Smaller Government ...


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
Can you imagine having a government big enough to knock on every door looking for Mexicans, checking papers. This would create the single largest bureaucracy in history. Leave it to republicans to grow government without considering unintended consequences.

Londoner said it all ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pay attention.

a smaller government platform that supports a RW presidential candidate. ... exactly the opposite of a smaller government.

the single largest bureaucracy in history ... remember that.
there are only 2 candidates that want to deport 12 million people.

I suggest YOU pay attention.
Except I would bet the Repubs have considered the consequences. They want bigger and more intrusive government and RWs know it. They just don't care because they wrongly believe the Rs will never come after them.

Drumpf lied about Ike and Operation Wetback. Actual number deported was less than 250K. In spite of Repub obstruction, Obama has deported more than 2 million.

Drumpf also lied about deporting 11 million illegals. He may "want" to but he can't. He knows that but RWs are too gullible to think beyond his blustering and posturing.
How about the whole fense thing ?

A baZzillan dollars wh drones flying 24/7 and military patrols ??! Not only is it big gov, it's big $$.0
there are only 2 candidates that want to deport 12 million people.

I suggest YOU pay attention.

what part of A CANDIDATE lost you in the OP .... a ?

big word for idiots ... suggestion ... comprehension classes.
How about the whole fense thing ?

A baZzillan dollars wh drones flying 24/7 and military patrols ??! Not only is it big gov, it's big $$.0

The Repubs think of us working schlubs as their own personal Petty Cash Fund. They won't raise wages for Americans but they don't hesitate to raise their own - and then, to rub salt in the wound, they work only part time.
there are only 2 candidates that want to deport 12 million people.

I suggest YOU pay attention.

How are they doing in the polls?
about the same as the socialist. None of them will win. Intelligent people have not yet made up their mind. Overzealots are the only ones who have a candidate of choice.

Face it

Your party eats up the idea that we need to get rid of all the Mexicans
We have two threads essentially asking the same question. What will the gop do about creating jobs, and where is the party of small gummit? The answer is if we cut taxes on the middle class, they'd buy more stuff, and that creates jobs, BUT to cut taxes for the middle class, we have to cut spending because just saying raise taxes on the rich doesn't yield enough revenue, by itself, to pay for the tax cut.

Oddly, imo, Rubio had some ideas, not perfect, but ideas.

Why the Rubio-Lee tax plan is great politics — and great policy

The Lee-Rubio Family-Friendly Tax Is a Disappointment

Unfortunately, he abandoned them as he abandoned immigration. It'd be nice to think he had a Nixonian streak to be able to run right and cut back to the middle, but there's nothing in his background to suggest he's more than an empty suit.
DUDE, we already have the INS, and the U.S. Border Patrol. Maybe, like Eisenhower, we could get the Mexican govt on our side LOL
there are only 2 candidates that want to deport 12 million people.

I suggest YOU pay attention.

How are they doing in the polls?
about the same as the socialist. None of them will win. Intelligent people have not yet made up their mind. Overzealots are the only ones who have a candidate of choice.

Face it

Your party eats up the idea that we need to get rid of all the Mexicans
Illegal Mexicans, illegal Canadians, illegal Asians, illegal Arabs, illegal Europeans, illegal Australians illegal everyone.
Even socialist leaning countries know you cant have illegals running around rampant.
there are only 2 candidates that want to deport 12 million people.

I suggest YOU pay attention.

How are they doing in the polls?
about the same as the socialist. None of them will win. Intelligent people have not yet made up their mind. Overzealots are the only ones who have a candidate of choice.

Face it

Your party eats up the idea that we need to get rid of all the Mexicans
Illegal Mexicans, illegal Canadians, illegal Asians, illegal Arabs, illegal Europeans, illegal Australians illegal everyone.
Even socialist leaning countries know you cant have illegals running around rampant.

so why don't you pencil in an acceptable spending number that will be totally effective and this country can afford to secure our borders ?
there are only 2 candidates that want to deport 12 million people.

I suggest YOU pay attention.

How are they doing in the polls?
about the same as the socialist. None of them will win. Intelligent people have not yet made up their mind. Overzealots are the only ones who have a candidate of choice.

Face it

Your party eats up the idea that we need to get rid of all the Mexicans

It reminds me of a "patriotic rally" this radio station manager was having in Katy Texas a few years back. The host of the show had to stress to his listeners that it was going to be a "family event" so no camouflage, weapons, or Confederate/ROT flags (ROT Republic of Texas). In other words, they had to change who they were normally.
it reminds me of an asswhipping the RW took from Obama ... or two.

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