Smugglers climbing Trump's multi-billion dollar wall with $5 rebar ladders

Just because a few of them get across doesn't mean is "doesn't work." What not "very smart" are you idiots who just resign themselves to overrun by illegals, without ever trying to stop the flow of them.

Think about that when you're robbed, raped, or ran over by an illegal.

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit the wall was a dumb idea. We know it was, and we know you now know it was, even if you won't admit it.

thats funny because like about ten + years ago Democrats were having the same "dumb" idea. And I know for sure they haven't gotten any smarter in the last ten years. They change their minds based on whats good for their electability to political office, their ideas fluctuate with the polls and demographics in their districts and they are the party of identity politics. Trump did not invent the concept of the border wall.

No. Trump's concept was a massive wall that would stop all immigration. Anybody with a 3rd grade education could have told you that wasn't possible.

Looky here: Welfare and food stamps are not going to prevent all of the poverty and hunger.

So let's just eliminate all of the welfare and food stamps out of the budget.

Do you understand your fallacious reasoning now?

Welfare and food stamps could eliminate hunger if we weren;t so cheap with it.

Likewise, walls can prevent illegals from trespassing. If you Democrats weren't so cheap about it.
Just because a few of them get across doesn't mean is "doesn't work." What not "very smart" are you idiots who just resign themselves to overrun by illegals, without ever trying to stop the flow of them.

Think about that when you're robbed, raped, or ran over by an illegal.

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit the wall was a dumb idea. We know it was, and we know you now know it was, even if you won't admit it.
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.

The 8 year old had her clmbing instructor dad helping her and professional mountain climbing equipment.

THanks for proving my point that you libs just say shit, and it don't mean nuthin.
That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit the wall was a dumb idea. We know it was, and we know you now know it was, even if you won't admit it.
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.
Yeah, that’s why border crossings are wwwaaayyyy down. lol
32% increase in migrants encountered or arrested at the southern border in May - CNNPolitics
That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit the wall was a dumb idea. We know it was, and we know you now know it was, even if you won't admit it.
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.

Please show a picture of said "8 year old girl" climbing to the top of Trump's magnificent wall.

This I gotta see. Or is that just something your lying media told you, and you believed it?

oh, it's "real".

He dad was right there. He looked very professional. She was in full mountain climbing gear.

Bulldog, like all libs, just says shit. It don't mean nuthin.
That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit the wall was a dumb idea. We know it was, and we know you now know it was, even if you won't admit it.
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.
Yeah, that’s why border crossings are wwwaaayyyy down. lol

And there lies the key to lives saved. Hundreds of immigrants previously have been dying out in the desert as they attempt to cross on foot, taking their chances. This is still always going to happen, however a 30 ft wall and the drop to the other side will deter many people who would have tried crossing into the desert, who are not physically fit to make the attempt but do it anyway. The way I see it... even saving a few people from dying a horrible death in the desert is really worth it. The wall is actually a humane thing. in reality, hundreds of lives will be saved.
What happens when migrants die in the Arizona desert?
The wall won't stop every one of those filthy ass Democrat voters, welfare queens, drug runners and gang bangers but it will make it more difficult for them and that is a good thing.

Have you ever climbed a ladder? It's not that difficult.

Have you ever posted an intelligent response? It'not that difficult, but you fail every time.
The wall won't stop every one of those filthy ass Democrat voters, welfare queens, drug runners and gang bangers but it will make it more difficult for them and that is a good thing.

Have you ever climbed a ladder? It's not that difficult.
The hard part is the 30 foot drop to the American side where they will pick you and your broken legs up and toss your worthless body back over

You think they can't pull it up and let it down on the other side dumb ass?

You are a fucking moron! That rebar is heavy!
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.
Yeah, that’s why border crossings are wwwaaayyyy down. lol
32% increase in migrants encountered or arrested at the southern border in May - CNNPolitics
Just because a few of them get across doesn't mean is "doesn't work." What not "very smart" are you idiots who just resign themselves to overrun by illegals, without ever trying to stop the flow of them.

Think about that when you're robbed, raped, or ran over by an illegal.

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit the wall was a dumb idea. We know it was, and we know you now know it was, even if you won't admit it.
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.

You lie incessantly!
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.
Yeah, that’s why border crossings are wwwaaayyyy down. lol
32% increase in migrants encountered or arrested at the southern border in May - CNNPolitics

This is February dumbass!
The wall won't stop every one of those filthy ass Democrat voters, welfare queens, drug runners and gang bangers but it will make it more difficult for them and that is a good thing.

Have you ever climbed a ladder? It's not that difficult.
The hard part is the 30 foot drop to the American side where they will pick you and your broken legs up and toss your worthless body back over

You think they can't pull it up and let it down on the other side dumb ass?

You are a fucking moron! That rebar is heavy!

Definately too difficult to pull it up from the top by a couple of people, then drop it down the other side. Most likely they would use a rope ladder or something to go down, but even that is not as easy as it sounds, for a lot of people.
Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

No, no, no. The Party Line is that "THERE IS NO WALL, THERE NEVER WAS GOING TO BE A WALL".

This deviation from the Party LIne, is dangerous. You need to publicly apologize. Not that your lib buddies will accept it.

This is going to suck for you.

Actually, I remember very clearly that the party line was that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.
Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

No, no, no. The Party Line is that "THERE IS NO WALL, THERE NEVER WAS GOING TO BE A WALL".

This deviation from the Party LIne, is dangerous. You need to publicly apologize. Not that your lib buddies will accept it.

This is going to suck for you.

Actually, I remember very clearly that the party line was that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

They are moron.

Trump signs USMCA into law, Canada expected to follow suit
Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

No, no, no. The Party Line is that "THERE IS NO WALL, THERE NEVER WAS GOING TO BE A WALL".

This deviation from the Party LIne, is dangerous. You need to publicly apologize. Not that your lib buddies will accept it.

This is going to suck for you.

Actually, I remember very clearly that the party line was that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

Whoa. You don't even know the reference? To "Party line"? LOL!!!!!
Build the wall, Trumpettes, to stop rapists from overstaying their visas!

You understand that the Wall was never meant to be the sole enforcement mechanism, so your pretense that it was, is just a lie.

That you feel you need to lie, to attack Trump on the Wall issue, shows that YOU KNOW HE IS RIGHT.
And THIS is a prime example why this person won the poll for dumbest of the dumb on this site. The lack of intellect from this one is simply incredible.

You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.

Please show a picture of said "8 year old girl" climbing to the top of Trump's magnificent wall.

This I gotta see. Or is that just something your lying media told you, and you believed it?

oh, it's "real".

He dad was right there. He looked very professional. She was in full mountain climbing gear.

Bulldog, like all libs, just says shit. It don't mean nuthin.

To be fair, there was a group of professional mountain climbers who built a replica portion of the wall, then had a contest to see if they could climb it. And an 8 year old girl did climb it.

Except for one thing: We aren't about to be invaded by a bunch of professional rock climbers. Nor will those obese Mexican women be scampering up the border wall, nor will they have professional climbing gear with someone holding the rope to stop them from falling.

Nor will they be carrying a load on their back like an 80 pound burlap sack full of marijuana, their worldly possessions, or the 5 gallons of they'd need for the 50 mile trek across the Sonora desert after getting over the fence, as most illegals have to do.

Just thought I'd drop that before some liberal comes along and says "See? Even an 8 year old girl can climb that wall..."

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