Smaller Majority "Extremely Proud" to Be an American

How proud are you of being an American?

  • Extremely proud

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Very proud

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Proud

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Not very proud

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Never been proud of being American

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...

You have a fairly decent command of the English language, misguided, though, your views might be.

That alone qualifies you as "acting white".
FJO, when you write as well as Ralph Ellison, I will consider you white.

I think of everyone at USMB as being green.

Some are just a different shade of green than others!

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Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...

You have a fairly decent command of the English language, misguided, though, your views might be.

That alone qualifies you as "acting white".
FJO, when you write as well as Ralph Ellison, I will consider you white.

Would you consider me black if I wrote and spoke like Al Sharpton?
Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...

You have a fairly decent command of the English language, misguided, though, your views might be.

That alone qualifies you as "acting white".
FJO, when you write as well as Ralph Ellison, I will consider you white.

Would you consider me black if I wrote and spoke like Al Sharpton?
I would consider you his wife.
Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...

You have a fairly decent command of the English language, misguided, though, your views might be.

That alone qualifies you as "acting white".
Being intelligent is not just a honky trait...

I was trying to refer to the fact that many prominent blacks (sorry, I just can't refer to those who could not find Africa on the globe with a magnifying glass, "African" Americans) claim that if a black person speaks proper English he/she is acting white.
A few do, most don't, and FJO is probably not a person who has much authenticity to judge any of it.
Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...

You have a fairly decent command of the English language, misguided, though, your views might be.

That alone qualifies you as "acting white".
Being intelligent is not just a honky trait...

I was trying to refer to the fact that many prominent blacks (sorry, I just can't refer to those who could not find Africa on the globe with a magnifying glass, "African" Americans) claim that if a black person speaks proper English he/she is acting white.
I don't doubt that, look at all the whites that can't even pronounce washer correctly....
I'll be proud again once we get rid of the Macaca Clown in black face in the White House
Good for you, Frank. It is time he is gone. Let's hope not that we have a Ted Cruz clone or worse to mess up things even more.
Good for you, Frank. It is time he is gone. Let's hope not that we have a Ted Cruz clone or worse to mess up things even more.

I'd be happy with someone who was born and raised in America and know how many states there are without his people resorting to "Context"

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