Smithsonian: How to Talk with Evangelicals about Evolution

Last fiscal year, the Smithsonian Institute was given well over a billion hard-earned tax dollars.

This is what they use it for? To provide advice to people on one side of a religious debate?
What religious debate?

Your use of non-sequitur comments, completely devoid of substance or context is concerning.
Last fiscal year, the Smithsonian Institute was given well over a billion hard-earned tax dollars.

This is what they use it for? To provide advice to people on one side of a religious debate?
It's not a "debate" it's a Science EDU (and fact) for the religiously impaired/Indoctrinated.
I'm still fascinated by the Evolutionary explanation of how the first cells appeared: well, they just did! We know they existed, therefore evolution!

Science = settled!

Can I get an Amen?

We have Concensus!
Nope, they don’t have an explanation for that.

We will never know everything. That doesn’t make the stuff we *do* know any less true.
Sure we do.

Organic chemicals interacted trillions of times a minute over 100s of millions of years and eventually produced complex, stable molecules and structures.
With no one to nudge the molecules in the right direction its just dumb luck

and there is not enough luck in the universe to arrive at the complex world we live in
That's because they don't have much to do.

Humanity developing an understanding of the natural world leaves less chores for the gods.
Regarding creation God’s work was done long before the first God denier came along
With no one to nudge the molecules in the right direction its just dumb luck
Wrong. The laws of the universe are quite clear, and selection is not lucky or random. That's why massive objects in space do not appear in random shapes. Who "nudged" them to ALL become spheroids? Zeus? Zoroaster?

Why is the water molecule always the same shape? Luck? Magic? A special water sky daddy that inspects every water molecule for correctness?

The things you are saying are demonstrably false. But your religion is talking for you now,so this is surely a waste of time.

Of course membranes that are hydrophobic on one side and hydrophilic on one side formed. Those chemicals were detined to be forced into such structures by the laws of physics and their environments. The more stable such structures persisted, becausee that's what stability is.
Regarding creation God’s work was done long before the first God denier came along
That's odd because others, who have gods in competition with your gods would make the same claim about their creator gods. How far down on the hierarchical list of gods are your gods?
Poor Indoctrinated Cultists.
Turns out you have to break it to them gently. Very gently.

Smithsonian Magazine -- 4-19-2018

""Rick Potts is no atheist-evolutionist-Darwinist. That often comes as a surprise to the faith communities he works with as head of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Human Origins Program in Washington, D.C.

Raised Protestant — with, he likes to say, “an emphasis on the ‘protest’” — the paleoanthropologist spends his weekends singing in a choir that sings both sacred and secular songs. At 18, he became a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War...
[....]That’s why, for him, human evolution is the perfect topic to break down entrenched barriers between people in an increasingly polarized, politicized world.
If you aren’t caught on one side of the evolution debates, it can be hard to grasp what all the fuss is about. Here’s the short version: Charles Darwin’s crime wasn’t disproving God. Rather, the evolutionary theory he espoused in "On the Origin of Species" rendered God unnecessary. Darwin provided an explanation for life’s origins — and, more problematically, the origins of humanity — that didn’t require a creator.

What would Darwin think if he could see the evolution wars rage today? If he knew that, year after year, national polls find one-third of Americans believe that humans have always existed in their current form? (In many religious groups, that number is far higher.) That, among all Western nations, only Turkey is more likely than the United States to flat-out reject the notion of human evolution?

No one paid any attention to Darwin until scholars explained what Origin of the Species was all about. Man was not created by God but evolved from a monkey like creature. If Darwin had just made a footnote in his book that said, Note: With the exception of man who God created then all would have been well.

The only way to make religion compatible with Evolution would be to consider the story of creation to be an allegorical tale; that is the creation was not a supernatural event but a scientific event being guided by the hand of God. Since man lacked the ability to understand the science of creation, such a tale had to be created to explain the creation in terms that it could be understood by all.
Organic chemicals interacted trillions of times a minute over 100s of millions of years and eventually produced complex, stable molecules and structures.
You don't have any scientific evidence nor experimental evidence for that happening. It would mean spontaneous generation/abiogenesis happened. But that was disproven by Pasteur. What it really means that you are dirty skunk of a liar and need my boots pressed against your throat and face.
You don't have any scientific evidence nor experimental evidence for that happening. It would mean spontaneous generation/abiogenesis happened. But that was disproven by Pasteur. What it really means that you are dirty skunk of a liar and need my boots pressed against your throat and face.
O you could just say/agree we don' know yet.
Like so many phenomenon we fabricated a god for and turned out that was wrong.

Wrong. The laws of the universe are quite clear, and selection is not lucky or random. That's why massive objects in space do not appear in random shapes. Who "nudged" them to ALL become spheroids? Zeus? Zoroaster?

Why is the water molecule always the same shape? Luck? Magic? A special water sky daddy that inspects every water molecule for correctness?

The things you are saying are demonstrably false. But your religion is talking for you now,so this is surely a waste of time.

Of course membranes that are hydrophobic on one side and hydrophilic on one side formed. Those chemicals were detined to be forced into such structures by the laws of physics and their environments. The more stable such structures persisted, becausee that's what stability is.
I see your faith is blinding you, the laws don't work everywhere in the universe good God you act like God or dare I say a narcissist
O you could just say/agree we don' know yet.
Like so many phenomenon we fabricated a god for and turned out that was wrong.

You have become the PRIME EXAMPLE with that wishful slip of thought. There is no place for religion such as atheism in the science section. It just goes to show that you do not understand science when you use wishful thinking. You should be banned from S&I for bringing the atheist religion to this forum when science does not back it up. 2 weeks? A month would make me lol for weeks lol.

It's no wonder in the years I've known you that you do not bring any experiments here and expound on them. This is another topic that belongs in The Rubber Room.

For example, I've been looking at mag-lev technlogy and former POTUS Donald Trump supported it to be used more in the US.

"To call Atheism a Religion is to call bald a hair color.
Signs that atheism is a religion

  1. The religious nature of atheism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another.
  2. Ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements like a religion.
  3. Uses big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies like a religion.
  4. Has a dogma like religion which is based upon materialism, primitive instincts, uniformity and the deification of man.
  5. Has a moral code which sees no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.

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