Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare

Value = Selective disbursement - care vs return on investment a/k/a rationing

Value means health outcomes achieved per dollar spent. Better outcomes, better pay.

Paying indiscriminately without regard for the quality of the product delivered or how well the job is done is a recipe for getting bilked. It's time to begin holding providers accountable for the costs and quality of the services they provide, the same as you would professionals in any other field.
TAPPER: “One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it — one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare.”

TAPPER: “A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it.”

OBAMA: “Right.”

TAPPER: “You saw that with the ‘doc fix’.”

OBAMA: “Right.”

TAPPER: “Are you willing to pledge that whatever cuts in Medicare are being made to fund health insurance, one third of it, that you will veto anything that tries to undo that?”

OBAMA: “Yes. I actually have said that it is important for us to make sure this thing is deficit neutral, without tricks. I said I wouldn’t sign a bill that didn’t meet that criteria.”

Video: Flashback: Obama Defends Cuts to Medicare to pay for ObamaCare

Who you gonna believe baby, me or your lyin' eyes?
If ObamaCare is such a wonderful thing that everyone will love, and it is paid for, then why did Obama have to create a "doc fix" to get rid of the Medicare Advantage cuts for this year?


And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.

Obama's personal "doc fix" costs $8 billion.

That's 80 billion dimes.

I'd say he has been caught in a MASSIVE lie.
Anyone who is honest, and receives Medicare, knows that Obama did NOT cut benefits to Medicare recipients. I receive Medicare, and I know it. AARP also knows it, because they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Obama’s Medicare Reforms Expanded, Not Cut, Benefits For Seniors | TPMDC

Haaa these Romney Robots do not care what the AARP American Association of Retired Persons has endorsed..:lol: or what you have said about receiving Medicare..
Too funny "they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare" The people who are retired on this plan can see right through the Lies of Rotten Robme and Ryan..
Like they were just born yesterday...not ..most of these retired folks have been through more political votes than probably all of these posters put together. They are not stupid.
Anyone who is honest, and receives Medicare, knows that Obama did NOT cut benefits to Medicare recipients. I receive Medicare, and I know it. AARP also knows it, because they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Obama’s Medicare Reforms Expanded, Not Cut, Benefits For Seniors | TPMDC

Haaa these Romney Robots do not care what the AARP American Association of Retired Persons has endorsed..:lol: or what you have said about receiving Medicare..
Too funny "they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare" The people who are retired on this plan can see right through the Lies of Rotten Robme and Ryan..
Like they were just born yesterday...not ..most of these retired folks have been through more political votes than probably all of these posters put together. They are not stupid.

Go back to post #1 and 2 for the truth.
NOt one single benefit, not one, has been cut

You are a terrorist if you say otherwise

Liar!! You are being led to slaughter and you don't even see the slaughter house because of the carrot dangling in front of you.

Obama has lied, over and over and over. Why?? Here it is, Saul Alinsky style "Divide and Conquer":

In this process, one or more people known as “Change Agents” or “Facilitators” appear to be acting as organizers, “allowing” each person in the group to express their concerns about some program or policy under consideration. While this process is going on, people are urged to make lists or form into task forces. The Facilitator carefully notes which members of the group are leaders, which are “loud mouths” and which may be easily swayed to different viewpoints.

At a certain point, the previously friendly Change Agent begins to act as “devil’s advocate,” becoming an agitator. The process involves playing one part of the group against another, the “divide and conquer” technique. Anyone who is not clearly in accord with the Facilitator’s agenda is made to appear ridiculous, inarticulate, ignorant or dogmatic. The idea is to make these members of the group angry thus escalating tensions. The end object being to shut opposition voices out of the group.

The “targets” of such manipulation rarely, if ever, realize how they are being manipulated. If they do suspect, they generally have no idea how to defeat the process.

How To Defeat the Sal Alinsky Method of Divide and Conquer - Asking the questions... Demanding the answers... - The Voice
NOt one single benefit, not one, has been cut

You are a terrorist if you say otherwise

Interesting that you say no benefits have been cut. If you mean no cuts to Medicare Advantage, that is correct. But that is not because they weren't supposed to. They were. But as I have shown, Obama created a "doc fix" to stop those cuts.

Other cuts in ObamaCare have been stopped by granting waivers.

Like this:

The Obama administration released a final list of waivers from the costly mandates of President Obama’s health care law—a list including an overwhelming number of union members.

The waivers were necessary because the ACA mandates no annual or lifetime limits may be placed on coverage, so insurers cannot afford to offer those plans.

In all, 1,625 plans covering 3,914,356 individuals were exempted from these mandates through 2014.

Anything to get through the election, amiright?

But some cuts have kicked in. Things like a $2500 ceiling on Flexible Savings Accounts which is going to seriously hurt families with catastrophic illnesses or special needs children.
Pants on fire dupes LOL. You'll get it when Obamacare is implemented and you realize you've been listening to corporate shills. Romneycare has cost rises down to 2% a year and these are reflections of cost savings that the CBO doesn't recognize until they actually happen. They're like that...

In the Ryan Plan, they're just cuts to patients in a system that rises 15% a year, our ridiculous Pub system.
Anyone who is honest, and receives Medicare, knows that Obama did NOT cut benefits to Medicare recipients. I receive Medicare, and I know it. AARP also knows it, because they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Obama’s Medicare Reforms Expanded, Not Cut, Benefits For Seniors | TPMDC

Haaa these Romney Robots do not care what the AARP American Association of Retired Persons has endorsed..:lol: or what you have said about receiving Medicare..
Too funny "they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare" The people who are retired on this plan can see right through the Lies of Rotten Robme and Ryan..
Like they were just born yesterday...not ..most of these retired folks have been through more political votes than probably all of these posters put together. They are not stupid.
It's pretty stupid when the Speaker of the House says stuff like this and even worse:

[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone who is honest, and receives Medicare, knows that Obama did NOT cut benefits to Medicare recipients. I receive Medicare, and I know it. AARP also knows it, because they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Obama’s Medicare Reforms Expanded, Not Cut, Benefits For Seniors | TPMDC

Haaa these Romney Robots do not care what the AARP American Association of Retired Persons has endorsed..:lol: or what you have said about receiving Medicare..
Too funny "they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare" The people who are retired on this plan can see right through the Lies of Rotten Robme and Ryan..
Like they were just born yesterday...not ..most of these retired folks have been through more political votes than probably all of these posters put together. They are not stupid.
It's pretty stupid when the Speaker of the House says stuff like this and even worse:

[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]

Yea, well it is Nancy Pelosi, what do you expect?? She's a plastic old lady that has completely lost her mind. :eusa_shhh:
CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien debunked the pervasive right-wing media falsehood that President Obama "stole $700 billion" from Medicare.

Right-wing media have repeatedly claimed that the Medicare savings included in Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) "gutted" the Medicare program. However, on CNN's Starting Point, when Romney senior adviser John Sununu claimed that Obama "gutted Medicare by taking $717 billion out of it," O'Brien was quick to correct him.

O'Brien pointed out that Sununu's talking point has been debunked by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that the Medicare savings in the ACA are not cuts, but rather a reduction in the expected rate of growth of the program.

O'Brien also noted that independent fact-checkers have found that the Affordable Care Act does not cut Medicare benefits. These fact-checkers also determined that the claim that hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare is outright false.

When Sununu continued to claim that Obama had gutted Medicare, O'Brien confronted him with even more facts, citing evidence that drug providers and hospitals agreed to the Medicare savings because their "theory is that what they're going to be able to do is make up by the number of people who come into the system. It doesn't reduce or cut the benefits.

More by Medody Johnson: CNN's O'Brien Corrects Right-Wing Media Medicare Falsehood | Blog | Media Matters for America

So, Obama magically caused future growth of the Medicare program to simply not happen... how, exactly, did he accomplish this feat? :rolleyes:
CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien debunked the pervasive right-wing media falsehood that President Obama "stole $700 billion" from Medicare.

Right-wing media have repeatedly claimed that the Medicare savings included in Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) "gutted" the Medicare program. However, on CNN's Starting Point, when Romney senior adviser John Sununu claimed that Obama "gutted Medicare by taking $717 billion out of it," O'Brien was quick to correct him.

O'Brien pointed out that Sununu's talking point has been debunked by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that the Medicare savings in the ACA are not cuts, but rather a reduction in the expected rate of growth of the program.

O'Brien also noted that independent fact-checkers have found that the Affordable Care Act does not cut Medicare benefits. These fact-checkers also determined that the claim that hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare is outright false.

When Sununu continued to claim that Obama had gutted Medicare, O'Brien confronted him with even more facts, citing evidence that drug providers and hospitals agreed to the Medicare savings because their "theory is that what they're going to be able to do is make up by the number of people who come into the system. It doesn't reduce or cut the benefits.

More by Medody Johnson: CNN's O'Brien Corrects Right-Wing Media Medicare Falsehood | Blog | Media Matters for America

So, Obama magically caused future growth of the Medicare program to simply not happen... how, exactly, did he accomplish this feat? :rolleyes:

Experts who are not shills for Big Health know it'll happen under O-care, and Teddycare proves it.
CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien debunked the pervasive right-wing media falsehood that President Obama "stole $700 billion" from Medicare.

Right-wing media have repeatedly claimed that the Medicare savings included in Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) "gutted" the Medicare program. However, on CNN's Starting Point, when Romney senior adviser John Sununu claimed that Obama "gutted Medicare by taking $717 billion out of it," O'Brien was quick to correct him.

O'Brien pointed out that Sununu's talking point has been debunked by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that the Medicare savings in the ACA are not cuts, but rather a reduction in the expected rate of growth of the program.

O'Brien also noted that independent fact-checkers have found that the Affordable Care Act does not cut Medicare benefits. These fact-checkers also determined that the claim that hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare is outright false.

When Sununu continued to claim that Obama had gutted Medicare, O'Brien confronted him with even more facts, citing evidence that drug providers and hospitals agreed to the Medicare savings because their "theory is that what they're going to be able to do is make up by the number of people who come into the system. It doesn't reduce or cut the benefits.

More by Medody Johnson: CNN's O'Brien Corrects Right-Wing Media Medicare Falsehood | Blog | Media Matters for America

So, Obama magically caused future growth of the Medicare program to simply not happen... how, exactly, did he accomplish this feat? :rolleyes:

He's the magic man, he's hypnotized Lahkota and a few others on this board. He's awesome!! :badgrin:
Anyone who is honest, and receives Medicare, knows that Obama did NOT cut benefits to Medicare recipients. I receive Medicare, and I know it. AARP also knows it, because they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Obama’s Medicare Reforms Expanded, Not Cut, Benefits For Seniors | TPMDC

Haaa these Romney Robots do not care what the AARP American Association of Retired Persons has endorsed..:lol: or what you have said about receiving Medicare..
Too funny "they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare" The people who are retired on this plan can see right through the Lies of Rotten Robme and Ryan..
Like they were just born yesterday...not ..most of these retired folks have been through more political votes than probably all of these posters put together. They are not stupid.
It's pretty stupid when the Speaker of the House says stuff like this and even worse:

[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]

Ahhhh that is where Romney gets it knows what else they cut from her speech, but we'll just take their word for it Not with this crew...Poloski isn't running for president Romney is.
And Pelosi was right, nondupes are finding out- the dupes will have to wait for actual implementation, I guess- they'll never get any truth from the bought off Pub propaganda machine...
Last edited:
You fuckers use lies to rationalize lies.

Do any of you know the context of Nancy Pelosi's comments in that clip?
Shut up Shitting Bull, you have him in own own words admitting he did...

yes, totally ignore the truth that it does not because it completely screws the entire claim of the right. Stop being mean and pointing out Romney's lies, just quietly drink the republican kool aid and slowly go to sleep. It is good for you, trust me. All that thinking really hurts.

(smile) Obama is lying about how he cut Medicare, you don't believe him when he said he did?

If I take a twenty dollar bill from you and then give you 10 fives I have not really taken anything from you. You are trying to imply Obama has taken the medical help away from people by cutting medicare, which BTW the republicans want to get rid of anyway. Now, Obama has removed some funding from medicare, and replaced it with the much improved ACA. So really obama is doing something fiscally responsible by giving people more service, and removing the bloat from medicare so that we do not pay for a redundant service that is less beneficial.

So yeah, instead of paying attention to one thing taken out of context, i pay attention to the whole issue. it is sad you are too poor to pay attention to the entire issue. But please, keep trying to trap me in the same old bullshit because you don't have any point without bullshit.
NOt one single benefit, not one, has been cut

You are a terrorist if you say otherwise

Liar!! You are being led to slaughter and you don't even see the slaughter house because of the carrot dangling in front of you.

Obama has lied, over and over and over. Why?? Here it is, Saul Alinsky style "Divide and Conquer":

In this process, one or more people known as “Change Agents” or “Facilitators” appear to be acting as organizers, “allowing” each person in the group to express their concerns about some program or policy under consideration. While this process is going on, people are urged to make lists or form into task forces. The Facilitator carefully notes which members of the group are leaders, which are “loud mouths” and which may be easily swayed to different viewpoints.

At a certain point, the previously friendly Change Agent begins to act as “devil’s advocate,” becoming an agitator. The process involves playing one part of the group against another, the “divide and conquer” technique. Anyone who is not clearly in accord with the Facilitator’s agenda is made to appear ridiculous, inarticulate, ignorant or dogmatic. The idea is to make these members of the group angry thus escalating tensions. The end object being to shut opposition voices out of the group.

The “targets” of such manipulation rarely, if ever, realize how they are being manipulated. If they do suspect, they generally have no idea how to defeat the process.

How To Defeat the Sal Alinsky Method of Divide and Conquer - Asking the questions... Demanding the answers... - The Voice

I have to say is I feel the same about your party. Thing is there is no turning back once you find out that you have been Robbed by Romney unless if your mega rich of coarse.

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