Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

Obama the professor? More like Gilligan.
:lol: Gilligan with an inferiority complex.

Seriously? He thinks there is something wrong with this Republic. It's what he's been taught. And after having ZERO real Life experience...Military or otherwise (never holding a private sector JOB)?

He's supposed to be 'Smart'. I knew 2nd Lietenants in the USAF that I regarded with distain for their 'Physical Education' degrees...But I hold them in higher esteem than I do this POTUS.
It's all a matter of HONOR. Something the LEFT cannot grasp...wrap their brains around. It's beyond their knowing.
Apparently, then, the only 'data' we have on the President's intelligence is based on beliefs.

There is no data on Harvard, as we know, but did he not get a degree in PolSci from Columbia.... without honors :eusa_whistle:..... which means a GPA of less than 3.3, does it not?

So, if he's the smartest POTUS ever, he must have dramatically improved at Harvard. Not that he couldn't have done so.... but I remain more than a tad skeptical about his supposed 'intellect'. Less than 3.3? Jeeeeez, I did better than Obama. :lol::lol::lol:

Hell? Some that never reached 'Higher Learning' at an institution rate better than this piece of Dogsqueeze that pretends to be POTUS. And that is on REAL LIFE points alone. (And a majority that learned it IN the military).

I find it interesting that someone who scraped a degree in PolSci (without honors) can suddenly improve that dramatically.

The 'without honors' is the interesting part... and, I have to say, I am not surprised to find he has no honors. :lol::lol::lol:
There is no data on Harvard, as we know, but did he not get a degree in PolSci from Columbia.... without honors :eusa_whistle:..... which means a GPA of less than 3.3, does it not?

So, if he's the smartest POTUS ever, he must have dramatically improved at Harvard. Not that he couldn't have done so.... but I remain more than a tad skeptical about his supposed 'intellect'. Less than 3.3? Jeeeeez, I did better than Obama. :lol::lol::lol:

Hell? Some that never reached 'Higher Learning' at an institution rate better than this piece of Dogsqueeze that pretends to be POTUS. And that is on REAL LIFE points alone. (And a majority that learned it IN the military).

I find it interesting that someone who scraped a degree in PolSci (without honors) can suddenly improve that dramatically.

The 'without honors' is the interesting part... and, I have to say, I am not surprised to find he has no honors. :lol::lol::lol:

Hell, I managed to graduate magna cum laude with a 3.72 . . . and that was done at age 44 while taking care of the family (including a special needs kid), the house and all the rest.
Basically, what we are seeing is the American people waking up to the fact that our president is a stupid phoney.

And the left's argument to counter that realization is calling the American people a bunch of Racist, bigoted, homophobic, Islamophobic bigots.
It's all a matter of HONOR. Something the LEFT cannot grasp...wrap their brains around. It's beyond their knowing.

It offends their sense of relative morality which is the basis of being paid to produce nothing.

"We're sorry...thou must spread some reputation around...etc..."

And which is what most of the political class are guilty of...while they smile and wish our approval.

It ain't happening. Honor is a foreign concept unless the results are tangible in the form of property...Spiritual...and a sense of doing the right thing are also foreign concepts.
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Basically, what we are seeing is the American people waking up to the fact that our president is a stupid phoney.

And the left's argument to counter that realization is calling the American people a bunch of Racist, bigoted, homophobic, Islamophobic bigots.

Indeed sir. Just chastize your bosses that you wish approval from every 2, 4 to 6 years. And SMILE when you do it Pilgrim...
Beck didnt misspeak, he lied. He actually admitted he lied and even given this, you say he mispoke? Brewer did mispeak, she lied about beheadings, she lied about the crime rate here, she lied about "most" illegals being drug mules...yet you say she "mispoke"?

Wow. Given these still saying they mispoke?

You honestly think a constitutional lawyer, harvard professor really thinks there are 57 states? Really? But beck admits he lied and you still say he mispoke?


Sooooooo, how 'smart' is the President, exactly?

(Such over reaction raises flags, dear.)

He is a hell of a lot smarter than you are...and apparently smarter than every republican in this country since he won the presidency of the United states.

God bless democracy and God bless America.
so, i guess Bush was smarter than every democrat since he won TWO elections
Sooooooo, how 'smart' is the President, exactly?

(Such over reaction raises flags, dear.)

He is a hell of a lot smarter than you are...and apparently smarter than every republican in this country since he won the presidency of the United states.

God bless democracy and God bless America.
so, i guess Bush was smarter than every democrat since he won TWO elections

But NOT as Cunning as FDR that squeezed 4 TERMS out despite George Washington's example? (Before the CONGRESS put the seal of disapproval on it for his LACK of honor)?

Bravo, Dive.

ZONA=Delusions of grandeur.

Now I am confused, California girl is the one who said it was the greatest post ever, yet you say "I" have Delusions of Grandeur? Hell, you even thanked her for saying "Greatest post eva". :cool:
you are such a moron you cant even tell when you are being MOCKED


:) Zona is just one of those people that you dismiss as Comic Relief. :lol:

ZONA=Delusions of grandeur.

Now I am confused, California girl is the one who said it was the greatest post ever, yet you say "I" have Delusions of Grandeur? Hell, you even thanked her for saying "Greatest post eva". :cool:
you are such a moron you cant even tell when you are being MOCKED


But he runs away when confronted with cold hard facts about his beloved Messiah's apparently less than average grades. Go figure. :eusa_eh:
How could you guys find 18 pages worth of shit to say about Obama's rug? Seriously? Do you think he designed it himself?

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