Smoking Gun: Obama Admits He Cut Billions from Medicare to Fund Obamacare

Just an FYI to all concerned, Obamacare will halt destroying your medicare advantage till after he is re-elected. There you have it [...]

If he’s not stopped, Obama will spend $8 billion in taxpayer funds for a scheme to mask the debilitating effects on seniors of his signature piece of legislation just long enough to get himself re-elected.

Out of $551 billion in Medicare benefit payments last year, 23% or about $127 billion of them were paid out by Medicare Advantage plans.

Imagine the $8 billion (or 6% of Medicare Advantage) expenditures being propped up by this dumb demo vanished. Do you think that would "destroy" Medicare Advantage?

Given that Medicare Advantage is already 14% more expensive than fee-for-service Medicare, if the answer is yes then it deserves to be destroyed. The sooner the better.
Yes, obama cut medicare to bring us to the new ACA. So he really did not actually cut care, just cleaned up double spending. You republicans did notice both programs cover medical care, right that did sink through your thick skulls and reach those two starving neurons you have, right?

Nothing to see here, just republicans wishing they had a point.

Obama cut Medicare, But he really didn't cut Medicare... Uh... I think I got it.

Do people realize just what a low move this is? Obama destroys medicare advantage that millions of seniors count on and is postponing it under the guise of an "experiment" till after the election. Because he knows his re-election would be in dire straights if it is not hidden from these poor seniors. Just an FYI to all concerned, Obamacare will halt destroying your medicare advantage till after he is re-elected. There you have it

What a low move :mad:

This is our President, and many wonder why many of us loathe this administration.

Congress should immediately launch an investigation into this unprecedented misuse of taxpayer money and violation of the public trust, which certainly presses the boundaries of legality and very well may breach them.

If he’s not stopped, Obama will spend $8 billion in taxpayer funds for a scheme to mask the debilitating effects on seniors of his signature piece of legislation just long enough to get himself re-elected.

Now that is some serious audacity.

Read more: President Obama’s Medicare slush fund—Benjamin E. Sasse & Charles Hurt -
80% of seniors do not use Medicare Advantage but have to support the higher wasteful premiums that go to the insurance companies without providing any improvement in the quality of health care, as you and Lyin' Ryan well know. Those wasted premiums are applied to filling the Medicare doughnut hole so the money never leaves Medicare. The only difference is instead of wasting the money, like Lyin' Ryan wants to do by repealing Obamacare, the money fills the doughnut hole benefiting all seniors rather than wasting it on the 20% at the expense of the 80%.
According to the CBO, the payment cuts in Medicare include:
•A $260 billion payment cut for hospital services.
•A $39 billion payment cut for skilled nursing services.
•A $17 billion payment cut for hospice services.
•A $66 billion payment cut for home health services.
•A $33 billion payment cut for all other services.
•A $156 billion cut in payment rates in Medicare Advantage (MA); $156 billion is before considering interactions with other provisions. The House Ways and Means Committee was able to include interactions with other provisions, estimating the cuts to MA to be even higher, coming in at $308 billion.
•$56 billion in cuts for disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments.* DSH payments go to hospitals that serve a large number of low-income patients.
•$114 billion in other provisions pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP* (does not include coverage-related provisions).

*Subtract $25 billion total between DSH payments and other provisions for spending that was cut from Medicaid and CHIP.

In total, Obamacare raids Medicare by $716 billion from 2013 to 2022. Despite Medicare facing a 75-year unfunded obligation of $37 trillion, Obamacare uses the savings from the cuts to pay for other provisions in Obamacare, not to help shore up Medicare’s finances.

Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself

...and of course the OTHER Forbes citation was true.

Too funny.
Figures. We just don't have the money to fund Obamacare. Gotta get it from somewhere...

Even if you have to lie about it huh?

October's surprise postponed

President Obama’s Medicare slush fund—Benjamin E. Sasse & Charles Hurt -

"Murdoch imported the sensationalist "tabloid journalism" style of many of his Australian and British newspapers, such as The Sun (the highest selling daily newspaper in the UK). This style was typified by Post's famous headlines such as “Headless body in topless bar” (shown on the right). In its 35th-anniversary edition, New York Magazine listed this as one of the greatest headlines ever. It also has five other Post headlines in its "Greatest Tabloid Headlines" list.[25]

"Because of the institution of federal regulations limiting media cross-ownership after Murdoch's purchase of WNYW-TV to launch the Fox Broadcasting Company, Murdoch was forced to sell the paper for US$37.6 million in 1988 to Peter S. Kalikow, a real-estate magnate with no news experience.[26] When Kalikow declared bankruptcy in 1993,[26] the paper was temporarily managed by Steven Hoffenberg,[26] a financier who later pleaded guilty to securities fraud;[27] and, for two weeks, by Abe Hirschfeld,[28] who made his fortune building parking garages. After a staff revolt against the Hoffenberg-Hirschfeld partnership — which included publication of an issue whose front page featured the iconic masthead photo of Alexander Hamilton with a single tear drop running down his cheek[29]—The Post was repurchased in 1993 by Murdoch's News Corporation. This came about after numerous political officials, including Democratic governor of New York Mario Cuomo, persuaded the Federal Communications Commission to grant Murdoch a permanent waiver from the cross-ownership rules that had forced him to sell the paper five years earlier.[30] Without that FCC ruling, the paper would have shut down. Under Murdoch's renewed direction, the paper continued its conservative editorial viewpoint."


Just so others understand the recent history of the NY Post.

I am just going to laugh at you.

You have Obama's words in the OP and all you can do is type "nuh-uh"

Since you like Forbes...

You wouldn’t know it from listening to the Obama campaign, but there’s only one Presidential candidate in 2012 who has cut Medicare: Barack Obama, whose Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion from 2013-2022. Today, the Romney campaign reiterated its pledge to repeal Obamacare, and promised to “restore the funding to Medicare [and] ensure that no changes are made to the program for those 55 and older.”

Yes, Obamacare Cuts Medicare More Than President Romney Would - Forbes
As you well know, Forbes is a liar. Obamacare transfers the money being wasted by Medicare advantage to the medicare doughnut hole. The money never leaves Medicare. willard Mitt, rhymes with...., and Lyin' Ryan loot $1.5 trillion from Medicare and Medicade and transfer it to the wealthiest capital gains tycoons like Willard.


Haaa Love your Signature...:clap2:
Ryan's budget had essentially the same Medicare 'cuts' in it. That is one of those facts that the Right will simply ignore because accepting it is too unpleasant.

How many people above 55 are affected by the Ryan Plan?

Fortunately for humanity and America you don't have kids. I have two working adult children who have paid into SS and Medicare - so knock of the bullshit Ryan's plan won't effect me. What harms my family harms me.

Does Obama even have a plan?

Stupid question, of course he has a plan. Sadly, stupid people are stuck on stupid and actually believe Obama's agenda is far left. I guess that's because you and the others in the echo chamber keep repeating right wing propaganda and believe it.

The radical agenda today is the GOP platform, focused on: 1) suppressing the vote; 2) privatize SS, Medicare and Medicaid; 3) Cut taxes to starve the beast; 4) Capture the White House to pack the Supreme Court with activist conservatives; 5) Outlaw all unions and collective bargaining for public employees; 6) Eliminate the Dept. of Education and privatize schools; 6) Outlaw abortion and restrict access to contraception with a goal to create a large work force competing for work, and willing to work at substance levels; 7) to ultimately create an Oligarchy of the rich and powerful.

:clap2: Do you mind if I use your quote in my signature, or you use it yourself its Right On!
As you well know, Forbes is a liar. Obamacare transfers the money being wasted by Medicare advantage to the medicare doughnut hole. The money never leaves Medicare. willard Mitt, rhymes with...., and Lyin' Ryan loot $1.5 trillion from Medicare and Medicade and transfer it to the wealthiest capital gains tycoons like Willard.


Keep regurgitating Bammy's went to help the originaal cost ecetimet of the ACA down.

I am sorry that I had to be the one to burst you boy's bubbles.
Filling the Medicare doughnut hole is part of the original cost estimate of the ACA which is how the savings from Medicare Advantage never leave Medicare.

Sorry to have to burst your little man child Lyin' Ryan's bubble.

Ahhhh, so you wish to make the point that Bammy is taking 716 Billion (indisputable) away for Provider reimbursements putting them into the ACA and then turning around and using the ACA to pay back INTO Medicare for senoirs drug benefits.

Uh-Huh.....nutsack sites are making this claim, and apparently you read them.
Ryan cuts that 500-700 billion too, but for no good reason but to give to the cuts to the bloated rich....idiocy, dupes.
How many people above 55 are affected by the Ryan Plan?

Fortunately for humanity and America you don't have kids. I have two working adult children who have paid into SS and Medicare - so knock of the bullshit Ryan's plan won't effect me. What harms my family harms me.

Does Obama even have a plan?

Stupid question, of course he has a plan. Sadly, stupid people are stuck on stupid and actually believe Obama's agenda is far left. I guess that's because you and the others in the echo chamber keep repeating right wing propaganda and believe it.

The radical agenda today is the GOP platform, focused on: 1) suppressing the vote; 2) privatize SS, Medicare and Medicaid; 3) Cut taxes to starve the beast; 4) Capture the White House to pack the Supreme Court with activist conservatives; 5) Outlaw all unions and collective bargaining for public employees; 6) Eliminate the Dept. of Education and privatize schools; 6) Outlaw abortion and restrict access to contraception with a goal to create a large work force competing for work, and willing to work at substance levels; 7) to ultimately create an Oligarchy of the rich and powerful.

:clap2: Do you mind if I use your quote in my signature, or you use it yourself its Right On!

Please, feel free.
Ryan's budget had essentially the same Medicare 'cuts' in it. That is one of those facts that the Right will simply ignore because accepting it is too unpleasant.

How many people above 55 are affected by the Ryan Plan?

Fortunately for humanity and America you don't have kids. I have two working adult children who have paid into SS and Medicare - so knock of the bullshit Ryan's plan won't effect me. What harms my family harms me.

Does Obama even have a plan?

Stupid question, of course he has a plan. Sadly, stupid people are stuck on stupid and actually believe Obama's agenda is far left. I guess that's because you and the others in the echo chamber keep repeating right wing propaganda and believe it.

The radical agenda today is the GOP platform, focused on: 1) suppressing the vote; 2) privatize SS, Medicare and Medicaid; 3) Cut taxes to starve the beast; 4) Capture the White House to pack the Supreme Court with activist conservatives; 5) Outlaw all unions and collective bargaining for public employees; 6) Eliminate the Dept. of Education and privatize schools; 6) Outlaw abortion and restrict access to contraception with a goal to create a large work force competing for work, and willing to work at substance levels; 7) to ultimately create an Oligarchy of the rich and powerful.

Amen! Mint and Ayn have an agenda!
The figures keep changing with Republicans. First it was Michelle Bachman calling it 500 billion dollars that Obama cut from Medicare, back during the Republican debates. Last weekend, on Face the Nation Reince Priebus quoted 700 billion was cut from Medicare. First off, Medicare hasn't been cut by $700 billion by ANYONE let alone Obama. Obama has made no cuts to Medicare. Period. Any cuts being made to Medicare were passed into law before Obama became president. However, Congress has delayed putting those cuts into action. The billions cut which Obama mentions, is actually savings to Medicaid, which amounts to 500 billion over 10 years. This is aimed at insurance companies and hospitals and their fraud and abuse cases, this however does no affect beneficiaries. The law makes significant reductions to Medicare Advantage, a subset of Medicare plans run by private insurers. Medicare Advantage was started under President George W. Bush, and the idea was that competition among the private insurers would reduce costs. But in recent years the plans have actually cost more than traditional Medicare. So the health care law scales back the payments to private insurers.

Hospitals, too, will be paid less if they have too many re-admissions, or if they fail to meet other new benchmarks for patient care.

Obama and fellow Democrats say the intention is to protect beneficiaries' coverage while forcing health care providers to become more efficient.
Matt, don't you ever get tired of lies?

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad

Mitt Romney's campaign continued to attack President Barack Obama over welfare reform with the release of a new ad on Monday, once again falsely stating that the president dropped work requirements from welfare.

The ad, titled "Long History," is the second ad from the Romney campaign to claim that Obama has "gutted" welfare. The campaign's previous ad on welfare, released just last week, was widely criticized as inaccurate and debunked by numerous fact checkers.

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad

Here ya go azzhat:
[ame=]Obama In November 2009: Right, One-Third Of ObamaCare Funding Comes From Cuts To Medicare - YouTube[/ame]

now move your cursor and click play.
CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien debunked the pervasive right-wing media falsehood that President Obama "stole $700 billion" from Medicare.

Right-wing media have repeatedly claimed that the Medicare savings included in Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) "gutted" the Medicare program. However, on CNN's Starting Point, when Romney senior adviser John Sununu claimed that Obama "gutted Medicare by taking $717 billion out of it," O'Brien was quick to correct him.

O'Brien pointed out that Sununu's talking point has been debunked by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that the Medicare savings in the ACA are not cuts, but rather a reduction in the expected rate of growth of the program.

O'Brien also noted that independent fact-checkers have found that the Affordable Care Act does not cut Medicare benefits. These fact-checkers also determined that the claim that hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare is outright false.

When Sununu continued to claim that Obama had gutted Medicare, O'Brien confronted him with even more facts, citing evidence that drug providers and hospitals agreed to the Medicare savings because their "theory is that what they're going to be able to do is make up by the number of people who come into the system. It doesn't reduce or cut the benefits.

More by Medody Johnson: CNN's O'Brien Corrects Right-Wing Media Medicare Falsehood | Blog | Media Matters for America

Media Matter...ehat a this the same obrien caught using left wing sites on air?
Can someone explain to me Romney's plan for Medicare?

Everyone over 55 it doesn't charge. Anyone younger will get a choice between normal Medicare or a voucher. :eusa_boohoo: MORE FREEDOMS! Isn't freedom GREAT!
Can someone explain to me Romney's plan for Medicare?
Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., cuts $716 billion from Medicare and $800 billion from Medicade and gives himself and Lyin' Ryan a tax cut.

Next year we're going to have the highest corporate tax on earth. Even Obama wants to lower it for us to compete with the rest of the world(down to 25% to make things fair). :eusa_boohoo:
Can someone explain to me Romney's plan for Medicare?
Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., cuts $716 billion from Medicare and $800 billion from Medicade and gives himself and Lyin' Ryan a tax cut.

Next year we're going to have the highest corporate tax on earth. Even Obama wants to lower it for us to compete with the rest of the world(down to 25% to make things fair). :eusa_boohoo:
Another example of the Right's "half truth, whole lie" philosophy.

No corporation pays the full rate, as you well know, with deductions and loopholes the average corporate rate actually paid is 18%, one of the lowest rates in the world.
Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., cuts $716 billion from Medicare and $800 billion from Medicade and gives himself and Lyin' Ryan a tax cut.

Next year we're going to have the highest corporate tax on earth. Even Obama wants to lower it for us to compete with the rest of the world(down to 25% to make things fair). :eusa_boohoo:
Another example of the Right's "half truth, whole lie" philosophy.

No corporation pays the full rate, as you well know, with deductions and loopholes the average corporate rate actually paid is 18%, one of the lowest rates in the world.

Especially GE and Jeffery Emelt. Emelt an obumer supporter. When you tax more on businesses, they move to a survivable environment to do business, low cost producer favorable to compete.

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