Smaller Majority "Extremely Proud" to Be an American

How proud are you of being an American?

  • Extremely proud

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Very proud

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Proud

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Not very proud

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Never been proud of being American

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
The idiot left on here thinks this message board mirrors the way the country thinks!!!:ack-1::ack-1: HOLY FUCK.........this board is the definition of political correctness.

Almost to a person, on this board, the left celebrates the shit out of last weeks court ruling on gay marriage!! Like its some zero sum game and no-brainer politically. The zombies on here don't think states rights matter to time moves on, the zombies are going to find out it means more than a rainbow colored flag!!!:up:

Why the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage could lead to civil war - Allen B. West -
The idiot left on here thinks this message board mirrors the way the country thinks!!!:ack-1::ack-1: HOLY FUCK.........this board is the definition of political correctness.

Almost to a person, on this board, the left celebrates the shit out of last weeks court ruling on gay marriage!! Like its some zero sum game and no-brainer politically. The zombies on here don't think states rights matter to time moves on, the zombies are going to find out it means more than a rainbow colored flag!!!:up:

Why the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage could lead to civil war - Allen B. West -
All gloom and doom, must suck to be you...
America is so degraded now, that the only way to make it better is to identify some foreign power or agency and help them replace what we have become.
The left is so damn predictable.

At least one poster was honest enough to say that the country had been moving quite some time towards liberalism. Although they make the idiotic claim the founders of the country were liberals.

Then the claim is that the country still sucks, quite the feat of perverse logic. But an unintended, acknowledgement that liberalism sucks.

Then they will claim that the 14 amendment pretty much means that the SCOTUS can do whatever it is that the liberals want and can't get through the legislative branch. But on the other hand the 1st amendment does not mean that the liberals can't force their religious views onto everyone and anyone. And if everyone else does not comply then ruin them financially. What part of the first amendment do they not understand. No place I read the first does it mention freedom of religion, unless someone doesn't like your religion. Liberals will fight tooth and nail for a ground zero mosque but make no mention of forcing the same religion to conduct SSM.

So it is easy to see the true objective, the liberal way or the highway. the road to hell or nothing.
The left is so damn predictable.

At least one poster was honest enough to say that the country had been moving quite some time towards liberalism. Although they make the idiotic claim the founders of the country were liberals.

Then the claim is that the country still sucks, quite the feat of perverse logic. But an unintended, acknowledgement that liberalism sucks.

Then they will claim that the 14 amendment pretty much means that the SCOTUS can do whatever it is that the liberals want and can't get through the legislative branch. But on the other hand the 1st amendment does not mean that the liberals can't force their religious views onto everyone and anyone. And if everyone else does not comply then ruin them financially. What part of the first amendment do they not understand. No place I read the first does it mention freedom of religion, unless someone doesn't like your religion. Liberals will fight tooth and nail for a ground zero mosque but make no mention of forcing the same religion to conduct SSM.

So it is easy to see the true objective, the liberal way or the highway. the road to hell or nothing.

Did you have a 6 pack for breakfast because that was utter gibberish.

Would you like to try it again, only this time in English?

Then we will be able to figure out if it even has anything to do with the OP at all.
Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...

I agree. I am ashamed of some of my own race and ashamed of some of my fellow heterosexuals.

Pride is an emotion best reserved for personal accomplishments.

Winning a birthing lottery is not a personal accomplishment, it's just the luck of the draw.

I would say I feel fortunate (or lucky) to have won that birthing lottery.

Exactly. I didn't do anything to become an American so I can't really say I'm proud to be an American. But as I said, I'm very proud of most of my country.
America is so degraded now, that the only way to make it better is to identify some foreign power or agency and help them replace what we have become.

Its way early to be as drunk as you apparently are. That makes no sense at all but most of your hate posts don't.

Speak for yourself and your fellow drunk, nutter RW traitors.

And, since you hate this country so much, why in the world do you stay here? Think about it. You can lie about being a doctor AND lawyer AND dog washer in some other country where your hatred of America would be welcome.


I am proud of where we have been in history.

I am not proud of where we are now. The government has been largely homogenized, with any opposition against the forces that seek Obama's "fundamental transformation" weak at best, and frankly, a huge part of the population have been so dumbed down and degenerated by media, culture and the public education system under the control of the Democrats that they are incapable of exercising common sense, much less rational thought.

What he said......
I agree. I am ashamed of some of my own race and ashamed of some of my fellow heterosexuals.

Heck, I'm ashamed of the entire human species. To have the ability to know right from wrong and choose wrong repeatedly fills me with a sense of disgust.
The majority of Americans, a super majority of millennials, and people of good will simply do not care what you all from the far right think. It's over. Yell all you want, that's your right. And we know you are all too cowardly to do anything else.

True Americans embrace Marriage Equality.
The majority of Americans, a super majority of millennials, and people of good will simply do not care what you all from the far right think. It's over. Yell all you want, that's your right. And we know you are all too cowardly to do anything else.

True Americans embrace Marriage Equality.

GOOD Americans believe the way "I" do!!!

Seems I've heard that song on old newsreels .

Different words, but the melody is the same.
Don't know about that. Good Americans believe in Marriage Equality or allowing those who do to live their lives. Guys, it is simply MYOFB.
How about living their lives and leaving everyone else alone.

What this country has become is not worth defending. It is not worth supporting.

Oddly enough, the idiots who are still in charge drool out platitudes like if you see something, say something. We are one family. What poppycock. If you see something, get the hell out of there and shut up. We aren't one family, we are opposing enemy camps.
Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...

You have a fairly decent command of the English language, misguided, though, your views might be.

That alone qualifies you as "acting white".

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