SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Why not leave the poor the fuck alone?

And while you're at it let them smoke pot so they can go to sleep feeling a little better.

Because the reality is the poor need to learn that they are not entitled to someone else money. If you feel the need to share then share but I believe bags of black beans, red beans, rice and salted pork is all you need if you are poor and if your religion limit you from eating pork then eat the beans and rice then!

I could be sway to give you eggs, milk and a mix to make pancakes with and a slab of butter and some jam too!

Now if you believe you should eat steak, lobster and stuff like that, well get a damn job and earn your money!

So on the one hand, you're pissed off about taking care of grown people instead of them doing it themselves, and on the other hand, you want to micromanage what they eat?
what about prostitutes?
Prostitutes do not, as a rule, take food stamps...

Those that do, well...

"Avoid the clap" - Jimmy Dugan

Your expertise????:eek-52:

Just logic. Where the hell would a prostitute put the card reader, and do I want to know the answer to that?
I'd like to ban the top 1% from American soil. Fucking traitors all. We can make new billionaires from the successful that would spring up.,

And as soon as they got rich, you'd be bitching about THEM and wanting to throw THEM out of the country.
i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

It is the right thing to do...No child should starve.

If their parents are not making sure they eat, then they're bad parents. Personally, I would go hungry myself to put food in my kids's mouths, and if I couldn't provide it, I would send them to live with someone who could until I got my shit together.
WE'd be better off feeding the poor, providing a skill based education and providing housing for them over tax breaks for the bastards that have hurt this nation. The bastards that outsourced, brought in third world labor and take billions from the tax payers while sticking the knife in our backs.

I'm just so tired of this fucks picking on poor people...seriously, give it a rest.

we don't like mofo having kids, starving them with our money to buy lapdance or tattoo. Gig is up! No more cash payments for dope.

You're fucking retarded. Yes, that's what all poor people do, they get money to buy lap dances and tattoos. Jesus, are you really that fucking dumb?
Most dancers and tattoo artist would probably slap you upside your head if you tried to pay them with food stamps or even food.

Trust me. It is abused massively. The old cash back game is one way. buy little food, get cash back.
Or work for cash, show no income but get stamps. Turn into cash, go clubbing. Easy, your local crook will give you cash, less than face value. He makes profit on stampee.

Massive Katrina fraud showed up using EBT cards. Oh yes, it happens. All the time.

One of the reasons they went to the EBT card system instead of the old books of paper stamps was to eliminate that whole "buy a piece of gum and keep the change" scam.

Of course, now they just buy someone's groceries with their EBT card, and then get them to pay it back in cash.
we don't like mofo having kids, starving them with our money to buy lapdance or tattoo. Gig is up! No more cash payments for dope.

You're fucking retarded. Yes, that's what all poor people do, they get money to buy lap dances and tattoos. Jesus, are you really that fucking dumb?
Most dancers and tattoo artist would probably slap you upside your head if you tried to pay them with food stamps or even food.

Trust me. It is abused massively. The old cash back game is one way. Work for cash, show no income but grt stamos. Turn into cash, go clubbing. Massive Katrina fraud showed up using EBT cards. Oh yes, it happens. All the time.

No, no it doesn't. It's FACTS that SNAP is one of the least abused programs in government.

If you believe that, then perhaps you should Google what Maine did.

Maine created restrictions for those without children to receive food stamps, You had to do one of three things: be enrolled in a vocational program, have a job working at least 20 hours per week, or volunteer your time at least 20 hours per month. Guess what the results were? Those people were not that hungry after all. Most dropped out of the program.

Perhaps under Republican leadership, we can use that strategy across the entire country. After all, one of the first things DumBama did was double the food stamp role. was a recession. But as this so-called economic boom took place, few left the program.

On a personal note, I'm sick of getting behind these food stamp people. They buy their food with the card, and then whip out a wad of cash to pay for their alcohol, cigarettes, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, greeting cards, flowers and perfume. And you should see what kind of newer model vehicles they drive.

We used to have welfare reform that required job training/job hunting . . . and then Obama gutted it.
But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, processed food and what healthy food actually is. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Progressives want to be fed by a nanny… Otherwise known as the federal government. Fact

Honestly, the government isn't a very good source for nutritional advice. Take the ridiculous food pyramid, for example. But, the poor do need help in this area, and that's an understatement.

Yeah, definitely an education thing. I was lucky, I grew up in a modest upbringing so Mom always cooked. We never ate prepared... an you ate leftovers, till they were all gone! I developed a fondness for cooking for which I am eternally grateful.
I started eating microwave food in 1988. No microwave for first 18 years.

And when we went out we didn't have a phone to take with us. I didn't have a cellphone for my first 25 years of my life. Hard to imagine

I know... I actually went to the store the other day and realized I had left my cell at home. It thought about going back to get it and then it was..WTF???? REALLY?

I can survive a trip to the grocery without the damn phone. Guess what? I did.

Well, my shopping list is ON my phone, so . . .
i still cant help but associate "The Snap" as the band with the greatest rap song ever !!! Im The Miracle,,,Im The Miracle,,,,Jesse James :banana:
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

There you have it...

The secret formula to end poverty as we know it

It's not a secret at all, only to liberals perhaps.

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Liberal point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is a state where one is a victim of discrimination or lack of education.
What is the solution to poverty? Government.
How does one obtain government? Fill out a form at a local government office.

Now you are talking....

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Now you are getting close to the problem. What is the common factor in impoverished regions? Whether it is in Detroit or Appalachia these regions have seen the jobs leave and the communities left with nothing. Claiming the solution is "Get a Job" doesn't help when qualified workers find their way of living gone. It applies to former coal miners and auto workers

Nice try, but a lot of those people also live in big cities where employers are almost begging people to work. Trust me, I work in industrial sections all day long and businesses are loaded with HELP WANTED signs all over.

If there is absolutely no work where you are at, move to where the work is. It's not going to get any better by sitting there with your SNAP card hoping and praying.
Nice try...

But cities like Detroit, Camden, and yes.....even Cleveland
Have nowhere near he job opportunities for number unemployed
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

There you have it...

The secret formula to end poverty as we know it

It's not a secret at all, only to liberals perhaps.

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Liberal point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is a state where one is a victim of discrimination or lack of education.
What is the solution to poverty? Government.
How does one obtain government? Fill out a form at a local government office.

Now you are talking....

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Now you are getting close to the problem. What is the common factor in impoverished regions? Whether it is in Detroit or Appalachia these regions have seen the jobs leave and the communities left with nothing. Claiming the solution is "Get a Job" doesn't help when qualified workers find their way of living gone. It applies to former coal miners and auto workers

Nice try, but a lot of those people also live in big cities where employers are almost begging people to work. Trust me, I work in industrial sections all day long and businesses are loaded with HELP WANTED signs all over.

If there is absolutely no work where you are at, move to where the work is. It's not going to get any better by sitting there with your SNAP card hoping and praying.
Nice try...

But cities like Detroit, Camden, and yes.....even Cleveland
Have nowhere near he job opportunities for number unemployed
Because liberals decimated industry.....
i wonder what your typical south chicago thug uses those food stamp cards for.

There have been many people caught misusing them. Some people trade them for cash. Maybe allow a business owner to ring up $100 as a fake sale and get a small portion of that back in cash. One lady was seen buying groceries for a friend and took a small portion in cash. It means they either have more than they need and are willing to trade for cash for other things they want. And sometimes it might mean that these other things are in lieu of putting food on the table for their kids.

No, not everyone is like that. My neighbor is on food stamps and she uses coupons and is very picky about what she buys. Unfortunately, the way the program is set up, it's very easy to abuse it and many do.

I think going back to actual food stamps instead of EBT cards is the way to go. And they can only get back food stamps in change, not cash. It eliminates the opportunities for abuse and still ensures that people can feed their families.

One convenience store clerk was fired after refusing to let a guy buy cigarettes with an EBT card. That is allowed, which makes no sense. Smoking is an expensive and stupid habit and no way should that be subsidized by tax payers.
Wide open border with cheap heroin pouring across is not helping much.

Heartbreaking to see parents nodded out front seat with kids sitting in back. Just kills you to see it! They probably spent the kids food EBT to get a fix and gave him a carton of milk and donut.

Damn I hate humans!
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

There you have it...

The secret formula to end poverty as we know it

It's not a secret at all, only to liberals perhaps.

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Liberal point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is a state where one is a victim of discrimination or lack of education.
What is the solution to poverty? Government.
How does one obtain government? Fill out a form at a local government office.

Now you are talking....

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Now you are getting close to the problem. What is the common factor in impoverished regions? Whether it is in Detroit or Appalachia these regions have seen the jobs leave and the communities left with nothing. Claiming the solution is "Get a Job" doesn't help when qualified workers find their way of living gone. It applies to former coal miners and auto workers

Nice try, but a lot of those people also live in big cities where employers are almost begging people to work. Trust me, I work in industrial sections all day long and businesses are loaded with HELP WANTED signs all over.

If there is absolutely no work where you are at, move to where the work is. It's not going to get any better by sitting there with your SNAP card hoping and praying.
Nice try...

But cities like Detroit, Camden, and yes.....even Cleveland
Have nowhere near he job opportunities for number unemployed

I'm afraid they do and industry can't get Americans to take these jobs. That's why some industries are turning to foreigners to do the work. Over one-third of our working age population don't work nor want a job. How are they living?

It's no accident mind you. The goal of DumBama since he first took office was to create as many government dependents as he could. Government dependents vote Democrat.
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

There you have it...

The secret formula to end poverty as we know it

It's not a secret at all, only to liberals perhaps.

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Liberal point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is a state where one is a victim of discrimination or lack of education.
What is the solution to poverty? Government.
How does one obtain government? Fill out a form at a local government office.

Now you are talking....

Conservative point of view:

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having enough money.
What is the solution to poverty? Money.
How does one obtain money? By working at a job.

Now you are getting close to the problem. What is the common factor in impoverished regions? Whether it is in Detroit or Appalachia these regions have seen the jobs leave and the communities left with nothing. Claiming the solution is "Get a Job" doesn't help when qualified workers find their way of living gone. It applies to former coal miners and auto workers

Nice try, but a lot of those people also live in big cities where employers are almost begging people to work. Trust me, I work in industrial sections all day long and businesses are loaded with HELP WANTED signs all over.

If there is absolutely no work where you are at, move to where the work is. It's not going to get any better by sitting there with your SNAP card hoping and praying.
Nice try...

But cities like Detroit, Camden, and yes.....even Cleveland
Have nowhere near he job opportunities for number unemployed
So move. Lots of kids in the country move off to college and then move where the jobs take them.

Who is responsible for the people who breed kids they can't afford and won't raise right?
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

Yeah...that's not happening for $10. You have to take into account your initial investment on buying the cumin powder and pepper, even though you might be using only a small portion of it. A bag of beans $2. Ham hocks... $3-4. Onions $1. Poblano Pepper $1, the chicken bouillon cubes $2. A thing of Pepper $2. Cumin powder $3. More like $14-15. But do you plan on eating the same thing every single day? And I'm sorry... but in all the time I worked in the grocery store I never saw anyone buying lobster or crab legs or anything like that with EBT.

You are so full of fucking shit you stupid bitch!

I do it all the damn time!

You want to tell the taxpayer they should support your welfare ass and be allow to waste their money on whatever you want to eat!

The fact is the Government has the right to tell you what you can and can not buy and you do not deserve to eat like the rest of Americans if you need the welfare of others!

You should just get the basic and I will tell you that a bulb of Mexican Onions is fifty cents and you can buy Mexican products and not some high end shit either!

You want your cake and eat it too, and do not tell me how much it cost to make Black beans and Hocks because I make them at least once a week and I budget my bills down to the last penny!

Why is that Progressive Liberals like to tell taxpayers what they need to give to society and then demand those like me to mind my own business when you waste my tax dollars on steak and lobster!?!

Also you can not buy a two dollar steak anywhere, so which one of is the real fucking liar here!?!

I buy two dollar steaks all the fucking time. They are cheap round steaks, and they are marked down 75% because they are about to expire, but I throw them in the freezer until I'm ready to eat them.

As I said with your meal, you have to look at the initial cost of buying the cumin and the black pepper because you aren't buying just the little bit that you are using each time, and that effects the cost. So yes, I am saying you are a liar about that. You can not start from scratch with no ingredients, and go out and buy all the stuff you need to make your meal for $10.
You can get spices at sprouts for less than 50 cents. FYI

And yes you can start from scratch. You just need to know how and where to shop.
Wide open border with cheap heroin pouring across is not helping much.

Heartbreaking to see parents nodded out front seat with kids sitting in back. Just kills you to see it! They probably spent the kids food EBT to get a fix and gave him a carton of milk and donut.

Damn I hate humans!
I knew this girl with two little girls who would let you fuck her for $40 so she could get her heroine fix. While her girls were sleeping in the next room. I wonder how or when she finally hit rock bottom.
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

Yeah...that's not happening for $10. You have to take into account your initial investment on buying the cumin powder and pepper, even though you might be using only a small portion of it. A bag of beans $2. Ham hocks... $3-4. Onions $1. Poblano Pepper $1, the chicken bouillon cubes $2. A thing of Pepper $2. Cumin powder $3. More like $14-15. But do you plan on eating the same thing every single day? And I'm sorry... but in all the time I worked in the grocery store I never saw anyone buying lobster or crab legs or anything like that with EBT.

You are so full of fucking shit you stupid bitch!

I do it all the damn time!

You want to tell the taxpayer they should support your welfare ass and be allow to waste their money on whatever you want to eat!

The fact is the Government has the right to tell you what you can and can not buy and you do not deserve to eat like the rest of Americans if you need the welfare of others!

You should just get the basic and I will tell you that a bulb of Mexican Onions is fifty cents and you can buy Mexican products and not some high end shit either!

You want your cake and eat it too, and do not tell me how much it cost to make Black beans and Hocks because I make them at least once a week and I budget my bills down to the last penny!

Why is that Progressive Liberals like to tell taxpayers what they need to give to society and then demand those like me to mind my own business when you waste my tax dollars on steak and lobster!?!

Also you can not buy a two dollar steak anywhere, so which one of is the real fucking liar here!?!

I buy two dollar steaks all the fucking time. They are cheap round steaks, and they are marked down 75% because they are about to expire, but I throw them in the freezer until I'm ready to eat them.

As I said with your meal, you have to look at the initial cost of buying the cumin and the black pepper because you aren't buying just the little bit that you are using each time, and that effects the cost. So yes, I am saying you are a liar about that. You can not start from scratch with no ingredients, and go out and buy all the stuff you need to make your meal for $10.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?

It doesn't matter, you have to buy a shaker of it even if you are only using a dash. You can't walk into a grocery store and offer to give them a dime if you just shake some in your hand....
No you don't have to buy a shaker. Sprouts sells it just like they do, fresh veggies and oats. You buy what you need.
Yeah...that's not happening for $10. You have to take into account your initial investment on buying the cumin powder and pepper, even though you might be using only a small portion of it. A bag of beans $2. Ham hocks... $3-4. Onions $1. Poblano Pepper $1, the chicken bouillon cubes $2. A thing of Pepper $2. Cumin powder $3. More like $14-15. But do you plan on eating the same thing every single day? And I'm sorry... but in all the time I worked in the grocery store I never saw anyone buying lobster or crab legs or anything like that with EBT.

You are so full of fucking shit you stupid bitch!

I do it all the damn time!

You want to tell the taxpayer they should support your welfare ass and be allow to waste their money on whatever you want to eat!

The fact is the Government has the right to tell you what you can and can not buy and you do not deserve to eat like the rest of Americans if you need the welfare of others!

You should just get the basic and I will tell you that a bulb of Mexican Onions is fifty cents and you can buy Mexican products and not some high end shit either!

You want your cake and eat it too, and do not tell me how much it cost to make Black beans and Hocks because I make them at least once a week and I budget my bills down to the last penny!

Why is that Progressive Liberals like to tell taxpayers what they need to give to society and then demand those like me to mind my own business when you waste my tax dollars on steak and lobster!?!

Also you can not buy a two dollar steak anywhere, so which one of is the real fucking liar here!?!

I buy two dollar steaks all the fucking time. They are cheap round steaks, and they are marked down 75% because they are about to expire, but I throw them in the freezer until I'm ready to eat them.

As I said with your meal, you have to look at the initial cost of buying the cumin and the black pepper because you aren't buying just the little bit that you are using each time, and that effects the cost. So yes, I am saying you are a liar about that. You can not start from scratch with no ingredients, and go out and buy all the stuff you need to make your meal for $10.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?
You can't go to the supermarket and buy a teaspoon of cumin. Well, at our best hardware store that sells bulk spices, maybe.

For a bag of Cumin it is $.94 at HEB for the Mexican brand.

Why is it so hard for people to shop!?!
Plenty of places sell cheap spices. Big Lots, Family Dollar Store, Dollar Tree, Sprouts.

People are just using this argument as an excuse. And not a very good one.
You are so full of fucking shit you stupid bitch!

I do it all the damn time!

You want to tell the taxpayer they should support your welfare ass and be allow to waste their money on whatever you want to eat!

The fact is the Government has the right to tell you what you can and can not buy and you do not deserve to eat like the rest of Americans if you need the welfare of others!

You should just get the basic and I will tell you that a bulb of Mexican Onions is fifty cents and you can buy Mexican products and not some high end shit either!

You want your cake and eat it too, and do not tell me how much it cost to make Black beans and Hocks because I make them at least once a week and I budget my bills down to the last penny!

Why is that Progressive Liberals like to tell taxpayers what they need to give to society and then demand those like me to mind my own business when you waste my tax dollars on steak and lobster!?!

Also you can not buy a two dollar steak anywhere, so which one of is the real fucking liar here!?!

I buy two dollar steaks all the fucking time. They are cheap round steaks, and they are marked down 75% because they are about to expire, but I throw them in the freezer until I'm ready to eat them.

As I said with your meal, you have to look at the initial cost of buying the cumin and the black pepper because you aren't buying just the little bit that you are using each time, and that effects the cost. So yes, I am saying you are a liar about that. You can not start from scratch with no ingredients, and go out and buy all the stuff you need to make your meal for $10.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?

It doesn't matter, you have to buy a shaker of it even if you are only using a dash. You can't walk into a grocery store and offer to give them a dime if you just shake some in your hand....
And that 3 dollar investment will last 20 meals. At roughly, what, 10 cents a meal? lol
Divide it out. Simple math.
Aint you in college?
LOL we are fucked

It doesn't matter. You have to make the initial investment. You can't just tell people they are going to be able to make a meal for $10 if they have to spend $15 the first time to get all the ingredients to be able to make it.
You don't shop much do you?

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