~Smoking Banned Outdoors In NYC~

There WILL come a time when tobacco is illegal.
Then what? Guess who is next? Yep. Alcohol. And after alcohol? Anyone wearing perfume. Then will be the apparel worn. How long one's hair is. No pets allowed anywhere. Once the tobacco users are dealt with, there has to be a replacement.

The day a company says what I do on my break is the day I see a lawyer.

They won't make something that is highly taxed illegal. They made the ban so they can collect more money by issuing fines for violating the ban.

They recently did the same in Cleveland. I wonder how much they are hoping for when they fine an individual for smoking in a park or on a sidewalk? I bet not much :lol:

The smoking ban for restaurants that was in effect in 2008 has only generated 1/3 of the amount that they had hoped for
The percentage of fines collected has dropped every year, from 81 percent in 2007 to just over 26 percent last year. :lol::lol:
really? there's been a constitutional amendment prohibiting its sale and use?

who knew?

Wait for it. The Central Planners always do what is necessary for the 'common good'.

i hope you'll be just as vociferous in your opposition when they try to take away women's control over their own bodies.

if you aren't, well, then i'm not going to think too much of your concern for smokers rights.
What are you babbling about?

Did someone say you couldn't get a tattoo or something?
I doubt very highly that New Yorkers worry about the "harmful effects" of second hand smoke outdoors. When will Bloomberg ban cars?

I've lived at the beach almost my entire life. Years ago, people didn't think twice about leaving a few butts. Now they know how all those butts add up. All the smokers I see, take them with them now. Polite signs and trash cans might be a better start. But that's not what it's about. It's about telling smokers they are not welcome. Shameful and dumb for tourist areas.

When bars and restaurants can no longer tell people to step outside, many will not survive.
I find it hard to have sympathy for smokers. I do think its BS that the government dictates to private businesses what they can and can't do, but in a public space.........
No longer just an indoor-ban, smoking in open spaces is now banned in New York City.

The indoor ban was one thing, but is this perhaps a little too far? The ban is designed to help curb exposure to secondhand smoke as well as reduce litter. Thoughts?

Here's a better article~

New York City outdoor smoking ban begins - CNN

smoking was not banned "outdoors" it was banned in public parks and on beaches.

And yes, it's too far.

on the other hand, when you're walking on the beach and step on a cigarette ibutt when you have bare feet is pretty gross

I was wondering if it was ALL of outdoors. Guess I should have read the link. At least NYC hasn't lost all its marbles. Parks and Beaches, I can deal with. Being outside on a street and having a cig, that would be too far.

I would never work for a company that told me who I could talk to or not, or what I did on my break. Nope.
Smokers never seemed to care about my inconvenience

We spent a hundred years breathing their air.....let them breathe ours for a while
This thread has gone on too long without this picture:

No longer just an indoor-ban, smoking in open spaces is now banned in New York City.

The indoor ban was one thing, but is this perhaps a little too far? The ban is designed to help curb exposure to secondhand smoke as well as reduce litter. Thoughts?

Here's a better article~

New York City outdoor smoking ban begins - CNN

smoking was not banned "outdoors" it was banned in public parks and on beaches.

And yes, it's too far.

on the other hand, when you're walking on the beach and step on a cigarette ibutt when you have bare feet is pretty gross

Check out the number of cigarette butts when they rake the beaches. Your beach is one big ashtray.

Smokers have always been pigs as they flick their cigarettes away and say..."Somebody pick that up"

Really? You speak for all smokers?
I've ALWAYS been a polite smoker and I have never "flicked" my cig. I don't use a beach as an ashtray and I damn sure don't toss it in a gutter since all gutters here lead straight to the ocean. I move away from people or find a secluded corner to have my cig when I am not home and have to be in public.
Let me borrow your big assed brush for sec: It's all those nasty non smokers who gasp and wave their hands furiously while invading my space, making me gasp for air from all the perfume they drench themselves in because they refuse to bathe.

See how that goes?
smoking was not banned "outdoors" it was banned in public parks and on beaches.

And yes, it's too far.

on the other hand, when you're walking on the beach and step on a cigarette ibutt when you have bare feet is pretty gross

Check out the number of cigarette butts when they rake the beaches. Your beach is one big ashtray.

Smokers have always been pigs as they flick their cigarettes away and say..."Somebody pick that up"

Really? You speak for all smokers?
I've ALWAYS been a polite smoker and I have never "flicked" my cig. I don't use a beach as an ashtray and I damn sure don't toss it in a gutter since all gutters here lead straight to the ocean. I move away from people or find a secluded corner to have my cig when I am not home and have to be in public.
Let me borrow your big assed brush for sec: It's all those nasty non smokers who gasp and wave their hands furiously while invading my space, making me gasp for air from all the perfume they drench themselves in because they refuse to bathe.

See how that goes?

On the other hand, no one ever died of second hand perfume.
There WILL come a time when tobacco is illegal.
Then what? Guess who is next? Yep. Alcohol. And after alcohol? Anyone wearing perfume. Then will be the apparel worn. How long one's hair is. No pets allowed anywhere. Once the tobacco users are dealt with, there has to be a replacement.

The day a company says what I do on my break is the day I see a lawyer.

Link Ms. Beck?
There WILL come a time when tobacco is illegal.
Then what? Guess who is next? Yep. Alcohol. And after alcohol? Anyone wearing perfume. Then will be the apparel worn. How long one's hair is. No pets allowed anywhere. Once the tobacco users are dealt with, there has to be a replacement.

The day a company says what I do on my break is the day I see a lawyer.

Link Ms. Beck?

Do you have a link that proves she's Mrs Beck? Let me guess you'll prove it Friday right? See you in 3 months bitch.
No longer just an indoor-ban, smoking in open spaces is now banned in New York City.

The indoor ban was one thing, but is this perhaps a little too far? The ban is designed to help curb exposure to secondhand smoke as well as reduce litter. Thoughts?

Here's a better article~

New York City outdoor smoking ban begins - CNN

smoking was not banned "outdoors" it was banned in public parks.

And yes, it's too far.
How hard would it be to later change 'parks' to 'places'?

Alex beck jones.
I doubt very highly that New Yorkers worry about the "harmful effects" of second hand smoke outdoors. When will Bloomberg ban cars?

I've lived at the beach almost my entire life. Years ago, people didn't think twice about leaving a few butts. Now they know how all those butts add up. All the smokers I see, take them with them now. Polite signs and trash cans might be a better start. But that's not what it's about. It's about telling smokers they are not welcome. Shameful and dumb for tourist areas.

When bars and restaurants can no longer tell people to step outside, many will not survive.

Years ago before the complete ban on smoking on beaches, I was vacationing in Maui. We were at the beach, snorkeling but in between dips, we would smoke while catching some rays. A guy came up to us and offered us a ALOHA! disposable ashtray and was going up and down the beaches with a bag full of them. We declined it, because we had our own container. A baggie. Full of our butts. And smokers near us were putting theirs in empty soda cans.

Not all smokers are crude.
There WILL come a time when tobacco is illegal.
Then what? Guess who is next? Yep. Alcohol. And after alcohol? Anyone wearing perfume. Then will be the apparel worn. How long one's hair is. No pets allowed anywhere. Once the tobacco users are dealt with, there has to be a replacement.

The day a company says what I do on my break is the day I see a lawyer.

Link Ms. Beck?

There WILL come a time when tobacco is illegal.
Then what? Guess who is next? Yep. Alcohol. And after alcohol? Anyone wearing perfume. Then will be the apparel worn. How long one's hair is. No pets allowed anywhere. Once the tobacco users are dealt with, there has to be a replacement.

The day a company says what I do on my break is the day I see a lawyer.

Link Ms. Beck?

Do you have a link that proves she's Mrs Beck? Let me guess you'll prove it Friday right? See you in 3 months bitch.
Edited. No Discussing PM's or Banning on the Open Boards.


Conhog, you were banned, how can you come back? Fucking sock puppet.
Check out the number of cigarette butts when they rake the beaches. Your beach is one big ashtray.

Smokers have always been pigs as they flick their cigarettes away and say..."Somebody pick that up"

Really? You speak for all smokers?
I've ALWAYS been a polite smoker and I have never "flicked" my cig. I don't use a beach as an ashtray and I damn sure don't toss it in a gutter since all gutters here lead straight to the ocean. I move away from people or find a secluded corner to have my cig when I am not home and have to be in public.
Let me borrow your big assed brush for sec: It's all those nasty non smokers who gasp and wave their hands furiously while invading my space, making me gasp for air from all the perfume they drench themselves in because they refuse to bathe.

See how that goes?

On the other hand, no one ever died of second hand perfume.

What's the stats of DWS's? (Driving While Smoking), vs DUI's?
Really? You speak for all smokers?
I've ALWAYS been a polite smoker and I have never "flicked" my cig. I don't use a beach as an ashtray and I damn sure don't toss it in a gutter since all gutters here lead straight to the ocean. I move away from people or find a secluded corner to have my cig when I am not home and have to be in public.
Let me borrow your big assed brush for sec: It's all those nasty non smokers who gasp and wave their hands furiously while invading my space, making me gasp for air from all the perfume they drench themselves in because they refuse to bathe.

See how that goes?

On the other hand, no one ever died of second hand perfume.

What's the stats of DWS's? (Driving While Smoking), vs DUI's?

Don't know, but in my state it's a $100 fine if you're smoking in your vehicle and you have children onboard.

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