket to hell. Allow training and make jobs worthwhile, dupe.

Looting Peter to pay Paul has nothing to do with civilization. It's robbery, pure and simple - the exact opposite of civilization.

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