SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

Well - then some welfare queens are getting cooked meals. And you can be sure lots of them are not really disabled or homeless. Anyone can say that and nobody ever checks.
Single moms don't have time to shop and cook. They have to get the pussy serviced while kids are at school. Geez Hitler, you expect them to take the bus to BettenDorfs Supermarket and lug heavy bags home? Soaps are on. Man come by w/the good stuff. Order pizza in for the kids later on....
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They get a lot. Sect 8 free house, utilities help, bus pass, free kids lunches, medical, cash, welfare payments, food stamps, free education.

Cleaning motel rooms don't pay that good?
And that 3 dollar investment will last 20 meals. At roughly, what, 10 cents a meal? lol
Divide it out. Simple math.
Aint you in college?
LOL we are fucked

It doesn't matter. You have to make the initial investment. You can't just tell people they are going to be able to make a meal for $10 if they have to spend $15 the first time to get all the ingredients to be able to make it.
Initial investment. But over a span of 20 meals, he spent less than 10 bucks.

It doesn't matter. When you are on a budget, and who knows how often you are going to use a particular spice, it matters.
Please. People can use salt and pepper, the same shit most of us eat on a daily basis. If you want saffron shrimp, get a fucking job!

You're fucking arguing with the wrong person dipshit. If you are going to stick your nose into the conversation then keep up with the whole thing.

Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

I know, you have to be "approved". But then when seen in Escalade w/bucket O' chicken, it does happen. Everyone says we rich!! $20T debt and no one wants any fixes. I said feed ALL kids 1st, OK.

Hey maybe we could helicopter food drops rice beans into low income areas, like trailer parks?

Please. People can use salt and pepper, the same shit most of us eat on a daily basis. If you want saffron shrimp, get a fucking job!

You're fucking arguing with the wrong person dipshit. If you are going to stick your nose into the conversation then keep up with the whole thing.
I'm always amazed that people are offended with the suggestion that moochers get jobs.

Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

Really! And how do we know they are homeless, because they say so, lol! Wait, let me see if I have this straight---------> I am a woman with 3 kids. I go and tell them I am homeless with my 3 kids, so get snap to go to restaurants? Since I have no address, I just show up to collect my benefit?

You aren't serious, are you! I mean really! Shouldn't they be taking the kids away from her until she can provide them a place to live? Or rather, are you of the opinion we should do that too! And of course, gotta have furniture, right! Geeze.

Listen, do you know what a stay at home mom is?!?!?!?! They are women who have a husband that works and makes enough, to allow the wife to stay at home. Feminists hated those women, because they weren't being all they could be.

What you are advocating, is that daddy government be the husband of the NEW stay at home mom! That is correct, it is what YOU are doing. Why do you think so many kids have their mothers last name..............because advocates like YOU, have made the government their kids fathers, instead of the guy who made a sperm deposit....and YOU want US to pay for it!

No, things have to change. I do not care if they rich, poor, or middleclass, they need to get a J-O-B, and work for their money, just like the rest of America! Maybe if they did, they would be protecting their "baby daddy's" so much, and they could pay a little in too!
Around here a cop or a minister has to certify that they saw you living in your car for at least three consecutive days before you are accepted as homeless. At least to use some programs.

Wait, I have a question for those advocating this current policy on this board.

Don't you think that if the FATHER is working and can afford to raise the kids, then the mother should just turn them over to him!

Now before YOU answer..........remember the leftist mantra....EQUALITY, EQUALITY! If you believe this mantra, then of course the father should then have the children, should he not! Also, formulas for child support are set up by government, they are NOT open ended, and so, this would allow the woman to (omg) go to work, and they could PAY THE HUSBAND a little cash, yes!

Now you leftists, explain why this is NOT a good idea with EQUALITY being the lefty mantra! (in fact, the federal courts have proclaimed long ago, that there is no difference between a man and a woman in family court, yeah right) We get to let the taxpayer off the hook, the child or children get better homes, the woman gets to go to work and help support HER children, what is wrong with that?!?!?!?!
They get a lot. Sect 8 free house, utilities help, bus pass, free kids lunches, medical, cash, welfare payments, food stamps, free education.


Welfare was meant to help people thru tough times till they get back on their feet. But thanks to officials like obozo, welfare pays so well now that it's become a career choice.
Wait, I have a question for those advocating this current policy on this board.

Don't you think that if the FATHER is working and can afford to raise the kids, then the mother should just turn them over to him!

Now before YOU answer..........remember the leftist mantra....EQUALITY, EQUALITY! If you believe this mantra, then of course the father should then have the children, should he not! Also, formulas for child support are set up by government, they are NOT open ended, and so, this would allow the woman to (omg) go to work, and they could PAY THE HUSBAND a little cash, yes!

Lefties talk about equality but they don't want it. They want special treatment for women and blacks and disabled and faggots and illegals. And they want straight white males persecuted. Lefties HATE equality.
You can buy gum, candy and soda pop with food stamps.

You can bet your ass some bureaucrats are responsible singing "food stamps shouldn't be punishable" or some fucking human rights tune that makes no sense. It's pure stupidly and sends the message: "do whatever the fuck you want. You're not responsible and neither are we, because we reward people for bad behavior".
They get a lot. Sect 8 free house, utilities help, bus pass, free kids lunches, medical, cash, welfare payments, food stamps, free education.


Welfare was meant to help people thru tough times till they get back on their feet. But thanks to officials like obozo, welfare pays so well now that it's become a career choice.
The original welfare state was started by Otto Von Bismark in Germany. It was his intention to do exactly that. LBJ made it a a lifestyle choice 100 years later with his Great Society program.

As with most "progressive" programs, it was a case of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Even Reagan did not have the courage to decisively reign in its excesses.

It is time to act and make America great again. I hope Trump has the conviction to do so.
Wait, I have a question for those advocating this current policy on this board.

Don't you think that if the FATHER is working and can afford to raise the kids, then the mother should just turn them over to him!

Now before YOU answer..........remember the leftist mantra....EQUALITY, EQUALITY! If you believe this mantra, then of course the father should then have the children, should he not! Also, formulas for child support are set up by government, they are NOT open ended, and so, this would allow the woman to (omg) go to work, and they could PAY THE HUSBAND a little cash, yes!

Lefties talk about equality but they don't want it. They want special treatment for women and blacks and disabled and faggots and illegals. And they want straight white males persecuted. Lefties HATE equality.

Don't know if you are correct, so I suggest we let the lefties chime in, and tell all of us WHY if the father is able to support the child/children, without taxpayer help, that HE should not have custody of that child/children, until such time as the mother can support them!

We are waiting lefties, EXPLAIN, or are you ANTI-MALE!!!! Especially, anti TAX paying male-)
Why not leave the poor the fuck alone? And while you're at it let them smoke pot so they can go to sleep feeling a little better.
If they are "poor" how the fuck can they afford illegal drugs? Idiot.

By the way - I would gladly leave them alone. Stop insisting that they have a right to mooch off of me and you'll never hear me say another word about them. The funny thing is, for someone who pretends to "care", I notice that you don't take care of them.
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

Yeah...that's not happening for $10. You have to take into account your initial investment on buying the cumin powder and pepper, even though you might be using only a small portion of it. A bag of beans $2. Ham hocks... $3-4. Onions $1. Poblano Pepper $1, the chicken bouillon cubes $2. A thing of Pepper $2. Cumin powder $3. More like $14-15. But do you plan on eating the same thing every single day? And I'm sorry... but in all the time I worked in the grocery store I never saw anyone buying lobster or crab legs or anything like that with EBT.

Personally, I stock up on spices during periods when they're on sale. The holidays, for example, or Cinco de Mayo for things like cumin. I also take HUGE advantage of dollar stores and discount stores like Big Lots for such things. It's all in being a wise shopper.

Furthermore, you're probably not making an "initial investment" of all the ingredients for beans and hamhocks all at once. Many of those things, like the spices, are things you buy and keep on hand long-term, for use in many different dishes. It's the same as objecting that it's not cheaper to bake your own bread or cakes, because you have to buy flour and sugar, etc. If you get in the habit of cooking, rather than heating prepared meals, you will keep these things stocked as needed, and therein lies much of the actual cost savings.

It is fairly rare to see people buying luxury items like seafood with EBT, I agree, although obviously, it depends on where they are in the country and how pricey such an item is.
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.
Please. People can use salt and pepper, the same shit most of us eat on a daily basis. If you want saffron shrimp, get a fucking job!

You're fucking arguing with the wrong person dipshit. If you are going to stick your nose into the conversation then keep up with the whole thing.
I'm always amazed that people are offended with the suggestion that moochers get jobs.
Or that they should just qualify for food staples to supplement their own grocery purchases.
As with most "progressive" programs, it was a case of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Even Reagan did not have the courage to decisively reign in its excesses.

Welfare had nothing to do with good intentions. Democrats did it to turn blacks into welfare slaves who would vote for democrats all the time.
It is fairly rare to see people buying luxury items like seafood with EBT, I agree, although obviously, it depends on where they are in the country and how pricey such an item is.

Yeah, nobody sees them at the CASH back button at self checkout? They buy $10 milk/eggs/butter.......$40 cash back for whatever later? Maybe it is state by state?
UI or DIS EBT cards are just like a VISA card. Cash back. I am not 100% sure Welfare or SNAP cards work the same. But probably? You would not want them to feel UNCOMFORTABLY ODD tearing stamps out of a booklet would you?
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Yeah, nobody sees them at the CASH back button at self checkout? They buy $10 milk/eggs/butter.......$40 cash back for whatever later? Maybe it is state by state?
UI or DIS EBT cards are just like a VISA card. Cash back. I am not 100% sure Welfare or SNAP cards work the same. But probably? You would not want them to feel UNCOMFORTABLY ODD tearing stamps out of a booklet would you?

Big stores like walmart and target and safeway should have separate lanes marked EBT only.
Rolled oats
Rolled oats are traditionally oat groats that have been dehusked and steamed, before being rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers and stabilized by being lightly toasted. Rolled oats that are sold as porridge oats usually have had the tough bran removed. They have often, but not always, been lightly baked or pressure-cooked or "processed…

25 pages in and I finnally looked it up. LOL! rolled oats. Do you mean Oatmeal? I like Oatmeal. Love it, with sugar and half & half too of course. I should eat more oatmeal. darn it!
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Rolled oats
Rolled oats are traditionally oat groats that have been dehusked and steamed, before being rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers and stabilized by being lightly toasted. Rolled oats that are sold as porridge oats usually have had the tough bran removed. They have often, but not always, been lightly baked or pressure-cooked or "processed…

25 pages in and I finnally looked it up. LOL! rolled oats. Do you mean Oatmeal? I like Oatmeal. Love it, with sugar and half & half too of course. I should eat more oatmeal. darn it!

So what's your point? You still calling rolled oats junk food? It's good for you and i eat it all the time.

As for your oatmeal you should skip the sugar and use stevia. It's cheaper and natural and not at all bad for you like sugar is.

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