"Smaller government" advocates

Small government lets industry dump anything they want into our air or water
Hat's off to you rightwinger, anyone that can formulate an entire belief system based on nothing more than bumper sticker slogans and the latest fad at the tattoo parlor is truly a wonder to behold, well done.

Republicans have advocated abolishment of the EPA

Something they have been fighting for over thirty years......small government

What's funny is it was the republicans that established the EPA. There was a time when the republicans were a party that wanted to improve this country.

Today they wouldn't give a damn if all of our rivers had nuclear waste in them and our air looked like china's. They're truly evil and deranged freaks.
Hard to believe there was a time Republicans cared about anyone but the filthy rich
Small government lets industry dump anything they want into our air or water
Hat's off to you rightwinger, anyone that can formulate an entire belief system based on nothing more than bumper sticker slogans and the latest fad at the tattoo parlor is truly a wonder to behold, well done.

Republicans have advocated abolishment of the EPA

Something they have been fighting for over thirty years......small government

What's funny is it was the republicans that established the EPA. There was a time when the republicans were a party that wanted to improve this country.

Today they wouldn't give a damn if all of our rivers had nuclear waste in them and our air looked like china's. They're truly evil and deranged freaks.

Not like you give a shit other than the talking point
Small government lets industry dump anything they want into our air or water
Hat's off to you rightwinger, anyone that can formulate an entire belief system based on nothing more than bumper sticker slogans and the latest fad at the tattoo parlor is truly a wonder to behold, well done.

Republicans have advocated abolishment of the EPA

Something they have been fighting for over thirty years......small government

What's funny is it was the republicans that established the EPA. There was a time when the republicans were a party that wanted to improve this country.

Today they wouldn't give a damn if all of our rivers had nuclear waste in them and our air looked like china's. They're truly evil and deranged freaks.
Hard to believe there was a time Republicans cared about anyone but the filthy rich

That's why I call you comrade, you have the Manifesto down cold, comrade. except you forgot to mention corporations. Sorry, you get a C+ for that one
Small government lets industry dump anything they want into our air or water
Hat's off to you rightwinger, anyone that can formulate an entire belief system based on nothing more than bumper sticker slogans and the latest fad at the tattoo parlor is truly a wonder to behold, well done.

Republicans have advocated abolishment of the EPA

Something they have been fighting for over thirty years......small government

What's funny is it was the republicans that established the EPA. There was a time when the republicans were a party that wanted to improve this country.

Today they wouldn't give a damn if all of our rivers had nuclear waste in them and our air looked like china's. They're truly evil and deranged freaks.

I am not a fan of the GOP.

I also think our federal EPA sucks.

What is funny is that you think that if the federal EPA were abolished, that there would be no oversight. Most, if not all, states have a state run EPA.

You are one narrow minded moron.

With 50 different state run standards. One state would have awesome regs while another would pollute like China. Same with Education, etc.

Oh'yesss, John wouldn't even be able to move to another state and expect it to respected.
'Small government' as perceived by conservatives and libertarians is a myth, a delusional anachronism, the manifestation of the reactionary right frightened by change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, and their desire to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

Small government as perceived by "liberals" aka the Parasite Caucus is a myth . What they seek a gargantuan government who can steal from the taxpayers and producers and then will

financially support the parasites who by now constitute 50% of the electorate

They want free health insurance
to be clothed
to be fed
to have their thirst quenched
free college education
a police state - they want everyone who disagrees with them in jail
they want to invade every country on the face of mother earth
something for nothing
free lunches
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Small government lets industry dump anything they want into our air or water
Hat's off to you rightwinger, anyone that can formulate an entire belief system based on nothing more than bumper sticker slogans and the latest fad at the tattoo parlor is truly a wonder to behold, well done.

Republicans have advocated abolishment of the EPA

Something they have been fighting for over thirty years......small government

What's funny is it was the republicans that established the EPA. There was a time when the republicans were a party that wanted to improve this country.

Today they wouldn't give a damn if all of our rivers had nuclear waste in them and our air looked like china's. They're truly evil and deranged freaks.

I am not a fan of the GOP.

I also think our federal EPA sucks.

What is funny is that you think that if the federal EPA were abolished, that there would be no oversight. Most, if not all, states have a state run EPA.

You are one narrow minded moron.

With 50 different state run standards. One state would have awesome regs while another would pollute like China. Same with Education, etc.

Oh'yesss, John wouldn't even be able to move to another state and expect it to respected.

You know that states will allow people to pollute like crazy ? Wow...you sure are smart.

And I really am focused on my state. I'll trust you to take care of yours. You see, I have faith in people. If you don't...then shame on you.

I've seen case after case where the federal EPA has meddled in the affairs of state EPA's and screwed up the quality of the environment as well as forcing huge costs on people....just because it had to be done their way.

Screw that and your love of the federal moronic government.

BTW: Education in this country sucks. Seems your Dept of Education isn't worth it.
I am all for accountability and paying down our debt,,,but we're all better off with some standardization.

Not everything is the same everywhere.

You don't get it.

It's not a one size fits all and the fact that you are so arrogant only shows why you should be running for office as a far left jackle.

California is it's own country. It does not need Washington D.C. to help it.

I recall Ted Kennedy coming to AZ so he could "help" AZ and CA resolve disputes over the water from the CO river. He left...no solutions (well maybe a couple of solutions....like the kind a crack addict pisses into a bottle). AZ and CA resolved it just fine.

Don't need those morons.
It should not be about "starving the beast" but about lowering our tax burden through simplification of Government.
The "beast" is the one percent

The Clintons are beasts?

The Clntons are willing to raise their own taxes

Wh would they do that? If they want to pay more in taxes, all they have to do is not list their write-offs. Problem solved.
How profound..

And those who want war can enlist themselves
Those who want schools can pay for them themselves

Society does not work like that

Of course. Society works like if somebody wants something, get politicians to tax somebody else.

All these liberals talking about increasing taxes on themselves, yet they take every single write-off afforded to them. It's a dog and pony show. Nobody (regardless how much you earn or are worth) wants to pay taxes. We all seek to pay less.
The "beast" is the one percent

The Clintons are beasts?

The Clntons are willing to raise their own taxes

Wh would they do that? If they want to pay more in taxes, all they have to do is not list their write-offs. Problem solved.
How profound..

And those who want war can enlist themselves
Those who want schools can pay for them themselves

Society does not work like that

Of course. Society works like if somebody wants something, get politicians to tax somebody else.

All these liberals talking about increasing taxes on themselves, yet they take every single write-off afforded to them. It's a dog and pony show. Nobody (regardless how much you earn or are worth) wants to pay taxes. We all seek to pay less.

By your reasoning.....if the rich want lower taxes, all they have to do is earn less
The Clintons are beasts?

The Clntons are willing to raise their own taxes

Wh would they do that? If they want to pay more in taxes, all they have to do is not list their write-offs. Problem solved.
How profound..

And those who want war can enlist themselves
Those who want schools can pay for them themselves

Society does not work like that

Of course. Society works like if somebody wants something, get politicians to tax somebody else.

All these liberals talking about increasing taxes on themselves, yet they take every single write-off afforded to them. It's a dog and pony show. Nobody (regardless how much you earn or are worth) wants to pay taxes. We all seek to pay less.

By your reasoning.....if the rich want lower taxes, all they have to do is earn less

It would never work because everybody wants to earn more, even people like Buffet and Gates.

Part of having more is keeping more of what you earned. Yet when these Democrat politicians come out and say we should be taking more of what they have, people actually believe them.
I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Your delusions are your own problem.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces.

Military budget should be cut at least 35% and probably 50.

They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.


In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

You seem to be projecting.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

All subsidies should be ended.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?

I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces. They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.

In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?
Let's be clear what they mean by smaller government

They want the things they like and benefit from.......they want a smaller government on things others receive

Stop listening to those voices in your head.
Small government lets industry dump anything they want into our air or water

Big government let's big government start endless wars, grow more govt, create massive social programs, rack up never ending debt etc.

About what I thought
Small Government means not helping the poor

Where have conservatives ever complained about big government meaning we have the largest military in world history?

The govts main duty is the protection of its citizens. First and foremost and no that doesn't mean never ending spending or wars. It's too bad that you can't be that honest on all of the worthless social programs that do nothing for the citizens.
That has never been the governments main duty

Social Programs do more for our citizens than the military does

You're an imbecile. Social programs didn't exist before FDR, so how can you say that protecting citizens was not the government's main duty?
The Clntons are willing to raise their own taxes

Wh would they do that? If they want to pay more in taxes, all they have to do is not list their write-offs. Problem solved.
How profound..

And those who want war can enlist themselves
Those who want schools can pay for them themselves

Society does not work like that

Of course. Society works like if somebody wants something, get politicians to tax somebody else.

All these liberals talking about increasing taxes on themselves, yet they take every single write-off afforded to them. It's a dog and pony show. Nobody (regardless how much you earn or are worth) wants to pay taxes. We all seek to pay less.

By your reasoning.....if the rich want lower taxes, all they have to do is earn less

It would never work because everybody wants to earn more, even people like Buffet and Gates.

Part of having more is keeping more of what you earned. Yet when these Democrat politicians come out and say we should be taking more of what they have, people actually believe them.
I think you are getting there

Yes, the wealthy want to keep more of what they have. They want low taxes, they want a workforce that works for low wages, they want no government regulations.

We have been marching down that road for thirty years. We were promised a rising economic tide that would lift all boats. What we got was an economic tide that only lifts the yachts
Small government lets industry dump anything they want into our air or water

Big government let's big government start endless wars, grow more govt, create massive social programs, rack up never ending debt etc.

About what I thought
Small Government means not helping the poor

Where have conservatives ever complained about big government meaning we have the largest military in world history?

The govts main duty is the protection of its citizens. First and foremost and no that doesn't mean never ending spending or wars. It's too bad that you can't be that honest on all of the worthless social programs that do nothing for the citizens.
That has never been the governments main duty

Social Programs do more for our citizens than the military does

You're an imbecile. Social programs didn't exist before FDR, so how can you say that protecting citizens was not the government's main duty?

Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream
Wh would they do that? If they want to pay more in taxes, all they have to do is not list their write-offs. Problem solved.
How profound..

And those who want war can enlist themselves
Those who want schools can pay for them themselves

Society does not work like that

Of course. Society works like if somebody wants something, get politicians to tax somebody else.

All these liberals talking about increasing taxes on themselves, yet they take every single write-off afforded to them. It's a dog and pony show. Nobody (regardless how much you earn or are worth) wants to pay taxes. We all seek to pay less.

By your reasoning.....if the rich want lower taxes, all they have to do is earn less

It would never work because everybody wants to earn more, even people like Buffet and Gates.

Part of having more is keeping more of what you earned. Yet when these Democrat politicians come out and say we should be taking more of what they have, people actually believe them.
I think you are getting there

Yes, the wealthy want to keep more of what they have. They want low taxes, they want a workforce that works for low wages, they want no government regulations.

We have been marching down that road for thirty years. We were promised a rising economic tide that would lift all boats. What we got was an economic tide that only lifts the yachts

I don't know where you heard that promise from, but the only one lifting up those yachts are the yacht owners themselves. In fact they lift their own yacht and many smaller boats around them.

What we were promised is the ability to pursue life, liberty and happiness. We were not guaranteed life, liberty and happiness. You still have to work for it. You still have to make sacrifices for it. You still have to chase your dream.
What those in the circle of smaller government want, is to take the funds/money, and give it to a "smaller" sector. The ones that line their pockets and rip the tax payers off of billions of dollars
Eisenhower had it right. Beware of military industrialists complex.. And if any self serving republican was to do his research and check the facts they would know that is true.
Then throw in the pharmaceutical companies and the oil barons and there you have it, where is Teddy Roosevelt when the country needs him.
We have been marching down that road for thirty years. We were promised a rising economic tide that would lift all boats. What we got was an economic tide that only lifts the yachts
......and you can thank big government and it's propensity for economic interventionism for that, who do you think protects the wealth and power of the well connected upper crust? The Federal Government was bought and sold a long time ago and it's a mystery why anybody that claims to care about the citizenry would want to empower it further. You can't fix it by changing letters behind politicians names, you can only fix it but whittling down it's scope and power to the point where influence peddling is no longer a profitable business.

"Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new hierarchy of power." -- Murray Rothbard
Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream
Could you at least *try* not to be so vapid, the libertarian "dream" is a world where the non-aggression principle is practiced and applied as equally to organizations and institutions (including government) as it is to every individual. One understands that libertarianism and the non-aggression principle are far too complex for those who can only view the world as "my party" versus "the other party" but at least try to do a little homework before you open your mouth and remove all doubt regarding your ignorance.

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