Snow go for NYC’s electric garbage trucks that can’t handle winter weather

tax the rich again, ignoramus, and change the channel. You are a brainwashed functional idiot.

Thanks for supporting what I said. Gimme, gimme, gimme and let somebody else pay for it. I want everything as long as it doesn't cost me a dime.

What that's indicative of is a poor upbringing. I was brought up that if you want something, work for it and pay for it yourself. That's why people like me are on the right and people like you are on the left. You were raised with the "entitlement" philosophy and you never outgrew it.
No it is not...

Fossil fuels are killing this planet... I know you want to ignore that but the adults in the room know to listen to science...

On top of that we are also running out of fossil fuels and have to greater lengths to get it...

I know you find that people talking about doing damage to the planet upsetting but the evidence is pretty overwhelming at this stage and it only gets stronger... Global Climate Change is happening at an alarming pace...

So the solution has to been to stop looking at ourselves and think of others... I know, how very Christian of us...

You are right to be concerned about Electricity supply but you can see how Europe are transitioning. It is not seamless but it creates a lot of jobs and creates great revenue... Governments in Europe had to cap the price renewables were receiving this winter, they would have made too much money..

No, they aren't.
you idiots in the republican base are the only people and the only party in the world that denies global warming. Everyone else can see what's going on, you're too busy, obsessed by ridiculous garbage propaganda...which will not cover it. You're the Big Oil Big Money party DUHHHH....
Thanks for supporting what I said. Gimme, gimme, gimme and let somebody else pay for it. I want everything as long as it doesn't cost me a dime.

What that's indicative of is a poor upbringing. I was brought up that if you want something, work for it and pay for it yourself. That's why people like me are on the right and people like you are on the left. You were raised with the "entitlement" philosophy and you never outgrew it.
Duhhhh..... While your big lie big money big oil party continues to screw you in favor of the greedy rich. You are a total fool....e and let somebody else pay for it. I want everything as long as it doesn't cost me a dime.

What that's indicative of is a poor upbringing. I was brought up that if you want something, work for it and pay for it yourself. That's why people like me are on the right and people like you are on the left. You were raised with the "entitlement" philosophy and you never outgrew

Duhhhh..... While your big lie big money big oil party continues to screw you in favor of the greedy rich. You are a total fool.... i am still happily retired so none of this is for me you ****** Rube.
you idiots in the republican base are the only people and the only party in the world that denies global warming. Everyone else can see what's going on, you're too busy, obsessed by ridiculous garbage propaganda...which will not cover it. You're the Big Oil Big Money party DUHHHH....
Click on the link in my sig to get an education in how your Cult is a fraud, Simp.
Duhhhh..... While your big lie big money big oil party continues to screw you in favor of the greedy rich. You are a total fool.... i am still happily retired so none of this is for me you ****** Rube.

It's still things you want and still want everybody but you to pay for it. If you had to pay for it you'd be the first one bitching.
you idiots in the republican base are the only people and the only party in the world that denies global warming. Everyone else can see what's going on, you're too busy, obsessed by ridiculous garbage propaganda...which will not cover it. You're the Big Oil Big Money party DUHHHH....
Burning all that diesel to dig up lithium is making the planet too hot for humans.
What we need is cheap college and training and great infrastructure and vacations and daycare help and a mental health system like every other modern country. And I don't think you have any idea what the great majority of the money goes to, just baloney like that....
We need communism. That will fix everything.
Click on the link in my sig to get an education in how your Cult is a fraud, Simp.
I looked at your link. It is crap. Just because some people went overboard in their predictions doesn't mean it is not happening as we speak. The last seven years have been the warmest seven years in the history of mankind and it just gets worse. I've lived in East Anglia, my grandfather had a manor there even just a big farmhouse really and a lot of chickens- learned to talk and drive there three quarter mile driveway. And I don't give a damn what that crummy little university fuct up professors said at one point. It doesn't prove anything except that Rush Limbaugh is an idiot liar. And a couple of professors screwed up. No conspiracy..
We need communism. That will fix everything.
Nobody in the United states wants communism, shift head. We need fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net just like every other modern country already has. Because of fools like you, despite the fact that we are the richest country in the world, we are the only modern country without healthcare for all cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations work ID card to end illegal immigration and work and mainly we have to tax the rich again. What a concept. This worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness schtick from the GOP only works for brainwashed functional morons like you. Change the damn channel nut job
It's still things you want and still want everybody but you to pay for it. If you had to pay for it you'd be the first one bitching.
Regular people are already paying too much in taxes without benefits, brainwashed functional moron. Have you ever considered politics instead of your ridiculous common sense crap...
Our intention is not to let you denier fuckups burn up the planet.
No, your ev's eventually will. Since the power grid cannot handle it, they spontaneous burning, and there is no environmentally sound way to dispose of the toxic dead batteries from them. At least you can recycle a gas powered car.
I looked at your link. It is crap. Just because some people went overboard in their predictions doesn't mean it is not happening as we speak. The last seven years have been the warmest seven years in the history of mankind and it just gets worse. I've lived in East Anglia, my grandfather had a manor there even just a big farmhouse really and a lot of chickens- learned to talk and drive there three quarter mile driveway. And I don't give a damn what that crummy little university fuct up professors said at one point. It doesn't prove anything except that Rush Limbaugh is an idiot liar. And a couple of professors screwed up. No conspiracy..
Every prediction your Cult has spewed turned out to be bullshit. Every single one.
Every prediction your Cult has spewed turned out to be bullshit. Every single one.
It is all happening my good man. Water is rising the warmth is getting worse, the Arctic ice has melted pretty much, there are terrible droughts and fires and erratic weather of all kinds, too bad you can't watch a nature program or anything except garbage propaganda. Every scientist in the world who is not owned by big oil agrees and the actual temperatures are easily the worst ever, your love for pollution is noted lol ... Wake up and smell the coffee.
It is all happening my good man. Water is rising the warmth is getting worse, the Arctic ice has melted pretty much, there are terrible droughts and fires and erratic weather of all kinds, too bad you can't watch a nature program or anything except garbage propaganda. Every scientist in the world who is not owned by big oil agrees and the actual temperatures are easily the worst ever, your love for pollution is noted lol ... Wake up and smell the coffee.
Nah, every prediction by your Cult has turned to shit.
Regular people are already paying too much in taxes without benefits, brainwashed functional moron. Have you ever considered politics instead of your ridiculous common sense crap...

Talk about a moron, you still don't understand the difference between payroll and income taxes. That's why I want to see a consumption tax. I want to see all you leeches squirm when you have to start paying for all these things you want.
Talk about a moron, you still don't understand the difference between payroll and income taxes. That's why I want to see a consumption tax. I want to see all you leeches squirm when you have to start paying for all these things you want.
WTF are you talking about? I know that payroll taxes are about as big as federal income taxes and regular people pay most of them of course easily. Another reason why the richest people in the country are paying the same percentage as you, stupid, a recipe for incredible inequality and horrible upward mobility and infrastructure. Regular people are paying too much alreadyl don't understand the difference between payroll and income taxes. That's why I want to see a consumption tax. I want to see all you leeches squirm when you have to start paying for all these things you want.

WTF are you talking about? I know that payroll taxes are about as big as federal income taxes and regular people pay most of them of course easily. Another reason why the richest people in the country are paying the same percentage as you, stupid, a recipe for incredible inequality and horrible upward mobility and infrastructure. Regular people are paying too much already period leeches my asss. White Democrats and white Republicans use the benefits at exactly the same rateifference between payroll and income taxes. That's why I want to see a consumption tax. I want to see all you leeches squirm when you have to start paying for all these things you want.

WTF are you talking about? I know that payroll taxes are about as big as federal income taxes and regular people pay most of them of course easily. Another reason why the richest people in the country are paying the same percentage as you in all taxes, stupid, a recipe for incredible inequality and horrible upward mobility and infrastructure. Regular people are paying too much already period leeches my asss. White Democrats and white Republicans use the benefits at exactly the same rate and you are totally full of ****** hate based totally on lies and you are total chump of the greedy mega rich GOP. The rest of the world thinks you're insane and guess what you are technically...
Nah, every prediction by your Cult has turned to shit.
A political scam to redistribute wealth? What the hell do you think the GOP has been doing the last 40 years. They cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%, brainwashed functional moron....

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