Smoking Weed

Have you ever smoked Weed?

  • Yes. Often

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • I've tried, but not for me

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Occassionally, but not regularly

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Never. No Interest

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 11.1%

  • Total voters
Have you ever?
Do you regularly?

What are the pros/cons?
If you don't like it, why? If you DO like it why?

If you do, do you worry about your lung damage as a tobacco smoker would?
I smoked daily through the seventies, a couple times a week in the eighties and lil to none on the 90s. In 2005 I got turned on to edibles and tinctures( some psychoative, some medicinal---depends on processing temps). I use medicinals 3X daily and jump on pancakes or brownies 1-2 a week.
The leaves get tossed and they are SUPER nutritional/medical use in a shake with berries, apples,banana, beets and other stuff. They're hard to get for obvious reasons.
No worries though. Your masters will soon be producing them. HANDS OFF
Patent No. 6,630,507: Why the U.S. government holds a patent on cannabis plant compounds
Granny says, "If ya smoke enuff o' dat evil devil weed...

... it'll lead ya to harder drugs...

... an' make ya simple-minded...

... like Uncle Ferd."
Have you ever?
Do you regularly?

What are the pros/cons?
If you don't like it, why? If you DO like it why?

If you do, do you worry about your lung damage as a tobacco smoker would?

For the first two questions..................yes, and yes. I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA) the last 8 years I was in the Navy, and with all the information I had been given, I couldn't figure out why it was illegal, so, I decided that when I got out of the military, I would do more research, and possibly try it.

Well, I retired, and spent a few months reading everything I could get my hands on concerning marijuana. Nothing in the research that I did said it was toxic or harmful, so I decided to try smoking it myself just to see what the hype was about. I've been 420 friendly ever since, and will smoke on a regular basis (daily) if I have it available. My usual intake is 1 or 2 bowls/day, which is only about 1/2 a joint you would buy in the stores.

What are the pros/cons? Well, for me, it puts me in a better mood than drinking does, and there is no hangover the next day. Also, my inhibitions don't drop like they do when I drink, so I don't end up doing something stupid. Cons? The only one that I can think of is the legal issue, but that would go away if they would legalize it all over the country. It's also very useful for pain relief, and my roomie uses it for that. It keeps her from having to take any pain pills.

Why do I like it? Because I like Sativas, which result in a very nice brain and body buzz, and they can also help you focus when you have stuff to do that requires it.

My roomie likes Indicas, because they are excellent for pain relief as well as are useful for sleep aids. Sativa will keep you energized and awake, but Indicas will put you "in da couch".

As far as do I worry about lung damage? Not really, because I saw a study done by the Royal British Medical Society concerning cigarettes and marijuana. If you smoke cigarettes only, you are 21 times more likely to contract cancer than someone who doesn't smoke at all. If you smoke marijuana only? Your cancer chances are 0.93 to 0.73, which is statistically negligible.

And then, there is a personal experience that I have had. I ride bicycles on a regular basis (keeps me young), and I smoked cigarettes as well as marijuana for a while. Well, saw that my wind was cutting down because of the cigarettes, so I quit them, but I kept smoking marijuana. Guess what? My wind went back up when I quit the cigarettes, and I can't really see any effect on my riding from smoking cannabis. I'm 53 and still able to cruise on my bike at 17 to 20 mph, but with a decent tail wind, I can cruise at 20 to 25 mph.

And................there is nothing like a nice hot shower when you are baked. It makes the water feel so much better.
I smoked pot fairly heavily a long time ago. Like any drug it is easily subject to abuse by people with mental or emotional problems.

Can pot be used responsible and without harm? Sure. But it can just as easily damage you, your will, your life and your relationships. Life is much better and more interesting clear headed.
I smoked pot fairly heavily a long time ago. Like any drug it is easily subject to abuse by people with mental or emotional problems.

Can pot be used responsible and without harm? Sure. But it can just as easily damage you, your will, your life and your relationships. Life is much better and more interesting clear headed.

Those are weak people anyway.
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Sort of I have read recently it actually expands your lungs and makes it easier to breathe. but like anything else there's always the other side.
Edibles are a popular alternative to smoking.

Have you ever?
Do you regularly?

What are the pros/cons?
If you don't like it, why? If you DO like it why?

If you do, do you worry about your lung damage as a tobacco smoker would?

I can't stand it , even in my teens and joint could last me a 80s cocaine on the other hand was a different story...
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Sort of I have read recently it actually expands your lungs and makes it easier to breathe. but like anything else there's always the other side.

Well, if you had read my post, I gave you a personal example of where it doesn't appear to affect breathing by much. I used to smoke both cigarettes and marijuana and rode a bicycle. I noticed that my wind was going down quite a bit, so I quit smoking cigarettes but kept smoking marijuana. And, my O2 uptake went back up, even though I kept smoking cannabis. At my last physical, the doctor said that I was in remarkable shape for my age, and there were no problems with my O2 stats.
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Sort of I have read recently it actually expands your lungs and makes it easier to breathe. but like anything else there's always the other side.

Well, if you had read my post, I gave you a personal example of where it doesn't appear to affect breathing by much. I used to smoke both cigarettes and marijuana and rode a bicycle. I noticed that my wind was going down quite a bit, so I quit smoking cigarettes but kept smoking marijuana. And, my O2 uptake went back up, even though I kept smoking cannabis. At my last physical, the doctor said that I was in remarkable shape for my age, and there were no problems with my O2 stats.

Like Debbie said the effects of weed is different to different people I couldn't stand it all I wanted to do after doing a few hits of a bong was laugh, eat and go to sleep in minutes.

I couldn't function or work off that stuff.
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Sort of I have read recently it actually expands your lungs and makes it easier to breathe. but like anything else there's always the other side.

Well, if you had read my post, I gave you a personal example of where it doesn't appear to affect breathing by much. I used to smoke both cigarettes and marijuana and rode a bicycle. I noticed that my wind was going down quite a bit, so I quit smoking cigarettes but kept smoking marijuana. And, my O2 uptake went back up, even though I kept smoking cannabis. At my last physical, the doctor said that I was in remarkable shape for my age, and there were no problems with my O2 stats.

Like Debbie said the effects of weed is different to different people I couldn't stand it all I wanted to do after doing a few hits of a bong was laugh, eat and go to sleep in minutes.

I couldn't function or work off that stuff.

Yes, body chemistry does play a part, but so does the type of marijuana you smoke. There are two distinct varieties, Indica and Sativa, as well as many hybrid varieties that combine the effects of both.

If you smoke a pure Sativa, you will have a body and brain buzz, will feel energized, and in some cases will notice an increase in the ability to focus.

If you smoke a pure Indica (which is what it sounds like you smoked), you will have a feeling of euphoria, will experience pain relief, and will want to go to sleep. It's one of the reasons they call Indica "in da couch".

And, if you get a hybrid, the effects will vary, depending on whether it is Indica or Sativa dominant, as well as what the parentage of the plant is.

When I first started smoking, I only knew of 2 kinds of weed, really good stuff and ditch weed. After CO legalized it and I started going up there, I learned that there are many different varieties, and depending on what I want to do, depends on what I smoke.

If you're interested in mowing the lawn? Sativas are great, with my favorite being Golden Goat.

If you are interested in going to sleep? Indicas are the thing you want, with one of my favorites being Strawberry Banana. All it takes is a couple of hits, get a bit still, and you will be asleep in 10 min.

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