Smoking Weed

Have you ever smoked Weed?

  • Yes. Often

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • I've tried, but not for me

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Occassionally, but not regularly

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Never. No Interest

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 11.1%

  • Total voters
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Tar in tobacco causes cancer. These carcinogens are need in weed. The same risks aren’t present.

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So does the heat of the smoke entering the lungs. Remember the first time you ever smoked ANYTHING ? It was the heat that made you cough
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Don't think it does much since (a) it's in there far less time than tobacco smoke would be and (b) it's (presumably) not sprayed with carcinogenic shit and (hopefully) not wrapped in paper bleached white with chlorine. Also smoking is not the only way to ingest it.
I did think of that (not smoking it), but I heard somewhere that it was worse for you lungs than cigs
Has anyone noticed? We're all getting along with different political affiliations in this thread. Maybe John Lennon had a point?
I remember "give peace a chance" so I presume that is what you mean ?!

You know....................marijuana kinda fosters an atmosphere of peace. I have NEVER been in a smoking circle where disagreements happened.

There have been some that I've been in that had some pretty strange conversations though.
Still happens in our circle of friends now pushing 50-60.
A group of folks of all walks having a few drinks and passing a couple jays around a fire.
Add fishing rod and call it a perfect weekend.
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Sort of I have read recently it actually expands your lungs and makes it easier to breathe. but like anything else there's always the other side.

Whoever said that probably also believes that drinking bleach can cure AIDS.
I think it does cure Aids if you drink enough of it.

Only if you consider death to be a cure, in which case, the AIDS will cure itself eventually.
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Tar in tobacco causes cancer. These carcinogens are need in weed. The same risks aren’t present.

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So does the heat of the smoke entering the lungs. Remember the first time you ever smoked ANYTHING ? It was the heat that made you cough

And I understand that it inflames the tissues in the lungs.
This comes from CBS.... so the way to go with Marijuana is in brownies I suppose?

Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency medicine physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told CBS News in an email, "while casual marijuana use may not reflect an immediate decrease in lung function, marijuana smoke contains high levels of tar, which is bad for your health." Glatter said smoking marijuana could lead to chronic coughing, wheezing and potentially chronic obstructive pulmonary
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Tar in tobacco causes cancer. These carcinogens are need in weed. The same risks aren’t present.

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So does the heat of the smoke entering the lungs. Remember the first time you ever smoked ANYTHING ? It was the heat that made you cough

And I understand that it inflames the tissues in the lungs.
Yup. Edibles are where its at.
But then there is "Medical News Today" - not sure how credible but...

He continues that even at daily usage levels of one joint per day over seven years, people were not seeming to have any degradation of lung capacity or function.

The authors factored in for people who smoked tobacco and those that lived in more polluted areas with lesser air quality. The harm from cigarettes showed up clearly while those smoking a joint a day and not smoking tobacco did not show the degradation. Even one joint per week for twenty years did not appear to have significant effect.

Its not known exactly why tobacco appears to be so much more harmful than marijuana, especially considering the contents of the smoke are similar. It is known that THC, one of the main active cannabis oils in the herb, has anti inflammatory properties that may help to soothe the lungs. A part of the increased capacity was put down to the way pot smokers usually take deep breaths when they smoke, but one joint per day is hardly giving your lungs great exercise.
Granny says, "If ya smoke enuff o' dat evil devil weed...

... it'll lead ya to harder drugs...

... an' make ya simple-minded...

... like Uncle Ferd."

Granny's full of shit. As is this endless puerile game of hiding behind "Granny sez" so you're not responsible for your own posts.

There is no such "gateway". That's entirely contrived by those who contrive the only thing it has in common with actual drugs, which is that it's arbitrarily made illegal after having been used without incident for literally thousands of years.

So here, this is for "granny".

But then there is "Medical News Today" - not sure how credible but...

He continues that even at daily usage levels of one joint per day over seven years, people were not seeming to have any degradation of lung capacity or function.

The authors factored in for people who smoked tobacco and those that lived in more polluted areas with lesser air quality. The harm from cigarettes showed up clearly while those smoking a joint a day and not smoking tobacco did not show the degradation. Even one joint per week for twenty years did not appear to have significant effect.

Its not known exactly why tobacco appears to be so much more harmful than marijuana, especially considering the contents of the smoke are similar. It is known that THC, one of the main active cannabis oils in the herb, has anti inflammatory properties that may help to soothe the lungs. A part of the increased capacity was put down to the way pot smokers usually take deep breaths when they smoke, but one joint per day is hardly giving your lungs great exercise.
Maybe because your body produces tiny amounts of a THC like substance, yet there is no human production of a nicotine...Pot is relatively unprocessed while tobacco is highly processed...
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Sort of I have read recently it actually expands your lungs and makes it easier to breathe. but like anything else there's always the other side.

Well, if you had read my post, I gave you a personal example of where it doesn't appear to affect breathing by much. I used to smoke both cigarettes and marijuana and rode a bicycle. I noticed that my wind was going down quite a bit, so I quit smoking cigarettes but kept smoking marijuana. And, my O2 uptake went back up, even though I kept smoking cannabis. At my last physical, the doctor said that I was in remarkable shape for my age, and there were no problems with my O2 stats.

Like Debbie said the effects of weed is different to different people I couldn't stand it all I wanted to do after doing a few hits of a bong was laugh, eat and go to sleep in minutes.

I couldn't function or work off that stuff.

Yes, body chemistry does play a part, but so does the type of marijuana you smoke. There are two distinct varieties, Indica and Sativa, as well as many hybrid varieties that combine the effects of both.

If you smoke a pure Sativa, you will have a body and brain buzz, will feel energized, and in some cases will notice an increase in the ability to focus.

If you smoke a pure Indica (which is what it sounds like you smoked), you will have a feeling of euphoria, will experience pain relief, and will want to go to sleep. It's one of the reasons they call Indica "in da couch".

And, if you get a hybrid, the effects will vary, depending on whether it is Indica or Sativa dominant, as well as what the parentage of the plant is.

When I first started smoking, I only knew of 2 kinds of weed, really good stuff and ditch weed. After CO legalized it and I started going up there, I learned that there are many different varieties, and depending on what I want to do, depends on what I smoke.

If you're interested in mowing the lawn? Sativas are great, with my favorite being Golden Goat.

If you are interested in going to sleep? Indicas are the thing you want, with one of my favorites being Strawberry Banana. All it takes is a couple of hits, get a bit still, and you will be asleep in 10 min.

Interesting I didn't know that , my cousin used to love smoking skunk weed so that's what I used to take a hit off once and a while if I didn't have any coke on me..I hated that stuff

But thinking about it some more hash under a glass wasn't to bad but hard to find up in the suburbs of Chicago in the 80s

I love the process of hash under glass. It's so efficient. I'm all about efficient.
Has anyone noticed? We're all getting along with different political affiliations in this thread. Maybe John Lennon had a point?
I remember "give peace a chance" so I presume that is what you mean ?!

You know....................marijuana kinda fosters an atmosphere of peace. I have NEVER been in a smoking circle where disagreements happened. .

Exactly -- and compare that with any group of people drinking. It would seem the two bring out the angels and the devils of our nature. Given that choice I have no idea why one would intentionally go for the latter.
Never tried it. I don't smoke and puffing more smoke into your lungs seems ill advised. I believe that it is probably no worse than alcohol. But, I can't see how having even more stoned people in society is going to be a benefit. And, I am concerned about people driving as there is no way to check for acute intoxication like there is for alcohol. If people could use it responsibly like having it on occasion to enjoy like having some drinks now and then, then I don't see a problem. However, human beings tend to go overboard on almost everything. And, also, what about people smoking it and if you inhale it? Are you absorbing any where you could possibly lose a job if drug tested? Also, if it's legal then why should employers be able then to fire people who have used it on their off time? Seems like it will be legal but only really legal for the unemployed.

There's no issue with driving, and no evidence of impairment. First time I did it I noticed it made me a better driver, as I slowed down and took way more notice of everything going on.

Of course anything can be done to excess, to where you're lost on what should be a familiar street, but such excess is at least in part incited by the prohibition in the first place.

As far as both employment "drug tests" and competence to drive or operate machinery, etc, the former is a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment and does not indicate one's current state anyway; rather it amounts to self-incrimination from a period of the last month, for a law that's highly questionable in the first place. And the latter, as regards workplace safety, driving a car, or anything else, can be measured by a simple reflex test. Pass the test, go to work. Fail the test and safety is maintained. Plus, such a test would (a) flag any manner of impairment whether from a drug, from cannabis (which is not a "drug"), from alcohol, from lack of sleep, from distraction elsewhere, from a sickness the subject may not even be yet aware of, anything; and (b) would cost far far less than taking fucking pee samples and sending them off to a lab.

But we'll never do that, because safety is not the point. Controlling personal lives is.

You'll excuse me if I'm not inclined to accept the judgement of the impaired person about how well he drives while impaired.

Actually that wasn't my judgment but my passengers'. They said so right away.

Of course I did notice the calming effect and the resultant lack of urgency in the act of going from points A to B, but other people articulated it first and, if you like, confirmed it. So no, you're not excused.

Today I still drive that way (calmly) with no cannabis at all, because it occurred to me, why are we in such a rush to go from A to B? Doesn't make sense, since I like driving. That's part of the effect: it makes you stop and look at things in a different light, rather than follow the same old routine over and over for no apparent reason. When I was a wee tad I drove for speed, because I didn't know any better. Now I drive for efficiency, because I do.

Nor am I overly impressed by anyone who feels that using drugs is as important as, if not more important than, being employed. If you don't want to take the drug test, no one will force you to. They just won't hire you. But don't come crying to me about how you're broke.

We're not talking "drugs" here. Cannabis is not a "drug". I don't do drugs, don't believe in 'em. I'll fight my doctor if she puts me on a prescription, and I have to be in dire pain to even pop an Ibuprofen. I like to stay natural, in my diet as well.

But we are talking blatant invasion of privacy.

And you are correct, they won't force it if you stand up for yourself. When I've stood up, they backed down. That's how I do it, but the reason I even bring it up is that, if the masses would collectively do the same thing and refuse to bend over for this intrusive shit, they would have to back down. Collectively. The more people bend over for it, the more they like the bent-over target. So stop giving it to them.
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Ever notice how everything fun, tasty, relaxing are bad for you? WTF?????
did anyone answer my question about what smoking pot does to their lungs?

Sort of I have read recently it actually expands your lungs and makes it easier to breathe. but like anything else there's always the other side.

Whoever said that probably also believes that drinking bleach can cure AIDS.

And whoever said that ^^ was following the same intellectual maze that came up gems like with "marihuana is a 'gateway drug' and "LSD causes birth defects and staring into the sun". :rolleyes:

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