Smithsonian: How to Talk with Evangelicals about Evolution

You keep getting it backwards. Evolution isn't science as scientific experiments nor observation backs it up. It's more a religion except the atheist scientists kept writing papers on it in order to get accreditation and continued funding. Those who think of themselves as atheists bought those papers. It's just BS that kept on growing. There are no facts with evolution. You can't even provide one. There isn't any history associated with evolution except for Judy. She's a chimpanzee. Where's her mate? How many kids did they have? You can't even explain how sex came to be when there was only a female chimp. Lol, just give up on science now. You probably will do better in religion with evolution and atheism.

I had to lmao when you said let intelligent people do the work. I just did with the paragraph above. Just admit you are a loser with science and stick to evolution in the religion section. Why don't you start a thread on it on dumbasses bought into evolution and came up with atheism lmao?
Archaeologists discover missing link in human evolution, in Israel. Looks like they found the missing link in Israel.
Again, he was investigating evolution and it is now a known fact. Religion has rejected it but of course They would.
If anyone choses to believe in some celestial dictatorship, that's fine but they are wrong.
Btw. That was well plagairised.
Stick with your bible and let intelligent people do the leg work
Only LITTERalist religion.
Many/Most of the large sects o Christianity accept Evo now.
This is heavily BIASED science as evolution isn't settled science as macroevolution was disproved. All it's based on is those papers that today's atheist scientists wrote to further their careers.

I was reading about magnetic levitation and found today's high speed trains can get us from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 45 mins. It is about 383 mi. or 617 km by car which takes 5 hrs 30 mins. That's prolly faster than by air taking into consideration airport/airline logistics. It is about 383 mi. or 617 km by car which takes 5 hrs 30 mins.
Not all members of religions are LITTERalists like you.


Nothing to support it but evution itself and DNA, fossils and carbon dating. Yep. Definately nothing to support it.

You have no evidence of that but rely on your ignorant religious beliefs.

The fact you are here is fact although with your ignorance regarding it, you will go by the wayside like the other dinosaurs.

Stop bring childish. You're so ficked in the head you've lost all your curiosity for the truth.

The arrogance of your Jesus junkies to think your faith without evidence is a match for scientific discoveries. Are you mad? Do really think that is an intelligent statement? You've got an over inflated opinion of your intelligence.

Where is the religious part of evolution? You're becoming irrational and nearly incoherent. Have some valium you fool before you blow a gasket.

There is no God and never has been. There isn't even a reason to have one. It's all explained. The likes if you who fear death and expect an afterlife as a reward for being a fool, have absolutely nothing to base it on. Evolution is a fact and not one part of it is attached to religion or your filthy God.
If you have evidence, produce it now or shut up. You Are a fraudulent charlatan and should be charged for peddling that shit you little kids. what and brain dead despicable wicked human being you are.
Laugh now dickhead.
Religion is religion. For creationists, DNA, fossils, carbon dating and more are the creation science that demonstrates science backs up the Bible while I think you admitted there is no science that backs up evolution. Otherwise, please explain how DNA, fossils and carbon dating has anything to do with evolution?

The rest, as usual, is your SAF opinion and faith in atheism.
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Not all members of religions are LITTERalists like you.

View attachment 604269

You don't understand that graph. The majority believes in God and not atheism. The gold backs religion and is against evolution. The grey is theistic evolution. The blue could be pantheism. Otherwise, why don't you explain the graph you posted from the atheist view lol?
Religion is religion. For creationists, DNA, fossils, carbon dating and more are the creation science that demonstrates science backs up the Bible while I think you admitted there is no science that backs up evolution. Otherwise, please explain how DNA, fossils and carbon dating has anything to do with evolution?

The rest, as usual, is your SAF opinion and faith in atheism.
Fossils represent a very old earth. Tell us about the specific dinosaurs that strolled off the Ark a mere few thousand years ago. Does science back up talking snakes? Does science back up a flat earth?
Are you SURE? Are you POSITIVE like me? You're betting ETERNITY on it. I'd love to SEE YOU BURN, but I won't be able to WATCH so just have to settle for DESTROYING evolution. I got footprints of humans and dinosaurs and artwork of humans and dinosaurs. Just need the fossils.

Anyway, the missing link isn't real science is it?

If there were ape-humans, then there would have to have been a large population resulting in several fossils. Are you saying this wasn't the case? If so, then please explain.

If one the evos here bought the article for us to read, then it would mean they were more serious about it.
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Are you SURE? Are you POSITIVE like me? You're betting ETERNITY on it. I'd love to SEE YOU BURN, but I won't be able to WATCH so just have to settle for DESTROYING evolution. I got footprints of humans and dinosaurs and artwork of humans and dinosaurs. Just need the fossils.

Anyway, the missing link isn't real science is it?

If there were ape-humans, then there would have to have been a large population resulting in several fossils. Are you saying this wasn't the case? If so, then please explain.

If one the evos here bought the article for us to read, then it would mean they were more serious about it.
"I'd love to SEE YOU BURN,"

Ah, yes. The universally sustaining benediction of the angry, hyper-religous; "you'll get yours my pretty... and your little dog, too."
"I'd love to SEE YOU BURN,"

Ah, yes. The universally sustaining benediction of the angry, hyper-religous; "you'll get yours my pretty... and your little dog, too."
I doubt surada is pret... No, I'm satisfied. Have continued to win in science over the evos. It's interesting how things have turned out when I'm accused of being "the angry, hyper-religous." I can see that being an evo and none of their arguments have turned out. It could be that the evos just end up with papers, news articles and books on their lovely subject. No experiment, evidence or science to back it up.
I doubt surada is pret... No, I'm satisfied. Have continued to win in science over the evos. It's interesting how things have turned out when I'm accused of being "the angry, hyper-religous." I can see that being an evo and none of their arguments have turned out. It could be that the evos just end up with papers, news articles and books on their lovely subject. No experiment, evidence or science to back it up.
Reads like a desperate plea for attention.
I doubt surada is pret... No, I'm satisfied. Have continued to win in science over the evos. It's interesting how things have turned out when I'm accused of being "the angry, hyper-religous." I can see that being an evo and none of their arguments have turned out. It could be that the evos just end up with papers, news articles and books on their lovely subject. No experiment, evidence or science to back it up.
They excavated a 30,000 year old prehistoric cemetery in Egypt last year. Your favorite science magazine has written about it.
‘Dan Kahan, a science communication expert at Yale Law School, thinks that's possible, but only if we abandon some tired rhetorical terrain. Asking people whether or not they “believe” in evolution is the wrong question, Kahan's work suggests, because it forces them to decide between what they know and who they are.’ ibid


And of course evolution isn’t a ‘belief’ – it’s a fact; religion is a belief.
Evolution is a theory. It’s an explanation based upon experimentation and evidence. Giving it a simple name like a fact, opens evolution up to way too many criticisms by naysayers.
If a river splits in two ... the branches go off in different directions, one doesn't just cease to be. The same is true of offspring. When a mutation occurs, creating a new line, it doesn't affect the existing, non-mutated lines.

As for the Neanderthals, fossil evidence shows that modern humans not only co-existed with them, but mated with them. Neanderthal DNA accounts for up to 20% of the genome of non-African humans.

The most plausible answer to where they went is, we killed them off.
.....or "intercoursed" them to oblivion!!!

How about you just don't?

The facts of science don't change if someone doesn't believe in them.

There really is no point in trying to educate the mind of someone who isn't seeking to learn the truth.
This is true---all you do by trying to change a believer (especially the more primitive evangelicals) mind about religion is to make them defensive and apprehensive. Besides, many if not most people need something to believe in socially ----they often don't like to individually think for themselves. They need the confirmation of group think to feel validated and secure in their thought process.

You can however, keep building in evolution into society's group think slowly a little bit by a little bit. Don't target the non believer---- eventually when everyone else picks up on a little aspect of the science behind it, it will apply social pressure to the most ardent believers to grow to accept a little more of it as well.

Time is not on the believers side if we continue to progress---and don't go back to the stone age following WW3 that we are working so hard for now.
I'm still fascinated by the Evolutionary explanation of how the first cells appeared: well, they just did!

Actually, we've know since the '50s, using experiments that have been replicated dozens of times, that under conditions similar to those of pre-autotrophic Earth, carbon based molecules will spontaneously combines into long chain molecules that are amino acids

These experiments take mere days to produce organic molecules... imagine what nature would do with those molecules after billions of years.
You can however, keep building in evolution into society's group think slowly a little bit by a little bit. Don't target the non believer---- eventually when everyone else picks up on a little aspect of the science behind it, it will apply social pressure to the most ardent believers to grow to accept a little more of it as well.
It‘s hard to imagine turning the deniers when there is no support for their deranged position anywhere in the real world Now. They live in Oz. Oz lives on too. There will always be a segment of the population that’s delusional.
Actually, we've know since the '50s, using experiments that have been replicated dozens of times, that under conditions similar to those of pre-autotrophic Earth, carbon based molecules will spontaneously combines into long chain molecules that are amino acids

These experiments take mere days to produce organic molecules... imagine what nature would do with those molecules after billions of years.
That gives rise to the question, “ why is there life only here on earth ?” when all of that part of the universe that we have access appears to be carbon based. Life seems to happen not by chance, but by mandate.

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