Smoking Weed

Have you ever smoked Weed?

  • Yes. Often

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • I've tried, but not for me

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Occassionally, but not regularly

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Never. No Interest

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 11.1%

  • Total voters
As far as vaping it's hard to get used to no burn...

Yeah, but it's better than the patches or the gum, where you have to get used to no burn, AND no satisfaction of the oral fixation.
I tried the patches, gum and pills, never worked for me, but I did get a hell of a nicotine buzz...I usually average less than a pack a day...

Have you tried vaping yet? If you want to quit smoking - I assume you do, since you said you tried the other methods - it's worth a shot.
I've quit a dozen times over 50 years of puffing, I have tried vaping but have not switched over..
Frick. Why quit now, it will probably kill you. Lol.

I'm guessing that IS why. :)
Yeah, but it's better than the patches or the gum, where you have to get used to no burn, AND no satisfaction of the oral fixation.
I tried the patches, gum and pills, never worked for me, but I did get a hell of a nicotine buzz...I usually average less than a pack a day...

Have you tried vaping yet? If you want to quit smoking - I assume you do, since you said you tried the other methods - it's worth a shot.
I've quit a dozen times over 50 years of puffing, I have tried vaping but have not switched over..
Frick. Why quit now, it will probably kill you. Lol.

I'm guessing that IS why. :)
I know someone who quit. Gained 40 lbs in 2 yrs. Was in perfect health when smoking. After 2 yrs his blood pressure went funky and so did his sugar. I tell ya. LOL.

I don't sell the stuff. A lot I freely give away. There's a nursing home I visit at least once a month. The residents there love me. :bowdown:

I don't sell the stuff. A lot I freely give away. There's a nursing home I visit at least once a month. The residents there love me. :bowdown:
My friend gets his female seeds from Amsterdam. He grows 8 plants every 4 months that yields about 2 lbs per grow cycle.
Never tried it. I don't smoke and puffing more smoke into your lungs seems ill advised. I believe that it is probably no worse than alcohol. But, I can't see how having even more stoned people in society is going to be a benefit. And, I am concerned about people driving as there is no way to check for acute intoxication like there is for alcohol. If people could use it responsibly like having it on occasion to enjoy like having some drinks now and then, then I don't see a problem. However, human beings tend to go overboard on almost everything. And, also, what about people smoking it and if you inhale it? Are you absorbing any where you could possibly lose a job if drug tested? Also, if it's legal then why should employers be able then to fire people who have used it on their off time? Seems like it will be legal but only really legal for the unemployed.

There's no issue with driving, and no evidence of impairment. First time I did it I noticed it made me a better driver, as I slowed down and took way more notice of everything going on.

Of course anything can be done to excess, to where you're lost on what should be a familiar street, but such excess is at least in part incited by the prohibition in the first place.

As far as both employment "drug tests" and competence to drive or operate machinery, etc, the former is a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment and does not indicate one's current state anyway; rather it amounts to self-incrimination from a period of the last month, for a law that's highly questionable in the first place. And the latter, as regards workplace safety, driving a car, or anything else, can be measured by a simple reflex test. Pass the test, go to work. Fail the test and safety is maintained. Plus, such a test would (a) flag any manner of impairment whether from a drug, from cannabis (which is not a "drug"), from alcohol, from lack of sleep, from distraction elsewhere, from a sickness the subject may not even be yet aware of, anything; and (b) would cost far far less than taking fucking pee samples and sending them off to a lab.

But we'll never do that, because safety is not the point. Controlling personal lives is.
Never have and never will. I don't smoke tobacco or drink alcohol either.

These products create an altered and diminished mental state which I find to be uncomfortable and inappropriate.

If ever anyone NEEDED their mental state to be altered.....

Have you ever?
Do you regularly?

What are the pros/cons?
If you don't like it, why? If you DO like it why?

If you do, do you worry about your lung damage as a tobacco smoker would?

Used to smoke more than most in my youth. I smoke the vapor weed now every now and again (usu at concerts).

Pros: It is an absolutely miracle cure for people on chemo. I watched my mother take all the “legal” drugs and they did nothing. When she smoked weed, the nausea went away, the pain went away, she got energy, got hungry and held the food down and actually got giddy. It is a miracle drug for cancer patients. It is not nearly as dangerous as other drugs.

Cons: It is a gateway drug. Eventually weed gets boring and people try something different and more dangerous. I did. It makes people lazy and they lose ambition. I love when someone tries to dispute this. It can be an expensive habit. Smoke too much and it makes you a retard. Regardless of the myth, edibles labels can be extremely dangerous. Unlike smoking weed, you don’t get high from editable until you digest them. It takes a while and if you take too many the high can be extremely intense. It makes people fat. The munchies are real. You eat crap and lots of it.

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Pot ain't my thing.

I liked speed and coke way better

I don't do drugs. I just drink beer. But, if I did do drugs I'm pretty sure I would thorough enjoy painkillers on a regular basis and/or high doses of valium
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Don't think it does much since (a) it's in there far less time than tobacco smoke would be and (b) it's (presumably) not sprayed with carcinogenic shit and (hopefully) not wrapped in paper bleached white with chlorine. Also smoking is not the only way to ingest it.
Pot ain't my thing.

I liked speed and coke way better

I don't do drugs. I just drink beer. But, if I did do drugs I'm pretty sure I would thorough enjoy painkillers on a regular basis and/or high doses of valium

This is where you lose me. That's actual drugs, and depressants, the worst kind. Never been interested in anything that inhibits my control, which is why I don't drink.

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