Snake Cults Dominated Early Arabia


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2021
To me the progression to monotheism and the overlap is interesting.

Snake Cults Dominated Early Arabia
Jennifer Viegas
Discovery News
Thu, 17 May 2007 00:09 UTC
Pre-Islamic Middle Eastern regions were home to mysterious snake cults, according to two papers published in this month's Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy journal.

From at least 1250 B.C. until around 550 A.D., residents of what is now the Persian Gulf worshipped snakes in elaborate temple complexes that appear to have been built for this purpose, the studies reveal.

The first paper, by archaeologist Dan Potts of the University of Sydney, describes architecture and relics dating to 500 B.C. from Qalat al-Bahrain in Bahrain.

Two rooms in what is now known as the Late Dilmun Palace each contain 39 pits, some of which surround what appears to have been an altar. At least 32 of the pits housed ceramic vessels containing bones from rat snakes and sea snakes.

The remains showed no signs of mutilation.

"They were in cloth bags, now badly decomposed, and that might suggest that they had been buried alive, i.e. put into a bag, placed in a bowl, and then buried in the ground," Potts told Discovery News.

Some bowls found at the site have been identified as "wine-drinking" cups. Potts, however, does not necessarily think that wine consumption accompanied the snake rituals, which he speculates were meant to confer protection and good luck.
He described pottery decorated with snakes, snake artwork and even ancient oral traditions, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, which originated at early Arabic sites and paid homage to snakes.

In the second paper, archaeologist Anne Benoist of the Eastern Archaeology Laboratory at the National Center for Scientific Research in France describes yet another Iron Age temple complex linked to snake cults.

Excavation of the site, at Al Bithnah in the United Arab Emirates, revealed both indoor and open-air altars, chapel-like structures, incense burners, man-made pools of water and numerous vessels and objects decorated with snakes.

Most of the snakes were depicted with triangular heads and scales, which Benoist said suggests "a viper species, which is striking, as they are venomous and therefore dangerous."

Benoist said early Middle Eastern traditions held that snake venom was viewed as "a source of power over life." Snakes are prevalent in Persian Gulf regions.

She pointed out that the association of snakes with power over life even carried over into the Old Testament. One passage describes Moses placing a bronze snake on a pole so that anyone who had been bitten by a snake would be healed upon seeing it.

The seasonal shedding of skin linked the reptile to cycles of death and rebirth, so snakes were probably also connected to fertility.

Potts thinks snake worship originated in India and spread throughout the Middle East. There is evidence for extensive trade and travel between the two areas.

As for the fate of snake cults, Benoist said later religions likely deemed them "superstitious," causing followers to practice snake veneration in secret. Eventually, she said, the cults were "overtaken by the official monotheist religion."
They have also found evidence of Hinduism as well. I think the Saudis were looking for a path to follow...oh boy did they find!
are snakes a symbol of happiness - why worship the poisonous one's - they seem to equate serpent to snakes as being dishonest (slithers) ... most people, fair or not.

the desert religions with many issues did them no favors.
They have also found evidence of Hinduism as well. I think the Saudis were looking for a path to follow...oh boy did they find!

Snake cults were also popular in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Lebanon, the Indus Valley and Palestine.

Even Moses had his snake thing going on.
To me the progression to monotheism and the overlap is interesting.

Snake Cults Dominated Early Arabia
Jennifer Viegas
Discovery News
Thu, 17 May 2007 00:09 UTC
Pre-Islamic Middle Eastern regions were home to mysterious snake cults, according to two papers published in this month's Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy journal.

From at least 1250 B.C. until around 550 A.D., residents of what is now the Persian Gulf worshipped snakes in elaborate temple complexes that appear to have been built for this purpose, the studies reveal.

The first paper, by archaeologist Dan Potts of the University of Sydney, describes architecture and relics dating to 500 B.C. from Qalat al-Bahrain in Bahrain.

Two rooms in what is now known as the Late Dilmun Palace each contain 39 pits, some of which surround what appears to have been an altar. At least 32 of the pits housed ceramic vessels containing bones from rat snakes and sea snakes.

The remains showed no signs of mutilation.

"They were in cloth bags, now badly decomposed, and that might suggest that they had been buried alive, i.e. put into a bag, placed in a bowl, and then buried in the ground," Potts told Discovery News.

Some bowls found at the site have been identified as "wine-drinking" cups. Potts, however, does not necessarily think that wine consumption accompanied the snake rituals, which he speculates were meant to confer protection and good luck.
There are snake cults in the, those of the Pentecostal faith who handle snakes because they have wrongly interpreted a passage in the book of Mark. (Mark 16:17-18). In this passage Jesus is giving instructions to His apostles.

This passage was fulfilled in an example when Paul was bitten by a viper at Melta without harm coming to him (Acts 28:4-6)

Some read from the scriptures and assume that every word is directed at them personally instead of simply reading within the context of the passage. The Holy Scriptures is a history of the testimony eyewitness accounts of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection and one must "rightly divide the word of truth", not every word is directed at some future generation.

Paul was an apostle of Christ.......he met the qualifications of an Apostle. What is an apostle? First and foremost the purpose of the apostles that were directly appointed (hand picked) by the Christ was to act as a witness of Jesus' work on earth. (Acts 2:32). When the apostles had to replace Judas after his betrayal they listed the qualifications of being an apostle. "Therefore it is necessary that of the men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord went in and out among us.....beginning with the baptism of John until the day He was taken up from of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection." -- Acts 1:21-22

To be an apostle one had to personally witness the life of Jesus and His resurrection. There are none alive today who can qualify for as an apostle of Christ.

As far as Paul goes? He was born out of season (Acts 9:10-16,22:12-16,21).......but was personally picked by Jesus. He still qualified even though when he witnessed these events and the resurrection of Jesus while he was still an enemy of the faith.

It was the apostles who were to confirm the word with signs and wonders.........not some preacher thousands of years in the future. Jesus personally promised His apostles that He would send the Holy Spirit to help them recall what they had witnessed and heard (John 15:26-27). The Holy Spirit also provided the apostles with miraculous powers to confirm their testimony (Act 4:33, Heb.2:4)

The apostles were not ordinary men, self appointed .....they were sent by Jesus Christ Himself.....thus, the name Apostle of Christ "messenger of Christ". (Acts 1:8) That message is still being delivered today.........already confirmed by signs and wonders in the 1st the Holy Spirit of God speaks through the written word confirmed once for all by the saints. (Jude 3).
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There are snake cults in the, those of the Pentecostal faith who handle snakes because they have wrongly interpreted a passage in the book of Mark. (Mark 16:17-18). In this passage Jesus is giving instructions to His apostles.

This passage was fulfilled in an example when Paul was bitten by a viper at Melta without harm coming to him (Acts 28:4-6)

Some read from the scriptures and assume that every word is directed that them personally instead of simply reading within the context of passage.

Paul was an apostle of Christ.......he met the qualifications of an Apostle. What is an apostle? First and foremost the purpose of the apostles that were directly appointed (hand picked) by the Christ was to act as a witness of Jesus' work on earth. (Acts 2:32). When the apostles had to replace Judas after his betrayal they listed the qualifications of being an apostle. "Therefore it is necessary that of the men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord went in and out among us.....beginning with the baptism of John until the day He was taken up from of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection." -- Acts 1:21-22

To be an apostle one had to personally witness the life of Jesus and His resurrection. There are none alive today who can qualify for as an apostle of Christ.

As far as Paul goes? He was born out of season (Acts 9:10-16,22:12-16,21).......but was personally picked by Jesus. He still qualified even though when he witnessed these events and the resurrection of Jesus he was an enemy of the faith.

It was the apostles who were to confirm the word with signs and wonders.........not some preacher thousands of years in the future. Jesus personally promised His apostles that He would send the Holy Spirit to help them recall what they had witnessed and heard (John 15:26-27). The Holy Spirit also provided the apostles with miraculous powers to confirm their testimony (Act 4:33, Heb.2:4)

The apostles were not ordinary men, self appointed .....they were sent by Jesus Christ Himself.....thus, the name Apostle of Christ "messenger of Christ". (Acts 1:8)

The snake cults were a bit more sophisticated. They could observe the snake shedding its skin.. so it was about rebirth, fertility and eternity.

Ouroboros - Wikipedia

The Ouroboros symbol seems to be worldwide..

What does Ouroboros symbolize?
The ouroboros is an ancient symbol of a snake or serpent eating its own tail, variously signifying infinity and the cycle of birth and death.
There is more to this, than meets the eye imo.

Snake cults were worldwide....even in the American continents before western Europe claimed discovery... The Mayan and others....

How and why did this take place?

Monotheism teaches the Serpent, is Satan, the Devil.....why?

The Serpent gave Eve the Proverbial apple as well.....?
There is more to this, than meets the eye imo.

Snake cults were worldwide....even in the American continents before western Europe claimed discovery... The Mayan and others....

How and why did this take place?

Monotheism teaches the Serpent, is Satan, the Devil.....why?

The Serpent gave Eve the Proverbial apple as well.....?

Competing religions?

Snake cults predate Genesis.
Competing religions?

Snake cults predate Genesis.
World wide.....

Why world wide?

Kukulkan is the feathered serpent deity of the Mayan people. Kukulkan is often associated with – and might be the same deity as – the Aztec Quetzalcoatl.

Kukulkan is associated with rulership, agriculture, language, the sky, and earthquakes. Kukulkan’s image decorates a major pyramid in Chichen Itza.

Why on all continents, is there a Snake God....? Did they all see it as just "rebirth"? And come up with the idea to revere a snake on all those continents all on their own? Yes, some through trade could have passed it around, but why did it stick? What really initiated it?

I just think we still don't know, the real root of it, as of yet.
Snake cults were also popular in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Lebanon, the Indus Valley and Palestine.

It's not about 'popularity',
but collective transformation of humanity's soul.

The snake is a fundamental archetype to human civilization,
as much as it is one of main and deadliest enemies of the primate.

Even Moses had his snake thing going on.

Who told Mosheh Rabbenu A"H to do that?

There's a Daoist saying:
"when pointing to the moon,
don't confuse the finger with the moon".
Let me suggest this series by Jordan Peterson on Cultural Archetypes.
He looks into their universal expression, in Genesis, in Hindu culture,
stories like Pinnochio, movies etc., much thought provoking.

The series are called "Maps of Meaning",
this one is about Genesis:

Competing religions?

Snake cults predate Genesis.

Competing? More like fragmented,
but much more monotheist at its core,
than your comprehension of these symbols.

They were much more complementary than say today's mass religions,
seeking world domination, under the impression of universality,
but really fragment the soul even more, because at their core,
compensate by enforcing monotheism, which to idol-
worshipers was much more intuitive.
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It's not about 'popularity',
but collective transformation of humanity's soul.

The snake is a fundamental archetype to human civilization,
as much as it is one of main and deadliest enemies of the primate.

Who told Mosheh Rabbenu A"H to do that?

There's a Daoist saying:
"when pointing to the moon,
don't confuse the finger with the moon".

The snake symbol is found world wide and is very old.. What makes you think I don't understand it?

So you're impressed with Jordan Peterson? LOLOL

Competing? More like fragmented,
but much more monotheist at its core,
than your comprehension of these symbols.

They were much more complementary than say today's mass religions,
seeking world domination, under the impression of universality,
but really fragment the soul even more, because at their core,
compensate by enforcing monotheism, which to idol-
worshipers was much more intuitive.
because at their core,
compensate by enforcing monotheism, which to idol-
was much more intuitive.
monotheism is like smoking cigarettes - giving everything else up - for a bad habit.

moses has some real issues - needs being put on a couch to straighten things - like judaism - out.
Competing religions?

Snake cults predate Genesis.
Again.............just how can anything PREDATE ......."in the beginning"? You have no method of submitting any objective evidence to the contrary, you have nothing but biased OPINION. What? Attempting to use the THEORY of carbon dating, The THEORY of evolution? etc., All theories with no method of calibration past "recorded history" Carbon dating can't be calibrated past thousands of years...yet some insist upon pretending that BILLIONS can be applied as literal.....acting as if the universe has remained STATIC over eons with no changes. When something so minor as water leeching makes carbon dating invalid.

Its not like science has proven that all points on earth have been UNDER WATER in their history.
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Again.............just how can anything PREDATE ......."in the beginning"? You have no method of submitting any objective evidence to the contrary, you have nothing but biased OPINION.

Genesis was written after the Babylonian exile. The Snake cults date to a thousand years earlier.

Genesis isn't history even if you want to say is the beginning of the Adamic line of the Jews.

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