Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare

Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare
Townhall ^ | August 15, 2012 | Guy Benson
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare - Guy Benson

We've been having some fun with a clip of David Axelrod angrily denouncing the fact that President Obama gutted Medicare by $700 Billion in order to partially pay for a brand new entitlement program. Axelrod's campaign colleague Stephanie Cutter refuted him on another show, calling the Medicare cuts an "achievement." But pay attention to the argument Axelrod makes here:


Brace yourselves, Floridians -- I imagine you're going to see this exchange a quite a lot on your television screens over the next few months. Here we have Obama nonchalantly confirming that his unaffordable and unpopular healthcare transformation relied on hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts. He wasn't slashing $700 Billion out of (current, not future) Medicare to help that program remain solvent, mind you; he was, er, "re-allocating" that money to help construct a brand new entitlement scheme. The purpose of this eye-popping transfer of dollars, he says, was to ensure that Obamacare would not add a dime to the deficit. In the clip, he affirms that he would have vetoed any bill that added to the deficit, and pledged to bend the overall healthcare cost curve down. A few problems:

(1) Obamacare's price tag is almost double what Democrats said it would be over the first full decade of implementation.

(2) Obamacare does add to the deficit, despite the Medicare raid. (Paul Ryan exposed these accounting gimmicks at the healthcare summit)

(3) The national healthcare cost curve has actually been bent up, with costs expanding faster than if Democrats hadn't passed Obamacare at all.

(4) Medicare "as we know it" is still scheduled to become insolvent in 12 years, absent major reforms.

Obama lies...What the fuck has the presidency become. :eusa_shhh:

The left only gets pissed when Repubs do stuff like this. With Obama, they won't admit they're mad even though they are.
Today, our President addressed this lie.....and he was on fire. This is a winner for him.

I expect that Romney and Ryan will abandon this tactic by week's end.
This has been around and out in the open in the news for along time.
Whose Plan Destroys Medicare -- Obama's or Romney-Ryan's?

The big difference, though,
The Romney-Ryan plan, by contrast, achieves its savings by turning Medicare into a voucher whose value doesn't keep up with expected increases in healthcare costs -- thereby shifting the burden onto Medicare beneficiaries, who will have to pay an average of $6,500 a year more for their Medicare insurance, according an analysis of the Republican plan by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.Moreover, the Affordable Care Act uses its Medicare savings to help children and lower-income Americans afford health care, and to help seniors pay for prescription drugs by filling the so-called "donut hole" in Medicare Part D coverage.

The Romney-Ryan plan uses the savings to finance even bigger tax cuts for the very wealthy.

Robert Reich: Whose Plan Destroys Medicare -- Obama's or Romney-Ryan's?

I believe you actually believe the double speak here.

is the Affordable Care Act achieves these savings by reducing Medicare payments to drug companies, hospitals, and other providers rather than cutting payments to Medicare beneficiaries.

followed by.....

achieves its savings by turning Medicare into a voucher whose value doesn't keep up with expected increases in healthcare costs

Reich is tying you up in knots with this tripe...

If you pay providers less how do they stay in business when their costs keep going up?
Why are providers already dropping Medicare?

Second, you assume the vouchers are static .....Reich understand the stupidity of his statement, I don't think you do....the Left counts on you not being to think critically.

And Huffpo is lying, in the above interview with Jake Tapper and Obama, Obama says he has cut Medicare and it is 1/3 of the payment of ObamaTax.

Don't believe everything you read, the link I posted earlier has the video showing Obama saying it.

Bullshit. You wouldn't know context if it bite you on the ass. Obama cut the Medicare budget, but he cut nothing from recipients - in fact he gave them more.

That's pure bullsh*t. Where is Medicare advantage?? He took that program away and lied about giving them more. You woudn't know context if it bit you in the *ss!!

I was there, I was trying to keep this assh*le from taking that benefit away from seniors. My Senators and Congressmen were fighting them tooth and nail, did you forget about all the enraged folks at the town hall meetings in August of 2010?? Yea, I thought so.

Phil Gingery told us this was happening and the American people tried to stop it, your Messiah passed it anyway. It's still unpopular. And it's a TAX.
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare
Townhall ^ | August 15, 2012 | Guy Benson
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare - Guy Benson

We've been having some fun with a clip of David Axelrod angrily denouncing the fact that President Obama gutted Medicare by $700 Billion in order to partially pay for a brand new entitlement program. Axelrod's campaign colleague Stephanie Cutter refuted him on another show, calling the Medicare cuts an "achievement." But pay attention to the argument Axelrod makes here:


Brace yourselves, Floridians -- I imagine you're going to see this exchange a quite a lot on your television screens over the next few months. Here we have Obama nonchalantly confirming that his unaffordable and unpopular healthcare transformation relied on hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts. He wasn't slashing $700 Billion out of (current, not future) Medicare to help that program remain solvent, mind you; he was, er, "re-allocating" that money to help construct a brand new entitlement scheme. The purpose of this eye-popping transfer of dollars, he says, was to ensure that Obamacare would not add a dime to the deficit. In the clip, he affirms that he would have vetoed any bill that added to the deficit, and pledged to bend the overall healthcare cost curve down. A few problems:

(1) Obamacare's price tag is almost double what Democrats said it would be over the first full decade of implementation.

(2) Obamacare does add to the deficit, despite the Medicare raid. (Paul Ryan exposed these accounting gimmicks at the healthcare summit)

(3) The national healthcare cost curve has actually been bent up, with costs expanding faster than if Democrats hadn't passed Obamacare at all.

(4) Medicare "as we know it" is still scheduled to become insolvent in 12 years, absent major reforms.

Obama lies...What the fuck has the presidency become. :eusa_shhh:

The presidency is fine, it's uneducated knee jerk reactionist like you that are the problem

You constantly hear conservatives talking about eliminating waste, fraud and abuse from Medicare and that’s exactly what Obamacare did regarding Medicare. It did not take away even ONE dollar from Medicare recipients … it gives Medicare recipients MORE in terms of reimbursement. Taking away money from insurance companies that do not do their job by policing waste, fraud and abuse is precisely what getting rid of waste looks like. But conservatives are browbeating Democrats for it because insurance companies give a LOT of money to the Republican party and they think it’s a winning political issue to act like they’re on the side of seniors. Sure they are. *Wink*

Read more: President Obama Did Not “Steal $700 Billion From Medicare” ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
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Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare
Townhall ^ | August 15, 2012 | Guy Benson
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare - Guy Benson(2) Obamacare does add to the deficit, despite the Medicare raid. (Paul Ryan exposed these accounting gimmicks at the healthcare summit)
Again we see that the lies from the Right are premeditated. Lyin' Ryan tried these lies at the Health Care Summit and got his lying ass handed to him, yet Lyin' Ryan still tells the same lies.

Notice how carefully and deceptively the lie is constructed. As Obama schooled Lyin' Ryan, The Affordable Care Act closes the doughnut hole in Medicare and the money that is taken from Medicare Advantage, which even Lyin' Ryan admitted at the Health Care Summit provided no measurable improvement in health care for the extra money given to the insurance companies, and is used to close the Medicare doughnut hole through the ACA. of course, when the pathological liars on the Right tell it they deliberately and dishonestly leave out that the money from Medicare Advantage funds the Medicare doughnut hole part of Obamacare, the pathological liars just say that the money funds Obamacare. The old "half truth is a whole lie" that CON$ervoFascists love so much.

The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.
Samuel Butler
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare
Townhall ^ | August 15, 2012 | Guy Benson
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare - Guy Benson(2) Obamacare does add to the deficit, despite the Medicare raid. (Paul Ryan exposed these accounting gimmicks at the healthcare summit)
Again we see that the lies from the Right are premeditated. Lyin' Ryan tried these lies at the Health Care Summit and got his lying ass handed to him, yet Lyin' Ryan still tells the same lies.

Notice how carefully and deceptively the lie is constructed. As Obama schooled Lyin' Ryan, The Affordable Care Act closes the doughnut hole in Medicare and the money that is taken from Medicare Advantage, which even Lyin' Ryan admitted at the Health Care Summit provided no measurable improvement in health care for the extra money given to the insurance companies, and is used to close the Medicare doughnut hole through the ACA. of course, when the pathological liars on the Right tell it they deliberately and dishonestly leave out that the money from Medicare Advantage funds the Medicare doughnut hole part of Obamacare, the pathological liars just say that the money funds Obamacare. The old "half truth is a whole lie" that CON$ervoFascists love so much.

The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.
Samuel Butler

You stupid idiots, Obama is lying to you and the press is covering that lie for him. The assh*le CUT medicare!! And you're falling for it, hook, line and sinker. Fools.
That won&#8217;t be easy for the Left, since the Romney campaign&#8217;s charges are true, and it is beginning to become apparent that the Democrats are totally unprepared for the coming fight. Their defenses so far fall into roughly three categories: Ryan did it too, the Obamacare Medicare cuts aren&#8217;t very serious, and finally what can only be called frantic distractions. Even as pure demagoguery (let alone as efforts at actual substantive arguments) all three are exceptionally weak defenses, and suggest the Democrats could be in serious trouble. Let&#8217;s examine each one.

So, for instance, the New York Times today quotes a White House spokeswoman saying these cuts &#8220;do not cut a single guaranteed Medicare benefit.&#8221; But in a fee-for-service system, cuts to fees are cuts to services, especially because administrative price controls create supply shortages, which means seniors will have fewer options and less access. That&#8217;s exactly why the way to reform Medicare is through market competition&#8212;which increases options and seeks an equilibrium between supply and demand&#8212;rather than yet more administrative price controls.

The Democrats
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Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare
Townhall ^ | August 15, 2012 | Guy Benson
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare - Guy Benson

We've been having some fun with a clip of David Axelrod angrily denouncing the fact that President Obama gutted Medicare by $700 Billion in order to partially pay for a brand new entitlement program. Axelrod's campaign colleague Stephanie Cutter refuted him on another show, calling the Medicare cuts an "achievement." But pay attention to the argument Axelrod makes here:


Brace yourselves, Floridians -- I imagine you're going to see this exchange a quite a lot on your television screens over the next few months. Here we have Obama nonchalantly confirming that his unaffordable and unpopular healthcare transformation relied on hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts. He wasn't slashing $700 Billion out of (current, not future) Medicare to help that program remain solvent, mind you; he was, er, "re-allocating" that money to help construct a brand new entitlement scheme. The purpose of this eye-popping transfer of dollars, he says, was to ensure that Obamacare would not add a dime to the deficit. In the clip, he affirms that he would have vetoed any bill that added to the deficit, and pledged to bend the overall healthcare cost curve down. A few problems:

(1) Obamacare's price tag is almost double what Democrats said it would be over the first full decade of implementation.

(2) Obamacare does add to the deficit, despite the Medicare raid. (Paul Ryan exposed these accounting gimmicks at the healthcare summit)

(3) The national healthcare cost curve has actually been bent up, with costs expanding faster than if Democrats hadn't passed Obamacare at all.

(4) Medicare "as we know it" is still scheduled to become insolvent in 12 years, absent major reforms.

Obama lies...What the fuck has the presidency become. :eusa_shhh:

I see you lie also. This link you provided showed no conclusive proof to what you are saying.
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare
Townhall ^ | August 15, 2012 | Guy Benson
Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare - Guy Benson

We've been having some fun with a clip of David Axelrod angrily denouncing the fact that President Obama gutted Medicare by $700 Billion in order to partially pay for a brand new entitlement program. Axelrod's campaign colleague Stephanie Cutter refuted him on another show, calling the Medicare cuts an "achievement." But pay attention to the argument Axelrod makes here:


Brace yourselves, Floridians -- I imagine you're going to see this exchange a quite a lot on your television screens over the next few months. Here we have Obama nonchalantly confirming that his unaffordable and unpopular healthcare transformation relied on hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts. He wasn't slashing $700 Billion out of (current, not future) Medicare to help that program remain solvent, mind you; he was, er, "re-allocating" that money to help construct a brand new entitlement scheme. The purpose of this eye-popping transfer of dollars, he says, was to ensure that Obamacare would not add a dime to the deficit. In the clip, he affirms that he would have vetoed any bill that added to the deficit, and pledged to bend the overall healthcare cost curve down. A few problems:

(1) Obamacare's price tag is almost double what Democrats said it would be over the first full decade of implementation.

(2) Obamacare does add to the deficit, despite the Medicare raid. (Paul Ryan exposed these accounting gimmicks at the healthcare summit)

(3) The national healthcare cost curve has actually been bent up, with costs expanding faster than if Democrats hadn't passed Obamacare at all.

(4) Medicare "as we know it" is still scheduled to become insolvent in 12 years, absent major reforms.

Obama lies...What the fuck has the presidency become. :eusa_shhh:

I see you lie also. This link you provided showed no conclusive proof to what you are saying.

Fool, Obama cut MEDICARE. Stay tuned the next couple of days, Romney and Ryan are getting ready to had him his *ss on a platter.
If you pay providers less how do they stay in business when their costs keep going up?

You provide them the tools, the support, and the incentives they need to keep costs down. Only real payment and delivery system reform are going to slow cost growth in the long run.

Of the two "visions" being offered in this race, only one has embraced the reforms needed to actually slow rising costs of care and allow providers to slow their cost growth to match the slowing reimbursement increases in Medicare (which both Obama and Ryan call for). Obama's approach is the initial set of reforms needed to organize the health care system for long-term sustainability in the health system; Romney-Ryan's is just a white flag, giving up on the idea of ever solving the problem and telling seniors, sorry, you're on your own.

And Huffpo is lying, in the above interview with Jake Tapper and Obama, Obama says he has cut Medicare and it is 1/3 of the payment of ObamaTax.

Don't believe everything you read, the link I posted earlier has the video showing Obama saying it.
Yes, obama cut medicare to bring us to the new ACA. So he really did not actually cut care, just cleaned up double spending. You republicans did notice both programs cover medical care, right that did sink through your thick skulls and reach those two starving neurons you have, right?

Nothing to see here, just republicans wishing they had a point.

Obama cut Medicare, But he really didn't cut Medicare... Uh... I think I got it.
My god who ever is playing the rope de dope on us is doing a damn good job. I'd be fearful for the future of this nation. This is all I can say for sure.

Obama did cut Medicare. At least he said he did.
If you pay providers less how do they stay in business when their costs keep going up?

You provide them the tools, the support, and the incentives they need to keep costs down. Only real payment and delivery system reform are going to slow cost growth in the long run.

Of the two "visions" being offered in this race, only one has embraced the reforms needed to actually slow rising costs of care and allow providers to slow their cost growth to match the slowing reimbursement increases in Medicare (which both Obama and Ryan call for). Obama's approach is the initial set of reforms needed to organize the health care system for long-term sustainability in the health system; Romney-Ryan's is just a white flag, giving up on the idea of ever solving the problem and telling seniors, sorry, you're on your own.

No, Obama has reduced payments, NOT controoled prices....he assumes that costs are static....both statements make unfounded assumptions.

ALL the ACA does is eliminate ALL competition from the HC market by eliminating private insurers forces them OUT of the market by making ALL policies uniform and ALL premiums to be charged exactly the same....he is attempting to force into single payor universal coverage.
Anyone who is honest, and receives Medicare, knows that Obama did NOT cut benefits to Medicare recipients. I receive Medicare, and I know it. AARP also knows it, because they endorsed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Obama&#8217;s Medicare Reforms Expanded, Not Cut, Benefits For Seniors | TPMDC

The problem is that you don't understand what they are talking about. They are referring to raiding the fund to use for Obamacare and then HOPEFULLY replacing it at a future date IF cost savings yield returns.

That's a simplified version.

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