SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

I buy two dollar steaks all the fucking time. They are cheap round steaks, and they are marked down 75% because they are about to expire, but I throw them in the freezer until I'm ready to eat them.

As I said with your meal, you have to look at the initial cost of buying the cumin and the black pepper because you aren't buying just the little bit that you are using each time, and that effects the cost. So yes, I am saying you are a liar about that. You can not start from scratch with no ingredients, and go out and buy all the stuff you need to make your meal for $10.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?

It doesn't matter, you have to buy a shaker of it even if you are only using a dash. You can't walk into a grocery store and offer to give them a dime if you just shake some in your hand....
And that 3 dollar investment will last 20 meals. At roughly, what, 10 cents a meal? lol
Divide it out. Simple math.
Aint you in college?
LOL we are fucked

It doesn't matter. You have to make the initial investment. You can't just tell people they are going to be able to make a meal for $10 if they have to spend $15 the first time to get all the ingredients to be able to make it.
Initial investment. But over a span of 20 meals, he spent less than 10 bucks.

It doesn't matter. When you are on a budget, and who knows how often you are going to use a particular spice, it matters.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?

It doesn't matter, you have to buy a shaker of it even if you are only using a dash. You can't walk into a grocery store and offer to give them a dime if you just shake some in your hand....
And that 3 dollar investment will last 20 meals. At roughly, what, 10 cents a meal? lol
Divide it out. Simple math.
Aint you in college?
LOL we are fucked

It doesn't matter. You have to make the initial investment. You can't just tell people they are going to be able to make a meal for $10 if they have to spend $15 the first time to get all the ingredients to be able to make it.
Initial investment. But over a span of 20 meals, he spent less than 10 bucks.

It doesn't matter. When you are on a budget, and who knows how often you are going to use a particular spice, it matters.
When I used to be on a budget, I planned my meals out. So I could actually save money.
And it indeed matters. 10 cents a meal isn't 3 bucks a meal.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?

It doesn't matter, you have to buy a shaker of it even if you are only using a dash. You can't walk into a grocery store and offer to give them a dime if you just shake some in your hand....
And that 3 dollar investment will last 20 meals. At roughly, what, 10 cents a meal? lol
Divide it out. Simple math.
Aint you in college?
LOL we are fucked

It doesn't matter. You have to make the initial investment. You can't just tell people they are going to be able to make a meal for $10 if they have to spend $15 the first time to get all the ingredients to be able to make it.
Initial investment. But over a span of 20 meals, he spent less than 10 bucks.

It doesn't matter. When you are on a budget, and who knows how often you are going to use a particular spice, it matters.
Please. People can use salt and pepper, the same shit most of us eat on a daily basis. If you want saffron shrimp, get a fucking job!
Yeah...that's not happening for $10. You have to take into account your initial investment on buying the cumin powder and pepper, even though you might be using only a small portion of it. A bag of beans $2. Ham hocks... $3-4. Onions $1. Poblano Pepper $1, the chicken bouillon cubes $2. A thing of Pepper $2. Cumin powder $3. More like $14-15. But do you plan on eating the same thing every single day? And I'm sorry... but in all the time I worked in the grocery store I never saw anyone buying lobster or crab legs or anything like that with EBT.

You are so full of fucking shit you stupid bitch!

I do it all the damn time!

You want to tell the taxpayer they should support your welfare ass and be allow to waste their money on whatever you want to eat!

The fact is the Government has the right to tell you what you can and can not buy and you do not deserve to eat like the rest of Americans if you need the welfare of others!

You should just get the basic and I will tell you that a bulb of Mexican Onions is fifty cents and you can buy Mexican products and not some high end shit either!

You want your cake and eat it too, and do not tell me how much it cost to make Black beans and Hocks because I make them at least once a week and I budget my bills down to the last penny!

Why is that Progressive Liberals like to tell taxpayers what they need to give to society and then demand those like me to mind my own business when you waste my tax dollars on steak and lobster!?!

Also you can not buy a two dollar steak anywhere, so which one of is the real fucking liar here!?!

I buy two dollar steaks all the fucking time. They are cheap round steaks, and they are marked down 75% because they are about to expire, but I throw them in the freezer until I'm ready to eat them.

As I said with your meal, you have to look at the initial cost of buying the cumin and the black pepper because you aren't buying just the little bit that you are using each time, and that effects the cost. So yes, I am saying you are a liar about that. You can not start from scratch with no ingredients, and go out and buy all the stuff you need to make your meal for $10.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?
You can't go to the supermarket and buy a teaspoon of cumin. Well, at our best hardware store that sells bulk spices, maybe.

For a bag of Cumin it is $.94 at HEB for the Mexican brand.

Why is it so hard for people to shop!?!
I don't know what HEB is, but I want one.
It doesn't matter, you have to buy a shaker of it even if you are only using a dash. You can't walk into a grocery store and offer to give them a dime if you just shake some in your hand....
And that 3 dollar investment will last 20 meals. At roughly, what, 10 cents a meal? lol
Divide it out. Simple math.
Aint you in college?
LOL we are fucked

It doesn't matter. You have to make the initial investment. You can't just tell people they are going to be able to make a meal for $10 if they have to spend $15 the first time to get all the ingredients to be able to make it.
Initial investment. But over a span of 20 meals, he spent less than 10 bucks.

It doesn't matter. When you are on a budget, and who knows how often you are going to use a particular spice, it matters.
Please. People can use salt and pepper, the same shit most of us eat on a daily basis. If you want saffron shrimp, get a fucking job!

You're fucking arguing with the wrong person dipshit. If you are going to stick your nose into the conversation then keep up with the whole thing.
Poor people rarely have the kitchen supplies and utensils and counter space needed to cook from scratch.

While I understand your argument, I'm not sure I agree. Most of my kitchen implements were acquired at secondhand or thrift stores (I LOVE thrift shopping, and you can pick up old-school kitchen stuff like Grandma used to use from where some senior citizen passed away, and his/her children just donated the entire houseful of stuff). And while I would love to have a caterer's kitchen and be able to assemble the elaborate meals it would allow, I manage quite well in making simple, nutritious meals from scratch (or semi-scratch) with the limited kitchen space I actually have.

What people seem to me to lack today is the knowledge of how to cook beyond a microwave.
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

There you have it...

The secret formula to end poverty as we know it
You are so full of fucking shit you stupid bitch!

I do it all the damn time!

You want to tell the taxpayer they should support your welfare ass and be allow to waste their money on whatever you want to eat!

The fact is the Government has the right to tell you what you can and can not buy and you do not deserve to eat like the rest of Americans if you need the welfare of others!

You should just get the basic and I will tell you that a bulb of Mexican Onions is fifty cents and you can buy Mexican products and not some high end shit either!

You want your cake and eat it too, and do not tell me how much it cost to make Black beans and Hocks because I make them at least once a week and I budget my bills down to the last penny!

Why is that Progressive Liberals like to tell taxpayers what they need to give to society and then demand those like me to mind my own business when you waste my tax dollars on steak and lobster!?!

Also you can not buy a two dollar steak anywhere, so which one of is the real fucking liar here!?!

I buy two dollar steaks all the fucking time. They are cheap round steaks, and they are marked down 75% because they are about to expire, but I throw them in the freezer until I'm ready to eat them.

As I said with your meal, you have to look at the initial cost of buying the cumin and the black pepper because you aren't buying just the little bit that you are using each time, and that effects the cost. So yes, I am saying you are a liar about that. You can not start from scratch with no ingredients, and go out and buy all the stuff you need to make your meal for $10.
How much cumin do you think it takes to make that meal? A fucking cup?
You can't go to the supermarket and buy a teaspoon of cumin. Well, at our best hardware store that sells bulk spices, maybe.

For a bag of Cumin it is $.94 at HEB for the Mexican brand.

Why is it so hard for people to shop!?!
I don't know what HEB is, but I want one.

Yeah I have no idea what HEB is, but where I live for a small thing of cumin you are talking $2-3. And that's a tiny little plastic shaker of it.
Why is it I can make a pot of black beans with ham hocks and the additional ingredients are Mexican Bulb Onions, Poblano Pepper, little cumin powder, pepper, and two chicken bouillon cubes for less than ten dollars!?!

It will feed four people easily, so if I can cook this while not being on the government welfare system why is it the poor can not do this!?!

Again if you want Steak and Lobster then get a damn job!

There you have it...

The secret formula to end poverty as we know it

But then those same people have to spend all their money on extra toilet paper and new pairs of underwear because of the shit and fart stains.
Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

Really! And how do we know they are homeless, because they say so, lol! Wait, let me see if I have this straight---------> I am a woman with 3 kids. I go and tell them I am homeless with my 3 kids, so get snap to go to restaurants? Since I have no address, I just show up to collect my benefit?

You aren't serious, are you! I mean really! Shouldn't they be taking the kids away from her until she can provide them a place to live? Or rather, are you of the opinion we should do that too! And of course, gotta have furniture, right! Geeze.

Listen, do you know what a stay at home mom is?!?!?!?! They are women who have a husband that works and makes enough, to allow the wife to stay at home. Feminists hated those women, because they weren't being all they could be.

What you are advocating, is that daddy government be the husband of the NEW stay at home mom! That is correct, it is what YOU are doing. Why do you think so many kids have their mothers last name..............because advocates like YOU, have made the government their kids fathers, instead of the guy who made a sperm deposit....and YOU want US to pay for it!

No, things have to change. I do not care if they rich, poor, or middleclass, they need to get a J-O-B, and work for their money, just like the rest of America! Maybe if they did, they would be protecting their "baby daddy's" so much, and they could pay a little in too!
Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

Really! And how do we know they are homeless, because they say so, lol! Wait, let me see if I have this straight---------> I am a woman with 3 kids. I go and tell them I am homeless with my 3 kids, so get snap to go to restaurants? Since I have no address, I just show up to collect my benefit?

You aren't serious, are you! I mean really! Shouldn't they be taking the kids away from her until she can provide them a place to live? Or rather, are you of the opinion we should do that too! And of course, gotta have furniture, right! Geeze.

Listen, do you know what a stay at home mom is?!?!?!?! They are women who have a husband that works and makes enough, to allow the wife to stay at home. Feminists hated those women, because they weren't being all they could be.

What you are advocating, is that daddy government be the husband of the NEW stay at home mom! That is correct, it is what YOU are doing. Why do you think so many kids have their mothers last name..............because advocates like YOU, have made the government their kids fathers, instead of the guy who made a sperm deposit....and YOU want US to pay for it!

No, things have to change. I do not care if they rich, poor, or middleclass, they need to get a J-O-B, and work for their money, just like the rest of America! Maybe if they did, they would be protecting their "baby daddy's" so much, and they could pay a little in too!

Read the law...I'm not sure why you are arguing with me about it. I didn't write the law, I don't enforce the law... hell I didn't even know about the law until I read the link. But I did actually read the link... and it was started in 2012 in San Diego... if you want to know more about it, I suggest you spend more time reading up on it than bitching at me on this forum about it.
Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

I know, you have to be "approved". But then when seen in Escalade w/bucket O' chicken, it does happen. Everyone says we rich!! $20T debt and no one wants any fixes. I said feed ALL kids 1st, OK.

Hey maybe we could helicopter food drops rice beans into low income areas, like trailer parks?
Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

Really! And how do we know they are homeless, because they say so, lol! Wait, let me see if I have this straight---------> I am a woman with 3 kids. I go and tell them I am homeless with my 3 kids, so get snap to go to restaurants? Since I have no address, I just show up to collect my benefit?

You aren't serious, are you! I mean really! Shouldn't they be taking the kids away from her until she can provide them a place to live? Or rather, are you of the opinion we should do that too! And of course, gotta have furniture, right! Geeze.

Listen, do you know what a stay at home mom is?!?!?!?! They are women who have a husband that works and makes enough, to allow the wife to stay at home. Feminists hated those women, because they weren't being all they could be.

What you are advocating, is that daddy government be the husband of the NEW stay at home mom! That is correct, it is what YOU are doing. Why do you think so many kids have their mothers last name..............because advocates like YOU, have made the government their kids fathers, instead of the guy who made a sperm deposit....and YOU want US to pay for it!

No, things have to change. I do not care if they rich, poor, or middleclass, they need to get a J-O-B, and work for their money, just like the rest of America! Maybe if they did, they would be protecting their "baby daddy's" so much, and they could pay a little in too!

Read the law...I'm not sure why you are arguing with me about it. I didn't write the law, I don't enforce the law... hell I didn't even know about the law until I read the link. But I did actually read the link... and it was started in 2012 in San Diego... if you want to know more about it, I suggest you spend more time reading up on it than bitching at me on this forum about it.

Hey, it takes voters to change law and to to put pressure to change it. When something is amiss, you 1st address the advocates of the law in its current form. You have been debating as an advocate for the status quo throughout this thread, along with a few others. If you can support this nonsense, then you are one of the people that needs addressed!
Please. People can use salt and pepper, the same shit most of us eat on a daily basis. If you want saffron shrimp, get a fucking job!

You're fucking arguing with the wrong person dipshit. If you are going to stick your nose into the conversation then keep up with the whole thing.
I'm always amazed that people are offended with the suggestion that moochers get jobs.
Program: Restaurants Accepting CalFresh EBT Card

Burger King, El Pollo Loco. Sorry Lewdog. State by state, it can happen it seems.

....sigh.... read the program. That's only for disabled or HOMELESS people that can't make their own food or don't have anywhere to store their food. Not for all SNAP people.

Really! And how do we know they are homeless, because they say so, lol! Wait, let me see if I have this straight---------> I am a woman with 3 kids. I go and tell them I am homeless with my 3 kids, so get snap to go to restaurants? Since I have no address, I just show up to collect my benefit?

You aren't serious, are you! I mean really! Shouldn't they be taking the kids away from her until she can provide them a place to live? Or rather, are you of the opinion we should do that too! And of course, gotta have furniture, right! Geeze.

Listen, do you know what a stay at home mom is?!?!?!?! They are women who have a husband that works and makes enough, to allow the wife to stay at home. Feminists hated those women, because they weren't being all they could be.

What you are advocating, is that daddy government be the husband of the NEW stay at home mom! That is correct, it is what YOU are doing. Why do you think so many kids have their mothers last name..............because advocates like YOU, have made the government their kids fathers, instead of the guy who made a sperm deposit....and YOU want US to pay for it!

No, things have to change. I do not care if they rich, poor, or middleclass, they need to get a J-O-B, and work for their money, just like the rest of America! Maybe if they did, they would be protecting their "baby daddy's" so much, and they could pay a little in too!
Around here a cop or a minister has to certify that they saw you living in your car for at least three consecutive days before you are accepted as homeless. At least to use some programs.
Please. People can use salt and pepper, the same shit most of us eat on a daily basis. If you want saffron shrimp, get a fucking job!

You're fucking arguing with the wrong person dipshit. If you are going to stick your nose into the conversation then keep up with the whole thing.
I'm always amazed that people are offended with the suggestion that moochers get jobs.
It isn't that people are offended with moochers getting jobs; it's the fact that most people getting assistance are NOT moochers.
I'm always amazed that people are offended with the suggestion that moochers get jobs.
It isn't that people are offended with moochers getting jobs; it's the fact that most people getting assistance are NOT moochers.
I was talking about moochers. I thought that was clear. It may also be that our definition of "moochers" does not coincide. That's another argument.
I'm always amazed that people are offended with the suggestion that moochers get jobs.
It isn't that people are offended with moochers getting jobs; it's the fact that most people getting assistance are NOT moochers.
I was talking about moochers. I thought that was clear. It may also be that our definition of "moochers" does not coincide. That's another argument.

...or it could be that you just like to lop everyone into the moochers category because that best suits your argument.
I still see huge labor pool eating FREE at jail. They need to work 24-7 to help cut costs. There has to be a win-win way to use these criminals. Why should they lift dead weight? They get hot food delivered?. Yet we expect "moochers" to cook from scratch? Dont seem right? Maybe this is not fixable?

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