Who gives a fuck about where libtards get their marching orders

SNL was about seventies sensibilities. Believe me, I loved the irreverent sardonic National Lampoon humor 35 years ago. But now SNL is just being, er, ahem : social justice warriors preaching disguised as humor. Yeah, they can be funny still. But SNL reminds me of that adobe brown 1973 AMC Pacer I almost bought. It's an anachronism.
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I watched the premier of Saturday night LIVE. I was torn between that or a rerun of Monty Python on PBS. Loved both. I have to hand it to Python and the BBC, they seem to know when enough is enough...excluding Dr. Whositzits. But that is a different patented series. I WATCHED SNL with Steve Martin, that jolly foole with the arrow in his cranium.
Eh, it wasn't that bad, ya'll. SNL (Lorne Michaels) (Yes he's a Jew) is an equal opportunity offender.

IMO, I appreciate his work.
Oh yes, Monty Python. And the old national lampoon magazine. And the "I will shoot this dog to death if you don't buy this magazine" cover? It was outrageous, it crossed the line. I almost pissed my pants it was so outrageous. I am along time pet enthusiast. I despise animal abuse. Like Robert Crumb , and his outrageous and over the top artwork with his phony ad for "N*gger hearts soup? I was so appalled at such a notion, it seems so antithetical and jarring and that is exactly why it was so humorous. Popular notions melt away. But we can't have that can we? Isn't that the heart of irreverent humor? Mocking the popular paradigm? NO?
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I normally don’t watch SNL even though my wife records it every week. I did this week because I wanted to see what they did with Kavanaugh. I thought the locker room sketch was cute.

My concern was with the Pete Davidson commentary on last week’s Kanye West incident. THAT I was appalled at. The hypocrisy of that commentary, whether it was intended as comedy or not, utterly disgusted me.
Oh yes, Monty Python. And the old national lampoon magazine. And the "I will shoot this dog to death if you don't buy this magazine" cover? It was outrageous, it crossed the line. I almost pissed my pants it was so outrageous. I am along time pet enthusiast. I despise animal abuse. Like Robert Crumb , and his outrageous and over the top artwork with his phony ad for "N*gger hearts soup? I was so appalled at such a notion, it seems so antithetical and jarring and that is exactly why it was so humorous. Popular notions melt away. But we can't have that can we? Isn't that the heart of irreverent humor? Mocking the popular paradigm? NO?


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